Fed up with Islam Yet???


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

WE KNOW its not Jews..........................behind Isis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jews are MUCH SMARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And FAR LESS TWO FACED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Hate crime investigators probing alleged assault at Canada’s Wonderland
Canadian Press
June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019 4:33 PM EDT
Canada's Wonderland (Sun files)
VAUGHAN — Police north of Toronto say an alleged assault at Canada’s Wonderland last Thursday is being treated as a possible hate crime.
York Regional Police say the force’s hate crime unit is looking into the incident at the theme park in Vaughan.
In a statement Sunday, Const. Andy Pattenden says the force takes allegations of hate seriously and promises a thorough investigation.
A spokeswoman for Wonderland says there was an “altercation between guests” near the park’s front gate at about 4:15 p.m.
In an e-mail, Grace Peacock says police and Wonderland security “responded quickly and appropriately” and both parties were ejected from the park after an investigation.
Cops probe suspected hate crimes in Burlington
Life sentence sought for neo-Nazi who killed protester at white supremacist rally
LEVY: Toronto should send organizers of hate-filled Al Quds rally an invoice
Neither police nor the park would confirm any more details, however the advocacy group the National Council of Canadian Muslims called the alleged incident “extremely troubling.”
“Rest assured: we’re not going to let anyone get away with racism or Islamophobia,” the council tweeted Sunday.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Hate crime investigators probing alleged assault at Canada’s Wonderland
Canadian Press
June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019 4:33 PM EDT
Canada's Wonderland (Sun files)
VAUGHAN — Police north of Toronto say an alleged assault at Canada’s Wonderland last Thursday is being treated as a possible hate crime.
York Regional Police say the force’s hate crime unit is looking into the incident at the theme park in Vaughan.
In a statement Sunday, Const. Andy Pattenden says the force takes allegations of hate seriously and promises a thorough investigation.
A spokeswoman for Wonderland says there was an “altercation between guests” near the park’s front gate at about 4:15 p.m.
In an e-mail, Grace Peacock says police and Wonderland security “responded quickly and appropriately” and both parties were ejected from the park after an investigation.
Cops probe suspected hate crimes in Burlington
Life sentence sought for neo-Nazi who killed protester at white supremacist rally
LEVY: Toronto should send organizers of hate-filled Al Quds rally an invoice
Neither police nor the park would confirm any more details, however the advocacy group the National Council of Canadian Muslims called the alleged incident “extremely troubling.”
“Rest assured: we’re not going to let anyone get away with racism or Islamophobia,” the council tweeted Sunday.

Here is a article illustrating the level of madness LIE-berals have encouraged to take root in our legal system thanks to the Omar Khadr Krap!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

Man acquitted of terror charges sues B.C., feds

From Canadian Press. Published: January 26, 2018. Updated: January 26, 2018 3:00 PM EDT

Filed Under: Canoe News Canada

VANCOUVER — A British Columbia man acquitted of terrorism-related charges has filed a lawsuit against the provincial and federal governments, arguing he was maliciously prosecuted in violation of his charter rights.

Othman Hamdan was charged in 2015 over 85 Facebook posts in which he supported some actions of Islamic State militants and celebrated “lone wolf” terrorists. Last year, a B.C. judge ruled his comments might have been offensive, but they didn’t constitute inciting terrorism.

(And how are govt security forces able to read minds and determine which on line posts are just hot air and which are lethal threats? Anybody who supports Isis in any way or thinks that these lunatic lone wolf terror attacks are a good thing is clearly UNSUITED to be A Cdn citizen!)

Hamdan has filed a lawsuit that argues Canadian and B.C. authorities prosecuted him despite the absence of probable grounds supporting his guilt and chose to ignore a body of evidence that supported his innocence.

(Just because a LIE-beral hug a thug judge is not willing to convict- DOES NOT mean the guy is innocent! Vote hungry LIE-berals are more interested in buying Muslim votes than in weeding out terror- how else to explain their refusal to even deport CONVICTED Muslim TERRORISTS?)

“The conduct of the defendants was reckless, intentional, deliberate, in disregard of the plaintiff’s rights, indifferent to the consequences and exploited the plaintiff’s vulnerability,” says the notice of civil claim filed in B.C. Supreme Court.

Hamdan, 35, is a Jordanian national of Palestinian descent who came to B.C. after living in the United States and was granted refugee status following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He has been detained pending the results of an immigration review.

(I say send the goof back to Palestine- its where he belongs- with the other crazed killers! He has already had ample opportunity to insult us!)

At the time of his arrest, he was living in the northern community of Fort St. John. The Facebook posts were written between September 2014 and July 2015, with one reading, “Lone wolves, we salute you.”

(Yes- he is definitely NOT ALIGNED with main stream Cdn sentiment - but he does have LIE-beral values! Meaning hatred of western white society! Perhaps lunatic LIE-berals think he can be “a powerful voice in Canada” - along with his returning Isis brethren?)

(It is a tribute to how slippery and slimy and poisoned LIE-beral morality is- that that Hamdan has not been charged with hate crimes! After all- his support if radical Muslim killers is certainly inciting hate against white people!)

In acquitting Hamdan, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Bruce Butler wrote that he “was trying to highlight what he perceived to be hypocrisy and injustice, support some of the actions of the Islamic State in its defence of Sunni Muslims in Iraq and Syria and promote discussion about these issues.”

(“Lone wolves, we salute you” is a specific attack on the west- which the judge chose to ignore- so LIE-berals could continue sucking up to the Muslim voters! LIE-berals assure us that honest dialog can resolve all problems- so why are morally challenged LIE-berals APOLOGIZING for a Muslim who is advocating violence- clearly shameless LIE-beral vote buying trumps all other needs!)

Hamdan says in his notice of civil claim that he only learned during trial that the sole evidence being presented against him was the online posts, which he says are constitutionally protected speech and “woefully inadequate evidence to secure a conviction.”

(“Constitutionally protected speech”?? In defense of twerrorists? These vile radicals play word games with our laws and rights! And we MUST ASK WHO is paying for this guys legal representative? If its legal aid then LIE-berals are REALLY INSULTING US!)

None of the allegations contained in the lawsuit has been proven and no statements of defense have been filed.

Hamdan alleges the Crown never presented the full body of evidence in their possession — hundreds, if not thousands of posts — but simply chose particular posts which fit their theory of the case.

(Of course not all posts were considered- there was no need! Mass murderer Jeffery Dahmer met many people in the course of a day- but the cops are only interested in the ones he killed and ate!)

“The only purpose of the plaintiff’s incarceration has been to disrupt him from having access to a computer to voice constitutionally protected speech, in violation of his charter rights,” says the lawsuit.

(The opportunity to publicly support groups who would injure and kill Cdns IS NOT a constitutional right! Supporting Isis is a hate crime!)

Hamdan says he remains “unlawfully” incarcerated and has suffered damages including loss of liberty, reputation, privacy and opportunity to earn income, as well as humiliation, pain and suffering.

He adds the defendants’ conduct “offends the moral standards of the community and warrants the condemnation of this court.

(The defendants conduct ONLY OFFENDS LIE-berals and radical Muslims! The main body of the Cdn community figures this guy is TROUBLE- and that he should be given a one way ticket BACK to his pest hole place of birth!)

“In doing so, they acted in a manner inconsistent with their roles as ministers of justice and with an intention to subvert or abuse the office of the provincial Crown and the process of criminal justice, and so exceeded the boundaries of the office and of the provincial Crown.”

(The ministers of the Crown are charged with keeping us safe from our enemies- and on these grounds LIE-berals are FAILING BADLY- by not immediately DEPORTING those who support Isis or other terrorists and their vile supporters!)

