Why is okay for Trudeau To Be A Catholic But For Scheer It Isn't?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Snap out of it.

This thread is about blatant hypocrisy and slush fund media bias not women who make shitty mistakes or broken legs.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Snap out of it.

This thread is about blatant hypocrisy and slush fund media bias not women who make shitty mistakes or broken legs.

YOU ARE QUITE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a post commenting on the recent leaders debate.........................

that Our idiot Boy Justin ducked out of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article which FALSELY claims to dispassionately review the first leaders debate - from the evening of Sept 12,

With some comments of my own in brackets):

Three leaders serve 'baloney' at first debate while Trudeau skips out

By Joanna Smith, Cdn Press.

Sept 13, 2019

(LIE-berals have tried AND FAILED to explain that Trudope skipping a debate is no different than Stephen Harper skipping a debate and this is Fake News!! The debate Harper skipped was a carefully orchestrated LIE-beral media ambush- carefully scripted so Harper could be mobbed and attacked about his alleged “secret agenda” - in other words the “debate” would a a festival of Fake News and sleazy AND FALSE accusations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(But in the case of Our idiot Boy Justin- he simply wants to AVOID a barrage of questions regarding his apparently criminal handling of Lavalin!! And of course there are the HUGE RELATED Questions regarding Kinder Morgan and the eventual cost of the LIE-beral carbon SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So there is the comparison - Harper avoiding sleazy innuendo - with CBC later having been PROVEN to have used a FALSE legal interpretation of fair use policy to DELIBERATELY CENSOR ALL its broadcasts to cut out any pro Conservative comment - and the alternative - with Trudope wishing to AVOID REAL QUESTIONS ABOUT BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

OTTAWA — Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau skipped the Maclean's/Citytv debate Thursday night, the first of the federal election campaign, but his three main rivals took swings at his record and each other.

The Canadian Press Baloney Meter, which is a dispassionate examination of political statements culminating in a ranking of accuracy on a scale of "no baloney" to "full of baloney," reveals some of the misleading things they said.


(Jagmeet - political deadmeat is the weakest leader so we can dispose of him first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"We look at some of the decisions that (Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau) has made over the past year. He gave $14 billion away to the wealthiest corporations so they could buy corporate jets and limousines. He bought a pipeline for $4.5 billion. That's almost $20 billion that he committed to the wealthiest and the most powerful. We'd make different choices."

(Yes - an NDP govt would give away the store to union HOGS!! NDP policy is actually WORSE for ordinary people since corporations kill jobs after NDP taxes hit them - as Ontari-owe NDP premier Bob Rae PROVED!! Ordinary working people don’t get NDP gravy but they do get higher taxes- those that still have jobs anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Last November, the Liberal government unveiled a plan to help Canada compete with the United States for investment dollars.

It includes changes that would allow businesses to immediately write off the full costs of some types of equipment and machinery, as well as allow companies of all sizes, and across all sectors, to expense a larger share of new assets.

The measures, as mentioned in the 2018 fall economic statement, are expected to lower federal revenues by about $14 billion by 2024.

(Yes- LIE-berals excel at moving money around - and it is ALL BAIT AND SWITCH GARBAGE to give the illusion of govt aid!! If LIE-beral deals are so grand then why is General Motors leaving Canada- right after LIE-berals decided to forget about $2.8 Billion dollars in “un-collectable” loans formerly made to GM and Chrysler !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Christopher Ragan, an associate professor of economics at McGill University, said Singh was being misleading when he said only the rich benefit.

"There is a lot of empirical evidence across countries and across time that when you stimulate investments ... the benefit of the investment flows through to greater employment, higher wages, higher productivity," said Ragan.

(The DEVIL is in the details!! Consider the $12 million dollars that LIE-berals gave to Loblaws- our biggest and richest supermarket chain so they could buy new freezers and save on electricity costs!! This is typical LIE-beral bait and switch - the LIE-beral carbon tax SCAM drives up costs - so LIE-berals offer up cash TO A SELECT GROUP OF PALS- so they can save money at our expense!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So Loblaws employees are happy with the LIE-beral gift that helps save THEIR jobs - and the freezer makers are happy with the work - its just TO BAD about all the ordinary people who are LEFT OUT- paying BOTH higher electrical bills and higher taxes so LIE-berals can gather the gravy they need to bribe Loblaws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"It's not just about private jets and limousines," he said. "It's about driving investment in the economy, which drives growth and drives productivity."

