Tony Clement out for sexting


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
It may be a perception thing in the eyes of the victim - nothing to do with what observers may think.

I agree. Sometimes a person's toughest judge is himself, and sometimes the person that's most difficult to forgive is oneself. People do tend to be harder on themselves than on others, so they assume that others are judging them just as harshly as they judge themselves. You'r probably right that it's just a perception thing which then affects their pride and so makes it harder for them to seek help.

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
Clement didn't seek help because he was flattered by the attention he was getting from 20 something women. It stoked his 57 year old ego. I just can't believe how thick he was, to not know in 2018 that this kind of stuff is going to make it to the mainstream social media.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Clement didn't seek help because he was flattered by the attention he was getting from 20 something women. It stoked his 57 year old ego. I just can't believe how thick he was, to not know in 2018 that this kind of stuff is going to make it to the mainstream social media.

There is no need to employ him in any public capacity. There are a lot of able bodied, sane minded people without issues looking for work.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
There is no need to employ him in any public capacity. There are a lot of able bodied, sane minded people without issues looking for work.

True enough. A person with problems should get himself sorted out before entering the public arena. After's a little late.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Clement didn't seek help because he was flattered by the attention he was getting from 20 something women. It stoked his 57 year old ego. I just can't believe how thick he was, to not know in 2018 that this kind of stuff is going to make it to the mainstream social media.



HOOF HEADED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont let people tell you that you are thick as a brick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are quite right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clement was quite foolish to think that he could play online like that without ever being noticed by anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its just to bad that some Cdns figure Clement was SET UP- by exactly the same sort of LIE-beral "operatives" who smeared Patrick Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And its just too bad that this Clement business is NOT ERASING the stink of the Kokanee Grope and the Kent Hehr garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Wow, this forum really has become like the scat section of porn.

Never mind the "scat section of porn" or the forum. Dig into the depths of C.B.C. news and you should get a fairly accurate picture of Tony Clement is all about and if you don't like that there's always "National Post" and "Globe and Mail".


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Oh please keep that to yourself!


PITY the poor LIE-berals- and their less intelligent cousins of NDP as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NONE OF THEIR POLICIES APPEAL TO MAIN STREAM CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So they must try to seduce special interest groups like the bigots of Black Lives Matter and the Idle No More native racists and the wildly GREEDY Gravy Grabbing civil service union Hogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But even that is not enough to keep the NDP boat afloat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as we have seen- ALL LIE-beral policy is failing as well- as the debts rise and troubles pile up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is an article illustrating how NDP lust for power is perverting our Cdn democracy and turning our democracy into a sleazy shell game. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Foreign-funded activist group helping Andrea Horwath's NDP

By Brian Lilley. Published: June 2, 2018. Updated: June 4, 2018 1:04 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

If Andrea Horwath wakes up as Premier of Ontario on June 8, she may have a shadowy foreign-funded group out of Vancouver to thank for her win.

Leadnow was set up in British Columbia in 2011 by a pair of young Canadians with the full support of a Tides Foundation backed group that sought to organize for left-wing causes.

In the 2015 federal election, Leadnow targeted 29 ridings held by Conservatives and took credit for dumping the Tories from 25 of them.

Now this group, which runs shadow campaigns to get their preferred candidate elected, is working the Ontario election.

Leadnow is working to make sure Doug Ford isn’t elected Premier with their #NeverFord campaign. They are even targeting Ford in his own riding of Etobicoke North to block his local win.

(Federal LIE-berals made noises after the 2015 election about limiting foreign influence in our elections but I guess it was a smoke screen since their interest in such justice and fair play has dissolved. LIE-berals were quick enough to condemn Harper Conservatives for yanking the charitable status of various groups messing about in Canada. But it did not worry LIE-berals that some of the fake charities were doing fund raising for terrorist groups or otherwise behaving badly. Nor did it matter that Yankee “super pac” political action groups were also dumping millions of dollars into the pockets of Cdn lobbyists and pressure groups for reasons not necessarily in best Cdn interests!)

