Breaking : Cdn news


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Nope. They don’t hate Trump. You can’t get much more snivelling, whiny and spoiled than that
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
They love a hater.

HOW WILDLY RIDICULOUS that LIE-berals would so deplore HATE................................

WHILE IGNORING so much of it WHEN IT SUITS THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating THE ULTIMATE REASON why a minority govt would be BAD FOR CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

The Bloc Quebecois plan that would ruin Alberta

By: Don Braid, Calgary Herald

Published October 17, 2019

If you’re unhappy about equalization, grab a towel to chew on as you consider the Bloc Quebecois idea for reforming the system.

It is a flat-out anti-Alberta policy in all but name.

(And it will also hit at what remains of manufacturing and heavy industry in Ontari-owe as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bloc Leader Yves-Francois Blanchet doesn’t even bother to hide his hostility — the result, perhaps, of Alberta lectures to Quebec over pipelines and oil imports going back to ex-premier Alison Redford.

Blanchet calls it La Perequation Verte, or Green Equalization. It’s a major plank in the Bloc’s election platform, released in French only.

This plan could actually mean something, since the Bloc is surging in Quebec and just might end up supporting a minority government, either Liberal or Conservative.

(At this point we should recall that the Bloc Heads are DEDICATED TO THE FOLLOWING GOALS:: Their long term goal is the destruction of Canada by any means!!
Secondly -while they wait for Canada to implode -they intend to make Canada AS DIFFICULT TO GOVERN AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Third- in order to make life in their planned New Republic as pleasant as possible- they intend to ensure that Quebec AVOIDS RESPONSIBILITY as much as possible for paying ITS SHARE of Cdn national debts!!!!!!!!!!

Forth - The Bloc sees nothing wrong with Canada continuing to pay the pensions of Quebec based civil service union HOGS - but is ADAMANT they have no responsibility for union HOGS in other parts of the country - its all a Bloc Head ONE WAY STREET - tax money IN TO Quebec ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fifth - while waiting for their debt free new Republic to be born - Bloc Heads DEMAND that Quebec RETAIN its special status and benefits from Ottawa!! The benefits would include NO RESPONSIBILITY to pay for the illegals that LIE-berals are rounding up like crazy cat ladies collecting strays!! And of course Bloc Heads see no reason why the existing hugely discriminatory federal transfer system should not continue to give EXTRA GRAVY to Quebec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Blanchet is deeply annoyed, for instance, by the federal purchase of the Trans Mountain pipeline project.

Quebec helped pay for that, he says. But the Bloc demands that Ottawa should stop building pipelines and immediately end all subsidies for oil and gas.

(Quebec of course gets its oil from Collapsing Socialist Pest Hole Venezuela and thus sees NO BENEFIT from Ottawa helping create Alberta jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

These policies “exclude, obviously, going to look for the $13 billion worth of oil that is in Alberta,” he said in the recent French leader’s debate .

“The only oil we should use is oil that is not burned. It must be used for something else.” He’s evidently talking about restricting oil use to petrochemical production, an argument also pushed by Green Leader Elizabeth May.

Blanchet wants a quick deadline for this kind of action. Talk of 2025 or 2030 is too vague. “Let’s put a date on it, a time frame on it,” he said.

(Quebec has significantly LESS industrial and chemical biz than Ontari-owe and thus does not care about “Anglo” jobs that may disappear outside Quebec!! As for May and her Greenies- they are LOONS who are prepared to destroy the Cdn economy and impoverish millions in order to stave off a “climate emergency”!!!!!)
All this is before we even get to Green Equalization, the Bloc’s pet policy. Here it is:

Blanchet says that to speed up climate action, provinces with emissions higher than a national average should pay into the new equalization fund.

He said: “the ones that are above the average pay the tax, the ones that are below the average receive the tax.”

(With Bloc Heads expecting to hold GREAT INFLUENCE in setting those “national averages” within the Minority govt framework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Alberta has the highest emissions by far because we produce so much oil and gas used by others. Quebec is a distant third in emissions, after Ontario. Saskatchewan and B.C. come next.

(Ontari-owe has much greater greenhouse gas emissions than Quebec - as mentioned - due to its larger industrial base - thanks in part to the Separatists having driven so many businesses out of La Belle Province with their language laws and hostility to Anglos and Socialist policies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

This plan is bad enough even before you consider that Blanchet wants the calculation based on “emissions per capita.”

