federal election


Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
Better get your eyes checked. Ellimay looks white to me.

Is "she" a guy?

It's really simple
In Justin's world, the "person" you speak of is equal and no different than the other 2 "people".....Unless Justin sees it differently, then it just makes a "person" a "groper"


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Is "she" a guy?

In Justin's world, the "person" you speak of is equal and no different than the other 2 "people".....Unless Justin sees it differently, then it just makes a "person" a "groper"
I don't know and am not willing to be the one that checks the plumbing.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I don't know and am not willing to be the one that checks the plumbing.

LIE-berals ENJOY talking about Trump...................................

because they want to AVOID talking about stuff like this::::::

Here are some fun examples of Fake News that LIE-berals don’t want us to look closely at!!!!

For MANY YEARS - LIE-berals told us that crime rates were going down - and that we did not need to hire more cops..........................

Even as our population grew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals INSISTED all was well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In light of all the recent shootings- WHEN WILL LIE-berals admit they were VERY WRONG?????????????????????

In other news, Our idiot Boy Justin tells us “we cannot arrest our way out of this crime problem”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Should we assume this is “LIE-beral speak” meaning LIE-berals INTEND TO IGNORE the violence????????????????????

Because taking ANY ACTION might cost them gravy??????????????????

Or might cost LIE-berals some ethnic votes??????????????????????/

LIE-berals insist that Andrew Scheer is some sort of closet white supremacist and they insist that Scheer is hiding views more right wing than those of the infamous Faith Goldy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet Goldy - who was fired from The Rebel Media by boss Ezra Levant - has just tweeted that Justin Trudeau ONCE BOUGHT SOME DRINKS for Goldy in a bar!

Is it not absurd- Our idiot Boy condemning white supremacists -and then BUYING DRINKS for one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it not BAD OPTICS that Ontari-owe education staff ARE PLANNING TO STRIKE - right in the middle of a federal election???

Are our civil service union HOGS SO ARROGANT they think it is a GOOD IDEA to remind Cdns of the GROSS CONFLICT OF INTEREST.....................

Between LIE-berals and HOGS???????????????????????

LIE-berals BUY HOG VOTES in a shameless violation of election bribery rules!!!

WE KNOW that if a corporate CEO told his workers “I will give you a pay raise if you vote Conservative” - then LIE-berals would scream for jail time for the CEO for offering BRIBES in exchange for votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But apparently LIE-berals are SO ENTITLED that offering HOGS pay raises in exchange for votes is ABOVE THE LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But......................isnt BEING ABOVE THE LAW exactly what got LIE-berals IN TROUBLE with Lavalin.............................

With gas plants.....................................

With Kokanee gropes......................................

With ADSCAM????????????????????????

LIE-berals are so ENTITLED they seem to think the name LIE-beral is synonymous with the word HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news......................................

LIE-berals are denouncing a web site run by a former Conservative candidate!!!!!!

And the guy is claiming that the VERY LIE-beral friendly Toronto Star newspaper is getting $115,000.00 PER WEEK from the giant media slush fund worth six hundred million dollars- that LIE-berals are offering ONLY to Cdn news media “that they trust”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals say THIS IS Fake News -Star is not getting $115 grand!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals will not say how much Toronto Red Star is REALLY getting!!!!!!!

Is Toronto star getting MORE than $115 grand per week?????????????????

LIE-beral friendly Cdn news media- meaning the people getting a share of the LIE-beral six hundred million dollar slush fund that LIE-berals are handing out to “news media that they trust” .........................................

meaning people who give LIE-berals good press.....................................

are claiming that Our idiot Boy Justin is no different in ducking televised election debate that Stephen Harper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS LIE-beral FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stephen Harper avoided televised debates because they were political ambushes set up by LIE-beral friendly media - that LIE-berals trusted- to slander and smear Harper about his ALLEGED SECRET AGENDA - that has NEVER APPEARED!!!!!!!!