(Yankee oil companies are apparently especially excited about getting the Alberta Tar Sands shut down so their holdings at the California La Brea Tar Sands and at Venezuelan oil sands will increase in value as oil supplies shrink! And our environmental zealot David Suzuki has admitted that his foundation has accepted several million dollars in the recent past from Yankee oil execs in exchange for his anti fossil fuel “influence” on govt!)

(And we have all heard the shrieking Yankee battle over what Trump may or may not have done during the election- with some Russians- or others pretending to be Russians or- well- there are apparently WAY MORE conspiracy theories than there are cold and provable facts! And Our own idiot Boy Justin has been warned about Russian influence in upcoming Cdn elections and one has to assume that propaganda meisters from China and Isis and Al Qaida and other groups might want to put in their 2 cents worth as well! After all- one of the first things Our idiot Boy did after getting elected in 2015 was to restore Cdn funding for terror group Hamas!)

(There is even a bitter debate going on down at U of T between a professor known for his relentless and vitriolic attacks on Israel- and a student who admits he is a Jew but denies he is an agent provocateur of Israeli Mossad as the BIGOTED anti Jew professor claims!)

(From all this we may readily assume there are LOTS of clowns out there seeking our votes- in ways that are NOT truthful or honest and too often NOT in the best interest of Cdns! So federal LIE-beral dis-interest in this stuff should be strongly condemned!)

“If enough of us make calls, we can boost voter turnout enough to tip the scales of local races and deny local PCs their seats,” Leadnow says on their website.

They ask people to sign up with a form on their website to get instructions on how to make calls from their own homes.

“We’ll send you everything you need to get started: instructions, a script, and FAQs.”

(It is one thing to win a debate by presenting logical views and honest facts! It is quite another thing to PRETEND to be something you are not- as so many disturbingly bigoted NDP candidates are doing- possibly on the advice of FOREIGN AGENTS!!)

The script instructs volunteers to hang up on PC voters and encourage backers of “progressive” parties to get out and vote.

Leadnow is trying to call 50,000 people in Ontario by June 7th with one simple message, don’t vote for Ford or the PC Party. They currently have phonebanking events — group calling essentially — set up for Belleville, Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton, Brantford and plenty of small towns.

The crazy thing is, none of this activity counts as a third-party election activity under Ontario law. Each of the 50 registered third parties can spend $101,800 during the official election campaign on advertising.

And that money must be raised in Ontario.

(LIE-berals have set the vile trend in this crap- with their VAST conflict of interest deal with their civil service union HOG allies who expect BIG PAY RAISES in exchange for their votes- and for the civil service union attack ads that circumvent the election laws! And now that Hogs are so disappointed by Ontari-owe LIE-berals they have swing their support to NDP- and I guess Wynne-bag can take a bitter pleasure in knowing SHE was the one that outlawed Hog attack ads from disgruntled Hogs on her own party!)

(But NDPers have found those handy new “supporters” such as Leadnow to get around the prohibition of Hog attack ads! Given all this bribery and vote buying and the constant shrill and facile apologies from all sorts of loonie leftist radicals who are being exposed in the news- it’s a wonder that Cdn democracy functions at all! Cdn democracy is being GORED by fork tongued hypocrites and we MUST blame LIE-berals and their less cunning NDP cousins for it!)

(Ontari-owe LIE-berals HAD the chance to clean up our elections and limited the changes simply to protect themselves! Federal LIE-berals have much greater power and authority to end foreign intervention in our elections and are apparently COMPLACENT about that foreign influence! Or maybe federal LIE-berals even hope to win extra influence by encouraging such attacks on conventional political policy?)

Leadnow is doing some advertising but is mainly using a complex and expensive phone system to reach voters. This system allows anyone, from anywhere, to log in and call voters, urging them to vote the left way.

None of those expenses are covered by the third-party changes brought in by Kathleen Wynne.