(That this goof is actually trying to sue us for trying to defend ourselves from attacks by those killers he has supported and cheered on is LIE-beral mandated INSANITY!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
LEVY: Downtown church cancels event honouring terrorist
Sue-Ann Levy
July 9, 2019
July 9, 2019 8:53 PM EDT
A Palestinian refugee stands next to graffiti depicting Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani with Arabic that reads his name and "I will not renounce before planting my paradise on earth," while marking "Nakba" or Catastrophe day in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, Sunday, May 15, 2016. Palestinians marked the 68th anniversary of their displacement following the Israeli declaration of independence in 1948. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)
A downtown church that fancies itself a centre for faith, justice and the arts has decided not to host an event glorifying a Palestinian terrorist.
And the organizers behind the Ghassan Kanafani Resistance Arts Scholarship launch — the Palestine Youth Movement (PYM)– are blaming “desperate” Zionist organizations and individuals for the cancellation. The event was supposed to happen this Saturday evening at Trinity St. Paul’s United Church.
The PYM, a U.S.-based group that is trying to break into Canada, posted a statement on their Facebook page Tuesday characterizing their event as a modest attempt to “promote the struggle and stories” of Palestinians — noting that this celebration has been cancelled at the Church due to “Zionist pressure” and a “desperation” to silence their powerful stories.
“Moral panic and outrages need to be manufactured in order to make what is at heart an authoritarian imperative — the direct attempt to silence an expression of humanity …– seem prudent, even necessary,” the PYM notes on its Facebook page.
Efforts to reach a spokesman for the group directly were unsuccessful.
However, Hamman Farah, a psychodynamic therapist in training, York University alumnus and board member of Palestine House, noted his dismay on Twitter (@humhum83):
“The church, which is well-known as a progressive voice in the city, has dashed the hopes of young and emerging Palestinian leaders and accused them of condoning violence.”
Farrah also contended on social media that they were consulting their lawyers about a possible defamation claim against the church.
The event was being held to hand out creative arts and writing scholarships to Palestinian youth in honor of the works of Kanafani, who PYM calls an “iconic national hero.”
It came to public attention last Friday when B’nai Brith Canada issued a statement and a petition to stop the event.
According to B’nai Brith and other sources, Kanafani was not simply an author but a leading member of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), designated in Canada as a terrorist group.
B’nai Brith says in its release that in his role with the PFLP Kanafani made connections with many far-left terrorist groups, including the Japanese Red Army, which was recruited to attack Lod Airport at the end of May, 1972. Some 26 innocent civilians were killed, including a Canadian.
Kanafani was assassinated in July of 1972 by the Mossad in response to the Lod massacre.
Former NDP MPP Cheri de Novo, who is now the reverend at Trinity St-Paul’s church, told me in an e-mail she’s in South Africa until July 2. But she said that as soon as she heard from B’nai Brith, she forwarded their concerns to the church’s board and after confirming their concerns, the board cancelled the event.
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AGAR: Ford shows Toronto Pride for what it has become
Board vice-chairman Colin Phillips reiterated by e-mail Tuesday that the event will not be held at the church.
B’nai Brith CEO Michael Mostyn said there was a reaction of “shock” from the community that a scholarship would be named after a known terrorist.
He said is trying to give the church the “benefit of the doubt” that the event got booked without proper “oversight” as to what it was all about.
Mostyn said he agreed to meet with de Novo in August when she returns from South Africa.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
'Child used' in Afghan wedding suicide attack

At least five people have been killed and more than 40 injured after a child was used to carry out a suicide attack on a wedding party in eastern Afghanistan, say local officials.
The attack took place in Nangarhar province's Pachiragam district.
Provincial spokesman Attaullah Khugyani said the child was used to target a pro-government militia commander in Friday morning's attack.
The Taliban denied it was behind the bombing in an area close to Pakistan.
The Islamic State (IS) group in Afghanistan, also known as IS Khorasan, is known to be active in Pachiragam.
The group has been blamed for a number of deadly attacks in Afghanistan - including a suicide bombing at a Kabul education centre last year that killed dozens of people.
Why Afghanistan is more dangerous than ever
Afghan talks agree 'roadmap to peace'
How successful has IS been in Afghanistan?
The attack comes days after a historic peace conference between Taliban insurgents and Afghan representatives saw a pledge to minimise civilian casualties.
The two sides agreed on a "roadmap to peace" seen as having laid the ground for formal talks in the future.
The Taliban are currently negotiating with the United States in a bid to try to end the 18-year war. They hope to reach an agreement that would see US troops pull out in return for a commitment that Afghanistan would not be used as a base for terrorism.
According to the news agency the Press Trust of India (PTI), the child who was used in the suicide attack was a young teenager.
This is not the first time that children have been used to carry out suicide attacks. Earlier this year, two girls and one boy in Nigeria's Borno State were used as suicide bombers in a triple attack.
In Indonesia last year, two girls aged 9 and 12 were among those used to attack a church in Surabaya.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Religion motivating factor in alleged Markham murders: Friends
Aidan Wallace
July 31, 2019
July 31, 2019 7:31 AM EDT
Menhaz Zamans profile picture on the video game chat service DiscordDiscord
Not much is known about Menhaz Zaman, the alleged Markham massacre murderer.
The 23-year-old was a veteran of an online video game called VoidPerfect World and was known well by those he played with.
The Toronto Sun spoke to some of his online pals who said Zaman had recently became an atheist, and grew increasingly hostile towards the religion of Islam.
“He never spoke ill of anyone until about 2-3 weeks ago he became very aggressive towards the Islam religion,” Zaman’s close online friend and game moderator said.
“His character was named ‘Allah’ at one point and because he was my friend I told him to stop kindly but he didn’t stop.”
Reports of the offensive language regarding the “religion (Islam) and its people,” from Zaman’s alleged Discord account got to a point where he was banned from the server on July 11.
“I never took him seriously because he is always joking about everything,” the moderator said.
A different moderator told the Sun his sudden hostility towards Islam was “because of terrorism and immoral acts in the name of religion.”
Zaman has been described by his online friends as a ‘troll’ — someone who makes inflammatory remarks online to get a rise out of people.
And while he had made alarming remarks in the past, he privately messaged one online pal back in March saying “I’m going to kill my parents.”
Accused quadruple killer allegedly driven by fear, shame: online posts
Man, 23, faces four charges of first-degree murder in Markham
The trolling, the remarks about killing his family and Islam, were all dismissed as “just jokes.”
In another post, one user said: “Yes he was a troll, but behind all the memes he was actually very nice and a good guy, It’s very sad that he thought this was the only option he had.”



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'TRIGGERED (BY) ISLAMOPHOBIA': Sinead O'Connor apologizes for racist remarks about white people
WENN - World Entertainment News Network
September 8, 2019
September 8, 2019 10:52 PM EDT
‘Dear White People’ Showrunner Signs...
featured by
Sinead O’Connor has apologized for race comments she made following her conversion to Islam last year.
The singer called white people “disgusting” in a divisive Twitter rant last year as she announced she had adopted the name Shuhada’ Davitt, and added she didn’t want to spend any more time with Caucasians.
She tweeted: “I’m terribly sorry. What I’m about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it. But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that’s what non-muslims are called). Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting.”
Returning to Twitter on Sunday, the 52-year-old Nothing Compares 2 U singer raved about her new faith but confessed she went too far with her conversion message, telling fans she was “angry and unwell” when she made the “racist” remarks.
She added, “They were not true at the time and are not true now. I was triggered as a result of islamophobia dumped on me. I apologize for hurt caused. That was one of many crazy tweets lord knows.”
During a recent appearance on Ireland’s The Late Late Show, O’Connor opened up further about her conversion to Islam, adding, “I never thought I’d join another religion. I left Islam till last as I had so much prejudice about Islam, you know. I read chapter two of the Qu’ran and I realized I’m home, and that I’ve been a Muslim all my life. There’s a way of thinking.
“You can be a Muslim without actually being a Muslim as it’s a headset (mindset). A Muslim is someone who believes nothing should be worshipped except God. In the same way I would have embraced Christianity, there’s things I like and things I don’t like; things I identify with and things I don’t.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Nigerian police rescue 67 from 'inhuman' conditions at Islamic 'school'
October 14, 2019
October 14, 2019 5:46 PM EDT
People are pictured after being rescued by police in Sabon Garin, in Daura local government area of Katsina state, Nigeria October 14, 2019. (REUTERS/Stringer)
MAIDUGUIRI — Police in northern Nigeria rescued nearly 70 men and boys from a second purported Islamic school where they were shackled and subjected to “inhuman and degrading treatments.”
The raid in Katsina, the northwestern home state of President Muhammadu Buhari, came less a month after about 300 men and boys were freed from another supposed Islamic school in neighboring Kaduna state where they were allegedly tortured and sexually abused.
“In the course of investigation, sixty-seven persons from the ages of 7 to 40 years were found shackled with chains,” Katsina police spokesman Sanusi Buba said in a statement. “Victims were also found to have been subjected to various inhuman and degrading treatments.”
The raid occurred on October 12 in Sabon Garin in the Daura local government area of Katsina state. Police issued a statement on Monday and said they were working to reunite the victims with their families.
Police arrested one man, 78-year-old Mallam Bello Abdullahi Umar, for running what they called an “illegal detention/remand home.”
Lawai Musa, a trader who lived near the center, told Reuters by phone that families sent unruly men and boys there believing it was an Islamic teaching facility that would straighten them out and teach them Islamic beliefs.
“The way he is treating the children is un-Islamic” he said. “We are not happy, they were treated illegally.”
Islamic schools, known as Almajiris, are common across the mostly Muslim north of Nigeria. Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), a local organization, estimates about 10 million children attend them.
In June, President Buhari, himself a Muslim, said the government planned to ban the schools, but would not do so immediately. After the incident in Kaduna, the president issued a statement calling on traditional authorities to work with government to expose “unwanted cultural practices that amount to the abuse of children.”
Buhari’s office declined to immediately comment on the Katsina raid, saying it would issue a statement after a full briefing from police.
“The command enjoins parents to desist from taking their children/wards to illegal, unauthorized or unapproved remand/rehabilitation centers,” the police statement said.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Human trafficking is a Jewish operation rather than Muslims have a global empire dedicated just to that 'business'.

What is the purpose of human trafficking? girls We have considered what pushes people into human trafficking. What is also important to mention is what spheres call for human trafficking. Why is there a demand for human trafficking in Nigeria? Here are seven main reasons why people are trafficked in Nigeria: Sexual exploitation. This is one of the biggest branches of human trafficking in Nigeria. Women and young girls are either shipped off to other countries or left in the country to work in prostitution, escort or the adults films industry. Labour exploitation. Victims of human trafficking are made to work in abusive or even hazardous working conditions, as nobody would willingly work there. Domestic work. Children from as small as five years old are used for performing various domestic tasks. They usually have no documents, rights or knowledge that would help them escape the situation, so they are forced to work for food and shelter. children Military conscription. Sometimes, especially in times of war or major conflicts, children are forced to fight. An example of this would be the use of child suicide bombers by Boko Haram. Forced marriage. As we have said before, girls and women are often forced into marrying a complete stranger. Parents can either do this because of traditions or for a hefty sum of money. Organ harvesting. This is arguably the most terrifying reason for human trafficking, as the victims usually do not live long enough to tell the tale if they are not rescued in time. Human organs have always been in high demand, which makes human trafficking for organ harvesting a very ‘lucrative opportunity’. Illicit adoption. Often nurses in hospitals tell the mothers that their child was stillborn, when in fact the baby is sold to wealthy adoptive parents (best-case scenario). At the same time, sometimes mothers themselves sell their children. Human trafficking is a serious issue that should not be overlooked. It is the modern day slavery, and we should do everything we can to stop this menace. Protect yourself and your loved ones. Read more: https://www.legit.ng/1127555-what-major-human-trafficking-nigeria.html


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

While Islam and Muslims are often described as backward, reactionary and dangerous, they try to portray Judaism as a haven of humanism and tolerance. However, if we look into the “Jewish state”, the reality is quite different. A Zionist regime of oppression and occupation based on Old Testament rules, which is contrary to international law and inhuman, is neither democratic nor tolerant.

The ominous influence of the “media companion”

In fact, we now have a poisoned atmosphere in Germany, not just since the murderous attack in Halle, but for many years. What’s going on here about right-wing extremism and unbridled neo-Nazi marches and organizations has been more or less accepted for decades. The raucous hordes of East German villages moved and watched the police helpless, is not an isolated case. It is the old anti-Semitism, which always finds a breeding ground and will never change. Only when a German politician was murdered did one wake up. While the NSU murders, in which many things remain in the dark until today and waiting for clarification, one would have to listen. (1)
Post-war Germany marked by the stuffiness of the brown talare
After two attacks on my father’s grave, Heinz-Galinski, in September and December 1998, when my husband and I wanted to suspend a reward for the capture of the offender, we were called by the Berlin Attorney General that it was unnecessary and that the investigation after only six weeks after the fact (!) would be set. It boosted the video surveillance and that’s it. When, after my father’s death, two pig heads were thrown across the synagogue’s Erfurt wall, with slips of paper around their necks saying, “At last the pig Galinski is dead,” the perp was a well-known neo-Nazi, Dienel, the monthly money from the constitution protection Thuringia got. Organs like the National-Zeitung, which were able to spread their right-wing ideas without restraint, were normal. Post-war Germany was marked by the stuffiness of the brown talare. Everything was accepted then, and in response to that brown past came the 68s who protested. All this was a thorn in the side of the Springer press, which today still stands in the blind support of Israel and found a terrible climax with the Dutschke assassination and the death of orphan. Countless right-wing extremist attacks against Jewish institutions were sad normality. Yes, that was living anti-Semitism. Countless right-wing extremist attacks against Jewish institutions were sad normality. Yes, that was living anti-Semitism. Countless right-wing extremist attacks against Jewish institutions were sad normality. Yes, that was living anti-Semitism.
Quite typical: one was blind in the right eye and instead turned his attention to “left-wing terrorism” according to the “cold-war custom”, led by the “Springer-Cold War press”. To this day, we experience this monopoly of opinion of certain media. Since everything is lumped in the meantime, which has absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Halle has shown in a cruel way, which also individual offenders are able to tinker with the simplest means dangerous weapons and – see Breivik and Christchurch – can cause a massacre. That it did not happen in Halle, we owe a lucky circumstance that the synagogue door withstood. That there was no police monitoring is inexcusable, even if Saxony-Anhalt’s Interior Minister Stahlknecht and his authorities “have no blame.” Stahlknecht is therefore in the pure and tries to dismiss the warnings of the Federal Criminal Police Office, which had long warned against attacks, as “fictitious and not concrete”. Constant surveillance of Jewish institutions is still everyday and unfortunately important. Just as important, however, is the protection of Muslim institutions and mosques.
Soon Turkish and Russian “anti-terrorist units” to guard in Germany?
It should make us all deeply concerned that fear and prejudice against Islam and Muslims are being fueled in Germany, which are already meeting with fertile ground among the population. While Muslims mutate into new Jews, on whom one can unload hate and hate, Jews are lifted on a pedestal. Philosemitism, which succeeded the old anti-Semitism, has become a terrible danger. It is a danger that should startle Jews.
And that makes me come to the actual thought of my comment. Do German Jews really want to be thrown into a pot with the “Jewish occupying regime”? Why is it uncritically accepted that Chancellor Merkel calls Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to assure her of her concern. (2) Affected are members of a religious community and non-Israeli citizens. Or are German Jews meanwhile equated with Israeli? If that is the intention of the Central Council of Jews and Israel, then good night Germany.
I still remember the indignation when the former President of the Central Council, Bubis, was addressed to “his” president, the Israeli. Do you still have to wonder? What is to be kept from the fact that Israeli “anti-terrorist units” are guarding Jewish institutions, as reported by the German media’s “Krebsgeschwür,” Bild-Zeitung. Is that part of the German state rationale? And is that compatible with the Constitution? Imagine that there are Turkish or Russian “anti-terror units”, what would be the cause of an outcry? (3)
Does the attack in Halle not just the “Jewish state” located?
Is it really in the Jewish sense to be treated as standing under a special protection of species? Do you want to be a “fellow citizen” or not a citizen who has arrived and is not accepted. Unfortunately, everything points exactly to the opposite. While politicians and security forces outdo each other in action and decisions, it would be perfectly sufficient to implement existing laws.
The many notorious perpetrators were in the pay of the constitution protection, is known and was accepted. When former constitutional protection chief Maßen fell out of favor due to his right-wing tendencies, Seehofer held his protective hand over him and held on to him in loyalty to the Nibelung until the barrel was overflowing and modest in his “rightfulness” could no longer be maintained. (4) (5)
Does the terrible attack in Halle not just the “Jewish state” located? While the government and the Federal President complain about anti-Semitism and racism, solidarity with Jews is manifested in Germany, vigils and church services take place, and “never again” is invoked, attempts are made to undo failures in this way. To deal with these omissions, however, it is necessary to finally criticize and sanction human and international crimes in the “Jewish state”. But if that is missed by the “rulers” and concealed, that is a shame. So while the Zionist regime continues its occupation crimes on the Palestinian people with increasing Judaization, further construction of new settlements is announced, Torture is carried out by the state, it does not seem to matter in Germany. What else has to happen, until finally it comes to a “normality” in the good sense – not in AfD manner? (6) (7)
Transfiguration of the “chosen” driven to new heights
On the contrary, it seems that the transfiguration of the “chosen ones” is being driven to new heights. I was stunned to hear from one of the participating journalists, Alexander Kissler, last Sunday in the Press Club on Racism and Anti-Semitism, that we must now support Israel even more in response to the attack in Halle. Instead of the moderator Jörg Schönenborn demanded a clarification, this requirement remained so. Do not German journalists really ask themselves how to take an uncritical attitude to Israel? How do you want to make that plausible to the viewer, that we silently solidarize with this “Jewish apartheid occupation state”? Was therefore also the otherwise subsequent 15-minute audience broadcast “demand” replaced without replacement and without further explanation? Is this the German “reason of state” for Israel, which also applies to the public-law state radio? Can these “opinion guides” actually still look in the mirror? Should not they ask themselves whether they still regard themselves as journalists or have already completely degenerated into submissive command recipients?
It seems that attempts are now being made to distract from the right-wing extremist problem by focusing on Palestinian anti-Israel activists, boycott groups called “anti-Semitic” (!), And “radical leftists” in the interests of Israel pay attention to the critics and away from the crimes. Here we are dealing with a perfect interaction of Israel lobby, “opinion leaders” and politicians. Thus, one must establish a content context of the anti-BDS decision of the Bundestag of May 2019 and point it out again and again. This kills two birds with one stone, fosters fear and portrays Israel as a rescuing refuge. What more does the “Jewish state” fear than more Jews leaving the “promised land”! So one tries with Hasbara propagandistic Angstschürung massively to promote the immigration (Allyah rise) – prefers also to strengthen the settlements. Is not reality a different one? Is not it just a lot of Jewish Israelis emigrating? Just think of the more than 30,000 living in Berlin, who live according to the Central Council of Jews to a large extent in “no-go” areas.
Again, the official side is trying to bring right-wing terrorism into connection with “Islamism”. This is completely wrong and only helps the AfD and Israel. When I warned against this party when the AfD was founded, I was massively attacked. When I wrote and said that their voters can not be excused as protestors, I was attacked again, why? Because this party boasts of being on the side of the Jews?
If “opinion companion” without scruples in a staging play
Were not CSU and CDU politicians haunting similar sounds that they no longer want to know today? Did not they try to linguistically outdo each other in their actionism? Were not there sayings such as “German values” and statements that Islam does not belong to Germany, which fueled the spiritual breeding ground for this “brown seed”? Every day we experience what we have to do with “German values”: shameless double standards when it comes to the “Jewish state”.
While Islam and Muslims are often described as backward, reactionary and dangerous, they try to portray Judaism as a haven of humanism and tolerance. However, if we look into the “Jewish state”, the reality is quite different. A Zionist regime of oppression and occupation based on Old Testament rules, which is contrary to international law and inhuman, is neither democratic nor tolerant.
So now, after the “Kippa marches”, when we experience “Star of David marches”, that’s once again a one-sided support for a group. While more mosques and Muslim institutions have been attacked, migrants can not be sure, the importance of anti-Semitism is exaggerated. Anti-Semitism exists and was and is strengthened today by the policy of the “Jewish state”. Germany is guilty again – not only because “BDS followers” and Jews who profess to boycott, disinvestments and sanctions until Palestine is free, are defamed as anti-Semites, but also through this new philosemitism of “opinion leaders”, who plays with no scruples in a production that could prove dangerous for all Jews. Let us take an example of the USA. There, more and more Jews – especially younger ones – are turning away from the blind support of the “Jewish state” because they realize that they serve Jewish life without fear. If fears are fueled here with the help of “Christian Zionist” politicians and the Israel lobby instead of rooting all evil, then Jews should really be scared of this kind of “opinion leader” and her helpers.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

