Brexit 2019: the Good, Bad and could-turn-Ugly options


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Neither is Turkey, but it may join soon.
Thankfully, Britain will be out before Turkey joins the Union. I don't fancy 80-odd million Muslims suddenly being eligible to live in Great Britain.
So there isn't anything really stopping Canada joining.
Why don't you ask Trudeau to take you in? Remember you'll have to adopt the euro, free movement and have the EU flag flying from your parliament building.
A part of Turkey is in Europe. Also, French Guiana is part of the EU because it's part of France which is in Europe.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Well the British people were lied to and were told it was merely about trade.
Why don't you want Canada to be part of it?

Why should Canada limit its trading options that way? Canada should leave NAFTA or whatever it's called right now, unilaterally drop all tariffs and quotas against the world except UN-sanctioned countries, and then negotiate trade agreements in packaging, labelling, phytosanitary rules, etc. on the condition that all negotiating parties understand that Canada's right to trade unilaterally with the world in tariffs and quotas is sacrosanct and no agreement could limit Canada's freedom in that regard. Trade with one country should not come at the expense of trade with another. Any state that wants to limit Canada's freedom in that regard is not worth negotiating with.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
3% of it.

So? The EU's rules state that only a country that possesses land on the European continent can join the EU. It doesn't specify how much land that must be.

So technically, if Canada traded a square metre of Canadian land for a square metre of UK land if the UK wanted to, Canada could then join the EU.

But just to make it more practical, how about we trade a port for a port?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
So? The EU's rules state that only a country that possesses land on the European continent can join the EU. It doesn't specify how much land that must be.

So technically, if Canada traded a square metre of Canadian land for a square metre of UK land if the UK wanted to, Canada could then join the EU.

But just to make it more practical, how about we trade a port for a port?
not the one in BC....not an option ;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
So? The EU's rules state that only a country that possesses land on the European continent can join the EU. It doesn't specify how much land that must be.

Rubbish. Cyprus is part of the EU and it's in Asia.

As a former member of the British Empire, Canada is eligible to join the EU. In fact, as early as 2005 people were proposing that Canada join the EU.

What other reasons are there why you don't want Canada to join the EU?


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Rubbish. Cyprus is part of the EU and it's in Asia.
As a former member of the British Empire, Canada is eligible to join the EU. In fact, as early as 2005 people were proposing that Canada join the EU.
What other reasons are there why you don't want Canada to join the EU?
Both Greece and Turkey claim it and they are both at least partly European states.
As for Canada, Canada is now a sovereign state, so the UK would have to give us at least a grain of land to make Canada eligible to join the EU.
My main reason for hesitating to have Canada join the EU is the way it operates as a kind of Fortress Europe.
Sure it has free trade within its borders; and with its large population and wealth, that's attractive. Unfortunately, the EU has an attitute similar to the US' (and Canada's, to be honest) when it comes to trade protectionism beyond its borders. Canada should take more inspriation from Hong Kong on that front, not the EU.
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Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
I'd be open to Canada negotiating common rules with the EU on a wide range of areas (packaging, labelling,phytosanitary rules, etc.). Obviously standardized rules make business run smoother. In fact, if that's all the EU were about, I'd be quite tempted to have Canada join the EU. But its those pesky external tariffs! They force you to be in or out and you can't have it both ways when it comes to tariffs and quotas.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
As for Canada, Canada is now a sovereign state, so the UK would have to give us at least a grain of land to make Canada eligible to join the EU.

Not so. People were proposing that Canada join the EU back in 2005. Canada would meet the Copenhagen Criteria for EU membership, so what you say about a country having to be European is just nonsensee.

My main reason for hesitating to have Canada join the EU is the way it operates as a kind of Fortress Europe.

And yet you want Britain to be part of it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I'd be open to Canada negotiating common rules with the EU on a wide range of areas (packaging, labelling,phytosanitary rules, etc.). Obviously standardized rules make business run smoother. In fact, if that's all the EU were about, I'd be quite tempted to have Canada join the EU. But its those pesky external tariffs! They force you to be in or out and you can't have it both ways when it comes to tariffs and quotas.

What about adopting the euro and having the EU flag replace your national flag on government and public buildings? Or is that only something you want for other countries?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
How is being a sovereign, independent nation state better than being run by an economically sclerotic, anti-democratic, inward-looking, bureaucratic, protectionist superstate run by unelected, foreign, self-serving bureaucrats?

So why's Canada not part of it?

OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Grand question about the dubious benefits of LIE-beral miss-rule in Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for Canada..................................

we are too far away to be of any real influence...............................................

the distance between Toronto and Montreal is greater than the distance between many European capitols!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course we have that massive Yankee investment in our branch plant economy.......................................

courtesy of LIE-beral SELL outs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thus we Cdns are RESTRICTED in who we can sell to ..........................................

and restricted in what we can sell as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals quietly EDIT the truth on so very many issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
What about adopting the euro and having the EU flag replace your national flag on government and public buildings? Or is that only something you want for other countries?

Actually, a common currency and labour market has business advantages. To have to convert currencies all the time is an overhead cost. So is having to go through immigration bureaucracy to hire someone with the specialized skills you need. It helps to eliminate red tape.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Canada is going to need the welfare, we should join...
...but just till we recover from our trudeauian balanced budgets.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Actually, a common currency and labour market has business advantages. To have to convert currencies all the time is an overhead cost. So is having to go through immigration bureaucracy to hire someone with the specialized skills you need. It helps to eliminate red tape.

So you'd be quite happy to drop the dollar, adopt the euro, a currency which has brought economic disaster to many EU member states, most notably Greece, and have Canadian interest rates the same as all the other eurozone member states' interest rates, which are set in Frankfurt by foreigners to the benefit of Germany and not any of the other member states?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Canada is going to need the welfare, we should join...
...but just till we recover from our trudeauian balanced budgets.

Canada would likely be a net contributor to the EU budget. What makes you think you'd get money from the EU?


Council Member
May 19, 2017
Theresa May threatens to block No Deal Brexit 'by joining forces with Rudd and Hammond' as friends say she voted for Remainer Rory Stewart in Tory contest

Theresa May has privately vowed to thwart any attempt by Boris Johnson to take the UK out of the EU without a deal, her allies have told The Mail on Sunday.
The disclosure comes as senior party figures told The Mail on Sunday that Mrs May had voted for ultra-Remainer Rory Stewart in Thursday's ballot of MPs, which led to a landslide victory for Mr Johnson.
Mrs May, who has vowed to stay on as an MP after she leaves Downing Street next month, has suggested she would join forces with pro-Remain Ministers such as Chancellor Philip Hammond and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd to try to stop Mr Johnson from leaving after the October 31 deadline 'Deal or No Deal'.

So, the 'secret Remainer' is now at least out in the open about it.
The UK has been betrayed, she was in cahoots with the EU all along.