The Crisis on the Border


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
No one who wants to help has authority, and no one with authority is helping.

What is happening at the southern border is a true and actual crisis. News accounts justly use words like chaos, collapse and breakdown. They feature images of children—toddlers, 4- and 5-year-olds—being shuffled to warehouse holding centers, sleeping crowded at night on what look like pallets, covered only in Mylar blankets. "I never thought we'd have refugee camps in America," said Texas Sen. John Cornyn, "but that's what it's appearing."

All this gives normal people a feeling of besiegement and foreboding. Is a nation without borders a nation? Washington's leaders seem to recognize what's happening as a political problem, not a real problem. That is, they betray no honest alarm. They just sort of stand in clusters and say things.

There seem only two groups that view the situation with appropriate alarm.

One is the children themselves, dragged through deserts to be deposited here. To them, everything is a swirl of lights, color and clamor, and shouting and clanking. A reporter touring a detainment center in Texas noted a blank, lost look among some of the younger children. Every mother knows what that suggests. Children who cry and wail anticipate comfort: That's why they're crying, to alert those who care for them that something is wrong. But little children who are blank, withdrawn, who don't show or at some point know what they're feeling—those children are in trouble.

The other group feeling a proper alarm is normal Americans, who are seeing all this on TV and who judge they are witnessing a level of lawlessness that has terrible implications for the country.

This is how I think normal people are experiencing what is happening:


Peggy Noonan: The Crisis on the Border - WSJ


Comedian Paul Rodriguez Shocks CNN's Don Lemon With Comments About Illegal Aliens - YouTube


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Election! what's that?

The stampede of illegals over the USA border will be deemed crisis, cuz it was designed that way, and ordinary citizens will be swept up in the fix. A children's crusade, they will free America from Americans.
Of course the whole demented country will not believe they are being attacked by Americans, that will fuk them up for sure.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I blame Bush on Obama too.

And when the US elects a new President, I'll blame everything on him/her.
I simplify it further...every bad thing on the planet is the result of Bush until proven otherwise...although some of Obama's antics have teed me off too that simply means with other presidents Dems or Reps I can be impartial usually.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

This border crisis was created long, long before Obama. "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddle masses..."

THAT'S what caused it, the belief that America was a free nation for people to go to for a better life.

The problem with the current 'crisis' is not that it's illegals, it's that it's thousands of children suddenly showing up seeking shelter from the horrors of their own home countries.

A counter to all your links: Why 90,000 Children Flooding Our Border Is Not an Immigration Story -

An important part of the above linked article:

I've been reading that these children are coming north on rumors that the United States will let them in, that the Obama administration has lax policies toward minors. Did you find that at all in your survey? We interviewed 404 children asking extremely open-ended questions as to the reasons and the nature of having left and what they were expecting when they arrived. Out of the 404, only 9 of them mentioned any kind of possibility of the U.S. treating children well. Two said "immigration reform"; one said "I hear they treat kids well." It's very general and from the perspective of a child. But only nine out of 404 said anything about that.

As well:

So what is attracting them to the United States? First, I have to point out to you, it's not just the United States. That was a another red flag for us. There is an increasing trend to seek asylum in Mexico, which is much safer for them than where they are from. The number of asylum seekers in Nicaragua, in Belize, in Costa Rica, in Panama—all of that has grown 712 percent since 2008.

This is not the normal flow. For the U.N. refugee agency to register an uptick in asylum applications in places other than the United States is a huge red flag for us. People are leaving to places where they can find safety.

So the US is getting a bigger, broader taste of what some other countries in the world get when people flee their homelands for places that appeal more.

The US helped to create all this themselves. From employers seeking to undermine US natural citizens by hiring cheaper, illegal workers just to not have to pay so much out of pocket to its own touting of being a nation of freedom and safety the world should envy.

IMO, maybe the US should remove that Statue of Liberty that advertises so called US generosity and replace it with a hand giving the world the finger. Much more fitting for the "FU" attitude they have lately, really.

Again, another point is that while Obama has fked this up for himself - honestly he should be doing more and he's a dyk for not doing anything - at the same time he did make the request of Congress to send money to the area to which they were like "Ummm... nah".

So they bitch and moan but won't help; that's nice.

Would I be pizzed if thousands of people suddenly showed at Canada's borders wanting in and trying to do so illegally? Sure, I'd be all for processing them to make sure they're here for real reasons and if they weren't, then they can go through the process like everyone else. But when it's KIDS that flood the border, that's some extra special WTF crap there that should have any logical person thinking SOMETHING more is up than just parents randomly sending kids off and hoping for the best.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
See, if you call 'em "illegal aliens," you can shoot 'em, imprison 'em, deport 'em, whatever.

Call 'em "refugees" and you have to try to treat 'em like human beings.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Mathmatically it's seems you're already done. We will of couse we will accept real American refugees, bring something to eat, I have lots of room for refugees. No whacko evangelicals though, neocons either, no flag wavin lunatics goes without saying, your packing booze or green yer in, the rest can go fornicate themselves.

You'll be expected to shovel a bit of snow.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Mathmatically it's seems you're already done. We will of couse we will accept real American refugees, bring something to eat, I have lots of room for refugees. No whacko evangelicals though, neocons either, no flag wavin lunatics goes without saying, your packing booze or green yer in, the rest can go fornicate themselves.

You'll be expected to shovel a bit of snow.
If we want your land, we'll come and take it. Till then, enjoy.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Thank the gods the OP was about the southern American border and not our border. I was skeert for awhile. Pass the toast Marsha.
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