(This is the heart of the LIE-beral problem- to much personal profit for pals and not enough fairness for ordinary people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The second part of the statement is about how the Liberal government bought the Trans Mountain pipeline project from Kinder Morgan, after political opposition to expanding the existing pipeline between Alberta and the B.C. coast gave the company and its investors cold feet.

(There is FAKE NEWS!! LIE-berals HAD APPROVED the pipeline and various community groups - including natives had reached agreement -but work was halted by a RADICAL FEW that LIE-berals REFUSED TO CONFRONT - because LIE-berals are in a vicious fight for votes with NDPers and Greenies!! LIE- berals simply could not afford to do battle with radical protestors for fear of losing desperately needed votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Trevor Tombe, an associate professor of economics at the University of Calgary, said the pipeline, if and when it is built, would shrink the difference in the price of oil from Alberta versus oil from elsewhere in the world — a gap that is caused by transportation costs.

(Another evasion of TRUTH!! Cdn oil currently sells at a steep DISCOUNT to Yankees since they are the only market Cdn oil producers can reach without a pipeline!! By building Kinder Morgan - we can ship oil out to world markets where the PRICE PAID IS MUCH HIGHER!! And there is the added advantage that much of the world would rather buy Cdn oil than oil from Iran or Russia!!!!!!)

(Cdns buy health care with oil revenue- the Russians and Iranians buy weapons so they can threaten their neighbours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Shipping the oil by rail is more expensive than by pipeline and reduces the price Alberta's oil can command.

(As mentioned -the MAIN Problem is selling only to Yankees - we get more cash in a world market and the world DOES NOT use more oil if Cdns come into the market - we merely give customers more alternative about where they buy!!!!!!!!)

"That matters, because it affects revenue to the businesses, of course, which affects their willingness to invest, which affects employment and oil production in Canada," Tombe said.

(The current LIE-beral position which involves two faced dealing with the public and oil industry is the MAJOR PROBLEM preventing investment!! LIE-berals have told us that completing Kinder Morgan is essential for the Cdn economy and they also told us they want to DESTROY the entire Cdn oil patch and push up the cost of their carbon tax SCAM so high that we never use fossil fuel ever again!! Who would invest in Cdn oil patch under such a LIE-beral hypocrite cloud??????)

It is fair for Singh to say he would make different choices about how to use federal revenues as prime minister.

(Cdn news media shows GROSS BIGOTRY for not asking point blank what Singh thinks should be done with Kinder Morgan- since he has avoided speaking directly on the subject since he became federal NPD leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

It was misleading of him to characterize the corporate tax changes and the pipeline purchase as a handout to the wealthy and powerful without acknowledging how ordinary Canadians might benefit, too.

The verdict: "Some baloney" — the statement is partly accurate but important details are missing

(TRUE DAT!! NDP skips over many details - but that is to be expected as NDPers are merely the less intelligent LIE-beral cousins - lacking in the low guile and cunning to be proper LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So naturally, you brought up broken legs. Brilliant!

Dont worry..................................

hemerHOID is a LIE-beral propaganda SCHILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has NO ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only insults!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider the CRAP LIE-berals want to hide with their Fake News:::::

Here is an article offering up a LIE-beral EXCUSE for troubles in the B.C. lumber industry!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Fewer trees, higher costs blamed for devastating downturn in B.C. forestry

From Cdn Press

Published: Sept 15, 2019.

VANCOUVER — High log prices and dwindling timber supply are driving the crisis in British Columbia's forestry industry that has devastated communities and kneecapped the provincial economy, observers say.

(And should we ask how much influence a more subdued housing industry wioth less peroduct being marketed is having? And what of the Yankee tariffs on our Softwood Lumber exports - are they having a slow down effect as well?? And what of the trade war with China - are they simply buying less as well???????????)

(Or we could look at the local Cdn market - I know SEVERAL FORMER custom furniture maker who have been PRICED OUT of our allegedly “BOOMING” economy by a combination of cheap Chinese imports and lack of customers with enough after tax income to buy anything and now they are OUT OF BIZ - not buying any lumber!! So it looks to me like the grossly indebted world is simply buying LESS WOOD??????????)

Companies have announced shutdowns or curtailments in more than two dozen mills in the province, putting hundreds out of work and slashing economic growth predictions. Advocates are calling for urgent government action to stem the bleeding.

