'TOTALLY INDEPENDENT': Teen eco-warrior hits back at rumours she's being manipulated


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
A sane and rational man would have used the singular term and then offered an example. For me it would be being able to talk about the Bible from the pov of a Literalist. You were probably a 'well-not' or just a complete ass-hole like you are on here in your vain attempt to show wisdom coupled with the authority to judge others on a scale you are exempt from.
More like you are a wet safety match.

Quit hitting on me I'm not interested
That would be 'your kind' that profits off children. Sick from the cradle to the grave.

Sorry I'm not Islamic, I can wait until the girls turn to women, or at least until they turn 18


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
In your world you would hold a child up to hide behind once a sniper opened up. You are not a nice person so you do not ever do nice things unless a judge has told you to.

A little reminder we are in Canada I'm not going to carry a teenager around for a bullet proof vest, your thinking of your homeland, sacrifice the children save the goats.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

they just declared you to be completely full of shit just like the child you are using

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
they just declared you to be completely full of shit just like the child you are using
Wow! Can’t wait for Trudeau to meet her. He might not be in Blackface, but he’ll probably have Pippy-Longstocking type braids. It’ll be awesome!!!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
LIVE: Vancouver youth join millions around world in global climate strike today

Millions of people crowd streets in major cities around the world. In Vancouver, teenagers stage a die-in at a Vancouver mall.

Millions of young people are gathering in cities in around the world to demand governments take action to address the climate crisis and put an end to the age of fossil fuels, including students in Vancouver, who staged a “die in” at a downtown mall.
Pacific Centre food court…Vancouver teens stage die in as part of global lunate strike pic.twitter.com/mS3or6D5Ll
— Joanne Lee-Young (@joanneleeyoung) September 20, 2019
Friday begins a week of global climate action in more than 150 countries, with events planned in Vancouver today and on Sept. 27.
The worldwide walkout, organized by the Fridays for Future campaign, is before the United Nations General Assembly and the Climate Action Summit on Monday.
Students and youth around the world are demanding an end to a reliance on fossil fuels, and calling on governments of all levels to take more action to transition to cleaner renewable energy sources.
Photos posted on the BBC, show tens of thousands of people gathered in the streets of Melbourne and Sydney, and millions more in European cities such as London and Berlin. On Friday morning #ClimateStrike was trending on Twitter.
An estimated 100,000 people in Berlin on #ClimateStrike. Today is massive pic.twitter.com/kSS7NulTx0
— Brian Kahn (@blkahn) September 20, 2019
“The largest demonstration in Australian history…”#ClimateStrike pic.twitter.com/Lzgk67r2O1
— Alex Steffen (@AlexSteffen) September 20, 2019
People are taking to the streets in different parts of the world as part of a global #ClimateStrike.https://t.co/4C9gjjT3AB
— Twitter Moments UK & Ireland (@UKMoments) September 20, 2019
In New York, more than a million schoolchildren were given permission to not attend school Friday. Massive crowds also gathered in other major U.S. cities such as Philadelphia, Boston, and Portland.

In Europe, 93 per cent of Europeans see global warming as a serious problem, according to a recent survey by the European Commission.
Protests and rallies have grown in Canada as well, following a 2018 report by the UN’s IPCC Special Report on Global Warming, which found that if the global average temperate increases more than 1.5 C there will be catastrophic human suffering, increased wildfires and heat waves, drought, crop losses, disease and loss of animal species.
The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society published a position statement on the climate emergency last week, stating that it supports Canada’s Changing Climate Report, and is ready to work toward rapid decarbonization of the economy and investment in renewable-energy sources.

More: https://vancouversun.com/news/local...s-around-world-in-global-climate-strike-today


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Why is Greta Thunberg so triggering for certain men?

How can a 16-year-old girl in plaits, dedicated to trying to save the planet, inspire such incandescent rage?

Why is Greta Thunberg so triggering? How can a 16-year-old girl in plaits, who has dedicated herself to the not-exactly sinister, authoritarian plot of trying to save the planet from extinction, inspire such incandescent rage?
Last week, she tweeted that she had arrived into New York after her two week transatlantic voyage: “Finally here. Thank you everyone who came to see me off in Plymouth, and everyone who welcomed me in New York! Now I’m going to rest for a few days, and on Friday I’m going to participate in the strike outside the UN”, before promptly giving a press conference in English. Yes, her second language.

Her remarks were immediately greeted with a barrage of jibes about virtue signalling, and snide remarks about the three crew members who will have to fly out to take the yacht home.

This shouldn’t need to be spelled out, but as some people don’t seem to have grasped it yet, we’ll give it a lash: Thunberg’s trip was an act of protest, not a sacred commandment or an instruction manual for the rest of us. Like all acts of protest, it was designed to be symbolic and provocative. For those who missed the point – and oh, how they missed the point – she retweeted someone else’s “friendly reminder” that: “You don’t need to spend two weeks on a boat to do your part to avert our climate emergency. You just need to do everything you can, with everyone you can, to change everything you can.”

It is the most vicious and the most fatuous kind of playground bullying

Part of the reason she inspires such rage, of course, is blindingly obvious. Climate change is terrifying. The Amazon is burning. So too is the Savannah. Parts of the Arctic are on fire. Sea levels are rising. There are more vicious storms and wildfires and droughts and floods. Denial is easier than confronting the terrifying truth.
Then there’s the fact that we don’t like being made to feel bad about our life choices. That’s human nature. It’s why we sneer at vegans. It’s why we’re suspicious of sober people at parties. And if anything is likely to make you feel bad about your life choices -- as you jet back home after your third Ryanair European minibreak this season – it’ll be the sight of small-boned child subjecting herself to a fortnight being tossed about on the Atlantic, with only a bucket bearing a “Poo Only Please” sign by way of luxury, in order to make a point about climate change.

More: https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and...nberg-so-triggering-for-certain-men-1.4002264



Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The Misogyny of Climate Deniers

Why do right-wing men hate Greta Thunberg and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so much? Researchers have some troubling answers to that question.

Climate skeptic Bjørn Lomborg has built his global brand on keeping his cool. “Cool it,” his best-selling book told those worried about the warming planet. For some reason, however, he seems to have difficulty sticking to the blasé tone when it comes to a 16-year-old climate activist from Sweden.
Lomborg has repeatedly mocked and criticized Greta Thunberg, the prominent young activist who has been sailing across the Atlantic to attend the UN’s Youth Climate Summit and other meetings in the U.S. In June, he tweeted out a cartoon that implied Greta was only useful to climate activists because being young made her unassailable—in four years, it joked, she’d be replaced with someone younger still. Earlier in the year, he’d asked why the World Economic Forum was listening to her at all, and approvingly shared a Quillette article which called Thunberg a fanatic and “absolutist” and which argued adults had a duty to correct her childlike naiveté.
And Lomborg’s on the more civil end of Thunberg’s critics. In April, while tweeting that her policies were “unrealistic” and “costly,” he added that, “of course, she should be treated respectfully, just like all participants in the climate debate.” Several of his followers didn’t seem to care for the caveat, attacking Thunberg with comments about her age and mental health in replies.
As Thunberg approached America, she was followed by a tsunami of male rage. On her first day of sailing, a multi-millionaire Brexit activist tweeted that he wished a freak accident would destroy her boat. A conservative Australian columnist called her a “deeply disturbed messiah of the global warming movement,” while the British far-right activist David Vance attacked the “sheer petulance of this arrogant child.”
In the U.S., former Trump staffer Steve Milloy recently called Thunberg a “teenage puppet,” and claimed that “the world laughs at this Greta charade,” while a widely shared far-right meme showed Trump tipping The Statue of Liberty to crush her boat. We can expect a surge of similar attacks in the U.S. as she arrives in New York this week.
While these examples might feel like mere coincidence to some, the idea that white men would lead the attacks on Greta Thunberg is consistent with a growing body of research linking gender reactionaries to climate-denialism—some of the research coming from Thunberg’s own country. Researchers at Sweden’s Chalmers University of Technology, which recently launched the world’s first academic research center to study climate denialism, have for years been examining a link between climate deniers and the anti-feminist far-right.

Climate science, for skeptics, becomes feminized—or viewed as “oppositional to assumed entitlements of masculine primacy.”

More: https://newrepublic.com/article/154879/misogyny-climate-deniers