Refugee/Migrant Crisis


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
New Brunswick professor's views on immigration draw growing concerns from faculty members
Canadian Press
May 30, 2019
May 30, 2019 4:24 PM EDT
University of New Brunswick professor Ricardo Duchesne is seen in a recent handout photo.Hand Out / THE CANADIAN PRESS
FREDERICTON — More than 100 faculty members at the University of New Brunswick have signed a letter denouncing one of their colleagues for promoting what they say are racist arguments about immigration.
Ricardo Duchesne, a professor in the department of social science at the university’s Saint John campus since 1995, is no stranger to complaints about his controversial views, but now the university has decided to investigate.
The letter signed by his colleagues says Duchesne’s arguments about multiculturalism and immigration are “racist and without academic merit.”
It says it is “a hallmark of academic freedom” to challenge the views of fellow faculty. “Racism in the university causes real harm and undermines the rights of students and colleagues to a working and learning environment free from discrimination,” the faculty members wrote.
Duchesne says he’s just doing his job as an academic.
“I want to have my own voice,” he said in an interview. “I believe that’s what Canada is about, to allow debate and freedom of expression.”
UNB president Eddy Campbell said last week the university is reviewing allegations concerning one of its faculty members and will take the time necessary to complete a review.
Petra Hauf, vice-president of the Saint John campus, issued a news release this week to say there is a zero tolerance for racism and discrimination of any kind.
“I want to assure all members of our community that we are aware of the concerns that have been publicly shared with respect to these issues; that we are taking them seriously and are actively looking into them,” she wrote.
While neither statement names the faculty member in question, Duchesne said he expects a meeting with the university administration soon. The tenured professor said he has no intention of resigning.
“I haven’t done anything wrong, really,” he said. “I’m not racist or supremacist.”
Duchesne, who is originally from Puerto Rico, said he believes the controversy is being generated by his 2017 book Canada in Decay: Mass Immigration, Diversity, and the Ethnocide of Euro-Canadians.
“I am a strong critic of immigration,” he said in an interview. “I believe that Canada and all western nations have been set for full diversification through mass immigration, and I’m trying to understand why. Who came up with this idea that all white nations must become racially diverse, whereas that’s not happening in Japan, Korea, China, Mexico — only in white nations?”
He called it “a fundamental question” and said his job as an academic is “to ask tough questions and do the research.” He called for a drastic reduction in the number of immigrants accepted by Canada and spoke of the need to “conserve our heritage and culture.”
UNB law professor, Nicole O’Byrne, who signed the letter, said it was important for the faculty members to join their voices together.
“It is clear that my colleagues have no tolerance for the dissemination of hate speech under the guise of academic freedom,” she said. “We strongly urge the administration to take appropriate action to address this situation as soon as possible.”
On Wednesday, the Canadian Historical Association, also wrote a letter condemning Duchesne’s views.
“The CHA shares our colleagues concerns that important principles of academic freedom are being used to justify indefensible ideas and their dissemination, and join them in challenging Duchesne’s ideas,” wrote the association’s president, University of Manitoba history professor Adele Perry.
Aside from his books, Duchesne has also drawn fire for comments critical of Muslims published on a blog he created called the Council of European Canadians. “What globalists abhor are whites who affirm their national identities and call for limits to immigration,” he wrote on the blog in March.
Duchesne said he believes other faculty members are trying to drive him out of the university.
“They don’t like the fact that I’m not playing the role of being a good immigrant who follows and says what the white privileged academics want me to say,” he said.

WELL GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just what do people expect UN-employed LIE-berals to do with their time??????????????????????????

Now that 85 percent of Cdn provincial govts are led by Conservative minded parties????????????????????

Bored and restless and UNEMPLOYED LIE-berls are out there beating the bushes.............................................

looking for GULLIBLE KIDS who can be won over to the LIE-beral DARK SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals are using their POISONED Human Rights Kangaroo Courts to openly HARASS anybody who threatens to honestly educate or enlighten our kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral policy is being REPUDIATED by record numbers of enraged adults.............................

so LIE-berals are chasing the KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I have said before......................................