(Shall we ask if that costly phone system will remain in place and ready for use in the October municipal elections? And will that phone system be available in 2019 for the federal election? And we can bet that it would take a real good detective to figure out where all the money for the phone system is coming from!)

Setting up an expensive phone system not only isn’t covered by the law, it can be completely funded by money from outside of Ontario or even outside the country. In the past, Leadnow has admitted as much as 20% of their money comes from outside of Canada.

Leadnow is also the only one of 50 registered groups with an address outside of Ontario. They are also far more sophisticated in directly reaching voters than any other group.

(How CAN Cdn democracy function honestly when the people spending the most money on the election apparently DO NOT EVEN LIVE IN Ontari-owe?)

Why is a Vancouver-based group, substantially funded and founded by American billionaires through a San Francisco based foundation working against Ontario’s PC Party?

Because this is what they do.

Leadnow is one of the many third-party groups, often funded by wealthy Americans, that have one mission. Stop conservative politicians and policies.

They have some radical ideas.

When Justin Trudeau gave Omar Khadr his $10.5 million payment, Leadnow asked people to sign up in support of Khadr.

(And what manner of utterly poisoned bullsh+t is that? Khadr ought to be spending the rest of his life THANKING us for letting him back into Canada at all- much less collecting any money!)

Leadnow also campaigns against the oil industry and most recently the Trans Mountain pipeline.

There are connections to the Liberals and NDP. One co-founder of the group, Adam Shedletzky, was a senior policy advisor to Wynne until the election was called. Amara Possian, Leadnow’s 2015 election campaign manager, is running for the NDP against Wynne in Don Valley West.

(Oh what a POISONED WEB loonie leftists weave! And these SNEAKS want to make a fuss over Ford buying 65 party memberships for people out of his own pocket? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

This week the PCs sent a letter to Elections Ontario alleging collusion between the NDP and Leadnow. The party says a Toronto operative is working for both groups in contravention of the law.

(And of course Conservatives have complained before about LIE-berals and civil service union Hogs and their huge conflict of interest but of course Hog election officials- who PROFIT FROM THE CONFLICT- see nothing wrong with it!)

Leadnow says they want to contact 12,000 voters this weekend alone and get people out to the polls.

It really will leave everyone wondering, if Horwath wins next week will she have done it on her own or with an assist from an outside, out-of-province group.

— Brian Lilley is broadcaster, journalist, author, and host of Beyond the News on Newstalk 580 CFRA

