Quit picking on Obama……


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Quit picking on Obama……

We had Ford who couldn't come down a set of stairs without slipping…

Bush who didn't know how to duck when entering a helicopter, but does when a shoe comes flying…..

Now Obama doesn’t know when to hug, shake hands, or bow…..what he reads on a teleprompter has a 12 seconds time delay before it registers…..

Give the guy a break…..:roll:

He’ll get it soon……..:smile:

I hope....;-)
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May 24, 2006
Quit picking on Obama……

We had Ford who couldn't come down a set of stairs without slipping…

Bush who didn't know how to duck when entering a helicopter, but does when a shoe comes flying…..

Now Obama doesn’t know when to hug, shake hands, or bow…..what he reads on a teleprompter has a 12 seconds time delay before it registers…..

Give the guy a break…..:roll:

He’ll get it soon……..:smile:

I hope....;-)

Actually, bush didn't have a brain, couldn't talk, couldn't think, etc etc...

Obama is too full of himself.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
OK you two...gang up on me....there's no need to be insulting...

In another thread someone infers that i'm a troll.....I'm reporting both your posts...Even though my maternal grandfather was an American:lol:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Give the guy a break

DaSleeper, if you are saying that to the right wing, you are whistling in the wind. Right and far right have a visceral hatred of Obama. They decided long time ago that he is a Muslim terrorist, a Fascist, a Communist, a Socialist, an illegal alien and so on. He has been compared to Stalin, to Hitler, to practically every dictator imaginable. To my knowledge, no far right columnist has compared him to Mao, but give them time.

So, according to far right everything that happens is Obama’s fault. They started blaming Obama for the economic downturn, even before he took office, right after he was elected (well, perhaps even before that, right wingers were saying that as a candidate, Obama talked the economy down to get elected).

Right and far right has blamed everything on Obama. They haven’t yet blamed the Katrina disaster, assassination attempt on Reagan and dot com meltdown on Obama but again, give them time.

So if your message was directed to right and far right, it is wasted, Obama gets no break as far as they are concerned (their attitude was loudly and proudly proclaimed by the drug addict, Rush Limbaugh, ‘I hope he fails’).

The rest of the population on the other hand, is quite reasonable. They are quite willing to give Obama a chance to show what he can do. He has approval rating around 60%, so most people are either satisfied with the way he is running things or at the very least are withholding judgment.

The right and far right on the other hand, will be satisfied with nothing less that arresting Obama and putting him in prison (or at the very least, deporting him to Kenya or to Indonesia).

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Who are three famous (with name recognition) Far Right Canadians.
I hear about these Far right or Extreme right people all the time, and
just want to form a mental image for comparison. 8O


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Who are three famous (with name recognition) Far Right Canadians.
I hear about these Far right or Extreme right people all the time, and
just want to form a mental image for comparison. 8O

Ron, I am talking about far right Americans. Why would far right Canadians be fixated on Obama? Philosophy of far right Canadians is very simple. They embrace everything American (their health care system, their support of death penalty, their opposition to gay marriage, their system of government with referendums etc); they take their cue from the American far right.

The one example I gave in my post, Limbaugh is a far right American, not a far right Canadian. Canadian far right is mercifully irrelevant. American far right unfortunately, is too powerful.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
SirJosephPorter: You sound much more American than I do:roll:......Man you take this sh*t way too seriously.......this was meant to be a fun thread...non partisan...since I put in a few of Bush's Boo boo's in there too....Maybe If I had called him Bushco and put in a few more of his faux pas it would have satisfied your left wing point of view? yes?:lol:
If I didn't put enough.......then I apologize and will try to do better in the future to meet with your requirements......Cheers:lol:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Ron, if you want examples, I can think of Charles McVety, the leader of Canadian religious right. Randy White would be another (he wants to use Notwithstanding Clause every time courts overrule the Conservative government). Stockwell Day would be the third (he is a creationist; he believes that universe was created 5000 years ago in six days, by the Christian God).