Ontario has more than 14 million people to dilute its emissions figure per capita. Quebec has eight million.

Alberta is home to only 4.3 million, and Saskatchewan 1.1 million.

The consequence of this astonishing scheme would be to send billions more to the provinces that already benefit from the current equalization formula.

(In other words the Bloc plan is a carefully set up SCAM designed to PROMOTE anger and discrimination across Canada and supply MORE GRAVY to the Bloc heads - who as mentioned- are dedicated to making Canada as difficult to govern as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And there is an ADDED BONUS in the plan - if Alberta goes bankrupt - then Canada will be left holding the debt - with Quebec nicely SHIELDED from harm by that EXTRA GOVT GRAVY and BIASED transfer system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Bloc's war on Alberta: Why Quebec separatist party is specifically targeting the Western province

The bonanza wouldn’t last many years, though, because emissions would surely drop like a stone — along with the economy, jobs and the entire oil and gas industry.

(The Bloc does not plan in terms of decades - months or a year is their thing since they KNOW their dream of a Quebec Republic cannot ever be realized!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It has been over 20 years since Separatists made the rounds of financial centres seeking credit for their planned Republic - London, Washington, Bonn etc and GOT TURNED DOWN FLAT by ALL!! The thinking apparently being that if Bloc Heads cannot get along with Ottawa - NOTED FOR its submission to Quebec needs - then Bloc heads cannot get along with ANYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

That appears to be the whole idea: the hollowing out of Alberta and Saskatchewan while Quebec profits financially with relatively little climate effort.

This might be dismissed as just another separatist needle. But the alarming thing is, nobody challenged Blanchet.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau listened to him with that bland look, and then responded that Canada needs a strong government to implement climate policies.

(Trudope needs a strong Quebec for HIS SURVIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

He did not say Blanchet offers a stupid, vindictive policy that would devastate large swaths of Western Canada and perhaps even the country itself.

(That of course IS the goal Bloc Heads have set for themselves- to be as DIFFICULT as humanly possible - at Cdn expense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh didn’t object, either. Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer stayed in neutral. Green Leader Elizabeth May was the only one who talked about a fair transition.

The Bloc usually confines itself to Quebec’s specific interests. This reach into high national policy is rare.

(But it has happened before -back when LIE-berals and NDP cousins offered Bloc Heads TOTAL VETO POWER over ALL legislation in Cdn Parliament - IF Bloc Heads would help vote to over throw Harper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(That was when Parliament was PROROGUED and the Governor General appealed to - with G.G. Jean AGREEING WITH HARPER that an election must be held BEFORE allowing POLITICAL VANDAL Bloc Heads to grab such ULTIMATE political power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The WISE CHOICE was to allow Cdns a say regarding giving Quebec VANDALS such power over Canada and we should remember that LIE-berals were AFRAID of such public opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

But Quebecers appear to be annoyed both with demands for pipeline access and national criticism of Quebec’s ban on religious symbols in the workplace.

(Cynical Bloc Heads plan to PROFIT NICELY from LIE-beral climate change HYSTERIA - with Quebec GETTING PAID so it can import oil and industrial products from other jurisdictions -that WILL BE TAXED for the pollution generated as they produce the products Quebec NEEDS just as much as the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Could any political party create A MORE CYNICAL AND ABUSIVE economic plan than the one Bloc Heads have just devised?? For ALL OUR SAKES - let us pray that Bloc Heads NEVER get the kind of influence they need to implement their vicious plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(A minority govt with Bloc Head votes playing a CRITICAL ROLL will DEVASTATE CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The Bloc Quebecois plan that would ruin Alberta

That's ironic,eh? The two big victims of Confederation going at each other because they are victims of opposite things.

Canada's a vaiable nation. In fact, it's one of the older ones on the planet, now.

The only problem is that we have two regional concentrations of entitled victims crying ME! MINE! all of the time.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The Bloc Quebecois plan that would ruin Alberta

That's ironic,eh? The two big victims of Confederation going at each other because they are victims of opposite things.

Canada's a vaiable nation. In fact, it's one of the older ones on the planet, now.