(If much more of this crap goes on we will simply begin electing “President for Life” leaders just like any other third world pesthole!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Two arrests in Tony Clement extortion attempt
Antonella Artuso
January 19, 2019
January 19, 2019 7:58 PM EST
Tony Clement arrives at the national Conservative summer caucus retreat in Halifax on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016.Andrew Vaughan / THE CANADIAN PRESS
Two men have been arrested by the Ivory Coast cyber-crime unit in an alleged extortion scam that took in Canadian MP Tony Clement.
CTV News is reporting the two men pretended to be a woman named Brianna Dounia, who corresponded with Clement, and then demanded 50,000 euros in exchange for keeping quiet about sexually explicit photos he sent to the fake account.
Clement, who represents federal riding of Parry Sound-Muskoka, left the federal Conservative party last fall after revealing he was the victim of extortion attempts related to his online activity.
In a message to his constituents in November, Clement acknowledged multiple infidelities, including sending explicit photos of himself to women, and apologized.
Tony Clement admits to multiple acts of infidelity dating back to last summer
FUREY: The sad loneliness of the political life
Scheer thought Clement’s sexting ‘an isolated incident’
Clement, who now sits as an Independent MP, was a member of the National Security Council at the time that he received two extortion attempts.
The MP could not be reached for comment Saturday, nor did the RCMP, who were investigating the situation, provide any information.
The CTV report says government officials in the Ivory Coast identified the two male suspects as CH and DML.
The Ivory Coast launched an anti-cyber crime effort in 2014 after it became known as the epicentre for online criminal activity in Africa.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Two arrests in Tony Clement extortion attempt
Antonella Artuso
January 19, 2019
January 19, 2019 7:58 PM EST
Tony Clement arrives at the national Conservative summer caucus retreat in Halifax on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016.Andrew Vaughan / THE CANADIAN PRESS
Two men have been arrested by the Ivory Coast cyber-crime unit in an alleged extortion scam that took in Canadian MP Tony Clement.
CTV News is reporting the two men pretended to be a woman named Brianna Dounia, who corresponded with Clement, and then demanded 50,000 euros in exchange for keeping quiet about sexually explicit photos he sent to the fake account.
Clement, who represents federal riding of Parry Sound-Muskoka, left the federal Conservative party last fall after revealing he was the victim of extortion attempts related to his online activity.
In a message to his constituents in November, Clement acknowledged multiple infidelities, including sending explicit photos of himself to women, and apologized.
Tony Clement admits to multiple acts of infidelity dating back to last summer
FUREY: The sad loneliness of the political life
Scheer thought Clement’s sexting ‘an isolated incident’
Clement, who now sits as an Independent MP, was a member of the National Security Council at the time that he received two extortion attempts.
The MP could not be reached for comment Saturday, nor did the RCMP, who were investigating the situation, provide any information.
The CTV report says government officials in the Ivory Coast identified the two male suspects as CH and DML.
The Ivory Coast launched an anti-cyber crime effort in 2014 after it became known as the epicentre for online criminal activity in Africa.

ISNT THAT INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdn LIE-berals can chase criminals all the way to Africa and charge them with black mailing and embarrassing a silly Cdn politician!!!!

But they CANNOT DO ANYTHING about local gun violence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EXCEPT MAKE EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have a LONG HISTORY of being SOFT on crime generally and they are ESPECIALLY SOFT on white collar type crime!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating the LIE-beral version of justice and social responsibility. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Ontari-owe Ombudsman MARIN: New bail rules are political meddling

Published: November 11, 2017. Updated: November 12, 2017 12:36 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

Attorney General Yasir Naqvi has issued new micro-managing and politically correct orders to Ontario’s Crown Attorneys. Henceforth, Crowns will be further restricted in opposing bail in criminal cases. It’s a solution looking for a problem.

Overcrowding and abuse of solitary confinement in the Ontario corrections systems are a wide-spread problem that Premier Kathleen Wynne’s government has closed a blind eye to for the last 14 years.

The problem, and it’s rather a simple one, is that the correctional infrastructure has been sorely neglected. The provincial government hasn’t upgraded the prison system on a wide scale in many years. In Ottawa, for example, a detention centre has been frozen in time since 1971. Prisoners have been found housed in showers for lack of space.

(Gosh- infrastructure NEGLECTED under LIE-beral rule? So what else is new? For decades LIE-berals have faced the yearly budget choice of either SUPPLYING CASH FOR repairs to infrastructure or CASH FOR more gravy for civil service union Hogs- the people who actually elect LIE-berals- in a GROSS CONFLICT of interest and the choice has always been the same- ever more gravy for Hogs while all manner of govt equipment and facilities wear out!)

(AS for the use of solitary confinement- this is just another ho-hum-we don’t care issue for LIE-berals. As is often reported in Cdn media- a significant portion of prisoners have UN-TREATED mental health issues. It is easier and cheaper for LIE-berals to lock these ill ones away in solitary confinement. Jail overcrowding means inmate tempers often flare but it is hard for guards to closely supervise prisoners in such tight quarters to head off fights and of course severe mental health issues also promote friction and fighting- meaning solitary confinement to prevent fights and injuries to untreated crazy people is needed OFTEN. I guess jail and solitary confinement are cheaper solutions to mental health issues than treatment in a psychiatric facility and greedy gravy hungry LIE-berals prefer spending on their own personal comforts rather than on dull necessary stuff like mental health issues and jail crowding!)

Our creative AG announced a new restrictive bail directive telling Crowns to just loosen up and let more accused of crimes out on the streets. Presto – the inmate overcrowding problem gone. A couple of Crown attorneys were at wit’s end and called me about Naqvi’s political meddling.

Every Crown attorney, it has long been held, fulfils a kind of minister of the justice role. They are professionals expected to call the shots on serious criminal offences. The notion of winning or losing is not part of the job.

(LIE-berals have utterly messed up our legal system. It has been 25 years since Statistics Canada first told us that over 80 percent of all criminal court cases are plea bargained- and this is the original LIE-beral mandated solution to over crowded courts and jails. Under LIE-berals- major crimes become minor ones and minor crimes are forgotten entirel;y as criminals make their deals with LIE-beral hug a thug judges under govt orders to CLEAR the backlog of cases- screw justice- just get the case dealt with in some QUICK AND CHEAP WAY!)

(Cops tell us that over 80 percent of ALL crime is drug related- buying or selling, laundering the proceeds, theft by addicts to obtain money to buy drugs, violence between gangs to protect their turf from competitors, the trade in illegal guns and ammunition that gangs need to protect themselves and their product. To make matters worse- dealers have ganged up- recognized that being part of a group is useful- one may lose some autonomy but one gains the protection of the group- against other gangs and against cops- with the gang lying and providing an alibi as needed against possible criminal charges. LIE-berals have responded to this by choosing to see drug addicts and dealers as mis-guided victims and LIE-berals are ignoring the `victims` in the same way they ignore all other costly problems that would cut into their supply of gravy- if the problem were ever to be resolved in any real way!)

(As the number of addicts and shooting victims in need of treatment spirals, the costs also spiral and LIE-berals have responded with ever easier bail terms. Two decades ago a kid in our neighborhood had a job at a local chain store and the kid- along with a second store employee was sent to the basement warehouse for supplies and ran into an armed gang- 3 Black kids with a shotgun. The leader of the gang was ALREADY out on bail for three major crimes: a rape, a previous armed robbery and an attempted murder in a nightclub- the gang banger is committing violent crimes faster than LIE-berals can deal with them!)

(Fortunately our neighbourhood kid was very lucky- the robber who was supposed to be standing guard with the shotgun had put it down and wandered into the nearest trailer to inspect the electronics when our kid showed up. Guard rushed out of the trailer to retrieve the gun and our kid shoved him off the loading dock- with guard hitting his head and spending several weeks in a coma.)

(The gang leader emerged next to investigate the shouting- spotted the other store employee and tried to club him with the bolt cutters he had used to get into the trailer loaded with electronics. The employee got his arm up in time and had his arm shattered- INSTEAD of his head! Our kid knocked gang leader cold with an elbow that shattered the nose of gang leader. The third robber- the youngest one took one look at all the blood and bodies and surrendered quietly.)

(All this mayhem- the shattered arm of the store employee- the smashed nose of the gang leader and the guard in a coma simply because LIE-berals and their Hog allies feel ENTITLED to take so much gravy out of our pockets there is nothing left to manage the legal system and jails! Legal bills, several police investigations, major hospital bills for the guard in a coma, workmans compensation costs for the shattered arm of the other employee- and ALL just to appease LIE-beral lust for gravy instead of protecting the public from gangs! And the rapist/ring leader of the gang NEVER did go to court as he was shot to death for failing to pay his drug debts- so MORE police investigation costs! And Black LIVES Matter reverse racists WONDER why cops believe `carding` of Blacks- AND of anybody else thy suspect- is a useful investigative tool? And LIE-berals are accepting this reverse bigotry for the sake of buying ethnic votes so LIE-berals can cling to power AND GRAVY at any price!)

They-prosecutors- are, according to long-standing jurisprudence, only expected to offer a trial in the public interest and to only seek a finding of guilt if the evidence justifies it. They are appointed by the provincial cabinet by order-in-council in order to provide them with the necessary independence to do their job without political interference. Now, it seems, they are being treated like children we can’t trust.

Crowns are buried in red tape like never before. Their ability to exercise discretion has considerably withered away. Naqvi’s new bail directive is a new attack on their independence.

(Sadly, this latest LIE-beral legal fiddle is just the latest in a LONG LIST! In the 1980`s, LIE-berals changed the way we keep crime statistics. Previously each crime that was committed was listed in an appropriate column- theft, assault, drug dealing and etc...but this was not satisfactory to LIE-berals it seemed probable that the public would soon compare lists of charges against eventual convictions and realize how many crimes LIE-berals were letting disappear with plea bargaining!)

(Under the old system- if you broke into a house that was “breaking and entering”. If you had tools to disarm an alarm- you had “possession of burglar tools”. Find the keys to the family car and load it up with electronics is “theft over $5 grand”. Find a shotgun and load it- “illegal possession of a fire arm”. Hear the cops arrive and fire your newly found shotgun out the window and its “assault with a deadly weapon’, Try to flee in the family van and you get a “reckless driving” charge. Get boxed in and take a punch at a cop and its “resisting arrest”)

(Under the old system- the events listed above would net you seven separate charges and they would be listed that way in 7 separate columns so that anybody interested could see at a glance how many crimes and which type of crimes were committed in the city in a set period of time. Now- thanks to LIE-beral meddling, the 7 crimes are reduced to ONE CRIME SCENE! This seems to make it easier for LIE-berals to HIDE just how many crimes are being forgotten or ignored as thugs move through the LIE-beral version of justice system and major crimes are plea bargained down to minor ones and minor crimes are forgotten entirely! And the amount of crime being committed is ARTIFICIALLY REDUCED!)

(To make matters worse- under the old system you served `consecutive` sentences- commit 3 crimes and get 2 years for one crime, 3 years for a a second and 5 years for a third and you would be looking at 10 years in jail as you worked through each of the sentences. It was LIE-berals who introduced concurrent sentences in which you would serve the 2 years, the 3 years and the five years concurrently- meaning you would be in jail for 5 years- with the other two sentences essentially FORGOTTEN! And it was LIE-berals who then introduced “time off for good behaviour” so your concurrent 5 year term- that used to be 10 years- is now reduced to 3 or even 2 years! It’s a LIE-beral “get out of jail almost free card”! LIE-berals also introduced the concept of “time served” in which dangerous thugs who got caught red handed in some crime were denied bail and had to stay in jail till their trial date- but LIE-beral justice is so slow that it often takes longer to get to a trial than the actual sentence offered by a hug a thug judge- under LIE-beral justice a thug might sit in jail for 3 years only to get a sentence of two years- and LIE-beral hug a thug judges laid awake at night worrying about thug rights! So thugs get `credit` for time served if they are denied bail- meaning you spend one year in jail waiting for the trial but get THREE YEARS CREDIT for time served- all in the name of justice and saving gravy for LIE-berals and union Hog allies!)

(And now jails are so crowded and trials are so backlogged that LIE-beals have decided not to bother with bail- just charge thugs and turn them loose and hope they don’t make too much more trouble! And should we ask if this new LIE-beral bail idea is not just another desperate ploy by LIE-berals struggling to find court space to deal with that mass of illegal immigrants Our idiot Boy Justin has invited here? LIE-berals fired all but two of the immigration judges serving the western half of Canada because of their pro `conservative` view of immigration- in other words the fired judges refused to swallow whatever crap story immigrants fed them and denied entry to more people than LIE-berals considered fair!)