Jan 6, 2007
OK you two...gang up on me....there's no need to be insulting...

In another thread someone infers that i'm a troll.....I'm reporting both your posts...Even though my maternal grandfather was an American:lol:

lol... you know I don't feel the need to gang up DaS. I was cracking a joke about my mistake from a past thread, not feeling the need to drive home some point like the post that piggybacked mine. :lol:


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
lol... you know I don't feel the need to gang up DaS. I was cracking a joke about my mistake from a past thread, not feeling the need to drive home some point like the post that piggybacked mine. :lol:
Ahh! shucks...
...I knew that:cool::eek:ccasion5:


Electoral Member
Feb 22, 2009
Give the guy a break

DaSleeper, if you are saying that to the right wing, you are whistling in the wind. Right and far right have a visceral hatred of Obama. They decided long time ago that he is a Muslim terrorist, a Fascist, a Communist, a Socialist, an illegal alien and so on. He has been compared to Stalin, to Hitler, to practically every dictator imaginable. To my knowledge, no far right columnist has compared him to Mao, but give them time.

So, according to far right everything that happens is Obama’s fault. They started blaming Obama for the economic downturn, even before he took office, right after he was elected (well, perhaps even before that, right wingers were saying that as a candidate, Obama talked the economy down to get elected).

Right and far right has blamed everything on Obama. They haven’t yet blamed the Katrina disaster, assassination attempt on Reagan and dot com meltdown on Obama but again, give them time.

So if your message was directed to right and far right, it is wasted, Obama gets no break as far as they are concerned (their attitude was loudly and proudly proclaimed by the drug addict, Rush Limbaugh, ‘I hope he fails’).

The rest of the population on the other hand, is quite reasonable. They are quite willing to give Obama a chance to show what he can do. He has approval rating around 60%, so most people are either satisfied with the way he is running things or at the very least are withholding judgment.

The right and far right on the other hand, will be satisfied with nothing less that arresting Obama and putting him in prison (or at the very least, deporting him to Kenya or to Indonesia).

What you describe is not the tone being set by the right. In fact your post would be more accurate if you changed 'right' to left and 'Obama' to 'Bush'. The US went through 8 years of the type of vitrol you attribute to the right, beginning with hangging chads and it never stopped for two terms. He couldn't get 60% approval, with probably 10% undecided, without people right of center.The climate now is nothing like that created by the rabid anti-Bush people. There is no comparison.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
RanchHand, the reason there was so much rancor with Bush is that Democrats feel, rightly or wrongly, that Bush stole the 2000 election. Gore got more votes than Bush; the recount in Florida was under way.

Then the Republican majority on Supreme Court ordered the recount stopped, effectively giving the election to another Republican, Bush. The vote was 5 to 4, All Republican justices voting one way, all Democratic justices voting the other.

The whole thing stunck to high heaven as far as Democrats were concerned. In his speech after SC decision, Gore did tell Democrats to forgive and forget and to move on. Again, to his credit, he was not bitter, he moved on, and went on to win the Nobel Prize. He probably came out ahead by losing the election.

The Democrats on the other hand, never forgave Bush for stealing the election. And this included Democratic voters as well, not just Democratic politicians. Also, Bush was not interested in bipartisanship. He, along with Carl Rowe decided to become the President of 50%+1 people from day one. Indeed, that was the strategy of Carl Rowe, divide and conquer. His strategy was to keep 50%+1 Americans happy and hang the rest.

And it worked; Bush won in 2004 by a narrow margin. So neither Bush nor the Democrats were interested in reaching across the isle. Whatever rancor was there, I think Bush was largely responsible for that, with his antics.

With Obama, it is different. He won the election convincingly, struck a bipartisan note right from the beginning, he kept some Bush appointees on, included some Republicans in his cabinet. So it is only the rabid right wingers who have a visceral hatred for him, the rest of the American electorate is willing to wait and see how he performs.