The only problem is that we have two regional concentrations of entitled victims crying ME! MINE! all of the time.
And one big lump in the middle lording over us .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
And one big lump in the middle lording over us .


NEWS FLASH: Canada may be headed for constitutional crisis and political COUP!!!!!!!

This article has some comments of my own in brackets):

'Nonsense:' Experts weigh in on Scheer's claims about who can form government
By Joan Bryden, Cdn Press

Published October 19, 2019.

OTTAWA — Experts on Canada's parliamentary system say Andrew Scheer should know better than to erroneously contend that whoever wins the most seats on Monday gets to form the government.

(I say the “Experts” are issuing Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Conservative leader was, after all, Speaker of the House of Commons for almost five years and, as such, should be well aware that the only rule that matters is who can command the confidence of the majority of MPs — whether they be all from one party, or from a multitude of partisan affiliations.

(Is there not some obligation for MP`s to assemble in Parliament and to VOTE for Non Confidence first?? How can a newly elected govt party assume power WITH OUT going through the standard FORMALITIES?? Simply setting aside election results WITHOUT first having convened Parliament sounds DANGEROUS to me -since I do NOT BELIEVE LIE-berals are trust worthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(As a voter and Cdn citizen I want ALL done IN FULL PUBLIC VIEW in the standard and expected way!! LIE-berals scorn my views as usual!!!!)

(The MAJOR ISSUE that LIE-berals are ignoring is LAVALIN!! They want to PRETEND it is has GONE AWAY!! Yet all they have done is play out the clock to election time - secure in the knowledge that RCMP DOES NOT investigate political parties in MID ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"It lowers him in my esteem and maybe the esteem of other people because I'm sure he knows he's wrong," said political science professor Peter Russell, (of Scheer) who helped advise Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean in 2008, when she had to navigate an attempt by three opposition parties to form a coalition to replace Stephen Harper's minority Conservative government.

(I suggest that the civil service union HOG Russell - who is a teacher- meaning a member of a group NOTORIOUS for its HATE of Conservatives - is gaming us!!!!!!!)

(If Scheer gets the most seats but fails to get a majority - most Cdns EXPECT he will be allowed to try to govern!! As the guy with the most seats - SCHEER SHOULD GET FIRST CHANCE TO FORM A GOVT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Scheer is in an especially STRONG POSITION because his opponent Trudope HAS ADMITTED the Ethics Commissioner is RIGHT - that Trudope HAS BROKEN the RULES!! The ONLY QUESTIONS REMAINING ARE: “how badly were the rules broken and what punishment IS SUITABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Cdns generally expect that if Scheer gets the most votes but not a majority then he should get his chance to govern- and then MAY be defeated on a LEGITIMATELY HELD non confidence vote in spring 2020 when he presents his first budget!!!!)

(Just to make the MESS even bigger is the Conservative PROMISE to investigate Lavalin FULLY as soon as they can!! Would the Greenies or NDPees wish to support a CONVICTED FELON?? Assuming the RCMP gets the kind of evidence many people SUSPECT is out there?????????????????)

(So WHY are LIE-berals so determined to cut Scheer off at the knees using slippery AND SUSPECT legal interpretations - that AVOID ANY discussion of what would happen to LIE-beral support if Lavalin turns out to be REALLY DIRTY AND CORRUPT???????????????????)

(This total lack of ANY REAL RESOLUTION to Lavalin vould possibly turn out to be a LIE-beral support KILLER?? Can the LIE-berals legitimately CLAIM an right to rule -even in a coalition if their leader is eventually convicted of Lavalin corruption????????)

(If Trudope is convicted of wrong doing - WOULD NDPees or Greenies be so hungry for POWER at any price that they would HELP LIE-berals minimize the Lavalin damage?? HOW DEEP Might the corruption end up????????????)