(LIE-berals speak so often of fairness- but seem NOT to understand the word. Why else would they drag their feet in deporting Anthony Dooley? Anthony came from Jamaica- first to United States- where he was quickly arrested and jailed for drug dealing- and then deported. Anthony turned right around and came to Canada- AS A REFUGEE CLAIMANT! Anthony met up with his common law wife Marcia Dooley- also a refugee claimant- both spinning nonsense stories that even LIE-beral judges found hard to swallow! Anthony had two sons and got his ex wife to ship both boys to Toronto. In 2 years Marcia and Anthony managed to beat 9 year old son Randal to death- punched him in the face so hard and so often the autopsy found pieces of his shattered teeth in his stomach!)

(At the time Marcia was arrested for murder- she was also under investigation for welfare fraud and that investigation ended when she was arrested for murder! LIE-berals do NOT want us to know how many hundreds of thousands of dollars govt poverty pimps handed out to a thief and child killer! LIE-berals do not want to answer questions about what their immigration judges were thinking when they refused to immediately deport convicted drug dealer Anthony! LIE-beral legal system has turned into a vast immigrant vote buying, gravy saving activity that benefits ONLY LIE-berals as it HIDES the ugly reality of so called LIE-beral justice! And to add insult to injury we have craven coward leaders handing out govt grants to reverse racist bigots of groups like Black Lives Matter and Idle No More to enable them to push for more false justice! LIE-berals are that desperate for votes so they can cling to power at any price- they are willing to turn our society upside down!)

Unfortunately, the situation makes clear that our AG has no experience in criminal courts. It is ignorance meeting naivety. More concerning is that it will expose the public to greater risk from criminal offenders.

Being released on bail, according to the Criminal Code is, for most offences, the norm. If the Crown opposes the release of the accused, the onus shifts to the Crown to demonstrate the accused is a flight risk, presents a high risk of committing an offence if released or that the seriousness of the offence combined with a strong Crown case would be shocking to the public.

(LIE-beral justice is NO JUSTICE! They cannot rehabilitate hard core criminals, they refuse to punish hard core criminals, and they cannot afford to lock up hard core criminals to protect us because the costs are prohibitive and LIE-berals NEED that gravy to buy votes and cling to power!)

The new bail directive’s objective is jovially described in Naqvi’s press release as reducing pre-trial custody. The Criminal Code dictates how Crowns should make decisions on whether to oppose bail. And a judicial officer, a Justice of the Peace makes the final decision.

But now, Crowns have to contend with platitudinous directives such as “reinforcing that recommendations for conditions of release should be connected to both the circumstances of the accused and the facts of the case, while at the same time, meeting public safety concerns.”

(The “circumstances of the accused” means sympathy for thugs! It means judges MUST swallow any stupid sob story thugs utter in court!)

I can assure you that if someone is released on bail according to Naqvi’s new marching orders and commits a heinous crime, Naqvi will be hiding under his comfy desk, while the Crown who agreed to his release will be strung out to dry, second-guessed and humiliated publicly to no end at a coroner’s inquest or other public inquiry.

But the one who should really have blood on his hands is Naqvi.

