What Trump Means


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Dissecting the Trump Presidency

By Robert on November 16, 2016 1:30 PM | 12 Comments

In a very detailed column, Milo Yiannopoulos outlines how various groups will be effected by Trump's election victory:

  • Protesters
  • Hoaxers
  • Establishment Republicans
  • The Democrat Party
  • Celebrities
  • The Media
  • The Deplorables

Further to the Democrats, what do you envision will happen to this party over the next 4 years? Do you think they'll learn their lessons and course correct or do you think they'll steer into the skid and move even further Left?

It happened. We won! We now live in the Age of Daddy! Leftists, of course — even those who aren’t still crying in the shower or looking for a razor blade — remain clueless about what it all signifies and how it happened.

After a few days of celebration, including receiving the Annie Taylor Award for bravery in journalism at David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend, I’ve realized that many groups both within America and outside her borders need an explanation of how a Trump administration will change the game.

Luckily for everyone, including establishment conservatives who are in the same boat, I’m here to explain what Donald Trump’s election means, now that the dust has settled.

One thing is abundantly clear to most observers: Trump’s promises of change, and his promises to uproot the D.C establishment are much more likely to happen than Obama’s, which held as much water as his promise to have the most transparent administration of all time.


What Trump Means - Breitbart


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

What Trump means for us is that we’ve won the first battle. At a minimum, he’s a necessary course correction from the excesses of the social justice left. At most, he’s the saviour of the First and Second Amendments, protector of the Supreme Court and champion of the little guy. In other words: just what America needed.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars

What Trump means for us is that we’ve won the first battle. At a minimum, he’s a necessary course correction from the excesses of the social justice left. At most, he’s the saviour of the First and Second Amendments, protector of the Supreme Court and champion of the little guy. In other words: just what America needed.
Champion of the little guy? You mean like his heros J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller and Carnegie were champions of the little guy? PRAISE THE LAWD for our Corporate SAVIOR !


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Champion of the little guy? You mean like his heros J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller and Carnegie were champions of the little guy? PRAISE THE LAWD for our Corporate SAVIOR !

Unlike those guys and the status-quo establishment in Washington Trump openly admits he has utilized a greatly flawed system to line his pockets. He also says he will try to fix the flaws to better serve the middle class and use his knowledge and experience within that system to address the flaws. Maybe he will, maybe he won't, but he is at least honest about it needing an overhaul so I'll give him the benefit of waiting to see what happens.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
At a minimum, he’s a necessary course correction from the excesses of the social justice left.

I'm fascinated to know what social justice excesses need to be corrected. What? Civil rights? End of slavery? Freedom of association? Freedom of speech? Public education?

What is your pet hate?

Are you one of those star-spangled Freedom Eagles who wants to take certain people's (only) freedoms away?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Unlike those guys and the status-quo establishment in Washington Trump openly admits he has utilized a greatly flawed system to line his pockets. He also says he will try to fix the flaws to better serve the middle class and use his knowledge and experience within that system to address the flaws. Maybe he will, maybe he won't, but he is at least honest about it needing an overhaul so I'll give him the benefit of waiting to see what happens.
Every Presidential candidate makes promises. Obama promised the fukking moon. What he delivered was a hell of a lot of time on the golf course and lots of speeches.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Do you think they'll learn their lessons and course correct or do you think they'll steer into the skid and move even further Left?

Had the Dems been leftward they would chosen Bernie. Instead, they chose Hillary who is well known and disdained by DNC libs for her pro war stance. Will be interesting to see what they do next.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Dissecting the Trump Presidency

By Robert on November 16, 2016 1:30 PM | 12 Comments

In a very detailed column, Milo Yiannopoulos outlines how various groups will be effected by Trump's election victory:

  • Protesters
  • Hoaxers
  • Establishment Republicans
  • The Democrat Party
  • Celebrities
  • The Media
  • The Deplorables

Further to the Democrats, what do you envision will happen to this party over the next 4 years? Do you think they'll learn their lessons and course correct or do you think they'll steer into the skid and move even further Left?

It happened. We won! We now live in the Age of Daddy! Leftists, of course — even those who aren’t still crying in the shower or looking for a razor blade — remain clueless about what it all signifies and how it happened.

After a few days of celebration, including receiving the Annie Taylor Award for bravery in journalism at David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend, I’ve realized that many groups both within America and outside her borders need an explanation of how a Trump administration will change the game.

Luckily for everyone, including establishment conservatives who are in the same boat, I’m here to explain what Donald Trump’s election means, now that the dust has settled.

One thing is abundantly clear to most observers: Trump’s promises of change, and his promises to uproot the D.C establishment are much more likely to happen than Obama’s, which held as much water as his promise to have the most transparent administration of all time.


What Trump Means - Breitbart

Frankly, that guys scares the **** out of me.........and I'm a Canadian fps.


What Trump means for us is that we’ve won the first battle. At a minimum, he’s a necessary course correction from the excesses of the social justice left. At most, he’s the saviour of the First and Second Amendments, protector of the Supreme Court and champion of the little guy. In other words: just what America needed.

And at the maximum? And how many more 'battles' will there be to fight?

Be careful how far you let the pendulum swing Loc, be very careful cause once it's on it's way it will take out everything in it's path.

Every Presidential candidate makes promises. Obama promised the fukking moon. What he delivered was a hell of a lot of time on the golf course and lots of speeches.
Ah.......but Obama's promises did not have an Orwellian hint to them.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Trump's victory was meant to have a wide-ranging effect. That's why he won.
The status quo wasn't taking the country anywhere worth going.

Protesters- preserve PEACEFUL protest, prosecute VIOLENT protesters
Hoaxers - Expose them
Establishment Republicans- Root them out
The Democrat Party - Show them what reality is
Celebrities - Keep 'celebrating' - don't act like experts on governmental affairs
The Media - Return them to honest, unbiased reporting of facts
The Deplorables - Whomever those are! They are American citizens and have the same rights as everyone else.

Who decides who the 'Deplorables' are? Right now it seems that anyone who disagrees with Democrat's ideology is considered to be a 'deplorable'.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006

What Trump means for us is that we’ve won the first battle. At a minimum, he’s a necessary course correction from the excesses of the social justice left. At most, he’s the saviour of the First and Second Amendments, protector of the Supreme Court and champion of the little guy. In other words: just what America needed.

Such silliness from somebody that professes to be an adult. Just come out of the closet and admit you hate dark folk. You aren't fooling anybody


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Hoof Hearted


I told him we aren't payin for his puppy abortions
and we aren't
sadly this is what that decision has brought us too

At a minimum, he’s a necessary course correction from the excesses of the social justice left.

I'm fascinated to know what social justice excesses need to be corrected. What? Civil rights? End of slavery? Freedom of association? Freedom of speech? Public education?

What is your pet hate?

Are you one of those star-spangled Freedom Eagles who wants to take certain people's (only) freedoms away?
Who is the worst civil liberties president in US history?

And then there are the two War on Terror presidents. George Bush seized on the 9/11 attack to usher in radical new surveillance and detention powers in the PATRIOT ACT, spied for years on the communications of US citizens without the warrants required by law, and claimed the power to indefinitely imprison even US citizens without charges in military brigs.

His successor, Barack Obama, went further by claiming the power not merely to detain citizens without judicial review but to assassinate them (about which the New York Times said: "It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for an American to be approved for targeted killing"). He has waged an unprecedented war on whistleblowers, dusting off Wilson's Espionage Act of 1917 to prosecute more then double the number of whistleblowers than all prior presidents combined. And he has draped his actions with at least as much secrecy, if not more so, than any president in US history.
You do understand the meaning of the phrase "went further" I trust?