LIE-berals are leaving NO STONE UN- TURNED in their relentless search for ways to RIG OUR ELECTIONS IN THEIR FAVOUR!!!!!!!

This is one reason why LIE-berals sought to LOWER the voting age.................................

in hope that GULLIBLE KIDS..............................................

with no real education nor any understanding of economics................................................

thanks to the determined efforts of LIE-beral friendly Teacher HOGS.......................................

would be more willing to support LIE-beral CRAP than their parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Group of 1,036 migrants entering U.S. illegally largest ever found
Associated Press
May 31, 2019
May 31, 2019 9:15 AM EDT
This May 29, 2019 photo released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) shows some of 1,036 migrants who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection via AP)AP
EL PASO, Texas — A group of 1,036 migrants that crossed the border illegally El Paso, Texas, is the largest the Border Patrol has ever encountered, the agency said Thursday.
The crossing was the latest sign that migrants are increasingly coming in large groups. The Border Patrol said it has found 180 groups of more than 100 people since October, compared to 13 in the previous 12-month period and two the year before.
A Border Patrol surveillance video that President Donald Trump shared on Twitter shows people filing under a chain-link fence to a spot on the U.S. side, where they waited for agents to pick them up. Authorities said it took about five minutes for all to cross around 4 a.m. on Wednesday near downtown El Paso.
The group included 934 people in families, 63 unaccompanied children and 39 single adults, authorities said. The majority were from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
Large groups began appearing last year in the southwestern corner of New Mexico known as the Bootheel and are increasingly common along the border. U.S. authorities are unsure why but speculate that smugglers may be trying to draw agents from other areas, hoping to create openings.
The Border Patrol has encountered 46 groups of more than 100 people in May alone, authorities said.
Since Oct. 1, there have 48 groups of more than 200 people, 10 over 300 and two over 400. The Border Patrol arrested a group of 430 on Monday in the same area of El Paso as Wednesday’s group.
Migrant families who claim asylum are typically released in the United States with notices to appear in immigration court.
The U.S. has increasingly been forcing migrants to wait in Mexico while their cases wind through U.S. immigration court, shuttling them back and forth from the border for hearings. The policy has been introduced in El Paso and throughout California.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Can't argue with the facts eh, YORGIE??
while you are defending PEDO wieners who spy!

Not until it's acted upon!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
group of 1,036 migrants entering u.s. Illegally largest ever found
associated press
May 31, 2019
May 31, 2019 9:15 am edt
this may 29, 2019 photo released by u.s. Customs and border protection (cbp) shows some of 1,036 migrants who crossed the u.s.-mexico border in el paso, texas. (u.s. Customs and border protection via ap)ap
el paso, texas — a group of 1,036 migrants that crossed the border illegally el paso, texas, is the largest the border patrol has ever encountered, the agency said thursday.
The crossing was the latest sign that migrants are increasingly coming in large groups. The border patrol said it has found 180 groups of more than 100 people since october, compared to 13 in the previous 12-month period and two the year before.
A border patrol surveillance video that president donald trump shared on twitter shows people filing under a chain-link fence to a spot on the u.s. Side, where they waited for agents to pick them up. Authorities said it took about five minutes for all to cross around 4 a.m. On wednesday near downtown el paso.
The group included 934 people in families, 63 unaccompanied children and 39 single adults, authorities said. The majority were from guatemala, honduras and el salvador.
Large groups began appearing last year in the southwestern corner of new mexico known as the bootheel and are increasingly common along the border. U.s. Authorities are unsure why but speculate that smugglers may be trying to draw agents from other areas, hoping to create openings.
The border patrol has encountered 46 groups of more than 100 people in may alone, authorities said.
Since oct. 1, there have 48 groups of more than 200 people, 10 over 300 and two over 400. The border patrol arrested a group of 430 on monday in the same area of el paso as wednesday’s group.
Migrant families who claim asylum are typically released in the united states with notices to appear in immigration court.
The u.s. Has increasingly been forcing migrants to wait in mexico while their cases wind through u.s. Immigration court, shuttling them back and forth from the border for hearings. The policy has been introduced in el paso and throughout california.

so it really is a deluge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
You're obsessed with homosexuality and paedophilia. What did those priests do to you, anyway?
LOL, Oh the wiener lover has spoken, eh Epstein? When will it be your tune to get convicted?

