"Too Prig To Fail"


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
David Brooks: Gee, I Guess Me and My Fellow Well-Heeled Establisment Swells Kind of Didn't Listen to the Voters for Years, Huh?

This never could have happened with David Brooks and the rest of them serving as the midwives for the disastrous birth.
The question is: Should deference be paid to this victor [Trump and Trumpism]? Should we bow down to the judgment of these voters? Well, some respect is in order. Trump voters are a coalition of the dispossessed. They have suffered lost jobs, lost wages, lost dreams. The American system is not working for them, so naturally they are looking for something else.

Moreover, many in the media, especially me, did not understand how they would express their alienation. We expected Trump to fizzle because we were not socially intermingled with his supporters and did not listen carefully enough. For me, it's a lesson that I have to change the way I do my job if I'm going to report accurately on this country.
Why don't you just admit you expected Your Lessers to obey your pronouncements because of your self-evident superiority? *
And perhaps contemplate that it is precisely this attitude -- the sneering contempt for anyone outside your small, unimaginative, well-educated-but-unimaginative drone class -- is precisely what has caused this class to lose all of its (unearned) authority?
From Instapundit, who finds this very early stage of self-examination wholly inadequate. He notes that the Tea Party sounded the alarm bells -- and the establishment hit the snooze button for six years.

Don't take this as any kind of endorsement of Trump from me -- Trump will lead us to an electoral disaster the very dimensions of which will perversely serve as a validation of the Establishment who actually caused the disaster.

That is, when Trump loses everything -- and all indications are that he will lose everything for us, the presidency, the Senate, the courts-- the well-read-but-stupid seneschals of the Establishment will rise back to prominence.

There's an old saying: If you take a shot at the king, you'd best not miss.

The current trajectory we're on -- taking a shot at the Establishment princelimgs with Trump, then getting blown out in the general and thereby confirming the alleged wisdom of the Capital Class -- would be a case of assassin's aiming at the king, but then all of their guns exploding in their own faces.

* BTW, arsehole, you don't have to "socially mingle" with anybody. People do not need to "socially mingle" with other people to know what the news is. They just have to buy a newspaper.

Who the hell has time to "socially mingle" even with one's friends enough, let alone strangers, for purely interview/focus group purposes?


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