Quit Picking on the Republicans


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Republicans Want a White Republic. They'll Destroy America to Get It

When in a recent tweetstorm Donald Trump suggested that four Congresswomen of color leave the U.S. and “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” social media exploded. Outrage. Even some news outlets finally let go of the euphemisms and called the tweets “racist.” The Republicans, on the other hand, were quiet. As well they would be. The ideological demographics of the party dictated it.
The GOP’s membership is nearly 90 percent white and can only envision carnage and extinction as it looks upon a rights-based, religious, racial and ideologically diverse America. Or, as Lindsey Graham had noted as early as 2012, “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”
In short, the United States of America is not really their America. They yearn for a white republic. That’s why they are fighting to recreate the days when, as Archie Bunker sang, “Guys like us, we had it made.” That’s why they’ve willingly gone along with and participated in a sustained attack on the country itself, allowing it to grow weaker so that they could feel stronger.

More: https://time.com/5628283/trump-tweets-racist-white-america


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Republicans Want a White Republic. They'll Destroy America to Get It

When in a recent tweetstorm Donald Trump suggested that four Congresswomen of color leave the U.S. and “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” social media exploded. Outrage. Even some news outlets finally let go of the euphemisms and called the tweets “racist.” The Republicans, on the other hand, were quiet. As well they would be. The ideological demographics of the party dictated it.
The GOP’s membership is nearly 90 percent white and can only envision carnage and extinction as it looks upon a rights-based, religious, racial and ideologically diverse America. Or, as Lindsey Graham had noted as early as 2012, “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”
In short, the United States of America is not really their America. They yearn for a white republic. That’s why they are fighting to recreate the days when, as Archie Bunker sang, “Guys like us, we had it made.” That’s why they’ve willingly gone along with and participated in a sustained attack on the country itself, allowing it to grow weaker so that they could feel stronger.

More: https://time.com/5628283/trump-tweets-racist-white-america
Don’t worry Cliffy ,the Dems can run an aboriginal woman against Trump , that will show em .


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Here is some "facts" you can schniff

HB 413

Local rep introduces bill to ban all abortions, except those medically necessary...

..."They were...also the sponsors for the Heartbeat Bill legislation as well. Basically, we want to have the law in Ohio recognize an unborn person, or unborn human, as a person," Christie said...

...HB 413 would only allow an abortion to be performed to save a woman's life. If it's an elected procedure, it would be criminal...

The bill has been referred to the House Criminal Justice Committee but has yet to have any hearings. The first time this bill was introduced in 2018, it did not go anywhere, but this time, it does have more support.

If it does pass, it will be challenged in court and join several other laws that are in limbo, including the less restrictive heartbeat bill that's been deemed unconstitutional.

This is just a proposal. Abortions are still legal in Ohio

Orange is bad: do not eat orange.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Proposed Ohio Abortion Ban Would Force Doctors to Re-Implant Ectopic Pregnancies, Risking Women's Lives

Republican lawmakers in Ohio are attempting to pass a bill that would legally recognize fetuses as people, leading abortion doctors to be liable for aggravated murder charges for terminating a pregnancy.
The Columbus Dispatch reported that House Bill 413 would only allow abortions after a fetal heartbeat has been detected—around Week 6, during the embryonic stage of pregnancy—if the life of the woman is in danger, and the penalties for performing one under other circumstances would be either life imprisonment or death.
Women receiving abortions would not face criminal charges under the proposed law.
The ramifications of the bill have abortion-rights advocates concerned. They say that the criteria for determining whether the pregnancy threatens the woman's life are too restrictive. "Instead of making Ohio a safe place for women, children and families, Ohio politicians are focused on outlawing safe medical procedures and punishing people for seeking abortion care," Chrisse France, the executive director of Preterm, Ohio's largest abortion provider, told the Dayton Daily News.
In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, where the embryo has attached and started to grow outside the uterus, doctors are required to surgically intervene to remove it.
HB 413 contains language that demands doctors take "all possible steps" to save an embryo or fetus, including "attempting to reimplant an ectopic pregnancy into the woman's uterus."
There has never been a documented medical procedure in which an ectopic fetus has been removed and re-transplanted. Rather than surgical intervention, many anti-abortion campaigners have supported "watchful waiting" in which the woman's doctor monitors their condition until the ectopic pregnancy miscarries. That can result in significant health risks.