California Cities Are Disgusting Cesspools, May ALREADY Have The Plague

Plague Cases in California: What's Behind the Rise?

You are one sad pedo luvin freak pal, and now you are giving children the plague too.

Dr. Drew continues to sound alarm on L.A.’s sanitation breakdown: ‘Medieval…No city on Earth tolerates this’

America’s Cities Are Unlivable. Blame Wealthy Liberals

You leftii, commie, nazie, globalists are one sad bunch of sick criminal brain dead retards dooood. You can't even run your mouth right, let alone a city, state, or country. Pedophilia is crime, not a life style.

Say, you must have been punched out by other children, especially the girly ones a lot, aren't you?
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Not until it's acted upon!
You may have noticed I enclosed the picture of a convicted child molester.
Then there is also the business of hitlary's CLASSIFIED emails on his/huma's computer - which is yet to be dealt with.
Last edited:

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
You may have noticed I enclosed the picture of a convicted child molester.
Then there is also the business of hitlary's CLASSIFIED emails on his/huma's computer - which is yet to be dealt with.
Where's George Soros in all of this?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Where's George Soros in all of this?
If you didn't want to stay stupid, why not google it your lazy assed self?

Why Hungary Forced George Soros-Backed Central European University To Leave The Country

Facing Attack, George Soros’s Foundation Will Shut Down in Turkey

Hungary Passes 'Stop Soros' Laws, Bans Aid To Undocumented Immigrants

Israel backs Hungary, says financier Soros is a threat

I guess unlike you country wrecking crooks, they have other things to put in their ovens.


Oh you pedo luvin nazis...hating on free speech again.
Last edited:

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
If you didn't want to stay stupid, why not google it your lazy assed self?
Why Hungary Forced George Soros-Backed Central European University To Leave The Country
Facing Attack, George Soros’s Foundation Will Shut Down in Turkey
Hungary Passes 'Stop Soros' Laws, Bans Aid To Undocumented Immigrants
Israel backs Hungary, says financier Soros is a threat
I guess unlike you country wrecking crooks, they have other things to put in their ovens.
Oh you pedo luvin nazis...hating on free speech again.

Where's the part about him knocking down the World Trade Center?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You may have noticed I enclosed the picture of a convicted child molester.
Then there is also the business of hitlary's CLASSIFIED emails on his/huma's computer - which is yet to be dealt with.

THERE IS an interesting question regarding Hitlary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is WORSE???????????????????????????????

That Team Trump was willing to TALK to the Russians about what dirt the Russians had on her and were offering to Trump???????????

Or THAT THE RUSSIANS HAD DIRT ON HER in the first place????????????????????????????????????????????

And WHY IS IT...................................

That LIE-berals like Obama......................................

KNEW FOR A YEAR that Russians were sniffing around..............................................

looking for ways to meddle or make trouble........................................................

and Obama and FBI DID NOTHING ABOUT IT????????????????????????????

