
Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
While suicide remains a rare event among U.S. troops, 325 active-duty members died by suicide in 2018, the highest number since the Defense Department began collecting the data in 2001 and exceeding a record set in 2012.
According to a report released this week by the Defense Suicide Prevention Office, 139 active-duty soldiers, 68 sailors, 60 airmen and 58 Marines died by suicide last year, 40 more service members than the previous year.
The figure is higher than the sum of deaths reported by the individual services in January -- the result of continued death investigations -- and tragically exceeds the previous record of 321 in 2012.
For three of the services, the numbers represent an increase over the previous year. The Army in 2017 saw 114 deaths by suicide, the Navy, 65, and the Marine Corps, 43. Only the Air Force saw a decline in suicide from the previous year. In 2017, it had 63.
Earlier this year, Defense Department officials said the rates of suicide, which provide a more accurate understanding of the occurrence among the military population, are "devastating and unacceptable and not going in the desired direction."
"My colleagues and I know that every single life lost is a tragedy and each one has a deeply personal story. With each death, we know there are families and often children with shattered lives," Elizabeth Van Winkle, Director of the DoD’s Office of Force Resiliency, told members of
Congress during a joint hearing on veterans and military suicide May 21.
Related: Air Force to Pause Operations After a Spike in Suicides
The military deaths reflect a national trend. In the U.S. the suicide rate has increased by 33% since 1999, and suicide is the second leading cause of death among people 10 to 34 years old.
The Defense and Veterans Affairs Departments have collaborated on efforts to reduce suicide in the ranks and among veterans, who die by suicide at an average rate of 20 a day. The Defense Department is preparing to issue a comprehensive report on military suicides this summer, and the two departments are gearing up for a joint conference on suicide, scheduled to be held in Nashville this August.
An analysis of Defense Department suicides in 2017 published this year found that roughly half of those who completed suicide that year had a known mental health condition and half had contact with the military health system within 90 days of their deaths.
Most were male (95%) and white (81%) and more than half had a history of deployment (57%).
According to the report, the suicide rate in 2017 among active duty troops was 21.9 deaths per 100,000 members, a slight uptick from the 2016 rate of 21.5 per 100,000, but not considered a "statistically significant" increase.
The age-adjusted civilian rate, which includes American civilians and service members, is 17.4 deaths per 100,000.
The year-end figures for 2018 showed a drop in suicides in the Reserve component, from 226 in 2017 to 216 in 2018. There were two more deaths among National Guard members in 2018 from the previous year, 135 up from 133.
The National Guard continues to have the highest rate of suicide among components, at 29.1 suicides per 100,000 people.
In addition to publishing the data for 2018, the Defense Suicide Prevention Office released information on the number of suicides by military personnel in the first quarter of 2019. From January through March, 90 active duty service members died by suicide, including 30 soldiers, 20 sailors, 26 airmen and 14 Marines.
In the same time frame in 2018, 81 service members died by suicide: 36 soldiers, 23 sailors, 9 airmen and 13 Marines.
Van Winkle said each loss “reverberates beyond the unit, beyond the commander and beyond the service” and the Defense Department and services remain committed to the well-being of service members.
“We must meet that sacred obligation because we need each and every woman and man who bravely signs up to fight for this nation,” she said.
The Coast Guard, which is in the Department of Homeland Security, does not publish its suicide data and has not provided the information despite multiple requests from Military.com.
An unverified list posted online by a Coast Guard veteran who walks to support suicide awareness and prevention said at least four Coast Guard men and women died by suicide in 2018.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Perhaps it has something to do with the military itself being in direct opposition to the sanctity of life.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I can see it being an issue for those who are or were deployed at some point during their service. For the rest, there's any number of factors. First off the rate is about 4.5% higher than in the civilian population. I'd like to see what the difference is in the rates when factoring out those who saw deployment. If we're talking less than 2% then I'd say there's nothing abnormal in the stats. If the bulk of the difference is a result of those who have been deployed, then the numbers at least make sense. Doesn't mean they're acceptable but considering what they may have seen, done, smelled etc, it sadly would not be surprising.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Perhaps it has something to do with the military itself being in direct opposition to the sanctity of life.
No, the problem is genocidal racists for pay such as yourself.

Once the troops find out what they have done is in the name of YOU two bit criminal nazicommieglobalists, and that they have been totally lied to morally, they have no choice because they were once good upstanding people whom YOU have corrupted, obviously having overpowering consciences, they commit suicide.

Too bad you in the propaganda machine don't do the same when you always lose.
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Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
I wonder if U.S. soldiers killing people, realise
"bug splats have children too"
War for profit isn't fun?
Light bulb moment?
The American Way is destroying the world?
They finally get it that they are the bad guys?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The suicide rate among Canadian vets is very high, too. I guess that what you saw in combat never goes away until you do.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
An analysis of Defense Department suicides in 2017 published this year found that roughly half of those who completed suicide that year had a known mental health condition and half had contact with the military health system within 90 days of their deaths.

I think this explains it.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
While suicide remains a rare event among U.S. troops, 325 active-duty members died by suicide in 2018, the highest number since the Defense Department began collecting the data in 2001 and exceeding a record set in 2012.

Extremely rare and a new record, . . only in America.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Stock market crashes linked to higher rates of suicide – new research

Writing in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash, New York Times columnist Will Rodgers commented that the level of panic was such that it induced a spate of suicide among traders. Although stories of increased rates of suicide in the aftermath of a financial meltdown are deeply ingrained in the folklore of finance, until now these have not been investigated empirically.
Our new international study for the first time looks at the relationship between stock market fluctuations and the rate of suicides among the general population. The financial fortunes of many of us are tied in some way to the markets either directly through our investments or indirectly through our pension funds. Therefore, when markets collapse, the effects can reverberate through the whole of society.
Our findings suggest that suicides increase both in years of significant stock index decline and in the year that follows it. This prolonged reaction suggests that it may be possible to use stock market indicators to predict how likely it is that more people will kill themselves in the months following a crash. This introduces the possibility of rolling out successful preventative measures.
These conclusions are based on a sample of 36 countries spanning several decades and account for the other known socioeconomic drivers of suicide. We also found that the tendency to take one’s own life following stock market losses affects both men and women alike.
In our study, we performed a simulation based on our model to estimate the number of lives lost in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. It appears that there were an additional 6,566 suicides across our sample nations in the 2008-09 period that were a direct consequence of the rapid decline of equity values. This estimate is disturbingly high, especially considering that it exceeds the sum total of the number of 9/11 victims and casualties of coalition forces in Afghanistan since the invasion in 2001.
Money, happiness and mental health

The question over whether money can buy happiness has long perplexed researchers and the answers proffered are not necessarily straightforward. The literature has coalesced around the view that people living in more affluent economies experience higher levels of happiness. But it is observed that over time the contentment of the general public has not changed much despite rising GDP levels, a phenomenon referred to in economics as the Easterlin paradox.
British lottery winners, for example, tend to report a greater sense of mental well-being, suggesting that there could be a link between affluence and emotional state. The effect of the windfall does, however, lead to an increased consumption of alcohol and engagement in other risky behaviours, which to some extent may offset any potential health benefits.
Does money make you happy? Minerva Studio / shutterstock.com Other research has focused on the 2008 financial crisis and its impact on general health levels. Declining house prices which often fell below the value of outstanding mortgages significantly intensified psychological distress for homeowners. This was reflected in a higher incidence of depression and an increased use of medications to treat it.
One might suggest that a wide range of factors beyond financial difficulties could be responsible for a higher suicide rate. It is well known that there is a link between suicide risk and social factors such as a lack of family stability, alcoholism or even population density. In terms of economic factors, the most pertinent determinants are unemployment, falling GDP, high inflation and the extent to which women participate in the labour force.

Next crash, capitalists can show the children what to do.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Perhaps it has something to do with the military itself being in direct opposition to the sanctity of life.

Or perhaps it is something to do with LIE-beral handling of the economy???????????????????????

With the army being the TRADITIONAL LAST REFUGE of a young person..............................

who could not get any other job????????????????????????????

And the prospect of living life as a SOLDIER..............

DESPISED BY LIE-berals........................

is DEPRESSING??????????????????????

Here is an article asking a question LIE-berals will not like! With some comments of my own in brackets):

From: National Post.

Why do we have high youth unemployment concurrent with a national labour shortage?

Job vacancies are on the rise in agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, and in jobs such as plumbing, mechanics and electricians. It's time high schools starting teaching and promoting their value: CFIB

Special to Financial Post

By Ryan Mallough and Emilie Hayes

October 11, 2018. 9:16 AM EDT. Last Updated October 12, 2018, 5:41 PM EDT

Filed under: Entrepreneur

In addition to being blamed for the demise of various industries, from diamonds to cereal, young people are often featured in stories about our struggles in the job market. Over the past two decades, there has been virtually no closing the gap between the youth unemployment rate and the general unemployment rate. Too often our governments focus on the “jobs of tomorrow” when looking at the youth employment issue; from hackathons to superclusters, policy decisions are being driven by “What do we need next?” instead of “What do we need now?”