(If Scheer forms a govt -then Scheer will turn loose the RCMP to investigate Lavalin!! And there is GOOD REASON to suspect that LIE-berals WILL NOT BENEFIT from such exposure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Thus LIE-berals are bending political tradition and attempting what looks unpleasantly like a political COUP!! I BELIEVE LIE-berals have NO MANDATE to put aside election results they DO NOT LIKE - without FIRST assembling a FULL PARLIAMENT and counting MP VOTES FIRST - and even that action is SUSPECT until Lavalin is investigated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And LIE-berals should be especially FORBIDDEN when their main reason for meddling is TO HIDE EVIDENCE of corruption and bribery on a NATIONAL SCALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(I suggest that if a REFERENDUM WAS held regarding a Lavlin investigation - most Cdns would WANT that investigation!! AS so much HINGES on that investigation I SUGGEST that SCHEER MUST be permitted to install his minority govt - if he should get suitable votes!! If Scheer gets his majority then there is no problem- the Lavalin mess will be investigated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(WE need to recall that Lavalin has BEEN CONVICTED of bid rigging and bribery WITHIN CANADA and the Lavalin SCANDAL is all about LIE-berals apparently TRYING TO BREAK THE LAW - by ILLEGALLY EXCUSING Lavalin!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Thus we NEED TO ASK if LIE-berals should be permitted to play fast and loose with election rules and traditions simply because it apparently makes it easier for them to HIDE CRIMINAL and shameless behaviour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(THE ONLY REASON that RCMP is not investigating LAVALIN RIGHT NOW is because they don’t do corruption probes in the middle of elections - and now we have LIE-berals planning to SET ASIDE the results of the election - apparently to PROTECT THEIR OWN SELFISH POSITION in a bribery investigation!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(I have stated many times that I believe Our idiot Boy Justin is an aspiring Soviet Socialist Dictator!! And it looks like we will find out if I am right - as soon as NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The OBVIOUS SOLUTION to this CORRUPTION is a full and complete investigation!! Without that a LIE-beral govt IS NOT LEGITIMATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(Thus if Scheer should win his minority govt then HE MUST BE ALLOWED the chance to try to govern UNTIL LAVALIN IS DEALT WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(I suggest that a full investigation might expose enough evidence to SEVERELY DAMAGE the LIE-beral party and END their hope of retaining any power with their existing leadership !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(We need also to recall the testimony at the Charbonneau Inquiry “that MULTIPLE engineering firms were involved in bid rigging - IN CANADA!! Sadly Charbonneau DID NOT HAVE the mandate to investigate claims made about Federal contracts inside Quebec nor to investigate claims made about contracts outside Quebec!!!!!!!!)

(It seems to me as if the Lavalin Mess is MUCH BIGGER AND MORE DIRTY than LIE-berals wish to admit!! Cdn govt will LOSE respect and credit if all this is swept under the rug by slippery LIE-beral machinations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And How can any DULY ELECTED MINORITY GOVT BE DEFEATED - if there is NO vote of Non Confidence?? What LIE-berals are apparently planning is their MOST DIRTY back room deal EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals are planning to BYPASS PARLIAMENT COMPLETELY and strangle the new Scheer govt literally before it is born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(AND IT LOOKS VERY MUCH LIKE THE LIE-BERAL MOTIVATION IS FEAR - of what a FULL Lavalin investigation would reveal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And THERE is the best reason of all NOT TO ALLOW LIE-berals to set aside the possible results of our next election just so they can COVER THEIR ASSES!!!!!!!!)

(Our situation is UN-PRECEDENTED!! LIE-berals managed to play out the clock and slip into election mode- AND AVOID facing a police investigation into Lavalin - as they SHOULD HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And now we have MORE LIE-beral plans to ensure NO INVESTIGATION ever gets started!! One way or another - SCHEER MUST FORM A GOVT - if only so we can sort out LAVALIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Greta Thunberg attends Edmonton climate rally

Impressive young lady.

She's an idiot

And one big lump in the middle lording over us .

The Bloc is the best thing for Western Independence

Elizabeth May steps down as Green Party leader

Elizabeth May has announced she has stepped down as leader of the Green Party, but will stay on as leader in Parliament.

Good riddance


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
She's an idiot

The Bloc is the best thing for Western Independence

Good riddance


Capt Morgan thinks the Bloc heads are "good for Wexit"????????????????????

The captain DOES NOT REALIZE that Our idiot Boy and his Quebec ALLIES.................................

REQUIRE that Alberta STAY in Confederation..............................

and continue supplying federal transfer cash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO FREEDOM for you little cowpoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
She can ride happily into the sunset collecting her pension along the way .
She has to stick around as an MP to keep them as a three seat party.

Speaking of parties that fizzled and died, where's Maxime hiding?