While Islam and Muslims are often described as backward, reactionary and dangerous, they try to portray Judaism as a haven of humanism and tolerance. However, if we look into the “Jewish state”, the reality is quite different. A Zionist regime of oppression and occupation based on Old Testament rules, which is contrary to international law and inhuman, is neither democratic nor tolerant.

The ominous influence of the “media companion”

In fact, we now have a poisoned atmosphere in Germany, not just since the murderous attack in Halle, but for many years. What’s going on here about right-wing extremism and unbridled neo-Nazi marches and organizations has been more or less accepted for decades. The raucous hordes of East German villages moved and watched the police helpless, is not an isolated case. It is the old anti-Semitism, which always finds a breeding ground and will never change. Only when a German politician was murdered did one wake up. While the NSU murders, in which many things remain in the dark until today and waiting for clarification, one would have to listen. (1)
Post-war Germany marked by the stuffiness of the brown talare
After two attacks on my father’s grave, Heinz-Galinski, in September and December 1998, when my husband and I wanted to suspend a reward for the capture of the offender, we were called by the Berlin Attorney General that it was unnecessary and that the investigation after only six weeks after the fact (!) would be set. It boosted the video surveillance and that’s it. When, after my father’s death, two pig heads were thrown across the synagogue’s Erfurt wall, with slips of paper around their necks saying, “At last the pig Galinski is dead,” the perp was a well-known neo-Nazi, Dienel, the monthly money from the constitution protection Thuringia got. Organs like the National-Zeitung, which were able to spread their right-wing ideas without restraint, were normal. Post-war Germany was marked by the stuffiness of the brown talare. Everything was accepted then, and in response to that brown past came the 68s who protested. All this was a thorn in the side of the Springer press, which today still stands in the blind support of Israel and found a terrible climax with the Dutschke assassination and the death of orphan. Countless right-wing extremist attacks against Jewish institutions were sad normality. Yes, that was living anti-Semitism. Countless right-wing extremist attacks against Jewish institutions were sad normality. Yes, that was living anti-Semitism. Countless right-wing extremist attacks against Jewish institutions were sad normality. Yes, that was living anti-Semitism.
Quite typical: one was blind in the right eye and instead turned his attention to “left-wing terrorism” according to the “cold-war custom”, led by the “Springer-Cold War press”. To this day, we experience this monopoly of opinion of certain media. Since everything is lumped in the meantime, which has absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Halle has shown in a cruel way, which also individual offenders are able to tinker with the simplest means dangerous weapons and – see Breivik and Christchurch – can cause a massacre. That it did not happen in Halle, we owe a lucky circumstance that the synagogue door withstood. That there was no police monitoring is inexcusable, even if Saxony-Anhalt’s Interior Minister Stahlknecht and his authorities “have no blame.” Stahlknecht is therefore in the pure and tries to dismiss the warnings of the Federal Criminal Police Office, which had long warned against attacks, as “fictitious and not concrete”. Constant surveillance of Jewish institutions is still everyday and unfortunately important. Just as important, however, is the protection of Muslim institutions and mosques.
Soon Turkish and Russian “anti-terrorist units” to guard in Germany?
It should make us all deeply concerned that fear and prejudice against Islam and Muslims are being fueled in Germany, which are already meeting with fertile ground among the population. While Muslims mutate into new Jews, on whom one can unload hate and hate, Jews are lifted on a pedestal. Philosemitism, which succeeded the old anti-Semitism, has become a terrible danger. It is a danger that should startle Jews.
And that makes me come to the actual thought of my comment. Do German Jews really want to be thrown into a pot with the “Jewish occupying regime”? Why is it uncritically accepted that Chancellor Merkel calls Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to assure her of her concern. (2) Affected are members of a religious community and non-Israeli citizens. Or are German Jews meanwhile equated with Israeli? If that is the intention of the Central Council of Jews and Israel, then good night Germany.
I still remember the indignation when the former President of the Central Council, Bubis, was addressed to “his” president, the Israeli. Do you still have to wonder? What is to be kept from the fact that Israeli “anti-terrorist units” are guarding Jewish institutions, as reported by the German media’s “Krebsgeschwür,” Bild-Zeitung. Is that part of the German state rationale? And is that compatible with the Constitution? Imagine that there are Turkish or Russian “anti-terror units”, what would be the cause of an outcry? (3)
Does the attack in Halle not just the “Jewish state” located?
Is it really in the Jewish sense to be treated as standing under a special protection of species? Do you want to be a “fellow citizen” or not a citizen who has arrived and is not accepted. Unfortunately, everything points exactly to the opposite. While politicians and security forces outdo each other in action and decisions, it would be perfectly sufficient to implement existing laws.
The many notorious perpetrators were in the pay of the constitution protection, is known and was accepted. When former constitutional protection chief Maßen fell out of favor due to his right-wing tendencies, Seehofer held his protective hand over him and held on to him in loyalty to the Nibelung until the barrel was overflowing and modest in his “rightfulness” could no longer be maintained. (4) (5)
Does the terrible attack in Halle not just the “Jewish state” located? While the government and the Federal President complain about anti-Semitism and racism, solidarity with Jews is manifested in Germany, vigils and church services take place, and “never again” is invoked, attempts are made to undo failures in this way. To deal with these omissions, however, it is necessary to finally criticize and sanction human and international crimes in the “Jewish state”. But if that is missed by the “rulers” and concealed, that is a shame. So while the Zionist regime continues its occupation crimes on the Palestinian people with increasing Judaization, further construction of new settlements is announced, Torture is carried out by the state, it does not seem to matter in Germany. What else has to happen, until finally it comes to a “normality” in the good sense – not in AfD manner? (6) (7)
Transfiguration of the “chosen” driven to new heights
On the contrary, it seems that the transfiguration of the “chosen ones” is being driven to new heights. I was stunned to hear from one of the participating journalists, Alexander Kissler, last Sunday in the Press Club on Racism and Anti-Semitism, that we must now support Israel even more in response to the attack in Halle. Instead of the moderator Jörg Schönenborn demanded a clarification, this requirement remained so. Do not German journalists really ask themselves how to take an uncritical attitude to Israel? How do you want to make that plausible to the viewer, that we silently solidarize with this “Jewish apartheid occupation state”? Was therefore also the otherwise subsequent 15-minute audience broadcast “demand” replaced without replacement and without further explanation? Is this the German “reason of state” for Israel, which also applies to the public-law state radio? Can these “opinion guides” actually still look in the mirror? Should not they ask themselves whether they still regard themselves as journalists or have already completely degenerated into submissive command recipients?
It seems that attempts are now being made to distract from the right-wing extremist problem by focusing on Palestinian anti-Israel activists, boycott groups called “anti-Semitic” (!), And “radical leftists” in the interests of Israel pay attention to the critics and away from the crimes. Here we are dealing with a perfect interaction of Israel lobby, “opinion leaders” and politicians. Thus, one must establish a content context of the anti-BDS decision of the Bundestag of May 2019 and point it out again and again. This kills two birds with one stone, fosters fear and portrays Israel as a rescuing refuge. What more does the “Jewish state” fear than more Jews leaving the “promised land”! So one tries with Hasbara propagandistic Angstschürung massively to promote the immigration (Allyah rise) – prefers also to strengthen the settlements. Is not reality a different one? Is not it just a lot of Jewish Israelis emigrating? Just think of the more than 30,000 living in Berlin, who live according to the Central Council of Jews to a large extent in “no-go” areas.
Again, the official side is trying to bring right-wing terrorism into connection with “Islamism”. This is completely wrong and only helps the AfD and Israel. When I warned against this party when the AfD was founded, I was massively attacked. When I wrote and said that their voters can not be excused as protestors, I was attacked again, why? Because this party boasts of being on the side of the Jews?
If “opinion companion” without scruples in a staging play
Were not CSU and CDU politicians haunting similar sounds that they no longer want to know today? Did not they try to linguistically outdo each other in their actionism? Were not there sayings such as “German values” and statements that Islam does not belong to Germany, which fueled the spiritual breeding ground for this “brown seed”? Every day we experience what we have to do with “German values”: shameless double standards when it comes to the “Jewish state”.
While Islam and Muslims are often described as backward, reactionary and dangerous, they try to portray Judaism as a haven of humanism and tolerance. However, if we look into the “Jewish state”, the reality is quite different. A Zionist regime of oppression and occupation based on Old Testament rules, which is contrary to international law and inhuman, is neither democratic nor tolerant.
So now, after the “Kippa marches”, when we experience “Star of David marches”, that’s once again a one-sided support for a group. While more mosques and Muslim institutions have been attacked, migrants can not be sure, the importance of anti-Semitism is exaggerated. Anti-Semitism exists and was and is strengthened today by the policy of the “Jewish state”. Germany is guilty again – not only because “BDS followers” and Jews who profess to boycott, disinvestments and sanctions until Palestine is free, are defamed as anti-Semites, but also through this new philosemitism of “opinion leaders”, who plays with no scruples in a production that could prove dangerous for all Jews. Let us take an example of the USA. There, more and more Jews – especially younger ones – are turning away from the blind support of the “Jewish state” because they realize that they serve Jewish life without fear. If fears are fueled here with the help of “Christian Zionist” politicians and the Israel lobby instead of rooting all evil, then Jews should really be scared of this kind of “opinion leader” and her helpers.

