Lunacy of the Left

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Are you just naturally ignorant or do you have to work at it?
Do you screw it on sideways? ... clockwise like a Newfie, counter clockwise like a badass Gansta or backwards like a Duuude?

...or just straight ahead like a bumpkin pig f___ker?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Tell us the master plan.
If you can find a pattern, you're as batshit crazy as Trump is.
He is driving progs so crazy they feel compelled to tell lies about him even though he does enough stupid stuff lies should not be necessary. Just the fact that he is making the left crazy is a good enough reason to reelect him. Add in the fact he is slowly fixing the damage Obama did to the country he should be a shoe in.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Of course it is...

NCAA Reports $1.1 Billion in Revenues

The NCAA reported a revenue of $1.1 billion for the 2017 fiscal year after releasing their annual audited financial statement.

Mar 7, 2018


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Of course it is...
NCAA Reports $1.1 Billion in Revenues
The NCAA reported a revenue of $1.1 billion for the 2017 fiscal year after releasing their annual audited financial statement.
Mar 7, 2018
Sport Sponsorship and Scholarship Funds
Distributed to Division I schools to help fund NCAA sports and provide scholarships for college athletes.

Division I Basketball Performance Fund
Distributed to Division I conferences and independent schools based on their performance in the men’s basketball tournament over a six-year rolling period. The money is used to fund NCAA sports and provide scholarships for college athletes.

Division I Championships
Provides college athletes the opportunity to compete for a championship and includes support for team travel, food and lodging.

Student Assistance Fund
Distributed to Division I student-athletes for essential needs that arise during their time in college.

Student-Athlete Services and Championship Support
Includes funding for catastrophic injury insurance, drug testing, student-athlete leadership programs, postgraduate scholarships and additional Association-wide championships support.

Division I Equal Conference Fund
Distributed equally among Division I basketball-playing conferences that meet athletic and academic standards to play in the men's basketball tournament. The money is used to fund NCAA sports and provide scholarships for college athletes.

Academic Enhancement Fund
Distributed to Division I schools to assist with academic programs and services.

Division II Allocation
Funds championships, grants and other initiatives for Division II college athletes.

Membership Support Services
Covers costs related to NCAA governance committees and the annual NCAA Convention.

Division III Allocation
Funds championships, grants and other initiatives for Division III college athletes.

Division I Conference Grants
Distributed to Division I conferences for programs that enhance officiating, compliance, minority opportunities and more.

Educational Programs
Supports varous educational services for members to help prepare student-athletes for life, including the Women Coaches Academy, the Emerging Leaders Seminars and the Pathway Program.

Other Association-Wide Expenses
Includes support for Association-wide legal services, communications and business insurance.

General and Administrative Expenses
Funds the day-to-day operations of the NCAA national office, including administrative and financial services, information technology and facilities management.

Academic Distribution
Beginning in 2019-20, a portion of NCAA revenue will be distributed to Division I schools based on their student-athletes’ academic performance.

The distributions listed are recurring, and the information does not include any one-time distributions.

More on NCAA finances.

*Figures are from the 2017-2018 fiscal year and are unaudited. The distributions listed are recurring, and the information does not include any one-time distributions.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
There are 24 schools that make over $100 million a year.

The Top 25 schools alone make $2.2 billion


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You didn't read the article, did you?

I'm not surprised.

Maybe go read it then you can revise your stupid post to something along what it really talks about (I know, wishful thinking)

Oooooooooooooh oooh, we're in high dudgeon today! :)