CDN Election 2019


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
“The Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship ... because I do,” Trudeau told a Winnipeg town hall in July. “And I'm willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that. He added: “As soon as you make citizenship for some Canadians conditional on good behaviour, you devalue citizenship for everyone.”


In Sunday's statement, Goodale's office said..."There is no legal obligation to facilitate their return," the statement read. "We are not able to comment on specific cases or national security operational matters."

Looks like Trudeau needs to educate Goodale on the new Liberal virtues. Goodale needs to stop "devaluing Canadian citizenship for everyone" with his crazy notions of keeping dangerous ISIS terrorists out of our country.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

And did you notice just how MUCH LIE-beral BRIBERY..............................

IS ABSOLUTELY DEPENDENT on the LIE-beral .............................

carbon crap and trade tax SCAM?????????????????????????????????

Just how STUPID do people have to be to get excited.........................

over being bribed with their own money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The Upcoming Canadian Leaders' Debate Will Be Led By An All Female Panel

Today the moderators for the federal election leaders' debate were announced and it's packing a lot of woman power. The all-female panel includes five Canadian journalists who will each lead a specific section of the debate. However, the reaction to the announcement has been all over the place.
The leaders debate takes place in the lead up to the Canadian federal election. All five of the political party leaders who were invited to the official debates, both in English and French, have confirmed their attendance.
The English debate is set for Oct. 7 and will be led by Althia Raj (HuffPost Canada), Susan Delacourt (Toronto Star), Rosemary Barton (CBC News), Dawna Friesen (Global News) and Lisa LaFlamme (CTV News).

Who knew the announcement of moderators for an election debate could stir up so much controversy, though? In fact, after the recent news, the reaction to the list of moderators has been quite mixed.
Some Canadians are absolutely loving the fact that panel this year is made up of all women.

Many tweets to read in the article

In the midst of reaction to who the moderators are, some can't help but call into question the legitimacy of the whole debate entirely. This comes as Maxime Bernier, leader of People's Party of Canada, wasn't invited.
Last week the Leaders’ Debates Commission announced that Bernier's People's Party of Canada had not been cleared to debate because it didn't meet the criteria to participate.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Perhaps we should be discussing a couple of issues


to this panel selection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firstly -there is STRONG REASON TO BELIEVE..........................................

that the panel was selected ONLY FROM Cdn NEWS MEDIA....................................

THAT LIE-berals TRUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meaning that virtually ALL the women represent media outlets that..................................

ARE RECEIVING A BIG CHUNK...........................................

of that SIX HUNDRED MILLION DOLLAR LIE-beral media SLUSH FUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thus qe should STRONGLY QUESTION their ability to be impartial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next we should ask if the Panel will continue the CBC policy................................................

of DELIBERATELY CENSORING Conservative views and values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the 2015 election campaign.....................................

CBC used a DELIBERATELY DISTORTED VERSION.........................................

of FAIR USE POLICY..........................................

to ILLEGITIMATELY REFUSE to air various Conservative views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Fair Use Policy is designed to ENSURE that the public.................................

SHOULD GET as fully informed about election issues as possible...............................

meaning that a controversial statement could not HIDE behind copyright laws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet LIE-beral loving CBC media whores have sold out Cdns by DELIBERATELY HIDING Conservative views in the past!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will media whores do the same in this election?????????????????????????????????

In related news...........................

our media whores have already decreed that Maxime Bernier..............................

WILL NOT BE ALLOWED INTO THE DEBATE..............................

apparently because he is too Conservative???????????????????????????????????


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Calling out Andrew Scheer's religious extremism

With an election on the way it needs to be asked whether the man who wants to be prime minister really does believe that LGBTQ people are disordered and immoral

Once again Andrew Scheer, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the man who wants to be the country’s next prime minister, has refused to participate in Toronto's annual Pride parade. It’s the third year in a row that Scheer has declined.
At a time when homophobic violence and abuse has seen a tragic upturn in the west (including Canada) – and when homosexuality is still considered a crime punishable by imprisonment or even execution in numerous countries – the reasons Scheer has offered for his absence have varied. But none have been credible.
There are, of course, a loud number of social conservatives in his party base, but they certainly don’t form a majority, and within the parliamentary caucus leading figures such as Lisa Raitt attended this year's parade.
But even Conservative MPs that are genuinely supportive of the LGBTQ community are prepared to defend their leader because defeating Justin Trudeau is paramount. It’s why we see them performing intellectual contortions to justify why their man clearly does not like Pride.
Scheer will never state his genuine reasons for boycotting what has become a most important symbol of inclusion in contemporary Canada, because he doesn't want to be labelled a religious extremist.
But the reality is that Scheer's conservative Roman Catholic views inform most of his ideas on issues of life and sexuality.
The catechism of the Roman Catholic church teaches that “homosexual acts” are “intrinsically immoral and contrary to the natural law”, and that even such tendencies are “objectively disordered.” In other words, those in same-sex relationships are immoral and unnatural, and even those who are gay but celibate are disordered, which would include the majority of Catholic clergy.
The vast majority of Canadian Catholics, a religion that makes up more than 40 per cent of the country’s population, reject these teachings. Such is the case with Trudeau, for example, who still regards himself as Catholic, as was his father, who was profoundly influenced by his faith but also introduced much of Canada’s first socially liberal legislation.
The issue is one of interpretation, but Scheer is on the orthodox right of his church. This is why he voted against equal marriage when Catholic prime minister Paul Martin led the campaign to introduce it in 2005.
The same applies to Scheer’s approach to abortion and to assisted dying, both considered anathema by the church.
Indeed, when the anti-choice organization RightNow heard of Scheer’s surprise victory in the Conservative leadership race, they celebrated with a thank you in their newsletter to all the volunteers "who worked tirelessly selling memberships."
They knew the man, knew his father (the Catholic deacon), knew that he voted against Bill C-16, which added "gender expression or identity" as a protection in the Canadian Human Rights Act – and knew that in Saskatchewan where he is MP for Regina-Qu’Appelle, opposition to abortion and LGBTQ rights is acceptable.
So Scheer obfuscates and pretends.
For Stephen Harper, who contrary to what most people believe was not especially religious, this was far less of an issue. For Doug Ford in Ontario it’s even less relevant – he may not be comfortable at Pride, but his philosophy is rooted in the 1950s suburbs rather than in Catholic natural law theory.
With an election on the way, Scheer has tried to paint himself as more of a moderate. It remains to be seen whether journalists will ask whether the man who wants to be prime minister really does believe that LGBTQ people are disordered and immoral, and whether he does think that a woman’s right to choose is akin to murder.
This will be more challenging than commenting on Trudeau’s socks, and will likely see the Conservative spin machine respond with accusations of religious intolerance. To a truly robust media that shouldn’t matter.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Calling out Andrew Scheer's religious extremism

