Violent arrest of teacher caught on video; officers face investigation


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Police officers need to be more responsible than this.

Violent arrest of teacher caught on video; officers face investigation

Officials are investigating an Austin police officer’s violent arrest of an African-American elementary school teacher who was twice thrown to the ground during a traffic stop for speeding and comments by a second officer who told her police are sometimes wary of blacks because of their “violent tendencies.”

Video from the previously unreported June 2015 incident was obtained by the American-Statesman and KVUE-TV this week. The video shows the traffic stop escalating rapidly in the seven seconds from when officer Bryan Richter, who is white, first gives a command to 26-year-old Breaion King to close her car door to when he forcibly removes her from the driver’s seat, pulls her across a vacant parking space and hurls her to the asphalt.

Richter wrote in his report of the incident that he acted quickly because King demonstrated an “uncooperative attitude” and was “reaching for the front passenger side of the vehicle.” He didn’t know whether she had a weapon, he wrote. He said King resisted by pulling away from him and wrapping her hands and arms around the steering wheel.

Police charged King with resisting arrest, but the Travis County attorney dismissed the case after reviewing the police dashcam video.

Violent arrest of teacher caught on video; officers face... |


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
she shoulda followed his commands and closed the door the first time...but no, then wouldn't get out when he told her to...then she resisted.

oh well...maybe they both learned a lesson from all this.



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Obviously you're not that bright.

The use of force was not warranted.


New Member
Jul 15, 2016
Edmonton, AB
I can understand both sides however the way I see it both were in the wrong. I find these days people are so self entitled they will do what they want and not what they have been asked. Sometimes you just need to comply and shut up. Some officers will look for any minute reason to become violent with authority and those who do should receive a couple weeks jail time. Perhaps if there were repercussions for EVERYONE, regardless of who or what they are, things could start looking brighter rather than dimmer by the day.
Just my thought


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
and soft-headed progs have been conditioned to be morons like our illiterate and deaf friend above.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
she shoulda followed his commands and closed the door the first time...but no, then wouldn't get out when he told her to...then she resisted.

oh well...maybe they both learned a lesson from all this.

I think she was very likely very frightened from the outset, the suspected crime scene was not read properly by the officer. I would have run.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
I think she was very likely very frightened from the outset, the suspected crime scene was not read properly by the officer. I would have run.

yeah, he was being a tad assertive and she a bit mrs no-I-won't...and so things escalate...woulda been fine if she had just did what he told her to do the first time around and not fukk about like an edgelord.

oh well...lessons learned I 'spose.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
yeah, he was being a tad assertive and she a bit mrs no-I-won't...and so things escalate...woulda been fine if she had just did what he told her to do the first time around and not fukk about like an edgelord.

oh well...lessons learned I 'spose.

My point is that the western police have adopted Israeli Military Tactics for the specific reason and need to control civilians under Martial Law, we are all to become Palestinians. That woman weighed about eighty five pound soaking wet and that blued up protect and serve freak weighted in at 260-280. That aint the service the cirizen is looking for and entitled to. I don't do what I'm told to often enough and I'll be damned if I'll act like a slave for the policeing that I own and pay for.
This programe of mutual radicalization (civilian/police) is by design. Peter McKay gifted my county with a fukkin APC before he retired.
The lesson is being learned that is for sure and these brutalizations can only escalate, you know it and I know it.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
People can be jerks - especially if they're confused about what's going on. Cops can be a tad badge-heavy - especially if they're confused about what's going on.

The gap increases daily....


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It's in the voice, thirty seconds in and he was into hightened verbal threatening at double volumne. In the old days the officer would have read her fear right away and deescalated and reassured the citizen that only her tailight was out. Same thirty seconds alternative voice,way cheaper and more efficient outcome. If that is thier job now.

People can be jerks - especially if they're confused about what's going on. Cops can be a tad badge-heavy - especially if they're confused about what's going on.

The gap increases daily....

It's that gap that is the real story with all these altercations. That is a cultivated gap and the hightened violence is the point/mission.

http:Police Violence in Jamaica and Grassroots Resistance//


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
Total disgust. That poor woman was obviously reacting in fear. She's lucky to be alive, this was violent and uncalled for, this man needs to be fired.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
What has been forgotten, is that the police are a public servant. They have a job at the public's pleasure. It's not the other way around. They are not above us. They do not have any "power" over the average citizen. For too many the "badge" has gone to their head and they treat their employers (citizens) as if they were all criminals.

Yes, speeding is "against the law", it is punishable by a fine/points. If a driver doesn't want to "cooperate" all the cop needs to do is write out the ticket and attach a pic of the license plate. Same thing they do for photo radar. There is no need to get in a confrontation with the driver over a minor traffic offence.

and it's brainless, a$$kissing morons, like locutus, that enable and empower the cop's "bad" behaviour.


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
LOL this is the biggest joke of all, the 2 officers hiding behind trees can, as we, clearly see the hands in the air and the special person playing with a white truck. Now coming forth and saying they meant to shoot the guy playing with the gun looks even worst for them.. to be that bad of of shot is scary!!, they are what? a few meters away!! What a fuc*&^ing joke. It's really too bad that "Black Lives Matters" took such a wrong turn (especially here in Canada, where the head of BLM says she's going to a rally, but wants Gods strength to not kill a few white guys!! and of course, Canadians knowing that very few Blacks are murdered by cops, the ratio between black killing black and cops killing blacks is oceans apart. But seriously, that person representing the movement stole all credibility to the movement, and then the murders of cops in the US. Too bad, the org definitely was needed and had a place in the US for sure.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
relax...nobody died. :lol:

and who cares if she's a school teacher? or weighs 112 pounds?

sensational stories matter.

look, he asked her to get into the car so he could close the door...twice...she didn't and wanted to fukk around or do things in her own the 'black police' she cried for maybe would do I guess...anyway, the cop has no patience for her and decides to pull her out of the car...six times while she's getting all dramatic, he tells her to stop resisting...when she realizes the jig is up, only then does her voice return to normal and she tries the 'ok, I'll get out, but on my own time'...that's enough for rambo buddy and he grabs her and helps her out where she returns to her 'oh my gawd' routine...then she resists him on the moves again...then she pulls the "I need the black police". she made the incident racist.

the tender thing remains 'distraught', a year after the drama...fearful to live her life...gimme a fukkin' break honey...and is 'contemplating' a lawsuit.

maybe a few bucks as a show settlement, who knows.

yeah, actually, you did...a few things.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
relax...nobody died. :lol:

and who cares if she's a school teacher? or weighs 112 pounds?

sensational stories matter.

look, he asked her to get into the car so he could close the door...twice...she didn't and wanted to fukk around or do things in her own the 'black police' she cried for maybe would do I guess...anyway, the cop has no patience for her and decides to pull her out of the car...six times while she's getting all dramatic, he tells her to stop resisting...when she realizes the jig is up, only then does her voice return to normal and she tries the 'ok, I'll get out, but on my own time'...that's enough for rambo buddy and he grabs her and helps her out where she returns to her 'oh my gawd' routine...then she resists him on the moves again...then she pulls the "I need the black police". she made the incident racist.

the tender thing remains 'distraught', a year after the drama...fearful to live her life...gimme a fukkin' break honey...and is 'contemplating' a lawsuit.

maybe a few bucks as a show settlement, who knows.

yeah, actually, you did...a few things.

Here, I'll quote it again as it appears you're too stupid to understand after just one posting.

What has been forgotten, is that the police are a public servant. They have a job at the public's pleasure. It's not the other way around. They are not above us. They do not have any "power" over the average citizen. For too many the "badge" has gone to their head and they treat their employers (citizens) as if they were all criminals.

Yes, speeding is "against the law", it is punishable by a fine/points. If a driver doesn't want to "cooperate" all the cop needs to do is write out the ticket and attach a pic of the license plate. Same thing they do for photo radar. There is no need to get in a confrontation with the driver over a minor traffic offence.

and it's brainless, a$$kissing morons, like locutus, that enable and empower the cop's "bad" behaviour.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Here, I'll quote it again as it appears you're too stupid to understand after just one posting.

I'll do ya one better pal...I'll post this again since you obviously never watched/listened to the entire vid or read the whole story.

she shoulda followed his commands and closed the door the first time...but no, then wouldn't get out when he told her to...then she resisted.

oh well...maybe they both learned a lesson from all this.