Whatever happened to that smooth presidential transition Obama vowed?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
“You better stop stealing money from your mother’s purse, young man, or I will punish you late this year or perhaps sometime in 2018,” said no parent who was serious about punishment.

Yet that’s pretty much what President Obama did with his old-fashioned expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats over alleged political hacking by Moscow interests going back 18 months.

A very strange retro-response from a president​ who mocked Mitt Romney for suggesting in 2012 that Russia was America’s worst strategic threat. Obama said: “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”

As has often happened when Obama shoots from the lip sans teleprompter (think his red line in Syria, ISIS is a JV squad), the aloof one is wrong.

Obama’s been golfing and snorkeling in Hawaii since mid-December. But he left orders for a number of last-minute steps, including more ineffective sanctions against Russia and a stunning historic break with Israel. Indeed, these measures smell more of vengeance than practical policy.

Petty political ploys are standard operating procedure back in the Chicago wards that spawned Obama’s career. They’re less expected at the presidential level. In fact, Russia’s president declined to retaliate.

Anyone needs an oversized ego to see themselves as president of all of Obama’s alleged 57 United States. But Obama’s ego is larger even than the million-acre national monument he recently imposed on Utah.

And when Obama’s ego rubs against those of other, let’s say, non-self-effacing egos like Vladimir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump, friction is inevitable.

With Putin, Obama’s actions smack of a jilted suitor. Remember in 2009 when Obama was in full Russia suck-up mode announcing a botched reset in relations with Moscow and even unilaterally canceling a missile defense system within former Soviet satellites, without telling them?

Like most dictatorships getting what they want, Russia reacted predictably, not by cooperating in return but by pushing for more. (See Munich Pact with Hitler, 1938.) The Putin gang did not help restrain Iran, but sold it sophisticated arms in defiance of U.N sanctions.

Russia annexed Crimea, fomented guerrilla war in Ukraine, moved militarily into Syria and the Mideast, seeks to undermine NATO and harassed U.S. military at sea.

And Russians, according to U.S. intelligence sources, also hacked the emails of Democrat organizations and operatives to their extreme political embarrassment during a presidential race.


President Obama's Russia punishment seems the work of a jilted suitor, columnist writes | McClatchy DC


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Perhaps he is a chronic liar at heart?
Since he doesn't write his own speeches somebody is setting him up so the history book that are edited 100 years from now can make him the reason for the near civil war considering all the changes Trump has to make rather than it being blamed on the ones behind the creation of the FED in 1913.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Whatever happened to that smooth presidential transition Obama vowed?

What has happened is that from day one, Trump has tried to run a sort of parallel Presidency by Tweet and by sound byte. This is not the way that transitions occur.This is a first. It has never happened like this before. Even Reagan had enough class to keep his mouth shut and wait until the swearing in before he started his revolution. Trump is a blustering bully who acts as if he is already President and Obama, still the legal Commander in Chief is pushing back. This "My way or the highway" egomania is going to land America in some serious Sh1t.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Smooth transition indeed! Obama just did what he has always done - said one thing and done the opposite.
Isn't it interesting that George Bush and Hillary Clinton are invited to the inauguration? And they have accepted!
It was a smart move by Trump to invite them. Did he take a page from Putin's book? Whatever, their attending the inauguration puts the onus on them to either accept the new President graciously or reveal themselves to be without social grace.
A very smart move!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
He's gotta make the first term first.....
Don't we all?

Smooth transition indeed! Obama just did what he has always done - said one thing and done the opposite.
Isn't it interesting that George Bush and Hillary Clinton are invited to the inauguration? And they have accepted!
It was a smart move by Trump to invite them. Did he take a page from Putin's book? Whatever, their attending the inauguration puts the onus on them to either accept the new President graciously or reveal themselves to be without social grace.
A very smart move!
The book that says keep your enemies closer. Considering those two don't do well without a handler. Check them for eggs and tomatoes at the door. Regan was the last time there was any drama associated with the changing of the guard even though the Iranian hostage thing was held off so it would look like Regan alone ended the hostage incident. Trump is a bit different as he could make a lot of important Americans hostages based on treason charges alone. I assume the ones lower than that would take the amnesty deal in exchange for a video confession of what they did and what they knew.

All Trump would have to do to keep the university crowd at home is to forgive their student loans and base their welfare payment on the profession they trained for if that area is full. Urban renewal in the worn down places to a hospital standard of cleanliness. The task force could be taken from the locals but in a global setting inventing robots workers and 3-D printing machines manufacturing the needed parts on site means the locals are standing around being witnesses to how it was accomplished and that helps sell the product to others when it is no longer needed for local repairs. The people decide where all the new furniture will be set up in advance of adapting to time on your hands and a dollar in your pocket.
Kids home school (block school) until 12 and 8 years to get a college degree


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Hey Loco -

The expulsion of Russian no goods has absolutely NOTHING to do with the transition into the White House from Obama to Trump.

Thought you'd like to know ...


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Hey Loco -

The expulsion of Russian no goods has absolutely NOTHING to do with the transition into the White House from Obama to Trump.

Thought you'd like to know ...
Right, right. Yet he didn't turf them when they actually hacked the White House in 2014. Funny that, huh?