The anti-Donald Trump mob is making America scary


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
How the Left is trying to shut down democracy and free speech in America to get its own way - but could be about to fail spectacularly...

Coffee House

The anti-Donald Trump mob is making America scary

Freddy Gray
12 March 2016
The Spectator


Trump supporters (right) clash with the protestors

Last night in Chicago, a mob of left-wingers shut down a Donald Trump rally.

The protestors — described as mostly young millennials — infiltrated the University of Illinois Pavilion, in central Chicago, and set about subverting the event. They waved Mexican flags — pro-immigrant, geddit — and wore t-shirts calling Trump Hitler. There were violent clashes and a policeman was reportedly injured.

The protestors cheered when police announced the rally would be shut down because of security concerns. They revelled in their victory against free speech, taunting the furious Trump fans with chants of ‘we won’.

This is American politics now: juvenile, anti-liberal, menacing.

We know that Trump voters are angry. Even angrier, it seems, are those on America’s left who just cannot accept that Trump voters exist.

Weirdly, both sides want Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination. The Trump fans, obviously, because they love annoying the world with their candidate. But so too the anti-Trumpists, because they violently want to have a moral political purpose.

No wonder Donald Trump says he ‘gladly accepts the mantle of anger’. He must see that anger on all sides fuels his rise.

As lots of conservatives on social media have already said, just imagine if a bunch of violent Trump fans had disrupted a Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton event. They would be called fascists, and the condemnation would be global. Politicians across the world would issue statements expressing concern.

When the same thing happens to a Trump rally, however, the reaction is strangely mute. This unfairness causes resentment which causes Trump to win more votes.

In fact, lots of people who previously might have not voted for Trump will now do so precisely because they don’t want to be told what to do by a bunch of snarling, smug left-liberal millennials. If there was any chance of stopping Donald Trump becoming the Republican nominee, it was shut down last night in Chicago.

The anti-Donald Trump mob is Making America Scary | Coffee House
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Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Actually the people that are really trying to shut down Donald Trump are members of the GOP. Most of those intending to vote Democrat think that he is the best chance for a Democratic White house in 2017. The author of the article did get one thing dead on "This is American politics now: juvenile, anti-liberal, menacing." What he did not mention is that it is people like Trump and Cruz that his comment fits most accurately.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
It was horrifying enough watching the protesters but it was even more horrifying listening to the media (and others) make excuses for the protesters!
Statements Trump has made may have angered many people but does that give them the right to disrespect and disregard the law and the democratic process? Those protesters were nothing but hoodlums intent on causing a ruckus and getting publicity.
One excuse for the protest that was expounded was that the protesters were made up of ethnic groups. So What! If they live in the United States of America they are subject to the law, the democratic process, the right to free speech, the Constitution, all that! And the right to PEACEFUL protests!
This disregard for the law and the democratic process makes what Trump says about immigration more valid!
The media should be ashamed for playing up this disgraceful display of hooliganism and for defending it in any way!
That acceptance of attempts to suppress free speech in so-called 'free' societies is frightening!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Actually the people that are really trying to shut down Donald Trump are members of the GOP. Most of those intending to vote Democrat think that he is the best chance for a Democratic White house in 2017. The author of the article did get one thing dead on "This is American politics now: juvenile, anti-liberal, menacing." What he did not mention is that it is people like Trump and Cruz that his comment fits most accurately.
Maybe, but it just as accurately described the left-wing voter in the US too.
We've seen similar assaults against free speech in Canada as well and it's generally been the leftards that have had the problem with it. Ya know, like shutting down an event in Vancouver and then dumping a bottle of piss on someone who dared to have a difference of opinion. Kind of ironic innit, that in an era of anti-bullying campaigns, the weapon of choice for the SJW crowd is bullying and violence.
Thirty years ago or so, America was dealing with the "moral majority". A group of right-wing nuts who set out to try and ban everything they didn't like. It was a direct assault on freedom of speech and expression. Naturally the leftwing took a pretty dim view of the antics of the moral majority.
Now the leftists have taken over where the moral majority left off, assaulting free speech and expression whenever they don't like what's being said.
And btw, that event in Vancouver is not the only speaking engagement in Canada that was shut down by a group of perpetually offended leftards.
Maybe someone should sit these petulant, spoiled brats down and have a serious discussion with them about how real life isn't some f*cking liberal arts college campus and to grow the f*ck up.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
These 'demonstrations' are so strategically planned, and intended to be provactive, disruptive and to elicit a violent response.. that i wonder if the Republican NeoCon establishment isn't organizing them.. they fear a Trump Presidency more than most Democrats.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
That pretty much shows there is no difference between the 'opposing parties' and that shows a need for dramatic change and so far Trump is the only one that can deliver on it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
There is no real difference between the two parties. Both have ultra rich pulling the strings. That is why they are all scared of Trump. He does not fit the model of political industry they have established.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The fascist rhetoric of Trump is making America scary if division and hate
were toned down these things would not happen. Some say there is no
excuse for violence. Well when faced with someone like Trump changes
the equation somewhat. The Republican Party should have stepped in
months ago to denounce the things being said in their name and they did
not. Oh he has a right to run in the Party excuse one is there no guidelines
as to what is acceptable in the party? If things are done that do not go in
accordance with the goals aims and principles of the Party they do have a
right to step in and I think at some point we'll see a third party candidate


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Fixed your video, MHz. Whenever you embed a Youtube video link, please remember to change the "https" to "http" (i.e., without the 's') to ensure that the thread layout does not break. Thanks in advance for your dedicated vigilance to this! :D