ABEXIT - is it time for Alberta to think about leaving Canada?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
explain that to the nutjobs
It's so unfair!!!

That and the planet spinning in the wrong direction, thus giving them election results before they've finished voting.


So unfair!!

Why doesn't Trudeau DO something about it!!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
its really just the same old white natty crybabies.

there is no tangible reason to separate - if there was I would have heard about it by now.
The stories not making the headlines:

SNC-Lavalin investors hit with $5.2-billion stock wipeout, widened bond spread

The stock fell to a 15-year low, bringing the year-to-date plunge to 65 per cent

SNC-Lavalin's headquarters in Montreal.


Court clears path for SNC-Lavalin to close $3.25B sale of stake in Hwy. 407

Cintra – a subsidiary of Spanish multinational Ferrovial S.A. had claimed OMERS is a competitor and does not fall within the waiver’s exception for financial investors. The Ontario pension fund company holds a 65 per cent interest in the corporation that manages the Confederation Bridge toll road and made up part of the consortia on various road projects including B.C.’s Sea to Sky Highway.
Analyst Derek Spronck of RBC Dominion Securities framed the pending sale to the CPPIB “positively…as it improves visibility around the timeliness of the company’s deleveraging plans.”
Highway 407 was privatized under former premier Mike Harris’s Progressive Conservative government in 1998, when SNC-Lavalin scooped up an initial 22.6 per cent stake.

Sintra in Canada owns Canada Cement and the HQ is France, JT's dad owns a lot of share in the parent company, Coalas, there is a 3-card Monty being played to hide the monopoly aspect


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Still waiting for a single substantive reason for Alberta separation.

If they had one there would be a separatist movement in Alberta - which there is not.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
A Brief Look at Indian Hospitals in Canada

June 03, 2017

We would like to acknowledge that this article was framed from the research and writing of authors Maureen Lux (Separate Beds A History of Indian Hospitals in Canada, 1920s - 1980s) and Gary Geddes (Medicine Unbundled A Journey Through the Minefields of Indigenous Health Care).
In this article we use 'Indian' as that was the term used at the time. For information on appropriate terminology, download our free ebook “Indigenous Peoples: A Guide to Terminology.

The history of Indian hospitals (1920s - 1980s) in Canada is not as well known as that of residential schools but is as horrific in both its actions and the implication of those actions. This aspect of Canadian history shows that care for the health of Indians was never a priority and never on par with the care available for Europeans. Health care for Indians, such as it was, was motivated by a number of factors that range from keeping as many patients 'interned' as possible to maintain government funding, to ensure a steady number of subjects for medical and nutritional experiments, and to ensure that the European population was protected from exposure to 'Indian tuberculosis.'
"Repeatedly referring to the disease as “Indian tuberculosis,” a common practice among bureaucrats and the medical professionals in the Canadian Tuberculosis Association, was tantamount to racial profiling, and indeed pathologized the very notion of Indianness.” [1]
Segregated medical treatment for Indian patients was the norm in community hospitals where they were treated in the basement or 'Indian annexes' but the outbreak of tuberculosis (TB) introduced segregation on a larger scale.
“Death rates in the 1930s and 1940s were in excess of 700 deaths per 100,000 persons, among the highest ever reported in a human population…..Tragically, TB death rates among children in residential schools were even worse.” [2]
It is important to understand the symbiotic connection between the high incidence of TB in Indians and residential schools. Many of the residential schools, with the overcrowding, malnutrition, and lack of heat were fertile sites for the rampant spread of the highly communicable tuberculosis virus. Children who became infected were sent to the Indian hospitals, and when they showed signs of recovery, were sent back to the residential school. This mutually beneficial arrangement maintained the numbers and funding of both organizations.
Just as it was legal, under the Indian Act, to apprehend Indian children and put them in segregated (residential) schools it was legal to apprehend Indians suspected of having TB and quarantine them. Interestingly, that part of the Act remains today.
“Not yet having achieved the status of “persons,” never mind citizens of Canada, they were susceptible to quarantine or incarceration at the whim of doctors, Indian agents, or government officials. Declaring individuals contagious was a good means of control, keeping them out of trouble or out of circulation while the task of clearing the land was underway.” [3]
In some centres, the local doctor was also the Indian agent.
(in part)
Health Canada is neck deep in why the health conditions have bee so bad for 7 decades. The Schools and Hospitals were forced to shut down rather than they did it on their own. The same types of experiments are still being applied to remote villages and prisoners in remote locations so they are hiding their tracks better rather than there has been any kindness extended to the lab-rats.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Still waiting for a single substantive reason for Alberta separation.
If they had one there would be a separatist movement in Alberta - which there is not.
There are maybe ten REALLY PISSED OFF ultra right Libertarians who are pissed off at everything on here and there is no helping them, short of allowing them to own assault rifles with those big Russian banana magazines (to feed their families, don't you know).

That will make it all better for about fifteen minutes.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
One question I have is does AB have enough commodities to be able to trade for the ones they don't have?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Such are the perils of global warming
Your AC break down??

Ethiopia is going to plant 3B tress, go green. Should we sell them seedlings before we tell them they need to water each one weekly? Maybe sell them a million old tires so they can start slowing down the water that does fall. All the cities are digging big holes in case of flash floods, I suppose a valve could be closed when it is full.

Bibi said he has a line on hose used in drip irrigation. Maybe start fruit bearing small bushes along the creeks and grass from there until it meets more grass.

Call me in a few 100 years if you are stuck when you get to that point.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
One question I have is does AB have enough commodities to be able to trade for the ones they don't have?
If BC doesn't allow them to transit their land with a pipeline, the oil continues to go South, except that the Americans will not stand for any sort of surcharge from Alberta, slapped on it. So they will get less for their oil, less political clout as a 51st and not particularly rich, powerful nor populace state.

I can hear the complaining, already. "It's so unfair! It's our Right to be rich!"


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
there is no plan and there is no movement

its just the usual white natty bullshit

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The ice cap is advancing, remember? Besides, Alberta has no sea shore and, amazingly, neither does Saskatchewan. If Manitoba signs on to your new republic, they may have trouble accessing their Hudson Bay port and acess to Churchill might be contingent on the good will of a wounded and angry Canada allowing access to it through Candian waters. That mighty Albertan Navy will come to the rescue!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You think NWT and YT are are going to give up such a huge opportunity?

Ever heard of Seattle? Far bigger port than Vancouver.

We'll take a couple of ice breakers we bought with us.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
We would have way too many white collar workers for the type of hiring that would be going on. Cut along present borders and exports staying the same but imports would be good that are sanctioned so we would be looking at black market prices or we would have to start doing things 'in house'. Clear plastic and south facing slopes would make ideal green houses, the steeper the better so river banks could now be growing 12/12 and the herbs that are trucked in now would be supplied in abundance by each center. We have too much canola and wheat and not enough in ground crops (avoid starvation) and utility crops, like hemp and flax.
A small NG turbine to spin gensets as residential sees 12V being the core voltage and each place producing its own power needs and industrial centers have workers live on site.
Bottled NG would be as common as bottled water once it is made into a hydrate for portable uses.
Rather than left to our own devices we would be treated like Cuba since 1960, they have no regrets even with the sanctions being very successful.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Quebec and American FNs signed Treaties with Queen Vic claiming land that was never theirs to begin with.

Treaty 4 is a farce.