It will be illegal in the US to get youe cell phone unlocked


Electoral Member
Jan 4, 2007
In the US, it will be illegal to get your phone unlocked to carrier. I understand why they want to do this, but the fact of essentially creating a monopoly for each of the cell phone carriers, whoever a customer has signed on with, is Un-American. Competition is the core of Capitalism. It's protectionism. The carriers are crying fowl, because they pay full price for the hardware, then the hardware costs are subsidized to the consumer through the plan contracts. Then you end up paying at least double, or more for the hardware that is outdated, by the time your contract is up. Even Canadians are complaining about the length of the contracts, and other fees. I have a VERY simple solution for all this. Take the carriers out of the business of selling phones, and have them focus on just selling plans. That way there can be competition with plans, leaving consumers with more choice, and better pricing. leave cell phone sales to the electronic stores like Futureshop, Best Buy, etc... All phones should be sold unlocked, like in Europe, that way the consumer has control. The only downside to that, is that the phones would have to be purchased outright, without subsidy. I guess then, people with think twice before buying a 5, 6, or 700 dollar phone. Oh my, I guess people would have to get their priorities straight.