Oh YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its ALL THE FAULT OF JEWS that a bunch of Muslims.........

IN A MUSLIM RUN COUNTRY ..................................

are treating their Muslim Brethren BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



GOT INTO A REALLY GOOD BATCH of LSD today didnt you MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is yet another article to illustrate why Muslims simply cannot make good Cdn citizens - as long as they continue to hold their radical ideology!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Top Iran general says destroying Israel 'achievable goal'

From afp.com

Published Sept 30, 2019

Major General Hossein Salami heads Iran's Revolutionary Guards. The commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards said on Monday that destroying arch-rival Israel was an "achievable goal".

(Isnt that NICE! Allah favours the compassionate and the merciful - UNLESS Muslim greed gets in the way!! Muslims DEMAND all charity for themselves and SCORN it for Jews who have just as good a claim to the land!! After all there WAS A Jewish Kingdom but there HAS NEVER been a Palestinian Kingdom!! The idea of making Muslims SHARE is not unreasonable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"This sinister regime must be wiped off the map and this is no longer ... a dream (but) it is an achievable goal," Major General Hossein Salami said, quoted by the Guards' Sepah news site.

Four decades on from Iran's Islamic revolution, "we have managed to obtain the capacity to destroy the imposter Zionist regime", he said.

(Isnt that quaint - the old style TYRANT wants to make nuclear war on infidels!!!)

Salami's comments, while not unusual for Iranian officials, come amid particularly heightened international tensions over Iran's nuclear programme and a series of incidents that have raised fears of a confrontation between Tehran and its other main regional rival, Riyadh.

(And tensions are HEIGHTENED specifically BECAUSE the nuclear agreement brokered by Barak Obama HAS UNRAVELLED exactly as its critics predicted!!!
Obama was prepared to ignore the cheating but Trump is NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The United States, which withdrew from a landmark nuclear deal between Iran and world powers in 2018, has imposed a campaign of "maximum pressure" -- with vocal support from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

(If it was only Iranians who would die in such a nuclear war - it might not be so bad!! The problem is that exploding a couple of dozen nuclear weapons in open air would mean millions of people would die of cancer after breathing irradiated bits of vaporized Muslims!! With the added bonus that millions more would die from crop failures brought on by several years of SEVERE nuclear winter!!!!!!!!!!)

Salami's comments were given prominent coverage by the Tasnim and Fars news agencies, close to ultra-conservative political factions.

The official IRNA agency also carried his remarks, but placed more emphasis on his assertion that Iran was growing stronger and would finally beat its foes despite "hostility" towards it.

Iran has been consistently hostile towards Israel since its 1979 revolution, and Tehran openly supports anti-Israeli armed groups including Palestinian Hamas and Lebanon's Hezbollah.

In June 2018, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reaffirmed Tehran's long-held position that Israel is "a malignant cancerous tumor that must be removed and eradicated".

(So much for any sort of logical peace process!! Future Yankee presidents can now dispense with the FARCE of sponsoring peace talks between Israel and Hamas and Hezzbollah and Iran and Syria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Iranian generals routinely express the desire to destroy Israel or claim to be able to wipe out Tel Aviv.

However, official discourse in recent years has generally taken care to clarify that the Jewish state will cease to exist because of its own "arrogance", not because of an attack by Iran.

(Yes- Muslims believe God is on their side and will aid them to destroy the Jews- when the time is right!! And just to hurry things along - Iran wants nuclear weapons- just in case GOD is SLOW TO ACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(I have said it before and will say it again: Muslims hold values that make them UNSUITABLE to be good Cdn citizens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Tribal customs may force girl, 8, to become a child bride
Eddie Chau
More from Eddie Chau
November 27, 2019
November 27, 2019 12:13 PM EST
An eight-year-old girl named Zakura is at risk of becoming a child-bride. She is the subject of a documentary, "Zakura". (Vimeo)
Eight-year-old Zakura dreams of becoming a doctor one day.
But that may never happen if she’s sold as a child bride in exchange for a flock of 50 sheep.
It’s a fate the girl’s father, Arafat, hopes she will avoid the Bedouin custom of the tribe that lives in the Wadi Qelt valley on the Israel-Palestine border where 11 and 12-year-old girls are preordained for marriage.
The young girl’s story and possible fate caught the eye of a Russian filmmaker who decided to centre a documentary around it.
Ivan Vdovin, the creator of the documentary “Zakura”, told the Daily Mail the girl’s father feels his daughter could have a lot of choices in real life if she didn’t have to adhere to strict Bedouin customs in regards to her future.
Story continues below
Vdovin first started following Zakura’s life at age five. When the filmmaker asked the girl what she wanted to be when she grows up, she confidentially said “doctor.”
“For now this sounds unreal, because a medical education is among the most expensive in Israel and Palestine – but this is her dream,” Vdovin said.
The filmmaker described Zakura as a born leader who is “quiet and calm” at school and is a fast learner.
“It was clear to me that was an outstandingly charismatic and gifted child,” he said.
Despite that, if customs are followed then Zakura may be forced to marry her 14-year-old shepherd cousin, Omar, or partnered as a second wife to a much older man.
In talking to Arafat, Vdovin said Zakura’s story had a big impact on him. Arafat told the filmmaker he dreamed of travelling the world with Zakura to see other lifestyles.
“But unfortunately, these are dreams now,” said Vdovin. “In this sense, his desire to travel is similar to his desire not to marry Zakura off at an early age. In his dreams, she would be a free individual but in reality will anything change?”
The aim of the documentary is to tell Zakura’s story and bring attention to the tribal customs in hopes of making the life of another girl better. But he knows he’s very far from achieving that result.
“Zakura” will be screened this week at Russian Film Week in London.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Nigerian police rescue 67 from 'inhuman' conditions at Islamic 'school'
October 14, 2019
October 14, 2019 5:46 PM EDT
People are pictured after being rescued by police in Sabon Garin, in Daura local government area of Katsina state, Nigeria October 14, 2019. (REUTERS/Stringer)
MAIDUGUIRI — Police in northern Nigeria rescued nearly 70 men and boys from a second purported Islamic school where they were shackled and subjected to “inhuman and degrading treatments.”
The raid in Katsina, the northwestern home state of President Muhammadu Buhari, came less a month after about 300 men and boys were freed from another supposed Islamic school in neighboring Kaduna state where they were allegedly tortured and sexually abused.
“In the course of investigation, sixty-seven persons from the ages of 7 to 40 years were found shackled with chains,” Katsina police spokesman Sanusi Buba said in a statement. “Victims were also found to have been subjected to various inhuman and degrading treatments.”
The raid occurred on October 12 in Sabon Garin in the Daura local government area of Katsina state. Police issued a statement on Monday and said they were working to reunite the victims with their families.
Police arrested one man, 78-year-old Mallam Bello Abdullahi Umar, for running what they called an “illegal detention/remand home.”
Lawai Musa, a trader who lived near the center, told Reuters by phone that families sent unruly men and boys there believing it was an Islamic teaching facility that would straighten them out and teach them Islamic beliefs.
“The way he is treating the children is un-Islamic” he said. “We are not happy, they were treated illegally.”
Islamic schools, known as Almajiris, are common across the mostly Muslim north of Nigeria. Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), a local organization, estimates about 10 million children attend them.
In June, President Buhari, himself a Muslim, said the government planned to ban the schools, but would not do so immediately. After the incident in Kaduna, the president issued a statement calling on traditional authorities to work with government to expose “unwanted cultural practices that amount to the abuse of children.”
Buhari’s office declined to immediately comment on the Katsina raid, saying it would issue a statement after a full briefing from police.
“The command enjoins parents to desist from taking their children/wards to illegal, unauthorized or unapproved remand/rehabilitation centers,” the police statement said.

