Positive Affirmations!

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
I am in control of my life - I just need to lose weight, quit smoking, drink responsibly, remember speed kills, watch my intake of trans fats, be multicultural, think green, wear a bicycle helmet, get regular exercise, rat on my neighbors, eat the recommended daily number of fresh fruits and vegetables, etc... yeah I'm in control... I would rather be free though...


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Dancing Loon, you would have to define "control".

There are quite a few things no one can control: death, ultimately, health. We can do our best to forestall the former and improve the latter, but, as Aristotle said; "sh!t happens".

So, given a broad definition of control, yep, I is.

Happy also.



Jan 6, 2007
I have almost no control over my life.

I spend my days at the whim of to accident prone, virus prone, children. At the whim of my husband's career, which can mean he leaves town at a moments notice, or gets transfered almost as quickly.

I spend my days dealing with an unpredictable chronic pain condition that can turn a busy day into a day in bed in the bat of an eyelash.

I have almost no control over my life, but, it still manages to be a great one. Mainly, because I have control over how I react to what life throws at me.


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Control is an illusion.

I am happy in my life.
Great, Forgiven! I leave the "Un" away, seems a negative you don't need, imho!
Control is an illusion? Hmmm... . let's ponder that for a minute.

It is my Birthright to be happy
I'm in Control of my Life
any other positive affirmation?


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
I am in control of my life - I just need to lose weight, quit smoking, drink responsibly, remember speed kills, watch my intake of trans fats, be multicultural, think green, wear a bicycle helmet, get regular exercise, rat on my neighbors, eat the recommended daily number of fresh fruits and vegetables, etc... yeah I'm in control... I would rather be free though...
Hey, Scott..., you sound like the average Canadian, including me with a few alterations! :lol:
O.k., all those are minor things and could be turned around, IF you (and I) really wanted to! So, mind over matter - change the things you can change. Stop whining!;-)

I accept the things I cannot change
You would rather be free than in control?

I have the power to choose
I am a free Spirit

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House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Dancing Loon, you would have to define "control".

There are quite a few things no one can control: death, ultimately, health. We can do our best to forestall the former and improve the latter, but, as Aristotle said; "sh!t happens".

So, given a broad definition of control, yep, I is.

Happy also.

I knew it, Nuggy! Happy as a pig in mud!:lol: What more do you want?

So, if you are happy, then you don't really need anything else, like freedom or power, do you? I think true happiness is the ultimate goal of all of us Earthlings. We all seem to wish for it, to long for it, to desire it... to hope for it. Of course, now we could argue about what makes us happy, and there could be quite a few variations.
Just a question.... to be happy, is that perhaps the meaning of life? It seems to me the pursuit, the constant striving towards happiness, could be the present meaning of life, couldn't it?
Nuggler, how difficult was it for you to get there, how long did it take? Share a few thoughts about that with us, please. Provide us with an uplifting affirmation!


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
I have almost no control over my life.

I spend my days at the whim of to accident prone, virus prone, children. At the whim of my husband's career, which can mean he leaves town at a moments notice, or gets transfered almost as quickly.

I spend my days dealing with an unpredictable chronic pain condition that can turn a busy day into a day in bed in the bat of an eyelash.

I have almost no control over my life, but, it still manages to be a great one. Mainly, because I have control over how I react to what life throws at me.
Karrie, I admire you! You learned you have the power to choose!

I have the power to accept what I cannot change
I wish you a pain free day, dear Karrie!

I have no pain, yet I'm dying slowly. (DON'T WE ALL?) ;-)
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kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
HeeeHooo controls the beer supply, controls the world.

"Confusedus say"

Dancing Loon;
I have never striven towards "happiness" per se. It either happens or it doesn't. Family, job, friends, attitude; all these have something to do with it. A bit too deep a topic for a common Nuggler.

Too deep.

:glasses9:Way too deep.


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
HeeeHooo controls the beer supply, controls the world.

"Confusedus say"

Dancing Loon;
I have never striven towards "happiness" per se. It either happens or it doesn't. Family, job, friends, attitude; all these have something to do with it. A bit too deep a topic for a common Nuggler.

Too deep.

:glasses9:Way too deep.
We are only still at the surface, scratching a little, Nuggler!.
Nice, that you are happy. That means you are also a humble person... it doesn't take a million lotto win to make you happy!
To have family and a few friends is nice, but still not enough to make me happy.