BUT Our idiot Boy Justin is avoiding televised political debate because there is NO WAY that LIE-beral friendly media -that LIE-berals trust - can protect him from REAL QUESTIONS on his record as PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral trusted media cannot deny questions about the over $100 BILLION dollars of new debt -of which over $12 billion is for recently made campaign promises- that Trudope has already run up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor can that trusted media protect Trudope from hard questions about how much new debt he will dump on us if he is re-elected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor can trusted news media protect Trudope from hard questions about how high he will drive the carbon tax SCAM after LIE-berals drive us full tilt into the debt wall and we are forced by international bankers to START paying back what we owe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have said before that the Trudope LIE-beral plan to make us rich with borrowed money is nothing more than a COSTLY replay of the Ontari-owe premier Bob Rae/NDP plan to make Ontari-owe rich with borrowed money!!!!!

Rae and NDP succeeded ONLY in doubling the Ontari-owe debt -and making such a MESS that Ontari-owe civil service union HOGS were FORCED HOME for UNPAID DAYS OFF WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The NOTORIOUS RAE DAYS - those once a week days off killed 20 percent of the average HOG income - and prompted the election of Mike Harris to clean up the mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now we have Our idiot Boy and loser LIE-berals running up over $100 billion dollars in new debt IN FOUR YEARS - while at the same time- trying desperately to KILL OFF the highly profitable Cdn oil patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals tell us “our economy is BOOMING”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if we are doing so well- then WHY CANT WE PAY OUR BILLS????????????

If we are doing so well then why are so many kids unable to live independently of their parents?????????????????????

ARE we witnessing an epic taxing and looting of the general public so LIE-berals cna BUY VOTE from HOGS and other special interest groups -so LIE-berals can cling to power at ANY PRICE???????????????????

Nor can trusted LIE-beral media protect Trudope from hard questions about his dangerous tampering with the jury selection process that is being exploited by dangerous criminals to argue they need a new and MORE FAIR trial- that will let them off the hook for crimes committed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE have only to listen to the argument put up by the two convicted terrorists who wanted to derail a Via Passenger train full of people - sending it crashing off the 40 metre high Highland Creek Bridge to realize LIE-beral tampering with jury selection is giving thugs a get out of jail free card”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals DO NOT CARE that the reason the two terrorists DID NOT SPEAK or participate in their first trial is because the terrorists DENY the authority of Cdn govt to judge them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The two terrorists DENY they got a fair trial because the jury was NOT COMPOSED of their peers - it had only ordinary Cdns on the jury!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now- SHOULD WE NOT ASK JUST WHO the two terrorists WOULD CONSIDER AS being worthy of being their “PEERS” and of judging them????????????????????

Shall we GUESS that the only people that convicted terrorists consider to “be their peers” ARE OTHER TERRORISTS??????????????

In summer 2017, LIE-berals RELEASED SEVEN accused KILLERS - claiming they could not provide trials in reasonable time frame and thus the rights of the killers would be violated - so the killers were set free and the DEAD VICTIMS were FORGOTTEN- because LIE-berals need THEIR GRAVY for other things than legal wrangling!!!!!!!!!!

In Ontari-owe - Wynne-bag LIE-berals ALSO RELEASED WITHOUT TRIAL- 4 men accused in various frauds who allegedly STOLE $45 million dollars from us!!

But LIE-beral courts were to BUSY to bother trying the fraud artists who had set up various COMPLEX scams so THEY ALSO were set free......................and the people who were CHEATED............WERE FORGOTTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This patern of LIE-beral indiffernce to white collar crime dates back to prime ministers Pierre Trudeau and Chretien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

In the late 1980`s - as Canada was enduring a wave of bank and mortgage frauds - the Calgary chief of Police appeared on the news and told us: “ it is now the policy of the Calgary Police NOT TO BOTHER investigating cases of mortgage fraud”!!!

The Chief was ENRAGED that bank officials had been so UNCOOPERATIVE with cops during previous fraud investigations that he decided his cops had better things to do than argue with banks who considered fraud to be the cost of doing biz in Canada -and TOO BAD about the victms who had their identity STOLEN by fraud artists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now Canada has become the money laundering capitol of the world!!!!!!!!!!!

Thieves from all over the world are DELIGHTED that LIE-berals giver them such opportunities to PROFIT from Cdn LIE-beral catch and release legal CRAP!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
many people were upset that Justine called the election on patriot day. what was the latest date that the election could have been called?
Anyone who’s upset about the day the election is called is a snowflake.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC