`Some Thing` After Death.......

Do you believe that there is `Some Thing` after you die?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • No

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
Do you believe that there is `Some Thing` after you die?

IMO: No.

NOTICE: there is a poll attached to this question.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
I voted yes on this...*snicker*

But only because you didn't define what 'Some Thing' is...

'Some Thing' could very well encompass decay and fertilizing the earth with your life sustaining nutrients...

The circle of life and death, decay and renewal...sounds so peaceful doesn't it?

I prefer the tangible, and knowable to the unknowable intangibility of heaven and hell...

Heaven and hell are such a bore...


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
That was done purposefully to avoid explanations.

I was just curios at to whether people believe or not.


Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Scratch, I do believe there's something after death.

I don't know what that is though, but I don't buy the standard explanations of heaven/hell. I will always believe these are false constructs created to take advantage of man's fear of that great unknown.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Do you believe that there is `Some Thing` after you die?

IMO: No.

NOTICE: there is a poll attached to this question.

Yes I do. I believe that the continuum of life continues after death. In one sense, there really is not a beginning or end to life, life is a continuum.

Does life begin at conception? That is religious dogma. The sperm is very much alive before conception. Does life end after we die? Again, no way, the individual cells in our body are very much alive after we die.

Indeed, the cells can continue to live indefinitely in a Petri dish. Birth and death truly form a continuum.

So to come back to your question, I believe that birth-death cycle continues after death. Death of a human being is merely a stopping point in the cycle. Our body (burned or buried) fertilizes and nourishes further life.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Scratch, I do believe there's something after death.

I don't know what that is though, but I don't buy the standard explanations of heaven/hell. I will always believe these are false constructs created to take advantage of man's fear of that great unknown.

Zan, I'm with you on this one. My leanings are loosely Eastern and flexible with an open mind to
what can't be proven, or disproven, without the orthodox inflexible mantra. I don't know what it
is either, and the standard explanations of Heaven/Hell don't work for me either.

In my view, reincarnation fits in somehow, and not necessarily immediately, and I don't even
pretend to understand it as my view changes and evolves as I learn and experience more...
There's got to be some kind of waiting-room between lives, and I'd like to think it's a pleasant
place to be, but I really just don't know. Just 'cuz you're a person this time around, does it
mean you have to (get to?) be a person the next time around? Our bodies will die (and sometimes
that's a blessing), but does out consciousness?

There are just too many things that are currently beyond explanation, and a gut feeling on certain
things. I trust my own instincts. I don't knock anyone's beliefs, but I will question them to better
understand their position, as I expect to be questioned myself, in the process of better understanding
others, and in turn myself.

I could be accused of 'cherry-picking' the best from many beliefs and discarding the things that just
don't feel right (or are outright absurd), but it works for me as the standard 'fixed' positions all seem
to be missing something. If this makes me a blasphemer and a heretic in others eye, then so be it as
I don't really care. I won't push my belief system on anyone else as it's such a personal thing and just
too awkward to describe, even to myself at times.

Fanatics, to either extreme of religion (among other things), really freak me out.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
It would be nice - comforting - to believe there is. I know your life is supposed to flash before your eyes. I guess some of mine kind of did too. Some folks claim that's Angels calling you on. I know I saw something while laying on that gurney - but I didn't get the image of a me I was leaving or any sort of religious significance. The weightless feeling and flashy-lighted, sing-song angels have some sort of medical explanation. Science has an answer for everything doesn't it?

Being with lost loved ones would certainly be like a walk down memory lane. I wonder if I can go back and take this ride again? Different strokes for different folks. Something like 72 virgins and rivers of honey might be cool too - but from what I've seen lately, that dream tends to make some crazy in this life. A heaven filled with beautiful nude people who know no shame? I can see perverts row standing now ... 'ceptin' for one thing: Spirits don't have sex parts. Don't believe me? Look at a bottle of gin. Sure... it may contain an instachub (innie or outie depending on wearer) but that ain't forever. Dead is.

Do I believe there's something after death? Yup....
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Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Ron - I think I could have written your whole post! lolll - indeed the Eastern leanings seem if nothing else, at least the most palatable of all the choices.

And yes, beware fanatics of all stripes - no matter which end of the argument they're upholding, they're so invested in being right they miss the opportunity to have their views broadened. What a waste of a good mind.

Have you read any of the Conversations with God series by Neal Donald Walsh? Your post above sounds like perhaps you have.. if not, you might find them interesting.
As always when dealing with any esoteric issues however, a liberal application of discernment is recommended when reading this author. ;-)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I voted yes because it damn hard to see nothing. Sir Porter has explained my basic position. I intend to circumvent death anyway. I'm sure it can be done. It's worked so far.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Wolf - if that's a worst case scenario - if we see these images at the time of death, and it's the last thing we see - regardless of whether it's really only our neurons and synapses all firing off their last burst of glory before they expire... then that's our last conscious and aware thought, emotion etc... which technically could define our eternity no? So I'd be ok with that being my last thought - I'd never know it was my last would I? Not a bad way to leave this life either imo...

That's pretty cool that you had that experience though. I've heard that those who've had NDE's (Near Death Experiences) are much comforted and lose their fear of death after such events.... except that there are also reports of less than pleasant NDE's - can't imagine how that would make someone feel afterwards. 8O


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
Zan and db,

You both (imo) have a good take and understanding of this subject.

I would have liked to expand when it originally occurred to me but I felt that one step at a time might work better.

Sincere Regards to you both,


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
I like to believe that death isn't the end of everything. Because if it is, then most of us live in total slavery without any hope to escape and to have something more and better, and that concept is too scary for me to accept.


Senate Member
May 20, 2008

This is (imo) a very personal thing. What I think matters not. What you and the members think is paramount.
Yet, in my opinion we only get one`shot` to do it right.

With all due respect to you.
Take care.


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
I like to believe that death isn't the end of everything. Because if it is, then most of us live in total slavery without any hope to escape and to have something more and better, and that concept is too scary for me to accept.

Exactly. I'd really like to think there is some purpose for it all, hopefully the person looking after my file will 'splain everthing to me when it's time for my performance review.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
loll Beav - This should make your day then:

Experts say humans can live to 1,000

Yeah seen it yesterday somewhere. There are lots of old stories about longevity. Methusela and crew had some big numbers. It was and is mostly considered myth by science but science has a problem with truth and power not science itself but the political/economic framework withing which it exists has and does insist on the ruling paradigms command of what will be considered by the masses.IMO I would like to live forever, maybe I will.