While reading here and there I came upon the following little paragraph. It does make sense to me, because I know my mind is going non-stop with some gibberish over and over. To harness that train and load it with positive thinking, positive mantras and affirmations, it should create positive changes in my life! It should, theoretically!;-)
Repeating affirmations is a powerful mental programming technique, which is not appreciated enough and is not well understood. There is a lot of information available on this subject nowadays, but few really know how to use it correctly, and fewer even try. To some, it seems just as a useless and impractical theory, but when well understood, it puts a wonderful and powerful tool in your hands. To affirm means to "make firm", which means making your desired desire or goal firm or real. It is a process of making positive statements about your goal. A statement that is often repeated, affects the subconscious mind, which then uses it enormous power to find ways to make it come true.
You reap whatever your conscious mind sows into your subconscious mind. Your often repeated thoughts and words shape your character and your life, according to whether they are constructive or destructive.
Give this method a try. You have nothing to lose, but only to gain. Try them for a couple of months and see if your life improves.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Great, Forgiven! I leave the "Un" away, seems a negative you don't need, imho!
Control is an illusion? Hmmm... . let's ponder that for a minute.

It is my Birthright to be happy
I'm in Control of my Life
any other positive affirmation?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion I suppose.

To voice something doesn't necessarily make it so. Like saying that health is a birthright, won't make you any more healthy than you are.

And as I said, control is an illusion. An illusion that can be dispelled at any given moment.
Not to be argumentative mind you, nor take away the idea that positive thinking is beneficial, it's best not to confuse things. ;-)


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
dancing -loon

Interesting! I love it when you challenge me!! Maybe I found my master??;-)

When I say, "I'm in control of my life", I mean my daily-living life. For instance, I do not have to have chaos around me! I can change that!
Should I get ill, of course I can't stop the illness to run its course, but I can accept it and assist in getting over it. That would make me feel empowered and generates an attitude of being in control.
Should I ever get into jail or other captivity, I still have my life with me and I can pull some mental levers to adjust my mind to the new situation, hence I'll be in control. As long as I have my mind and my life I can be in control, if I choose so!

For today, thinking of the two little girls frozen to death, I state that....
I have compassion for others and myself!

Your turn, china!:smile:


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
There are quite a few things no one can control: death, ultimately, health. We can do our best to forestall the former and improve the latter, but, as Aristotle said; "sh!t happens".

Now I finally know who said that! Thanks, Nugg! :lol:

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Hey, Scott..., you sound like the average Canadian, including me with a few alterations! :lol:
O.k., all those are minor things and could be turned around, IF you (and I) really wanted to! So, mind over matter - change the things you can change. Stop whining!;-)

I accept the things I cannot change
You would rather be free than in control?

I have the power to choose
I am a free Spirit

I think you missed my point. I was sarcastically commenting on the Canadian governments propaganda machines efforts to control our thinking. I was lamenting our slide into totalitarianism where people are routinely being charged with thought crimes in this country and every fifth TV add is telling us what to think, what to care about, what is killing us, etc. My meaning was that, though people have the idea that they are free, they, in reality, are far from being free. This is classic double-think where someone can hold two conflicting ideals. Namely, they think they are free but they also hold to beliefs that were put there by government and NGOs. They hold firmly to the beliefs as though they had real personal experiences behind their thinking but, in reality, they are derived from unauthentic experience. So while they can list off hundreds of things they "can't" do or shouldn't do, because they saw an add somewhere with a crying mother or child, they can likewise think they are free.

So while a person can list all the reasons they shouldn't do this or that thing they have no real experience that explains why. They have testimony and questionable statistics and accept the message without examining the evidence. By not examining the evidence they are able to hold conflicting beliefs.

If enough people do this (don't examine evidence), then a concept say like "speed kills" (speed is a factor in fewer than 10% of accidents - alcohol and speed is the real killer) then the concept will become an accepted social norm without evidence. Then insurance companies and government can implement all kinds of controls that make no sense whatsoever in the face of actual evidence. That is not freedom - it is totalitarianism; the control of what and how people think.

But, really, what do people care if they are going along with it all because it "makes sense" to them and so they are choosing to behave as they do, so in reality they are free?

Except for one small problem: they aren't actually free.