How unfortunate those abusive Islamic GOOFS are not attracted to Cdn LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE could let them "enjoy" LIE-berals in job lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By doing so we could allow "Islamic" schools to flourish...........................

WITHOUT ANY HARM................................

to INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muslim clerics could do to LIE-berals .......................

what LIE-berals are doing to Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Fresh from Florida.

CNN NationalSecurity
· 11m
BREAKING:A member of the Saudi military training at US Naval Air Station in Pensacola is the suspected shooter in Friday’s incident, according to 5 US defense officials and another person familiar with the investigation. @barbarastarrcnn reports


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Fresh from Florida.

CNN NationalSecurity
· 11m
BREAKING:A member of the Saudi military training at US Naval Air Station in Pensacola is the suspected shooter in Friday’s incident, according to 5 US defense officials and another person familiar with the investigation. @barbarastarrcnn reports

And yet LIE-berals have a HARD TIME trying to understand..........................

why Trump wants to BLOCK Muslim immigration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is another thought re MUSLIM TERRORISTS::::::

Here is an article illustrating that the LIE-beral approach towards radical Muslims is ALL WRONG!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Lessons from London Bridge

By: Tarek Fatah

Published: December 4, 2019, Updated: December 4, 2019 4:11 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: Trudeau gaffe underscores Canada’s defence problems
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau should tell Huawei thanks, but no thanks
HOT MIC, HOT MESS: Why Trudeau needs to start making nice with Trump

By now most of the world knows of Usman Khan, the man who stabbed 25-year-old Jack Merritt and 23-year-old Saskia Jones to death during an event meant for prisoner rehabilitation.

The fact that Khan was a convicted jihadi terrorist who had been released from prison for supposed rehabilitation added to the disbelief among ordinary Britons.

(LIE-berals have this absurd notion that other people share the LIE-beral lack of values, morals and convictions thus LIE-berals think people can abandon long held beliefs on a whim!!!!!!)

But that was not all. The Daily Mail reveals that Khan was just one of the nine terrorists who were convicted and jailed in 2012 for plotting to blow up the London Stock Exchange and assassinate the then-mayor of London, Boris Johnson, and was subsequently freed.

(Gosh - did Khan get his murderous plan from the Toronto 18? Our idiot Boy Justin shares the British LIE-beral notion that some damned prison shrink has the power to cloud Jihadist minds and make then forget their God Given HATE of the West!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(That is why Our idiot Boy believes it is WRONG to deport the Toronto 18 who plotted to blow up the Toronto Stock exchange; turn machine guns on various targets in Ottawa and behead the Prime Minister - Stephen Harper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Our idiot Boy has apparently convinced the Radical Muslims that HE IS ON THEIR SIDE and he supports them - hence the relative lack of Muslim atrocities in Canada - and for the most part we Cdns have BEEN FORTUNATE in that the FBI has been giving our RCMP tips regarding various Muslim plots!! Its just too bad that the FBI did not get wind of the Danforth shooter in time!! Oh well we should not rely too completely on foreign cops for our safety in spite of the desires of cheap ass lazy Cdn LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

There is something else that leaps at you when studying terrorist actions and plots in the U.K. The names suggest that almost all of the men who have carried out terror attacks in Britain are British-born men of Pakistani heritage, more specifically with potential links to Pakistan’s Punjab province.

(And there is a question mark regarding whether Cdns can expect the same sort of escalating radical activity as Britain is facing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In the July 7, 2005 terrorist attacks across London, the four suicide bombers were identified as Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, Hasib Hussain and Germaine Lindsay. The first three were British-born sons of Pakistani immigrants while Lindsay, just 19, was a convert born in Jamaica.

(The Pakistani version of Islam seems to be a quite virulent version - so much so that the Pakistani attorney general made a speech a while back and neglected to “properly” thank Allah and that oversight touched off a full MONTH of rioting with dozens killed and hundreds injured!! Such religious dogma should not be welcome in Canada for rather obvious reasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In 2003, when two Britons were involved in a terrorist bomb attack in Tel Aviv, it turned out that both men were of Pakistani Punjabi ancestry. Asif Mohammed Hanif, a 21-year-old university student from west London, blew himself up outside Mike’s Place on the Tel Aviv beach promenade while Omar Khan Sharif, a 27-year-old from Derby in the English Midlands, fled the scene after his explosive belt failed to detonate.

Similarly, the members of the Al Qaeda-inspired gang who plotted to blow up the London Stock Exchange and kill Johnson included Mohammed Chowdhury, Mohammed Shahjahan, Shah Mohammed Rahman, Mohibur Rahman, Gurukanth Desai, Abdul Malik Miah, Nazam Hussain, Usman Khan, Omar Sharif Latif. Oher than one convert, all names suggest Pakistani heritage.

Way back in 1993, it was Ramzi Yousef, a Pakistani who was convicted and incarcerated as one of the main perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

(Ramzi Yousef was the dork who tried to drive from Canada across the Yankee border with his car trunk full of explosives - he planned to park the car in the World Trade Center underground parking - with a lit fuse - but alert Yankee border guards caught him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

So is there anything to make of so many Pakistani Punjabis filling these ranks? After all, there are close to 300,000 Arabs in the U.K., half a million Turks and close to 70,000 Iranians, Indonesians and Somalis – all Muslims — whose names never seem to appear in the list of those who desire death for themselves and their British neighbours as well.

(It is notable that Osama bin Lauden was living quietly IN Pakistan when Yankee
commandos caught up with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The distinction that misses almost all Western observers of this bizarre phenomenon is that while the Turk, the Arab and the Iranian have distinct national cultural identities that predate or override their Islamic persona, the Pakistani Punjabi experience typically denies even their own mother tongue or 5,000-year heritage. They deny their past, thus becoming empty vessels in which pan-Islamism or fake Arab or Turco-Persian name and identity find a hospitable environment.

This empty vessel can thus, in some cases, turn into a perfect receptacle in which a jihadi death cult-like dogma finds easy room to germinate hatred towards themselves and of course the other — the infidel.

(AS a Pakistani born Muslim and long time Cdn immigrant Tarek Fatah has much insight of living in both Muslim and western cultures and we should heed his words of warning!!!!!!!!!!)

As long as the world does not recognize this malady of an identity crisis, we should prepare for more attacks despite our best efforts to appease rather than combat the evil.

Beware of those who play the ‘Islamophobia’ victimhood card for they may be unwittingly facilitating a grievance culture embedded in the toxic mixture of a lack of identity and a contempt for one’s mother tongue.

