The Myth Of Progress


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The Myth of Progress

Throwing phrases like "arc of the moral universe," "right side of history," and "settled science" on the dustbin of history:

What does the president also mean by the "right" and "wrong" side of history, other than equating his side with "right" and thus historically, morally, and logically inevitable? But history has no such predetermined Hegelian course. Roman republicanism and classical culture were certainly on the right side of history for centuries--until life in AD 500 insidiously became far more dangerous, brutish, and materially impoverished. Beheading was supposed to be the signature of past savages, not the highlight of twenty-first-century video ads for ISIS recruitment.

Did Europe come to the "end" of its history with the European Union or is the confederation's unworkability leading to a return of centuries of national rivalries? In the 1990s, various manifestations of the so-called Schengen Agreement establishing a borderless free passage zone between sovereign European nations was declared a harbinger--later along with the Euro--of an inevitable pan-European borderless community. That one-world arc was also the dream of Roman Emperors, Napoleon, and the drafters of the League of Nations. But by 2016, Schengen, when coupled with Europe's inability to control its borders on the Mediterranean, had proved a disaster. Was the German mark or Greek drachma relegated to the wrong side of history; or will both reemerge soon from its right side?

The Myth Of Progress | Hoover Institution