Inauguration Day For Trump


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
And the Bigots have come to show their rage!

Love It!

And Flossy in his Pain and Anguish has made me his typical offering!

The racist, bigots, and intolerant liberals will be unable to control themselves.

Oh what joy this day will bring!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Yes. YES!

Even Ludlow has come to mourn and show his pain that his candidate Hillary Clinton will not be President today.

And the fake liberal war hero Curious Cdn cannot control his bigotry. This day brings such pain to liberals and fake war heroes like him.
No. Not a Hillary supporter dummy. I just don't get a boner over a candidate,


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
If the protesters show up in droves I hope there are lots of arrests.
It's going to be an interesting day as well as productive and positive. Can't wait to see poor ol' Obama forced to publicly hand over power to Trump! That alone will make my day.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
If the protesters show up in droves I hope there are lots of arrests.
It's going to be an interesting day as well as productive and positive. Can't wait to see poor ol' Obama forced to publicly hand over power to Trump! That alone will make my day.

Say what? You think it should be illegal to protest?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Nigel Farage parties in Washington

By Christopher Hope in Washington DC
The Telegraph

Brexit was great but Donald Trump becoming the president of the United States "is Brexit plus, plus, plus" Nigel Farage told a party thrown for the former Ukip leader in Washington on the eve of Mr Trump's inauguration.

The party organised by US public affairs firm Goddard Gunster was held on the top floor of the five star Hay Adams Hotel overlooking the White House on Thursday night.

Nigel Farage And Various Politicians Attend A Pre-Inauguration Party Credit: Steve Finn/Splashnews

It was attended by around 200 guests including Arron Banks, the millionaire supporter of Ukip; Conservative MP Nigel Evans; and Lord Ashcroft, the former Conservative funder. Mr Trump did not attend.

Mr Farage told an audience of 200 at the party: “Brexit was great but Trump becoming the president of the USA is Brexit plus, plus, plus.”

He added: “I have spent most of my life in politics as the patron saint of lost causes, having to spend several hours every day drowning my sorrows with English pints of beer because that’s all I ever did.

“I really believe this for most of my life what happens in America in terms of social trends or developments we follow four or five years later. America is the leader.

“And in the year 2017 much of this revolution will continue across much of what is left in Mr Juncker’s European Union.”

Donald Trump inauguration live: new US President and wife Melania leave residence and begin journey to the White House


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Anyway, back on topic.

Remoaners around the country have found something else to whinge about, taking to bridges - including London's Tower Bridge and Iron Bridge (the world's first iron bridge) in Ironbridge in Shropshire - for some reason to protest:

Thousands of Britons stage protests against Donald Trump across the UK ahead of his inauguration as US president today

An 82ft banner was unfurled from Tower Bridge today as thousands of Britons hold protests against Donald Trump across the country.

The placard reading ‘Act Now! Build Bridges Not Walls’ was revealed on the bridge in London at 8.30am today, and the demonstration was due to be mirrored on every major bridge across the River Thames as far as Vauxhall.

The protest calling for peace and tolerance will also see six banners unfurled from Edinburgh’s North Bridge, while rallies are also being staged in Brighton and Manchester ahead of Mr Trump’s inauguration as US president.

A banner is unfurled on Tower Bridge in London this morning as part of the Bridges Not Walls protest against Donald Trump

The Tower Bridge protest was expected to be mirrored by every major bridge across the River Thames as far as Vauxhall.

At London's Tower Bridge, the protest called Bridges not Walls saw the 82ft banner unfurled at 8.30am this morning

Demonstrators hang a banner that reads 'Act Now! Build Bridges not Walls' from Tower Bridge during the protest today

Demonstrators hang a banner that reads 'Migrants Welcome Here' from Westminster Bridge during the protest this morning

Demonstrators hold a banner that reads 'Build Bridges Not Walls' on Iron Bridge in Ironbridge in Shropshire during a Trump protest

Shropshire is a misty sight as demonstrators hold a banner in a protest against the inauguration of Mr Trump

The protest in the Shropshire town of Ironbridge is one of many being held across Britain and in other countries today

Iron Bridge - the world's first iron bridge which was erected over the River Severn in 1779 - was the site of a protest today

A man passes a banner reading 'Build bridges not walls' that has been displayed on a bridge on North Parade in Bath

A bus travels past the banner in Bath, which is part of a series of events aimed at expressing disapproval at Mr Trump

The Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants group unfurled this banner outside Brighton train station as part of the protest

It's just a shame for the The Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants group that many of the migrants don't support the lesbians and gays.

The whole world is watching!

Welcome Nigel!