(There is a further issue related to Islam that we should consider - that the Muslim does not believe in an after life as westerners do!! The westerner has the idea that our behaviour in mortal life can strongly influence whether we MAY enter heaven - but the Muslims apparently often see mortal life as MERELY A WAITING PERIOD prior to entering PARADISE - thus the Muslim is more willing to take action that will result in death and hurry him to his entitled reward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(If one then throws in the general frustration over work and living standard endured by all these days - and with so many young guys offering nothing but their strong backs to make them stand out in a world where such strength is not needed and then add the sexual frustration of Muslim young guys who are not permitted to hit on their virginal female religious associates and are generally regarded with uneasiness by white women - there is no reason not to assume the typical Muslim young guy is VERY FRUSTRATED on multiple levels!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It seems quite obvious that a typical western head shrinker really has NO WAY of reaching such people - since God has greater weight than any parliament or Congress in Muslim minds - which must be regarded as VERY BAD NEWS by Cdns who are watching with great trepidation the LIE-beral effort to rehabilitate returning Isis fighters to Canada- which is a round about way of stating that LIE-beral immigration policy is ALWAYS TRULY BAD for Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Southwest can be sued for bumping passenger who spoke Arabic: Judge
December 19, 2019
December 19, 2019 4:46 PM EST
A Southwest Airlines plane is seen at Los Angeles International Airport April 10, 2017. (REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson/File Photo)
A federal judge on Thursday rejected Southwest Airlines Co’s bid to dismiss a discrimination lawsuit by an American of Iraqi descent who was removed from a 2016 flight after another passenger heard him speak in Arabic and feared he might be a terrorist.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Donna Ryu in Oakland, California, said Khairuldeen Makhzoomi could try to show that “Islamophobia,” coming amid a “sensitive political climate,” was a factor behind his removal, and that Southwest’s claim he was removed because he appeared to make threats was pretextual.
Ryu said Makhzoomi could seek damages from Southwest for alleged violations of federal and California civil rights laws, but dismissed claims of negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
The Dallas-based carrier had argued there was “at most a scintilla of evidence” suggesting racial animus, and said its employees acted reasonably in considering Makhzoomi a possible safety threat.
Southwest did not immediately respond to requests for comment. One of its lawyers declined to comment.
Story continues below
“The case is moving forward, and we look forward to trial,” said Zahra Billoo, a lawyer for Makhzoomi. A trial is scheduled for Feb. 3, 2020.
The incident occurred on an April 6, 2016, Southwest flight awaiting takeoff to Oakland from Los Angeles.
Makhzoomi, then a 26-year-old public policy student at the University of California, Berkeley, had been talking with his uncle by cellphone after attending a dinner featuring United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
Two police officers and Southwest customer service manager Shoaib Ahmed removed Makhzoomi from the plane after a woman who had been seated nearby became agitated, and reported having heard him use words associated with suicide martyrdom.
“I would say the fact that ‘American’ was said next to it, and I’m on a plane, I wasn’t sure what to make of it,” the woman, her name shielded by a pseudonym, said in a deposition.
Makhzoomi, a U.S. citizen who arrived in the country as an Iraqi refugee, denied making threatening statements, and denied Ahmed’s claim that he had used the words bomb, ISIS, jihad and martyrdom on the plane.
Southwest’s lawyers also represent Ahmed.
Makhzoomi was questioned by local law enforcement and the FBI before flying home on Delta Air Lines, after Southwest decided not to rebook him and instead refunded his ticket, court papers show.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Southwest can be sued for bumping passenger who spoke Arabic: Judge
December 19, 2019
December 19, 2019 4:46 PM EST
A Southwest Airlines plane is seen at Los Angeles International Airport April 10, 2017. (REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson/File Photo)
A federal judge on Thursday rejected Southwest Airlines Co’s bid to dismiss a discrimination lawsuit by an American of Iraqi descent who was removed from a 2016 flight after another passenger heard him speak in Arabic and feared he might be a terrorist.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Donna Ryu in Oakland, California, said Khairuldeen Makhzoomi could try to show that “Islamophobia,” coming amid a “sensitive political climate,” was a factor behind his removal, and that Southwest’s claim he was removed because he appeared to make threats was pretextual.
Ryu said Makhzoomi could seek damages from Southwest for alleged violations of federal and California civil rights laws, but dismissed claims of negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
The Dallas-based carrier had argued there was “at most a scintilla of evidence” suggesting racial animus, and said its employees acted reasonably in considering Makhzoomi a possible safety threat.
Southwest did not immediately respond to requests for comment. One of its lawyers declined to comment.
Story continues below
“The case is moving forward, and we look forward to trial,” said Zahra Billoo, a lawyer for Makhzoomi. A trial is scheduled for Feb. 3, 2020.
The incident occurred on an April 6, 2016, Southwest flight awaiting takeoff to Oakland from Los Angeles.
Makhzoomi, then a 26-year-old public policy student at the University of California, Berkeley, had been talking with his uncle by cellphone after attending a dinner featuring United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
Two police officers and Southwest customer service manager Shoaib Ahmed removed Makhzoomi from the plane after a woman who had been seated nearby became agitated, and reported having heard him use words associated with suicide martyrdom.
“I would say the fact that ‘American’ was said next to it, and I’m on a plane, I wasn’t sure what to make of it,” the woman, her name shielded by a pseudonym, said in a deposition.
Makhzoomi, a U.S. citizen who arrived in the country as an Iraqi refugee, denied making threatening statements, and denied Ahmed’s claim that he had used the words bomb, ISIS, jihad and martyrdom on the plane.
Southwest’s lawyers also represent Ahmed.
Makhzoomi was questioned by local law enforcement and the FBI before flying home on Delta Air Lines, after Southwest decided not to rebook him and instead refunded his ticket, court papers show.

GOTTA LOVE those LIE-beral judges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid airlines BUMP PEOPLE all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but it takes a LIE-beral to see overt RACISM IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating the sordid values of our hypocrite LIE-beral leaders!!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

Anti-Israel protest at York University turns violent

By Bryan Passifiume

Published: November 21, 2019, Updated: November 21, 2019 1:39 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Toronto & GTA

At least one person was injured as attempts by an anti-Israel group to shut down an event at York University turned violent Wednesday night.

(LIE-berals and their supporters are DEVOTED to censorship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Members of York’s Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) arrived at the university to disrupt a school-sanctioned panel discussion with Reservists on Duty, an organization of former members of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF.)

(Muslims repeatedly demonstrate that Jews have NO RIGHT TO SPEAK - much less defend themselves in any way - ever!! No wonder Israelis have built their border wall to keep themselves SAFE from Muslim TERROR!! No contact means NO PROBLEM and yet hypocrite Muslims call it Apartheid when Jews seek to separate themselves from radical Muslims for personal safety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Calls to protest the arrival of the IDF members came from across the Internet, including the federal NDP candidate for York Simcoe, Jess McLean, who on Twitter denounced York for hosting the event and urged her followers to attend Wednesday’s SAIA counter-protest.

ALL OUT against IDF on York University Campus TONIGHT 6pm.

(NDPees have followed the LIE-beral course and thrown in their lot with Muslims in exchange for VOTES!!NDPees have NO interest in history, reality or genuine justice - all that matters is the ballot box!! The lust for power of LIE-berals and of their idiot cousins of NDPee and Greenies is such they are prepared to undermine all of Canada in shameless pursuit of VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

An institution that claims to stand for social justice is no place to host those tasked w/upholding an illegal occupation, enforcing apartheid and murdering protestors.

I will stand with you @SaiaYork #FreePalestine
— Jessa McLean (@JessaMcLeanNDP) November 20, 2019

(And HOW CAN NDPees - who so soften wail about social justice - then turn and ignore history and reality and support Muslim TERROR and censorship?? And how Israelis who are using force simply to control rioters SWORN to “Drive the Jews into the sea” - be judged as immoral?????????????????????)

Videos posted online show SAIA protesters — some concealing their faces with keffiyeh scarves — inside York’s Vari Hall loudly protesting the discussion, shouting pro-Palestine slogans and waving Palestine flags.

Another video features participants shouting “viva, viva Intifada.”

Another video shows the two groups throwing punches and grappling in a stairwell until broken up by police.

The violence has sparked condemnation online, with B’nai Brith Canada CEO Michael Mostyn calling for York University to take action.

(The violence is bad - but the LIE-beral Faith in censorship and deliberate FAKE NEWS is what should REALLY WORRY US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“Further investigation is required into how a registered student group was permitted to glorify terrorism and attempt to intimidate those peacefully assembling on campus,” he wrote on Twitter.

“There must be consequences for violent behaviour.”

Enraged mobs cannot be allowed to prevent lawful and peaceful gatherings from taking place on campus. https://t.co/nq1FGskzBP
— Michael Mostyn (@MichaelMostyn) November 21, 2019

(Sadly LIE-berals and their idiot cousins of NDPee and Grennies DO NOT RESPECT the Jewish political position!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

York Centre MPP and university alum Roman Baber likewise wants an investigation into what led to the violence.

“Make no mistake — this was not peaceful protest,” he said in a statement. “This was an attempt to shut down a university-sanctioned event, using violence and intimidation.”