(The harsh reality, as a succession of Socialist govts have proven- is that Socialist minded LIE-berals CANNOT plan our economy and command it to appear in a way and at a time and at a price that suits them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

While youth struggle to find jobs, small businesses are currently going through a significant labour shortage across the country, with nearly 400,000 jobs left unfilled. It’s no surprise that small business owners say this is the top reason they can’t grow their business.

(LIE-berals are focused on wringing the maximum tax revenue out of our economy- while retaining the maximum number of votes by use of Fake News!!!!! Consideration of what kids need- especially since so few kids vote and thus disqualify themselves from political consideration- is NOT on the LIE-beral radar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The worry around labour shortages is particularly significant in the skilled trades. Our own data shows that half of construction businesses are already concerned about the availability of labour. On top of an already bad situation, the Canadian Construction Association is predicting that Canada is due to lose nearly a quarter-million construction workers in the next decade due to retirement. The workforce coming up to replace them is less than half that number.

(Kids are already gun shy about skilled trades- mainly because so many unions regard kids who are desperate for work- as CASH COWS to be milked OF UNION dues- WITHOUT REGARD to the available union jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(All manner of machinists and pipe fitters and electricians and plumbers are looking at a VAST REDUCTION in available work!! The LIE-beral disdain for heavy industry means there is LITTLE NEED for staff to build and maintain factories and other large industrial facilities!! Thus there is not enough work for existing union workers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Governments at every level have made significant political hay of the country’s crumbling infrastructure and promised billions of dollars in upgrades from new housing projects and transit systems to bridge, road and sewer repairs.

But who will be there to build it?

(LIE-berals are really making plans to ensure that we WILL NOT NEED major improvements to roads and bridges!! LIE-berals want us OFF the roads- meaning NO MORE DRIVING for ordinary citizens so that will reduce the wear and tear on various pieces of infrstructure that will result in substantial savings in gravy for always GREEDY LIE-berals and their pals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And that’s just one sector of our economy. According to CFIB’s latest data, job vacancies are on the rise in agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, hospitality and such personal services as plumbing, mechanics and electricians.

(LIE-berals estimate that well over 80 percent of home renovation work is done “under the table” - FOR CASH!! Our kids DO NOT want to become FLY BY NIGHT contractors - in competition from contractor immigrants from third world countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Generally contractors from the third world face deportation back home if they are caught!! Our kids face financial RUIN of they are caught!! It is easier for people using fake papers to HIDE resources than it is for our fully documented KIDS!!!!!)

Part of the problem is that these career paths aren’t promoted to high school students, or worse, they are presented as somehow being less prestigious than white collar work. The truth is, these are often well-paying, middle-class jobs and our schools do us all a disservice by overlooking them. Looking back to our own days in high school, not too long ago, students who did well academically were pushed towards getting a university degree. No one really told us that colleges are an excellent option or that you could have a meaningful, challenging career in the skilled trades.

(Kids are LEARY of blue collar work as such work options will FADE as they get older!! The employer wants fresh, energetic faces that do NOT already have bad backs!! Too many of our kids have blue collar parents who got LAID OFF once they got to a certain age!! The kids deem white collar work to be STEADIER and more reliable employment in the long term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Academic knowledge is only part of the equation. In fact, employers actually rate it last in terms of what they look for when hiring young people, far behind soft skills, such as motivation, a good attitude, communication skills, professionalism and problem solving.

It is time for our educational institutions and governments to step up.

More than half of small business owners are unsatisfied with the job high schools are doing in preparing young people for employment, and only 37 per cent have a positive view of the job universities are doing. Curriculums need to be updated to reflect the realities of the workplace, which sectors have the highest demand, and to emphasize soft skills as well as the basic skills necessary to finding employment, including interviewing, networking and writing a resume or cover letter.

(How absurd!! Too many biz owners are scorning our kids because they NEED to make decent money in order to pay student debts!! Employers are NOT REALLY angry with kids so much as at the TEACHER HOGS who are grabbing gravy from our kids and forcing kids to chase BIG MONEY - that employers do not want to pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In addition- LIE-berals conveniently IGNORE how many jobs are now set up as PERMANENT evening or night time shifts and our kids do not wish to keep vampire hours- especially considering the difficulty of traveling late in the evening after public transit is either reduced or closed down for the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

More than half of small business owners are unsatisfied with the job high schools are doing in preparing young people for employment; only 37% have a positive view of the job universities are doing.