Such Really Awkward Questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad LIE-berals have NO ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And its been over THREE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND STILL NO EVIDENCE to impeach Trump with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals ARE WAY PAST DUE.....................................

for being labeled as VERY SORE LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Indian migrant girl died in Arizona desert as mother sought water
June 14, 2019
June 14, 2019 9:26 PM EDT
The U.S.-Mexico border is seen near Lukeville, Arizona, September 11, 2018. (REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson)
A six-year-old girl from India died of heat stroke in an Arizona desert after her mother left her with other migrants to go in search of water, a medical examiner and U.S. Border Patrol said on Friday.
The girl, Gurupreet Kaur, soon to celebrate her seventh birthday, was found by U.S. Border Patrol west of Lukeville, Arizona on Wednesday, when temperatures reached a high of 108 degrees Fahrenheit (42 Celsius), U.S. Border Patrol and the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner (PCOME) said.
The girl’s death, the second recorded fatality of a migrant child this year in Arizona’s southern deserts, highlighted the danger of summer heat as a surge of migrant families, mainly from Central America, cross the U.S.-Mexico border to seek asylum.
An increasing number of Indian nationals are entering the United States from Mexico, according to immigration officials. They are among thousands of Africans and Asian migrants making the arduous journey, led by smuggling cartels.
The girl and her mother were among a group of five Indian nationals dropped off by smugglers in a remote border area at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 miles (27 km) west of Lukeville, a U.S. border town 50 miles (80 km) southwest of Tucson.
After walking some way, the girl’s mother and another woman went in search of water, leaving her daughter with another woman and her child.
“Once they went to look for water they never saw them again,” said U.S. Border Patrol Agent Jesus Vasavilbaso.
The mother and the other woman wandered in the rugged Sonoran desert wilderness for 22 hours before being found by a U.S. Border Patrol agent who tracked their footprints.
Four hours later, Border Patrol agents found the body of the deceased girl a mile (1.6 km) from the border.
Agents tracked the remaining woman and her 8-year-old daughter into Mexico, before the mother and child re-entered the United States and surrendered to Border Patrol.
The deceased girl died of hyperthermia and her death was ruled an accident, said Greg Hess, PCOME chief medical officer.
Up to May 30, PCOME recorded 58 migrant deaths in southern Arizona, most heat related. It recorded 127 deaths in 2018.
Border Patrol blamed Kaur’s death on the smugglers.
“This is a senseless death driven by cartels who are profiting from putting lives at risk,” Tucson Chief Patrol Agent Roy Villareal said.
Human rights activist Juanita Molina said U.S. border security measures were also partly to blame, along with the exhausted state of Indian child migrants once they reach the border.
“They’re trying to unload people in places where they can avoid detection themselves,” Molina, director of Tucson-based Border Action Network, said of smugglers.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Majority of Canadians favour limiting immigration levels: Poll
Canadian Press
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019 4:58 PM EDT
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen, speaks with Liberal MLA Kent Hehr at a press conference in Calgary on Jan. 4, 2019.Dean Pilling / Postmedia Network
OTTAWA — New polling numbers suggest a majority of Canadians believe the federal government should limit the number of immigrants it accepts — a public opinion trend that Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen says he finds concerning.
Sixty-three per cent of respondents to a recent Leger poll said the government should prioritize limiting immigration levels because the country might be reaching a limit in its ability to integrate them.
Just 37 per cent said the priority should be on growing immigration to meet the demands of Canada’s expanding economy.
Hussen says he is concerned by this because he has heard directly from employers across the country who are in desperate need of workers. Economists and experts widely agree that immigration is key to meeting labour and population shortages.
Canadians may be worried about the ability of communities to absorb more newcomers due to housing and other infrastructure shortages, but Hussen says the answer is not to cut the number of immigrants coming to Canada.
“It’s not a zero-sum game,” he said.
“I think the answer is to continue on an ambitious program to invest in infrastructure, to invest in housing, to invest in transit, so that everyone can benefit from those investments and that we can then use those community services to integrate newcomers, which will also benefit Canadians.”