(Muslim manipulation of public opinion in Canada is reaching scurrilously LOW levels!! We have had several FAKE attacks on Muslims- one allegedly on a 9 year old girl who was coached by adults to claim a white guy tried to cut off her head scarf!! WE had another Muslim man who tried to claim he had suffered a racist attack in an Oshawa bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And MOST TROUBLING OF ALL - we had a group of thugs blocking an elderly couple from entering to hear Maxime Bernier speak during the election- subsequently it was discovered that one of the thugs was the son of a Syrian refugee who ws operating a restaurant in Toronto!! So much for Muslim tolerance and understanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The son knew the cops were searching for him and so his father chose to do a pre-emptive strike- by telling cops that his family had received racist death threats and would be closing their restaurant and going into hiding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The scam unravelled when it became clear that the Syrian family HAD NOT MADE any formal complaint to cops - thus there could not be a formal cop investigation since no evidence was presented - but the family was very happy to describe their allegations of miss- treatment to LIE-beral friendly news media!!!!!)

(And eventually the cop investigation into interference at the Bernier event by thugs led to the son and the plot by Syrian Muslims to smear “Cdn Racists” fell apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Baber said he’s been in contact with both university administration and Toronto Police for an explanation, and is calling for the creation of a ‘concrete plan’ of ensuring the safety of the school’s Jewish students.

(And THERE is the opening LIE-berals want- Jews WILL BE SAFE - for now on campus -if they keep their mouths SHUT!! As already mentioned - there are too many Hypocrites who do not think Jews should be permitted to speak at all or to defend themselves in any way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

On Twitter, Premier Doug Ford expressed his disappointment with York University for allowing the ‘hate-filled protest,’ expressing his support both for Jewish students and the community.

“There is no place in Ontario for racism and hatred,” he tweeted.

(Twisted LIE-beral values decree that deliberate censorship IS NOT HATE - if it is done by LIE-beral supporters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I am disappointed that York University allowed for a hate-filled protest to take place last night at Vari Hall. I stand with the Jewish students and the Jewish community. There is no place in Ontario for racism and hatred. #onpoli
— Doug Ford (@fordnation) November 21, 2019

(Ford is well known - and WIDELY RESPECTED in many places specifically BECAUSE he is so far out of step with LIE-beral values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Toronto Police spokesman said that while officers ejected a number of the combatants from the property, and at least one of the injured persons filed a police report, no charges were laid.

(There were also witnesses who have tried to lay hate crimes against the Muslim protestors for chanting “send the Jews back to the ovens” in a clear reference to the Holocaust!! Naturally there has been NO official LIE-beral response to the complaints since LIE-berals have ZERO interest in Jewish voters - or nor in defending the rights of CANADIAN JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Islamic hate messenger slapped with stay-at-home sentence
Sam Pazzano Courts Bureau
January 10, 2020
January 10, 2020 6:51 PM EST
Laura Elliott leaves College Park Courts on Friday, Jan. 10, 2020. (Veronica Henri/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network)
A middle-aged woman who wrote “F–k Islam” on the front door of a Midtown Islamic bakery was given a one-month stay-at-home sentence and 18 months probation for her hate-filled message.
“The nature of the mischief needs to be denounced and deterred,” Justice Howard Borenstein said Friday as he passed sentence on Laura Elliott for the April 2018 incident at Sugar Miracles Patisserie and Cafe at 2674 Yonge St.
“I do find she’s profoundly remorseful and she has apologized, saying she’s truly sorry for any suffering she has caused the staff and owners,” the judge said. ” She asked for their forgiveness.”
Borenstein also ordered Elliott to perform 30 hours of community service.
The owners, immigrants from Iran who don traditional Muslim headwear, expressed their forgiveness to the police, saying, “We are appreciative of Canada and Canadian diversity.”
Story continues below
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but your article continues below.
Crown attorney Cidalia Faria implored the judge to impose a three-month conditional sentence, saying the accused, while remorseful, “targeted a particular victim.”
“The disappointment is she hasn’t gone to the source of this hate,” said Faria. “She has remorse without insight at this point.”
“The reason that general deterrence and denunciation is required is, although she has received counselling, she lacks insight into the source of the hatred,” said Faria.
The accused, who has no prior brushes with the law, is college-educated and “should know better than to do this,” said Faria.
Elliott has no alcohol or drug issues but has suffered from anxiety and depression.
The 55-year-old executive assistant, who pleaded guilty to mischief under $5,000 in September 2019 confessed to Toronto Police when she was arrested in November 2018.
Anti-semitic messages lead to hate crime charges
Montreal massacre victims' memorial defaced with 'misogynistic messages'
Elliott was identified via store surveillance video that showed her carrying a backpack only available to Canadian Tire Corporation employees at nearby Yonge St. and, Eglinton Ave.
Elliott, who reported she and other Jewish community members have been victimized by mischief and were “not taken seriously in the past,” said she’s “ashamed of her actions against these people.”
“I know how I felt when I had anti-Semitic things done to me,” she said. “It’s horrible and unfair.”
“I’m not an Islamaphobe,” Elliott said in court Friday.
A therapist stated in a pre-sentence report that Elliott claimed her emotions and reactions “were extreme due to hormonal changes brought on by peri-menopause.”
Elliott has undergone counselling and vowed “this won’t happen again.”
“I’m not the same person as I was then,” she said.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Islamic hate messenger slapped with stay-at-home sentence
Sam Pazzano Courts Bureau
January 10, 2020
January 10, 2020 6:51 PM EST
Laura Elliott leaves College Park Courts on Friday, Jan. 10, 2020. (Veronica Henri/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network)
A middle-aged woman who wrote “F–k Islam” on the front door of a Midtown Islamic bakery was given a one-month stay-at-home sentence and 18 months probation for her hate-filled message.
“The nature of the mischief needs to be denounced and deterred,” Justice Howard Borenstein said Friday as he passed sentence on Laura Elliott for the April 2018 incident at Sugar Miracles Patisserie and Cafe at 2674 Yonge St.
“I do find she’s profoundly remorseful and she has apologized, saying she’s truly sorry for any suffering she has caused the staff and owners,” the judge said. ” She asked for their forgiveness.”
Borenstein also ordered Elliott to perform 30 hours of community service.
The owners, immigrants from Iran who don traditional Muslim headwear, expressed their forgiveness to the police, saying, “We are appreciative of Canada and Canadian diversity.”
Story continues below
This advertisement has not loaded yet,
but your article continues below.
Crown attorney Cidalia Faria implored the judge to impose a three-month conditional sentence, saying the accused, while remorseful, “targeted a particular victim.”
“The disappointment is she hasn’t gone to the source of this hate,” said Faria. “She has remorse without insight at this point.”
“The reason that general deterrence and denunciation is required is, although she has received counselling, she lacks insight into the source of the hatred,” said Faria.
The accused, who has no prior brushes with the law, is college-educated and “should know better than to do this,” said Faria.
Elliott has no alcohol or drug issues but has suffered from anxiety and depression.
The 55-year-old executive assistant, who pleaded guilty to mischief under $5,000 in September 2019 confessed to Toronto Police when she was arrested in November 2018.
Anti-semitic messages lead to hate crime charges
Montreal massacre victims' memorial defaced with 'misogynistic messages'
Elliott was identified via store surveillance video that showed her carrying a backpack only available to Canadian Tire Corporation employees at nearby Yonge St. and, Eglinton Ave.
Elliott, who reported she and other Jewish community members have been victimized by mischief and were “not taken seriously in the past,” said she’s “ashamed of her actions against these people.”
“I know how I felt when I had anti-Semitic things done to me,” she said. “It’s horrible and unfair.”
“I’m not an Islamaphobe,” Elliott said in court Friday.
A therapist stated in a pre-sentence report that Elliott claimed her emotions and reactions “were extreme due to hormonal changes brought on by peri-menopause.”
Elliott has undergone counselling and vowed “this won’t happen again.”
“I’m not the same person as I was then,” she said.

The woman spray painted an obscenity on a Mosque Door.................................

and was recorded doing it by security camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a DUMB AND INEFFECTIVE thing to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdn politicians - even the LIE-beral ones - ARE SENSITIVE TO PUBLIC MOODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is far better to write angry but LOGICAL, cogent, coherent letters to politicians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Politicians take letters seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The person who takes the time to explain and complain in writing.........................


The fact that over 55 percent of Cdns do not vote - has convinced many politicians that Cdns DO NOT CARE what our leaders do!!!!!!

In related news - Radical Islam is a BLIGHT ON THE PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact that Iranian militants are just as determined to kill other Muslims as they are to attack Yankees.......................

is proof of the Muslim POLITICAL POISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Radical Islam is no more fit to be allowed Cdn citizenship than radical IRA gunmen...............................

Nazi Socialists.............................

Mussolini supporting Fascists...........................

Soviet Red Guards...............................

Catholic Jesuit Inquisitors.....................................

or Mafia enforcers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thugs with a radical agenda have no honest place in Canada

Radical Islam CLOAKS ITS BARBARISM in religious sheep`s clothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals want us to swallow the Radical Poison.....................................

for the sake of LIE-beral Party ENTITLEMENTS and shameless vote buying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!