Conservatives deliberately spewing black smoke out of cars to protest Obama


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Idiot truckers.

Conservatives Are Purposely Making Their Cars Spew Black Smoke To Protest Obama And Environmentalists

Pickup trucks customized to spew black smoke into the air are quickly becoming the newest weapon in the culture wars.

"Coal Rollers" are diesel trucks modified with chimneys and equipment that can force extra fuel into the engine causing dark black smoke to pour out of the chimney stacks. These modifications are not new, but as Slate's Dave Weigel pointed out on Thursday, "rolling coal" has begun to take on a political dimension with pickup drivers increasingly viewing their smokestacks as a form of protest against environmentalists and Obama administration emissions regulations.

Last month, Vocativ noted many coal rollers focus their fumes on "nature nuffies," or people who drive hybrids, and "rice burners," or Japanese-made cars.

"The feeling around here is that everyone who drives a small car is a liberal," a roller named Ryan told Vocativ. "I rolled coal on a Prius once just because they were tailing me."

Weigel spoke to a seller of coal rolling customization equipment who described why some drivers see spewing smoke as a political protest.

"I run into a lot of people that really don’t like Obama at all," the salesperson said. "If he’s into the environment, if he’s into this or that, we’re not. I hear a lot of that. To get a single stack on my truck—that’s my way of giving them the finger. You want clean air and a tiny carbon footprint? Well, screw you."

As coal rollers have become a form of conservative protest, their popularity seems to be exploding. Vocativ found Facebook pages dedicated to the phenomenon have about 16,000 followers and over 100,000 rolling coal posts have appeared on Instagram and Tumblr. According to Google Trends, there were virtually no internet searches for "rolling coal" prior to February 2011. Since then, search volume for the term has increased over 700%.

With this explosion in online attention, the battles between coal rollers and their environmentalist enemies are playing out in social media pages, Youtube videos and internet comment sections. Many of the rolling coal Facebook pages feature memes (like the one pictured on the right) that mock hybrid drivers and liberals. Coal rollers have also posted videos showing their trucks blasting more environmentally efficient cars with smoke.

Opponents of the practice have also taken to the internet. Weigel noted "a mid-June surge of comments" from progressives attacking coal rolling social media pages in the wake of the Vocativ article. In 2012, one outraged YouTube user posted a video entitled "Victim Of Coal Rolling" that showed a pickup shooting fumes at his car.

"Blow your smoke at me you son of a bitch," the driver says in the video.

Though the clip seemed designed as a criticism of coal rollers, it attracted a slew of comments from people who were clearly on the side of the pickup driver.

"What a loser you are, ain't nothing wrong with rolling some confederate coal," one person replied.

"Stupid ricers. what were you gonna do you bitch?" another said.

Check out some videos of coal rollers hitting the road and blasting other motorists below.

Conservatives Purposely Making Cars Spew Black Smoke - Business Insider


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Whoever wrote that C&P knows zero about engineering. These engines are not built to spew smoke that is simply a by product of quick acceleration in a diesel.
Just look at it as mosquito repellant sprayed on granola munchers for free.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Are you jealous you don't have a truck? It pretty sweet to have one. You can buy furniture that comes preassembled.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I don't give two sh*ts about global warming as many here would know by now...... But after looking at those videos..... That's just kind of dumb.

I seriously thought this was an interesting idea as I read and almost thought it was a good idea, but then when I saw it in practice, it just seems moronic. Depending on the situation, deliberately dumping a lot of smoke for a prolonged time at a car behind you could obscure their vision and cause an accident.

Highly unlikely but expect that argument to come along to get these mods banned later on.

Either way, it seems pretty childish and something some 15 year old kid would find amusing to do.

"Oh that thar feller got one o dem fuel economics ve'hic'als.... Uma gonna puff some er dat black smoke frum meh truck cuz I'ma Pro'testical'ating Er'Bama. Eh'yuk yuk Jerr je jerrr jerrr Look a'em drive on lak nuthen Happened. Uh sherr showed him a thang or two."


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Rather than dumping black smoke at regular people just going about their lives, how about putting it to some real use?

You want to protest Obama? Sure..... Drive a few dozen or a few hundred of these trucks to the white house and get them all to bellow their smoke down wind from Obama for a few minutes.

Doing this to random people (even those who probably agree with your view but just simply have a small car) only makes you out to be a d*ckhead.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The reason people alter their diesel vehicles is to get more power and far better fuel economy. I refuse to put watered down ethanol gasoline in my vehicles. Does that make me evil too?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It makes you no better than the greenbeans that tie themselves to trees.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You can be critical but if you support these guys then you are handing the win to the greenbeans.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You can be critical but if you support these guys then you are handing the win to the greenbeans.

Why? Greenbeans lost huge when ethanol and tier 4 upped fuel consumption and thus emissions. Then add in the food wasted to make ethanol and you in a hard negative zone.

What makes any of those ideas green?