The poll of 1,528 Canadians were randomly recruited from Leger’s online panel conducted from June 7 to 10 for The Canadian Press. Polling experts say online surveys cannot be assigned a margin of error because they do not generate a random sample of the population.
The results suggest Conservative voters are far more likely to favour limiting immigration levels, as are a majority of Green supporters — 81 per cent of Conservative respondents and 57 per cent of Greens chose this option, while 41 per cent of Liberals and 44 per cent of NDP supporters were in favour.
On the flip side, 59 per cent of Liberals said they prefer government increasing the number of immigrants, as did 56 per cent of NDP respondents and 43 per cent of Green supporters. Only 19 per cent of Conservatives favoured this option.
The numbers are not the first to suggest a hardening of public opinion against immigration in Canada.
A Leger poll in February had almost half of respondents saying they believe Canada welcomes too many immigrants and refugees. And an EKOS poll released last month suggested 42 per cent of Canadians believe the country accepts too many non-white newcomers.
In 2017, Immigration Department officials warned of a “tipping point” that could undermine public support for welcoming immigrants if public discourse was not approached with care, according to internal data prepared by the Immigration Department for a committee of deputy ministers.
The data, which was obtained by The Canadian Press through access-to-information law, suggested a majority of Canadians at that time supported the migration levels, but there was also polling data that suggested this support dropped when Canadians were informed of how many immigrants actually arrive every year.
If the government wants to do more on immigration, managing public attitudes and paying close attention to the performance of settlement services would be key, the internal briefing note states.
“Other circumstances can also colour attitudes to immigration: hardening attitudes toward immigration in other countries; feelings of disenfranchisement flowing from economic downturns and globalization,” the document says.
“Engagement with the Canadian public is necessary, however any high profile debate will need to be carefully managed.”
Hussen said his department has been focused on sharing positive stories of newcomers giving back to their communities as a way to keep public attitudes from turning against new Canadians and refugees.
‘IT’S NOT ABOUT POPULARITY:’ Trudeau, Macron meet in Paris amid lagging polls
Liberals rolling out new measures to protect migrant workers, newcomers
N.B. professor’s views on immigration draw growing concerns from faculty members
He added that this has become increasingly necessary to counter what he called fear-mongering and misinformation being spread about immigrants by Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer.
“We used to have a political consensus on immigration, but what worries me is looking at the other side and seeing the leader of the official Opposition taking a stance that is rooted in misinformation and conspiracy theories … basically spreading myths about immigration,” Hussen said.
“It’s unbecoming of a leader to do that and has a corrosive effect on our social fabric.”
But Scheer says it’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s fault that public support for immigration is waning. He pointed to the influx of over 43,000 asylum seekers that have crossed into Canada “illegally” since 2017 using a forest path in Quebec and avoiding official border checkpoints where they’d have been turned back to the U.S. asylum system.
“There is absolutely nothing fair or compassionate about real victims of persecution having to fight the government to be reunited with their families, or forcing the oppressed to wait longer for Canada’s help while others jump the queue, exploit loopholes and cross the border illegally from places like upstate New York,” Scheer said in a statement Sunday.
He called Hussen’s comments about him an attempt to blame the Opposition for “exposing Trudeau’s track record” and vowed to restore fairness and order to Canada’s immigration system.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Majority of Canadians favour limiting immigration levels: Poll
Canadian Press
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019 4:58 PM EDT
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen, speaks with Liberal MLA Kent Hehr at a press conference in Calgary on Jan. 4, 2019.Dean Pilling / Postmedia Network
OTTAWA — New polling numbers suggest a majority of Canadians believe the federal government should limit the number of immigrants it accepts — a public opinion trend that Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen says he finds concerning.
Sixty-three per cent of respondents to a recent Leger poll said the government should prioritize limiting immigration levels because the country might be reaching a limit in its ability to integrate them.
Just 37 per cent said the priority should be on growing immigration to meet the demands of Canada’s expanding economy.
Hussen says he is concerned by this because he has heard directly from employers across the country who are in desperate need of workers. Economists and experts widely agree that immigration is key to meeting labour and population shortages.
Canadians may be worried about the ability of communities to absorb more newcomers due to housing and other infrastructure shortages, but Hussen says the answer is not to cut the number of immigrants coming to Canada.
“It’s not a zero-sum game,” he said.
“I think the answer is to continue on an ambitious program to invest in infrastructure, to invest in housing, to invest in transit, so that everyone can benefit from those investments and that we can then use those community services to integrate newcomers, which will also benefit Canadians.”
The poll of 1,528 Canadians were randomly recruited from Leger’s online panel conducted from June 7 to 10 for The Canadian Press. Polling experts say online surveys cannot be assigned a margin of error because they do not generate a random sample of the population.
The results suggest Conservative voters are far more likely to favour limiting immigration levels, as are a majority of Green supporters — 81 per cent of Conservative respondents and 57 per cent of Greens chose this option, while 41 per cent of Liberals and 44 per cent of NDP supporters were in favour.
On the flip side, 59 per cent of Liberals said they prefer government increasing the number of immigrants, as did 56 per cent of NDP respondents and 43 per cent of Green supporters. Only 19 per cent of Conservatives favoured this option.
The numbers are not the first to suggest a hardening of public opinion against immigration in Canada.
A Leger poll in February had almost half of respondents saying they believe Canada welcomes too many immigrants and refugees. And an EKOS poll released last month suggested 42 per cent of Canadians believe the country accepts too many non-white newcomers.
In 2017, Immigration Department officials warned of a “tipping point” that could undermine public support for welcoming immigrants if public discourse was not approached with care, according to internal data prepared by the Immigration Department for a committee of deputy ministers.
The data, which was obtained by The Canadian Press through access-to-information law, suggested a majority of Canadians at that time supported the migration levels, but there was also polling data that suggested this support dropped when Canadians were informed of how many immigrants actually arrive every year.
If the government wants to do more on immigration, managing public attitudes and paying close attention to the performance of settlement services would be key, the internal briefing note states.
“Other circumstances can also colour attitudes to immigration: hardening attitudes toward immigration in other countries; feelings of disenfranchisement flowing from economic downturns and globalization,” the document says.
“Engagement with the Canadian public is necessary, however any high profile debate will need to be carefully managed.”
Hussen said his department has been focused on sharing positive stories of newcomers giving back to their communities as a way to keep public attitudes from turning against new Canadians and refugees.
‘IT’S NOT ABOUT POPULARITY:’ Trudeau, Macron meet in Paris amid lagging polls
Liberals rolling out new measures to protect migrant workers, newcomers
N.B. professor’s views on immigration draw growing concerns from faculty members
He added that this has become increasingly necessary to counter what he called fear-mongering and misinformation being spread about immigrants by Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer.
“We used to have a political consensus on immigration, but what worries me is looking at the other side and seeing the leader of the official Opposition taking a stance that is rooted in misinformation and conspiracy theories … basically spreading myths about immigration,” Hussen said.
“It’s unbecoming of a leader to do that and has a corrosive effect on our social fabric.”
But Scheer says it’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s fault that public support for immigration is waning. He pointed to the influx of over 43,000 asylum seekers that have crossed into Canada “illegally” since 2017 using a forest path in Quebec and avoiding official border checkpoints where they’d have been turned back to the U.S. asylum system.
“There is absolutely nothing fair or compassionate about real victims of persecution having to fight the government to be reunited with their families, or forcing the oppressed to wait longer for Canada’s help while others jump the queue, exploit loopholes and cross the border illegally from places like upstate New York,” Scheer said in a statement Sunday.
He called Hussen’s comments about him an attempt to blame the Opposition for “exposing Trudeau’s track record” and vowed to restore fairness and order to Canada’s immigration system.