"Something needs to change immediately or these small communities that don't have other employers are going to wither and die," said Marty Gibbons, president of United Steelworkers Local 1-417, based in Kamloops, B.C.

(Our idiot Boy Justin is to be “thanked” for creating this situation!! It was his posturing on NAFTA and on national security issues that prompted the Yankees to punish him and us with Softwood tariffs!! AS for the Chinese- there is little to be done there- the Beijing Butchers have their own agenda that involves grabbing power and resources for China - at the expense of others and we must resist the BULLIES even though it will have a cost!! Adolf Hitler taught us that if you ignore the small stuff- then you will get hit with bigger issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The local represents hundreds of forestry workers who have lost jobs in Interior communities including Merritt, Clearwater, Vavenby and Clinton.

The largest driving factor is the province's complex stumpage system that results in high fees, he said.

(OH- the forestry union is crying about the cost to feed govt gravy to civil service union HOGS!! LIE-berals NEED GRAVY to BUY votes and ALL of us ordinary people who are NOT FRIENDS of LIE-berals are expected to GIVE TILL IT HURTS - and it WILL HURT to give HOGS MOST OF their ENTITLEMENTS!!!)

"These are private businesses. If they can't turn a profit, there's no reason for them to run. Right now, it's not the markets that are the issue. It's the cost of the logs," he said.

Stumpage is a fee businesses pay when they harvest timber from Crown land. The B.C. government calculates stumpage annually, so the system is less responsive than in Alberta, where monthly adjustments are made, Gibbons said.

The Forests Ministry said stumpage fees are based on market demand and the current rates reflect the scarcity of timber supply that has resulted from the mountain pine beetle outbreak and been exacerbated by several severe fire seasons.

(And of course the LIE-beral NEED for gravy remains HIGH- with the B. C. Political scene remaining volatile - no party having a lock on the legislature and each trying to BUY as many votes as possible!! Govt survival is MORE important -to govt - than some starving wood workers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Intervention in the stumpage system would weaken the legal case in the appeals of the duties imposed by the United States on softwood lumber from Canada, the ministry said in a statement.

(Inother words it is not just local LIE-beral greed and arrogance - there is also federal LIE-beral greed and arrogance working against the forestry workers!! Our idiot Boy considers the actions that triggered the Softwood Tariffs to be a cheap way to insult the Yankees he despises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"It is well-known that any interference in B.C.'s market-based timber pricing system would lead to an increase in softwood lumber duties levied by the U.S.," it said.

Most of B.C.'s forest land is publicly owned, so companies have long-term tenure rights and the government charges them stumpage to harvest trees. In contrast, most land in the U.S. is private and companies face costs associated with replanting.

"That's what the stumpage fee is all about," explained Ken Peacock, chief economist of the Business Council of B.C. "It tries to equate, if it was privately owned, what the cost would be to operate and manage and reforest the land."

(That makes no sense since Cdn lumber companies ALSO ARE REQUIRED to plant replacement trees!! I have a nephew who made very good money at that re-planting work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Peacock said the high cost of logs is the major cause of the industry's decline in B.C. He also blamed the mountain pine beetle and record-breaking 2017 and 2018 fire seasons for decimating supply.

(There is another apparently self serving statement- the Pine Beetle has killed MANY TREES but the dead wood may still be harvested for up to seven years after the death of the trees - and B.C. appears to have flooded the market with Red Cedar that was killed by Pine Beetles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And we know there were BIG firws in B.C. but there are ALWAYS FIRES some place in B. C. So should we aks if the environmentalists are right- that B.C. is NOT harvesting in a sustainable way????????????????????)

The policies of Premier John Horgan's government are also breeding uncertainty, Peacock argued.

The government is developing a caribou habitat protection plan that the industry expects will further restrict access to northern timber, he said, and it's promised to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples without explaining how companies are meant to fulfil its requirement of "free, prior and informed consent" from First Nations.

(LIE-berals are desperate to steal as many votes as possible from NDP and Greenies so setting up Caribou habitat sounds like something all 3 parties are supporting!!!!!!)

(In related news- economists tell us that when the supply of a product is restricted- such as by putting it into no touch Caribou habitat -the price of the restricted product GOES UP- making the limited available product MORE VALUABLE!!! Why is this NOT HAPPENING with lumber?????????????????)