(And a good many employers are PISSED that kids do not own cars and thus CANNOT appear on demand whenever called in for a McJob!! It is Catch 22- kids cannot afford cars because of low wages and cannot afford to move to an apt near a job due to high rents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The typical kid must find a starter job NEAR THE PARENTS RESIDENCE since traveling any real distance on our overloaded transit system is hugely time consuming- so much so that kids often CANNOT either start work or get home again to suit the employer!! A kid in our neighbourhood had regular arguments with his boss as he often had to cut short his evening shifts to CATCH THE LAST BUS HOME!! LIE-beral refusal to build new transit and expand travel options is a MUCH BIGGER IMPEDIMENT to employment than LIE-berals wish to admit!!)

To get there, the business community has to be involved in the creation and implementation of curriculums.

After all, who knows what is needed from the workforce better than employers?

(And yet Cdn biz has traditionally been NOTORIOUS for REFUSING to train CDN workers!! And now deluded LIE-berals want to pretend that our cash strapped branch plant economy will suddenly turn philanthropist and start training our kids out of human kindness?????????????????????????????????)

Part of the problem could be solved through a greater emphasis on Work Integrated Learning (WIL) programs, where students get real on-the-job experience as part of their education. Small businesses that have participated in WIL programs are largely positive about the experience – nearly half have hired the student full time after the program was completed.

(Uh huh and what LARGE percentage of Cdn Biz has been approached about participating and then told LIE-berals a resounding NO because of the cost of training and educating green horns in an industrial environment?? Very few companies are willing to throw open their construction sites to what amounts to a bunch of YOUNG TOURISTS passing through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The problem is that small business participation in WIL tends to be the exception, rather than the norm, with universities pushing more students toward public sector or big business placements. Educational institutions need to do more to engage the small business community, especially in those sectors with pronounced labour shortages, to help get more young workers where they are needed and can have opportunities for growth.

(Imagine that- our teachers want to support the LIE-beral drive to get as many people as possible working DIRECTLY for the LIE-beral Party!! Unions DOMINATE our education system and the union PRIORITY is to produce MORE UNION Members- complete with lots of paid DUES -and to hell with what might be good for the kids or our economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

We are also looking to governments to consider the costs of training when introducing new employment policies and payroll costs. New hires are already a difficult find. Pricing out young people with drastic minimum wage hikes or the upcoming CPP expansion will delay their entry into the workforce and hurt our economy in the long run. At the federal level, the government could help offset some of the cost by recommitting to their campaign promise to introduce an EI holiday for hiring youth or implementing a training tax credit that recognizes informal training, which can cost small businesses as much as $1,900 per employee.

(Such suggestion are wildly UNPOPULAR with LIE-berals and their union HOG ALLIES!! Our idiot Boy Justin and his loser LIE-berals are so desperate for new gravy they are gambling and risking the loss of the 2019 election- thanks to their frantic support of Carbon crap and trade tax SCAM - so desperate is the need for union gravy - versus the needs of the frantic public - LIE-berals gamble their future and OURS AS WELL!!!!!!!)

With the Boomer generation retiring over the next decade, the labour issue is likely to get worse before it gets better. Bringing more young people into the workforce is a solution, both in the near and long term, but governments, businesses and educational institutions need to come together first.

(Such a happy cooperation is more likely if we first DUMP THE LIE-berals!!!!!!)

• Ryan Mallough is a senior policy analyst at the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. Emilie Hayes is a policy analyst at the Canadian Federation of Independent Business.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
An analysis of Defense Department suicides in 2017 published this year found that roughly half of those who completed suicide that year had a known mental health condition and half had contact with the military health system within 90 days of their deaths.

I think this explains it.
why did they have mental health conditions?

is it related to their service?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
LOL, soldiers were NOT wacking themselves after other wars like US soldiers are these days.
You all might want to investigate the reasons why they were there in the first place.

The truth of that, when they actually find out, kills like bullets.

Like when they find out the Iraqis were NOT throwing babies on the floor - that lie was told by a Zionist PR company.

Nayirah testimony

The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War.

In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah's last name was al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيرة الصباح‎) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States.

Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign, which was run by the American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government. Following this, al-Sabah's testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda

I studied alternative medicine under a flight nurse who was a captain in the U$ army who spent the rest of here life ( RIP, GRHS) teaching alternative EVERYTHING after she found out about that.

She said only because of the fact that she never took lives because of lies like that, that she survived the suicide game herself.

If that post is too long fo to read, stay genocidally dumb then.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
why did they have mental health conditions?

is it related to their service?

Tax slave just TOLD hemerHOID that over half the Yankee military suicides.......................................

DID HAVE pre-existing mental health issues ..........................................................

and hemerHOID is so swift on the uptake.............................

that he is STILL RESPONDING WITH................................


LIE-berals simply cannot accept any situation................

that does not fit their world view!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!