THE USUAL LIE-beral HORSE MANURE about the ALLEGED WORKER SHORTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What LIE-berals are REALLY promoting........................................

is the shortage of INDENTURED SERVANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Employers" that LIE-berals are supporting are the kind of people who used to OWN SLAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such employers want TAME WORKERS who will obediently do whatever McJob they are offered.................................

for whatever peanut pay employers feel like offering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND LIE-berlas BENEFIT FROM THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals LIKE IT when we are broke and worried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals SUPPORT the McJob economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals know WE are MORE EASILY BOUGHT when we are desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why Ontari-owe LIE-beral Wynne-bag and her team of Traitors were SO PROUD of their debts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For several decades now..................................

LIE-berals have BOUGHT HUGE SUPPORT from special interest groups such as Idle No More drunks, and Black Lives Matter racists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have also catered SHAMELESSLY to civil service union HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND LIE-berals have sucked up to semi private unions such as UNIFOR...............................

that represents THOUSANDS of journalists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals want to tell us Cdn journalists are NOT BIASED IN FAVOUR OF LIE-berals??????????????????????????


Jerry Diaz- the president of UNIFOR.......................................

is ON THE LIE-beral Committee that is responsible for handing out SIX HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS.....................................

OF OUR TAX MONEY..............................................

to journalists that "LIE-berals trust"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such hypocrisy and wasteful bribery and insulting deceit .............................................

deserves to be RUN OUT OF OTTAWA after the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Majority of Canadians favour limiting immigration levels: Poll
Canadian Press
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019 4:58 PM EDT
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen, speaks with Liberal MLA Kent Hehr at a press conference in Calgary on Jan. 4, 2019.Dean Pilling / Postmedia Network
OTTAWA — New polling numbers suggest a majority of Canadians believe the federal government should limit the number of immigrants it accepts — a public opinion trend that Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen says he finds concerning.
Sixty-three per cent of respondents to a recent Leger poll said the government should prioritize limiting immigration levels because the country might be reaching a limit in its ability to integrate them.

I speak as a person who has NO expertise and VERY little knowledge on the subject, but I do have an opinion. Any immigration should be done for mutual benefit. Select candidates who have expertise in professions that we are in dire need of...………..nurses, doctors, scientists, engineers, teaching professionals etc. at the same time choosing a demographic that will increase our tax base. That way we "kill two or three birds with one stone". There is ABSOLUTELY no point in importing those who will just put a strain on our welfare and medical systems. What's already been done in the past three years had just highlighted Justin's abject stupidity!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Data shows immigration continues to power Canadian economy - while Old Stock Canadians and their unmotivated progeny continue to weigh us down

The employment rate among recent immigrants between the ages of 25 and 54 reached a 12-year high in 2018, The Canadian Press is reporting.

The news agency obtained a federal Finance Ministry memo from January that says the employment rate for immigrants in this age group who landed in Canada less than five years prior was 71 per cent.

This was the highest level recorded since 2006 and the memo said a similar trend was observed among immigrants who had landed in Canada between five and 10 years prior.

The increase comes as more immigrants are entering Canada under the federal government’s new multi-year immigration levels plan, the memo observes, which the ministry said reflected Canada’s high job-creation numbers.

The document attributed the strong employment results to the fact many federal and provincial immigration programs are focused on human capital factors such as education, skilled work experience and proficiency in English or French.

The memo posits that Canada’s positive attitude toward immigrants in Canada is helping outcomes for immigrants more generally.

The memo also touched on outcomes for second-generation Canadians, who it said are faring better than the children of Canadian-born parents when it comes to both education and income.

Just over 40 per cent of second-generation Canadians between the ages of 25 and 44 had a university degree, compared to only 24 per cent of Canadians whose parents were born in Canada.

In terms of income, second-generation Canadians earned on average just under $4,000 more per year than their peers with two Canadian parents ($55,500 to $51,600).


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I speak as a person who has NO expertise and VERY little knowledge on the subject, but I do have an opinion. Any immigration should be done for mutual benefit. Select candidates who have expertise in professions that we are in dire need of...………..nurses, doctors, scientists, engineers, teaching professionals etc. at the same time choosing a demographic that will increase our tax base. That way we "kill two or three birds with one stone". There is ABSOLUTELY no point in importing those who will just put a strain on our welfare and medical systems. What's already been done in the past three years had just highlighted Justin's abject stupidity!

JLM ADMITS to having "very little knowledge and NO expertise" about immigration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then he proceeds to give us his thoughts on a subject he knows NOTHING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a question for you:

Anthony Dooley was a Jamaican born DRUG DEALER who immigrated to United States...........................

got arrested and convicted..........................................

served his time and was deported back to Jamaica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anthony then came to Canada............................................

CLAIMING REFUGEE STATUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And our always hungry - for votes to buy at any price - LIE-berals let him make the claim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While in Canada..........................................

Anthony hooked up with another FAKE REFUGEE- who became his common law wife.....................................

Marcia Dooley lived very nicely ON HER WELFARE FRAUDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the fake refugee cases dragged on................................

Anthony persuaded his ex-wife - living in Jamaica - to send him his two sons .........................................

Anthony wanted to make it LOOK like he was a good family man.........................................

nicely settled in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But things did not go well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over a period of months............................................

Anthony and wife Marcia BEAT 9 year old son Randall Dolley to death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Govt spent at least $100 grand on welfare for the "refugee family" ....................................

and schooling costs - $30 grand per year for the 2 boys is over and above that......................................

as are the tens of thousands of dollars in immigration lawyer and judge fees.........................................

THEN ADD IN the at least TWO MILLION DOLLARS for the murder trial needed to deal with the death of Randal........................

THEN ADD IN the $300 GRAND PER YEAR.....................................

to keep child killers Marcia and Anthony in segregated jail for the 25 years sentence......................................

and it all adds up to MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have BORROWED $100 billion dollars in 4 years to keep our govt solvent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here is the question JLM:

WHAT BENEFIT CAME TO CANADA from being kind to FAKE REFUGEES Marcia and Anthony Dooley???????????????????

The TRUE ANSWER that LIE-berals AVOID........................................

is that LIE-berals USED Marcia and Anthony Dooley as PROPS for their virtue signalling immigration SCAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE PAY while LIE-berals BUY VOTES from DRUG DEALERS AND WELFARE CHEATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals drive us DEEP into debt in a FRANTIC EFFORT to cling to power just a little longer.............................

at ANY PRICE to the public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
JLM ADMITS to having "very little knowledge and NO expertise" about immigration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then he proceeds to give us his thoughts on a subject he knows NOTHING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You don't read too good, do you idiot? Quit your fcuking trolling and stop being a total Asshole! Most of us on this forum have had enough. Can you understand that?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Data shows immigration continues to power Canadian economy - while Old Stock Canadians and their unmotivated progeny continue to weigh us down

The employment rate among recent immigrants between the ages of 25 and 54 reached a 12-year high in 2018, The Canadian Press is reporting.

The news agency obtained a federal Finance Ministry memo from January that says the employment rate for immigrants in this age group who landed in Canada less than five years prior was 71 per cent.

This was the highest level recorded since 2006 and the memo said a similar trend was observed among immigrants who had landed in Canada between five and 10 years prior.

The increase comes as more immigrants are entering Canada under the federal government’s new multi-year immigration levels plan, the memo observes, which the ministry said reflected Canada’s high job-creation numbers.

The document attributed the strong employment results to the fact many federal and provincial immigration programs are focused on human capital factors such as education, skilled work experience and proficiency in English or French.

The memo posits that Canada’s positive attitude toward immigrants in Canada is helping outcomes for immigrants more generally.

The memo also touched on outcomes for second-generation Canadians, who it said are faring better than the children of Canadian-born parents when it comes to both education and income.

Just over 40 per cent of second-generation Canadians between the ages of 25 and 44 had a university degree, compared to only 24 per cent of Canadians whose parents were born in Canada.

In terms of income, second-generation Canadians earned on average just under $4,000 more per year than their peers with two Canadian parents ($55,500 to $51,600).
Good , how is more immigration going to lower our carbon footprint ? We can’t do both .