More: https://www.newsweek.com/ohio-abortion-ban-force-ectopic-pregnancy-1473050

As usual, you are the fake news, Wally. This is a republican war on women, plain and simple.
War on women ? Really , have you never heard of birth control ? Why should the state pay for a woman having unprotected sex ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I see a lot of people are still agonizing over Trump. :) There is a process to take care of him, it starts and ends on Nov.3, 2020. Why not just wait for the day and if it's clear he's no longer fit for the job, that should take care of it. Let the people decide for Christ sakes!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
You know that trainload of hundreds of bills Senate Republicans have blocked? Here's a linked list

While impeachment understandably is getting most of the attention now, in our messaging to the nation Democrats should keep reminding the public that the attack on the Constitution did not begin when Divine Right Donald stepped into the Oval Office and plunked himself down in the big chair behind the big desk nearly three years ago. Nor did the effort to stomp most Democrat-introduced legislation begin on that dreadful day.
Donald Trump was still a joke candidate when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell decided to undermine the Constitution by refusing even to hold a hearing on President Barack Obama’s moderate choice of Merrick Garland to replace the late Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. And the presidency wasn’t even a gleam in Trump’s eye when McConnell, in 2009, before Obama was even sworn in, vowed to follow Rush Limbaugh’s implicit advice and try to force the new president to fail by blocking everything he tried to do. First up was stopping any legislation to soften the impacts and shorten the duration of the economic crash that had sent the economy into the most devastating economic downturn since the 1930s. Less than a handful of renegade Republicans was the only reason that recession-ameliorating legislation managed to clear the Senate. The blockade got worse when Republicans regained congressional control after the 2010 election.
So what we have going on now, legislatively speaking, is not an aberration from the recent GOP norm, but rather an extremist extension of it. Republicans have concocted a message of their own that they repeat endlessly: Do-nothing congressional Democrats have failed to work across the aisle or to generate any useful legislation since Trump arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

More: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/20...Republicans-have-blocked-Here-s-a-linked-list



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
You know that trainload of hundreds of bills Senate Republicans have blocked? Here's a linked list

While impeachment understandably is getting most of the attention now, in our messaging to the nation Democrats should keep reminding the public that the attack on the Constitution did not begin when Divine Right Donald stepped into the Oval Office and plunked himself down in the big chair behind the big desk nearly three years ago. Nor did the effort to stomp most Democrat-introduced legislation begin on that dreadful day.
Donald Trump was still a joke candidate when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell decided to undermine the Constitution by refusing even to hold a hearing on President Barack Obama’s moderate choice of Merrick Garland to replace the late Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. And the presidency wasn’t even a gleam in Trump’s eye when McConnell, in 2009, before Obama was even sworn in, vowed to follow Rush Limbaugh’s implicit advice and try to force the new president to fail by blocking everything he tried to do. First up was stopping any legislation to soften the impacts and shorten the duration of the economic crash that had sent the economy into the most devastating economic downturn since the 1930s. Less than a handful of renegade Republicans was the only reason that recession-ameliorating legislation managed to clear the Senate. The blockade got worse when Republicans regained congressional control after the 2010 election.
So what we have going on now, legislatively speaking, is not an aberration from the recent GOP norm, but rather an extremist extension of it. Republicans have concocted a message of their own that they repeat endlessly: Do-nothing congressional Democrats have failed to work across the aisle or to generate any useful legislation since Trump arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
More: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/20...Republicans-have-blocked-Here-s-a-linked-list

Dailykos is Prog shit.