Mitt Romney and Rand Paul Are Going to Make Global Warming a Real Issue


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

Mitt Romney and Rand Paul Are Going to Make Climate Change a Real Issue in the GOP Primary

It took one day for the party of climate change denial to rediscover science—a few of them, anyway. Mitt Romney, who is considering his third presidential run, told a Utah audience, “I’m one of those Republicans who thinks we are getting warmer and that we contribute to that,” arguing for “real leadership” to tackle rising carbon pollution. Then, 15 Republican senators voted in favor of a conservative climate amendment that said "human activity contributes to climate change." One of those senators was Rand Paul.

Granted, that means 39 Republican senators voted against the amendment, including two other potential 2016 candidates, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. But if nothing else, Wednesday's events show that the GOP's position on climate change is in flux. Rather than simply pretending the issue doesn't exist, as most of the 2012 candidates did, Republicans will actually debate climate change in the 2016 primary.

They still have a long way to go, including the Republicans who believe humans are responsible for global warming. What’s more important than affirming the science is whether they have a reasonable plan to address it. Paul and Romney's present and past comments, for instance, suggest they're in no hurry to take action against climate change.

Romney has adopted a number of positions on human-caused climate change in his past White House campaigns. In 2010, he said human activity was a “contributing factor” to melting ice caps. In 2011, he said he believed “humans contribute” to warming, and that we ought to reduce the pollution causing it, though he also cast doubt on “how much our contribution is.” In the 2012 primary, he swung right, arguing, “We don't know what's causing climate change on this planet." Paul, meanwhile, argued last year that the debate has been “dumbed down beyond belief” then said something scientists would find, well, dumb: “I’m not sure anybody exactly knows why” the planet is warming.

The candidates in the 2012 GOP primary not only ignored climate change, but even steered clear of traditionally conservative ideas like cap-and-trade. Jon Huntsman, the lone contender who trusted science, said his pro-climate stand "didn't help at all" when he was clobbered in the primaries. The 2016 primary is likely to be different, and not just because of Romney and Paul's moves of late. Next year's global summit in Paris could result in an international deal to cut emissions, and President Barack Obama, by using his executive authority to tighten environmental regulations, is doing everything to make climate change an unavoidable issue for the next crop of presidential contenders.

That a few prominent Republicans are staking out slightly more moderate positions proves that Obama's approach is working. The 2016 GOP primary won't feature the climate-change debate that the country needs, but it step in the right direction—away from ignorance, toward reason.

Mitt Romney, Rand Paul to Make Climate Change a 2016 GOP Issue | The New Republic


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
We will never know if AGW is real or not. But pretty soon both sides will be deploring it, raising taxes or borrowing money to fight it, and taking credit for any "success."


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
AGW is real.

I would question the scope of damage that could result, but the evidence that humans are the primary cause is convincing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Too bad there is no creditable evidence to support that. But they are politicians, and will say anything if they think it will buy a few votes. A lie is as good as the truth if you can get someone to believe it and be willing to pay more taxes.


New Member
Dec 10, 2014
We may contribute to global warming, sure. The planet has warmed and cooled by huge amounts many times without us, so how big is our contribution? Doesn't matter in the long run. We will enter and exit ice ages regardless of human contribution. Looks like we're currently on the rise. We won't stop it. We may accelerate it slightly, but the planet will outlive us by a long margin regardless, barring a random impact. I guess more politicians are figuring out how lucrative the AGW business can be. The odds are far greater that we will suffer AGC in my opinion; we have all kinds of toys that can cause nuclear winter overnight.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007

Poor Walter.

Seeing his hero give into global warming.

Who's he going to peddle now?
My heroes are my mother and father. Holding a politician as a hero is a lefty thing. Besides, I don't live in the US and don't vote in their elections.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
[Rand Paul said] something scientists would find, well, dumb: “I’m not sure anybody exactly knows why” the planet is warming.

Doesn't strike me as that dumb. Scientists have their theories and you can derive some pretty sound probabilties, but nobody exactly how the whole Rube Goldberg contraption works.

This is probably just a matter of reality imposing itself.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Doesn't strike me as that dumb. Scientists have their theories and you can derive some pretty sound probabilties, but nobody exactly how the whole Rube Goldberg contraption works.

Where the wheels fall off is in exacting global fiscal policy based on what has to date been failed scientific theory

This is probably just a matter of reality imposing itself.

Odd that you use the word reality as it implies fact... Currently, this is no where near the case


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Where the wheels fall off is in exacting global fiscal policy based on what has to date been failed scientific theory.

I think part of the problem is that the reaction of the right in the US and Canada was to deny, which means, as far as global warming policy remedies go, the field was open to the left. Not surprising they came up with solutions like more taxes, more power to the UN and such which pushed the right wing into further denial. That's why the reaction of the right, when the talk starts to get technical, is to attack Al Gore or David Suzuki. Becasue those globalist policies are what theya re really p*ssed off about, not the science. That's my considered opinion, anyways.

This may be the opportunity for the fiscal right-wing to move into the policy field and develop solutions and have their voices heard and develop free-market friendly policy remedies.

Odd that you use the word reality as it implies fact... Currently, this is no where near the case

Well, it's pretty clear it's getting warmer.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I don't believe the US even exists. It's all a false-flag Mexican operation.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
This may be the opportunity for the fiscal right-wing to move into the policy field and develop solutions and have their voices heard and develop free-market friendly policy remedies.

Like more taxes and giving trillions to developing countries? UN Mandates?

Well, it's pretty clear it's getting warmer.

Oh we're frying.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005

We won the War on Global Warming?

We FINALLY stopped the climate from changing forever!