(A more limited product supply usually means lay offs for some workers -but why the wholesale job losses?? Unless my earlier comments about LOW SALES due to tariffs and trade war are right???????????)

The NDP government has also introduced Bill 22, which would control tenure transfers. Currently, a company that is scaling back or shutting down a mill can transfer its tenure to one that is operating, but the government wants oversight over these transfers to protect the "public interest," a term not defined in the legislation, Peacock said.

(The phrase “public interest” means politiciansreserve the right to DICTATE CHOICES- for the “public interest” which is a twisted phrase meaning “whatever is in the best political party interest”!! Forestry workers are in a job that is almost as despised by environmentalists as oil workers - with votes hanging in the balance if a party gives to much to lumber BARONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"The picture here in B.C. is we are a very high cost jurisdiction. It's actually less costly to operate in Alberta and companies can make a profit milling lumber and producing two-by-fours in Alberta."

(High cost is ALWAYS the price of strong support for LIE-berals and their less intelligent cousins of NDP and Greenies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

On top of all that, market conditions in North America are softening, he noted.

(Ah yes- softer market - meaning the economy IS NOT BOOMING as LIE-berals CLAIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Forestry is the no. 1 engine that drives B.C.'s economy with nearly $15 billion in annual exports, representing one-third of the province's international merchandise exports and the largest segment by far, said Peacock.

The Business Council of B.C. just trimmed its 2019 economic forecast in part because of the forestry downturn, from 2.2 to 2 per cent growth, he said. The B.C. government also just cut its forecast to 1.7 per cent, citing mill closures in part.

The Forests Ministry said the challenges the province is facing have been in the making for many years and the previous Liberal government ignored them and failed to help the sector and communities adapt.

(Those who think strong govt intervention is the solution to many problems- have MANY MORE problems than they realize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Think I'd rather not have been born than die of malnutrition or disease at a young age.

I think those are rather abysmal choices. If we spent one tenth as much much time, energy, and money trying to address global hunger as we do trying to control global weather the choice would be pretty easy, wouldn't it?


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
I think those are rather abysmal choices. If we spent one tenth as much much time, energy, and money trying to address global hunger as we do trying to control global weather the choice would be pretty easy, wouldn't it?
Gee. Someone else that argues with "ifs" and "maybes". If humans were not selfish, the world would be a lot better place, too. If humans weren't evolved past having the brains of sheep, the world would be better off, too. If, if, if.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Gee. Someone else that argues with "ifs" and "maybes". If humans were not selfish, the world would be a lot better place, too. If humans weren't evolved past having the brains of sheep, the world would be better off, too. If, if, if.

...If you could hold a semi-coherent argument, you might actually be taken seriously. If, if, if, indeed.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
"oh, she said something over my head. oh, waaaaaaaaaaaaahh."
You don't like what I say, don't read it.

No, I just don't speak lunatic. You started by speaking in absolutes, implying abortion is a good choice for third world populations because it's better than starving or disease. This is not a starting point for a debate, it's rhetorical delusion. The good news is there's help out there if you look for it.


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
No, I just don't speak lunatic. You started by speaking in absolutes, implying abortion is a good choice for third world populations because it's better than starving or disease. This is not a starting point for a debate, it's rhetorical delusion. The good news is there's help out there if you look for it.
Nonsense, I implied no such thing. I simply stated my choice. Delusion? So you'd rather die of malnutrition or disease than be aborted. Good for you but I don't see any delusion in either choice.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Nonsense, I implied no such thing. I simply stated my choice.

Right...the choice of "not being born" or starvation. As I said, not the most appealing of choices.

Of course, if people actually had that choice it would certainly put a new spin on the matter. but we both know this is fantasy and they don't have that choice. Gee, looks like someone else who argues with "ifs" and "maybes"....

Brilliant debating tactic, defeat yourself with your own strawman.


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
Right...the choice of "not being born" or starvation. As I said, not the most appealing of choices.

Of course, if people actually had that choice it would certainly put a new spin on the matter. but we both know this is fantasy and they don't have that choice. Gee, looks like someone else who argues with "ifs" and "maybes"....

Brilliant debating tactic, defeat yourself with your own strawman.
I rarely use "ifs" but who is perfect anyway? At least I know it isn't a realistic choice.
Kind of beside the point anyway. My point being that when people figure out that it's bad to relegate others to said life of malnutrition and disease simply to keep their pockets padded, they have no grounds to moan and groan about people that abort kids.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick