George W. Bush on Leno


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
.. what a fiasco.. the GWB Presidency.. even in the context of the uninterrupted litany of mediocrities and failures that have occupied the Oval Office for the last 45 years


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
.. what a fiasco.. the GWB Presidency.. even in the context of the uninterrupted litany of mediocrities and failures that have occupied the Oval Office for the last 45 years

He was overwhelmed by the circumstance and responsibility, no doubt. I also wish, as I said on another thread, that he had read the Constitution in a little more detail.

But Obama is much, much worse.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
He was overwhelmed by the circumstance and responsibility, no doubt. I also wish, as I said on another thread, that he had read the Constitution in a little more detail.

But Obama is much, much worse.
In what way? Be specific in the answer. Bailouts were a joint effort, originating under Bush. If you want to speak of spending, precisely where? Bush was panicking under the economic decline in the late stages of his Presidency. The Great Recession was inherited by Obama. Wall Street issues? Looks like the wealthy are doing amazingly fine. Surely less Americans are dying needlessly under Obama.

Would love to hear all the reasons Obama hasn't done as well as Bush.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
He was overwhelmed by the circumstance and responsibility, no doubt. I also wish, as I said on another thread, that he had read the Constitution in a little more detail.

But Obama is much, much worse.

Depends how you measure. In terms of sheer body count, Bush was worse.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
In what way? Be specific in the answer. Bailouts were a joint effort, originating under Bush. If you want to speak of spending, precisely where? Bush was panicking under the economic decline in the late stages of his Presidency. The Great Recession was inherited by Obama. Wall Street issues? Looks like the wealthy are doing amazingly fine. Surely less Americans are dying needlessly under Obama.

Would love to hear all the reasons Obama hasn't done as well as Bush.

Obama's foreign policy is a disaster.....he has made the USA a laughing stock.

Obama's signature domestic policy is a complete flop.

It is now 5 years after.......why is Obama still running deficits twice the size of Bush's??

Obama has been modifying his ACA without benefit of Congress.....who elected him King??

Obama has proven as good as Bush at killing people.

Can you imagine Benghazi under Bush??

Obama ran an NSA that spied on everyone, and actually spied on the Press!! AP

Obama shields Holder, who is scum.

Depends how you measure. In terms of sheer body count, Bush was worse.

Obviously, body count is not my criteria.

Bush removed one of the ME's worst murdering dictators.

Obama has abandoned that country to its fate.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Obama's foreign policy is a disaster.....he has made the USA a laughing stock.

Obama's signature domestic policy is a complete flop.

It is now 5 years after.......why is Obama still running deficits twice the size of Bush's??

Obama has been modifying his ACA without benefit of Congress.....who elected him King??

Obama has proven as good as Bush at killing people.

Can you imagine Benghazi under Bush??

Obama ran an NSA that spied on everyone, and actually spied on the Press!! AP

Obama shields Holder, who is scum.

Total rubbish. You compare an attack on a Benghazi to a war based on lies that kills thousands of Americans? Complete and utter nonsense. Imagine what those fox idiots would be saying if Obama started the Iraq War over complete set of intended lies? Cheney and Bush should be in prison.

Flop? That's pretty specific.

NSA - Republican born and bred.

Foreign policy?? You have to be kidding. Bush was the biggest fx disaster in history (of any 1st world nation). Second place isn't even close.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Total rubbish. You compare an attack on a Benghazi to a war based on lies that kills thousands of Americans? Complete and utter nonsense. Imagine what those fox idiots would be saying if Obama started the Iraq War over complete set of intended lies? Cheney and Bush should be in prison.

Flop? That's pretty specific.

NSA - Republican born and bred.

Foreign policy?? You have to be kidding. Bush was the biggest fx disaster in history (of any 1st world nation). Second place isn't even close.

The war was based on Saddam's actions......and he used WMDs extensively, and admitted himself he tried to fool the world into thinking he had large stockpiles because he feared Iran.

Those idiots on Fox got Benghazi right, were shown by media watchers to be the most even-handed during the election, are the most popular broadcasters in the USA by far, and have been dead on with Obamacare..........

Obama is in the process of abandoning Israel, the only western country in an area of medieval flakes, in favour of the flakes.

NSA was certainly Bush's fault ........which does NOT excuse its expansion under Obama.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
He was overwhelmed by the circumstance and responsibility, no doubt. I also wish, as I said on another thread, that he had read the Constitution in a little more detail.

But Obama is much, much worse.
Well, I would certainly disagree that Obama is worse than Bush, but that obviously is a matter of personal opinion.

Bush oversaw much of what lead the US into the financial struggle they are in today. He was running a budget deficit every year even when the economy was booming and allowed regulation of the financial sector to slip away.

Under Obama, I think that the entire government has been less effective. The economic downturn fueled a lot of extremism that has made it hard to get anything done. Obama has had to settle for a lot of half measures, but I think that he is moving the country in the right direction.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The war was based on Saddam's actions......and he used WMDs extensively, and admitted himself he tried to fool the world into thinking he had large stockpiles because he feared Iran.

Those idiots on Fox got Benghazi right, were shown by media watchers to be the most even-handed during the election, are the most popular broadcasters in the USA by far, and have been dead on with Obamacare..........

Obama is in the process of abandoning Israel, the only western country in an area of medieval flakes, in favour of the flakes.

NSA was certainly Bush's fault ........which does NOT excuse its expansion under Obama.
Benghazi is a made-for FOX scandal, so the neocons can circle-jerk. It is an absolute non-starter in the real world.

NSA was the Bush you-either-a-patriot-or-not program. If you didn't like it then you were obviously an enemy. That was the card the neocons played in all of their chest-thumping fiascos.

Abandoning Israel? Great tagline but is nothing but hot air. Those taglines stick on the right, they need a neocon security blanket to hold.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Obviously, body count is not my criteria.

Bush removed one of the ME's worst murdering dictators.

Obama has abandoned that country to its fate.

Well, his presidency over the Iraqis proved just as bad as anything Saddam managed. He presided over the deaths of probably around 50-000 to 100,000--many of them civilians--in the short time he controlled that country. So, generally, if you are going to remove a murdering dictator, one of the goals should be not to kill as many people as he did when you're in charge. :lol: Otherwise you don't get any bonus points for removing him.

He also lied about the war to start with, strengthened Iran's geopolitical position, strengthened Al Qeada, dropped the ball in Afghanistan, and ruined America's reputation globally.

Not that Obama has been all that, but Bush was the biggest humanitarian disaster of the 21st century. So far.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Obama's foreign policy is a disaster.....he has made the USA a laughing stock.

Those choices are about more than just posturing, they involve human lives. It is wrong to waste even one human life just to look tough to the rest of the world.

Based on the situation in Syria and our history of intervening in situations like that, where we ended up is probably the best possible outcome we could hope for right now.

Obama's signature domestic policy is a complete flop.

Lets be honest, it has been a few months and the policy has not even fully come into effect. Time will tell how beneficial this policy ends up being.

I personally think that a government option would have been a hell of a lot easier, but the people wouldn't accept that.

It is now 5 years after.......why is Obama still running deficits twice the size of Bush's??

Why was Bush running a deficit at all while the economy was booming? Wasn't he supposed to be conservative?

The recession that hit the world in 2008 has had long lasting fallout all around the world. No leader has been able to snap their fingers and make it all go away. The countries that weathered the storm better did so because of things that were in place before the meltdown hit. The US was definitely not one of those countries.

Obama has been modifying his ACA without benefit of Congress.....who elected him King??

Obama has proven as good as Bush at killing people.

Can you imagine Benghazi under Bush??

Well, no, Obama has been much less eager to plunge the country into armed conflict.

Obama ran an NSA that spied on everyone, and actually spied on the Press!! AP

Obama shields Holder, who is scum.

The NSA stuff was ramped up under Bush by his order. The extent of control or knowledge of what the NSA had been doing under Obama is unclear at this point.

Obviously, body count is not my criteria.

Bush removed one of the ME's worst murdering dictators.

Obama has abandoned that country to its fate.

Is the US supposed to continue military action in these countries indefinitely?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Well, I would certainly disagree that Obama is worse than Bush, but that obviously is a matter of personal opinion.

Bush oversaw much of what lead the US into the financial struggle they are in today. He was running a budget deficit every year even when the economy was booming and allowed regulation of the financial sector to slip away.

Under Obama, I think that the entire government has been less effective. The economic downturn fueled a lot of extremism that has made it hard to get anything done. Obama has had to settle for a lot of half measures, but I think that he is moving the country in the right direction.

Actually, it was Clinton that deregulated Wall Street. And the Democrats that defeated McCain's 2002 bill to increase regulation.

Yeah, if you like a nanny-state led by an absolute monarch, Obama is leading you in the right direction.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Actually, it was Clinton that deregulated Wall Street. And the Democrats that defeated McCain's 2002 bill to increase regulation.

Yeah, if you like a nanny-state led by an absolute monarch, Obama is leading you in the right direction.

Bush was in power for 8 years before the meltdown and it was caused by a lot more than just one bill passed or not passed.

Borrowing money in economic boom times and deregulation was quite well embraced by Bush while in power, which set them up for a messy fall.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Would love to hear all the reasons Obama hasn't done as well as Bush.

Bush got more Americans killed for nothing in Iraq. Obama got more Americans killed for nothing in Afghanistan.

iCasualties | OEF | Afghanistan | U.S. Fatalities In and Around Afghanistan

Obama has presided over the blossoming of Wall Street and the strangulation of Main Street. Obamacare is hitting middle class people hard. Their health insurance premiums are exploding. They will try to cope by cutting back discretionary spending. That reaction will slow the economy generally. A sputtering economy has become the new normal under Obama.

There is a place for both Bush and Obama. It's called the Hague.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Bush got more Americans killed for nothing in Iraq. Obama got more Americans killed for nothing in Afghanistan.

iCasualties | OEF | Afghanistan | U.S. Fatalities In and Around Afghanistan

Obama has presided over the blossoming of Wall Street and the strangulation of Main Street. Obamacare is hitting middle class people hard. Their health insurance premiums are exploding. They will try to cope by cutting back discretionary spending. That reaction will slow the economy generally. A sputtering economy has become the new normal under Obama.

There is a place for both Bush and Obama. It's called the Hague.
Wall Street was doing pretty well under Bush. They were allowed to destroy the entire nation's economy in order to help them get a bigger bonus.

The Affordable Care Act is having a bumpy start, but we are just at the beginning. The true impact will not be known for quite some time.

The troubles right now are indicative of just how messed up their system was before this. Look how many people who were counted as "insured" didn't actually have comprehensive health coverage. Guess who foots that bill if they get sick and don't have coverage?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Obama blames everyone else for his problems...

Blames You Tube for Benghazi ....

If he spoke French his favorite phrase would be "Pas ma faute"


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The export of jobs began decades ago. There is no magic wand to create them at middle income wages. The job market is driven by construction and credit. The housing bubble put a wrench into that for the so-called middle class.

If Bush had been in to start a ground war in Libya, as he likes to do, the Neocon supporters would be wishing Bhengazi was the biggest problem. The warmongers have not one iota of credibility speaking about foreign policy and security of American lives in the region. Bhengazi isn't even near being in the same league as the Republican-led death campaigns.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Obama blames everyone else for his problems...

Blames You Tube for Benghazi ....

If he spoke French his favorite phrase would be "Pas ma faute"
There are certain things that are legitimately not his fault. The US system is well designed to allow fringe groups to raise hell and slow everything down, and there isn't much one person can do about that.

The biggest problem for the democrats is that they tend to be much less pragmatic than the republicans. The guys on the left are more prone to high minded idealism, while a not insignificant portion of the right was recently willing to bankrupt the nation to get their way.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
In what way?

NDAA comes to mind.

I read Bush's book. I get why he made the decisions he made though I still dont agree with most of them. There were some decisions he made where you didnt need hindsight to know they wouldnt work. Iraq definitely needed better planning and a more honest reason to go in. He should have just said Saddam is a ****, we're taking him out. That would have been better than the WMD story.

As for money - regardless of who is President it is congress who decides what gets spent. They should learn to say "No."