With an election on the way it needs to be asked whether the man who wants to be prime minister really does believe that LGBTQ people are disordered and immoral

What prevents them from being immoral anymore than heterosexuals?


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Calling out Andrew Scheer's religious extremism
With an election on the way it needs to be asked whether the man who wants to be prime minister really does believe that LGBTQ people are disordered and immoral
Once again Andrew Scheer, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the man who wants to be the country’s next prime minister, has refused to participate in Toronto's annual Pride parade. It’s the third year in a row that Scheer has declined.
At a time when homophobic violence and abuse has seen a tragic upturn in the west (including Canada) – and when homosexuality is still considered a crime punishable by imprisonment or even execution in numerous countries – the reasons Scheer has offered for his absence have varied. But none have been credible.
There are, of course, a loud number of social conservatives in his party base, but they certainly don’t form a majority, and within the parliamentary caucus leading figures such as Lisa Raitt attended this year's parade.
But even Conservative MPs that are genuinely supportive of the LGBTQ community are prepared to defend their leader because defeating Justin Trudeau is paramount. It’s why we see them performing intellectual contortions to justify why their man clearly does not like Pride.
Scheer will never state his genuine reasons for boycotting what has become a most important symbol of inclusion in contemporary Canada, because he doesn't want to be labelled a religious extremist.
But the reality is that Scheer's conservative Roman Catholic views inform most of his ideas on issues of life and sexuality.
The catechism of the Roman Catholic church teaches that “homosexual acts” are “intrinsically immoral and contrary to the natural law”, and that even such tendencies are “objectively disordered.” In other words, those in same-sex relationships are immoral and unnatural, and even those who are gay but celibate are disordered, which would include the majority of Catholic clergy.
The vast majority of Canadian Catholics, a religion that makes up more than 40 per cent of the country’s population, reject these teachings. Such is the case with Trudeau, for example, who still regards himself as Catholic, as was his father, who was profoundly influenced by his faith but also introduced much of Canada’s first socially liberal legislation.
The issue is one of interpretation, but Scheer is on the orthodox right of his church. This is why he voted against equal marriage when Catholic prime minister Paul Martin led the campaign to introduce it in 2005.
The same applies to Scheer’s approach to abortion and to assisted dying, both considered anathema by the church.
Indeed, when the anti-choice organization RightNow heard of Scheer’s surprise victory in the Conservative leadership race, they celebrated with a thank you in their newsletter to all the volunteers "who worked tirelessly selling memberships."
They knew the man, knew his father (the Catholic deacon), knew that he voted against Bill C-16, which added "gender expression or identity" as a protection in the Canadian Human Rights Act – and knew that in Saskatchewan where he is MP for Regina-Qu’Appelle, opposition to abortion and LGBTQ rights is acceptable.
So Scheer obfuscates and pretends.
For Stephen Harper, who contrary to what most people believe was not especially religious, this was far less of an issue. For Doug Ford in Ontario it’s even less relevant – he may not be comfortable at Pride, but his philosophy is rooted in the 1950s suburbs rather than in Catholic natural law theory.
With an election on the way, Scheer has tried to paint himself as more of a moderate. It remains to be seen whether journalists will ask whether the man who wants to be prime minister really does believe that LGBTQ people are disordered and immoral, and whether he does think that a woman’s right to choose is akin to murder.
This will be more challenging than commenting on Trudeau’s socks, and will likely see the Conservative spin machine respond with accusations of religious intolerance. To a truly robust media that shouldn’t matter.

Cliffy, what are you suggesting here? Are you saying 'don't vote sheer because of his religion"? how is that Canadian?

Judging any person based on their religion would be a bad idea. Even someone that identifies themself as a catholic or a muslim would get criticized.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
religious extremists have no place in politics.

go grab a pulpit.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
religious extremists have no place in politics.

go grab a pulpit.
What about the religion of Gaia . No environmental extremist has a place in politics . How about those who have other extreme positions , like tough on crime or immigration ?