U.S. and China Ratify Paris Climate Deal


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Targets are real.

Good luck Trump.

Paris climate deal: US and China announce ratification

US and China - together responsible for 40% of the world's carbon emissions - have now both ratified the Paris global climate agreement.
After arriving with other leaders of G20 nations for a summit in the city of Hangzhou, Mr Obama said: "History will judge today's effort as pivotal."

CO2 emissions are the driving force behind climate change.

Last December, countries agreed to cut emissions enough to keep the global average rise in temperatures below 2C.

Paris climate deal: US and China announce ratification - BBC News

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Oh, Trump is going to tear up all of the bi-lateral treaties and go it alone. The US doesn't need anybody else.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
this means nothing. just for show.

Obama Demonstrates That Trump Was Correct About China | Real Science


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
I really hope that those monitoring the progress of this Treaty will return to China yearly to assure their attempts to comply are valid.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
So what are the penalties for not meeting the targets? Unless there are substantial financial penalties the treaty is meaningless. Actually with the time frame agreed to it is meaningless anyway.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I really hope that those monitoring the progress of this Treaty will return to China yearly to assure their attempts to comply are valid.

Well that's 1/4 of the likely noncompliance between these two parters in nutty. Who have you in mind to verify Uncle Shams side of the propaganda programe?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
A deal that doesn't go anywhere. Buying carbon credits is the only viable solution and for that to happen a country has to be living in 3rd world conditions. It is a replacement for the petro-dollar. Plants love CO2 and they would grow bigger if CO2 was a danger. That being said the O2 content could be raised a few % and that would be good for us.
Methane is also being promoted as being on the rise and that it is also a greenhouse gas. That may be but that is not why it is a danger to people and other living things.

Human erythrocytes were exposed to high concentrations of methane and nitrogen through the application of elevated partial pressures of these gas molecules. Cell leakage (haemolysis) was measured for cells exposed to these gases under a wide range of experimental conditions. Application of methane produces haemolysis at pressures far below the hydrostatic pressures known to disrupt membrane or protein structure. The effects of changes in buffer, temperature, diffusion rate and detergents were studied. Methane acts co-operatively with detergents to produce haemolysis at much lower detergent concentration than is required in the absence of methane or in the presence of nitrogen. At sufficiently high concentrations of methane, all cells are haemolysed. Increased temperature enhances the effect. Methane produces 50% haemolysis at a concentration of about 0.33 M compared with about 7.5 M methanol required for the same degree of haemolysis.

It isn't that Trump will take the US so they act alone it will be over nobody wanting to do business with a 'former bully' for the way she conducted foreign policy since the end of WWII. The only jobs will be producing goods for internal consumption, there will be no magic button that makes the US a contributor to any of the reconstruction contracts that always follow the end of a war, even Gaza will be included this time.

Iceland and Russia both had to hit the 'reset button' and both are in better shape because of it. Doing business the 'old way' doesn't work anymore as the closed door meetings that went with it are no longer acceptable as it sets dual standards and only the smaller group gets to call the shots while claiming that they represent the wants and desires of the majority.

Think of it as Trump inheriting a broken down business that needs an overhaul from the top down or bottom up, whichever you prefer. The end result will be better and the final picture might be quite different than it is now. In the Hobo years of the late 20's (financial collapse) and the 30's (no markets) it could work out that they return even as far as rail travel goes. Under the 'Trump version' the 'upper tier is free and made comfortable with windscreens and cots or lawn chairs for the 'riders'. The stops would also be free soup kitchens and the atmosphere is more carnival in town than lawless bandits coming to town. JFK brought in the 'moon mission' as a make work project and Trump would most likely be doing the same but the local needs come before anything outer-space projects, that can be left to China and Russia if that seems to be a worthwhile goal. They will be more interested in raising the living standards for the people that are presently called 3rd world nations.
Since our recovery is based changing what is wrong that has to be defined first, basically big corporations have a tendency to lie to get their agenda pushed through 'the public'.
Climate change and CO2 are two issues that at headlines today and they represent the expenditure of billions and billions of dollars to 'undo something' that is equal to a fat in a hurricane as far as global impact is concerned. Before a solution can be promoted there has to be some solid science behind it, at present the solid science seems to indicate it is more propaganda than fact so that would be the first task. Currently we are conditioned to accept that conditions today and in the very recent past are optimal as far as being able to support a certain number of humans. Any change is promoted as being detrimental to the existence of mankind and the hard science behind that theory is missing. Any change that is not accounted for and planned for will be harsh on the people going through the changes. Plan accurately for it and the changes could turn out to be a blessing rather than a curse. In North America it might mean changing crops in certain places as the rainfall patterns shift due to local climatic changes. (like the north Pacific Rift spreading faster as well as the one in the Arctic which results in much warmer weather than the past has been. That would indicate global warming as the water and the land is heated by moving magma if it was not for other parts of North America cooling down as much as the warming is. The average temp might not be much different but the local areas would experience new highs or lows depending where you are. If there is a place that is too hot and another that is too cold then someplace between the two is an area that is just right and it could be a larger than what is 'just right' at the present.

As the Pacific Rift spreads magma is pushed under the west coast of North America. That would heat up the Rockies and the wind coming over them would be warmed up so Alberta would be warmer than usual except for the Arctic winds that come south occasionally, Manitoba and all points east would get those winds more often than not. The solution would seem to be a mass migration of people to the west without crossing the Rockies. In the US it might be west of the Mississippi.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
If we get Trump in there.. he'll be able to see this is a cynical ploy by China to destroy the West's industrial integrity and make it dependent on China's slave based industry.. at the behest of and for the enrichment of the Communist Party elite.. in league with Supranational trading and financial cartels.

All of whom are quite aware the AGW is a fraud.. a political and philosophical agenda.. aimed at an increasingly credulous and debased Western culture.. driven by megalomania and greed.

All treaties can be nullified by the stroke of a pen.. especially those impose by corrupt regimes.. like those of Red China.. or of farcical fools like Barak Obama (or Justin Trudeau)
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on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Define this as to how it applies to the modern world. Any of the new plants in China are based on robotics rather than slave labor. Those are left-overs from when the US was operating the companies.

Slave based societies are based on destitute, desperate, captive labour forces .. payed subsistence wages.. controlled by an elite and forced to compete for a subsistence existence. That is the model for communist China.. AND for Global Free Market Capitalism.
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Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Slave based societies are based on destitute, desperate, captive labour forces.. payed subsistence wages.. and forced to compete for a subsistence existence. That is the model for communist China.. AND for Global Free Market Capitalism.

Sort of like working for a Trump Corp.

A Trump-led America will be so corrupt (if the leader really does set the tone) that they will be natural buddies and allies with the Communist Chinese.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Sort of like working for a Trump Corp.

A Trump-led America will be so corrupt (if the leader really does set the tone) that they will be natural buddies and allies with the Communist Chinese.

I just know that the forces of economic, moral, social and structural dissolution that are now in control of the West, rabidly fear Trump.. which indicates to me he offers an alternative to the fatal path it is now on.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
If we get Trump in there.. he'll be able to see this is a cynical ploy by China to destroy the West's industrial integrity and make it dependent on China's slave based industry.. at the behest of and for the enrichment of the Communist Party elite.. in league with Supranational trading and financial cartels.

All of whom are quite aware the AGW is a fraud.. a political and philosophical agenda.. aimed at an increasingly credulous and debased Western culture.. driven by megalomania and greed.

All treaties can be nullified by the stroke of a pen.. especially those impose by corrupt regimes.. like those of Red China.. or of farcical fools like Barak Obama (or Justin Trudeau)

You got links to the China x Finances cartel thing. I've wondered if or who for a while. Thankyou in advance, please hurry, if you're not to busy.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
This is being given a ton of traction (spin) rather than a more natural acumulation of locomotion. A positive injection for the congregation of the convinced. I'm still happy for you though. Maybe you'll sleep better tonight knowing sumthings getting done. Like you perhaps, again.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
China's Monetary Ascension Is Paved With Gold | Zero Hedge
The world monetary order is changing. Slowly but steadily, global trade and currency markets are becoming less dollar-centric. Formerly marginal currencies such as the Chinese yuan now stand to become serious competitors to U.S. dollar dominance.
Could gold also begin to emerge as a leading currency in world trade? Over time, it certainly could. But the more immediate implications for gold’s monetary role center on its increasing accumulation by central banks such as China’s.
On October 1st, the Chinese yuan is slated to enter the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Right (SDR) basket of top-tier currencies. It will share SDR status with the U.S. dollar, euro, British pound, and Japanese yen.
Before the yuan officially becomes an SDR currency, the World Bank intends sell $2.8 billion in SDR bonds in Chinese markets. The rollout of SDR bonds in China began August 31st. According to Reuters, China’s promotion of SDR bonds “is part of a wider push in China to… boost demand for Chinese yuan and diminish reliance on the U.S. dollar in global reserves.”
King Dollar won’t be dethroned overnight. But the place of prominence the U.S. dollar – more accurately called the Federal Reserve Note – enjoys as the world's reserve currency will indeed diminish over time.

Scientists just found an advanced form of malware that's been hiding for at least 5 years - ScienceAlert

Somehow I don't think China did this to themselves.



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

“When the two largest emitters lock arms to solve climate change, that is when you know we are on the right track,” Waskow said. “Never before have these two countries worked so closely together to address a global challenge. There’s no question that this historic partnership on climate change will be one of the defining legacies of Obama’s presidency.”