(Absolutely right! LIE-berals routinely enjoy second guessing cops who must deal with lunatics without proper equipment! Irt is LIE-berals who refuse to give cops tazers and bean bag shooting weapons they could use to knock down and disarm crazy people instead of having no choice but to pull their pistols and fire when nuts attack! And now LIE-berals will have the chance to crap on prosecutors as well! This is CLASSIC LIE-beral policy- anything that goes wrong is ALWAYS the fault of somebody else! LIE-berals NEVER MAKE GROSS OR SELFISH MISTAKES! Just ask them and see!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Two men posing as women charged for allegedly trying to blackmail MP
Canadian Press
January 21, 2019
January 21, 2019 1:39 PM EST
Treasury Board President Tony Clement fields questions in the foyer outside the House of Commons in Ottawa on May 11, 2015. Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA — Two men in Africa’s Ivory Coast have been charged for attempting to blackmail Canadian MP Tony Clement by posing as a woman online and demanding money after Clement shared explicit sexual images with them.
RCMP have confirmed the two men arrested by the Ivory Coast’s cyber-crimes unit recently were charged in connection with Clement’s case.
In November, Clement asked the RCMP to investigate after he admitted to sending sexually explicit images to what he believed was a “consenting female,” but later learned was an online account being run by “foreign actors” trying to extort him for 50,000 euros.
Clement was booted from the Conservative caucus in November after admitting to having had inappropriate online relationships with more than one woman.
The suspects in the extortion case against Clement and one other alleged victim are being identified by Ivory Coast officials only by the initials CH and DML.
Information published by the African police agency says the two suspects have been questioned, and the RCMP says it continues to work with international partners on the case.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Two men posing as women charged for allegedly trying to blackmail MP
Canadian Press
January 21, 2019
January 21, 2019 1:39 PM EST
Treasury Board President Tony Clement fields questions in the foyer outside the House of Commons in Ottawa on May 11, 2015. Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA — Two men in Africa’s Ivory Coast have been charged for attempting to blackmail Canadian MP Tony Clement by posing as a woman online and demanding money after Clement shared explicit sexual images with them.
RCMP have confirmed the two men arrested by the Ivory Coast’s cyber-crimes unit recently were charged in connection with Clement’s case.
In November, Clement asked the RCMP to investigate after he admitted to sending sexually explicit images to what he believed was a “consenting female,” but later learned was an online account being run by “foreign actors” trying to extort him for 50,000 euros.
Clement was booted from the Conservative caucus in November after admitting to having had inappropriate online relationships with more than one woman.
The suspects in the extortion case against Clement and one other alleged victim are being identified by Ivory Coast officials only by the initials CH and DML.
Information published by the African police agency says the two suspects have been questioned, and the RCMP says it continues to work with international partners on the case.

DONT WORRY SPAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have a LONG HISTORY OF BEING SOFT ON CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOBODY WILL BE PUNISHED AS A RESULT OF THIS BLACKMAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals ONLY BOTHERED with the Clement BLACKMAIL CASE as a one time effort to PRETEND they are not soft on crime!!!!!

They are engaged in nothing but some IMAGE POLISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know a guy who recently discovered that somebody had applied for a "credit instrument" from a local bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And applied using HIS NAME AND PERSONAL INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And WHERE did they get that personal information?????????????????????????????

From hacking into the OSAP student loans data base back in year 2000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Govt LACK of ecurity around our personal inforamtion is a PRIME REASON NOT to let LIE-berals collect our banking information!!!!!

The guy has been PLAGUED for decades as scammers follow him around thanks to LIE-beral carelessness with information!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soft on crime LIE-berals do NOT CHASE or prosecute HACKERS OR FRAUD ARTISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE have that PROOF from when 4 scammer STOLE a total of $44 million dollars in Ontari-owe and WYNNE-BAG GOVT DECIDED they did not have the gravy needed to prosecute the 4- and RELEASED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So - here is where it gets REALLY LIE-beral style INSULTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Under LIE-beral privacy laws -The guy has NO RIGHT to know what sort of credit instrument the scammers applied for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is NONE of his business what may be done in his name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor will the cops pursue and charge the scammers with ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you present forged documents at a govt office in order to get money IT IS A CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uttering forged documents is CRIMINAL if you do it to govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But if somebody goes into a bank and Utters FORGED DOCUMENTS to the bank in an effort to scam an ordinary person then LIE-berals SHRUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals guard themselves very well - but DONT GIVE SH+T WHAT HAPPENS TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy expected some sort of cop response and GOT NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you lose any money the guy was asked?????????????????????

And he had to admit NO he did not- THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals shrugged- no harm and no foul if no money is lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact that they guy HAS LOST MONEY in the past due to other hacks DOES NOT TROUBLE LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How would you buy food????????????

Pay your rent or mortgage??????????????????????

Get to work without a penny to your name????????????????????????

And yes- the guy eventually got all his money back over a period of TWO YEARS as the fraud squad worked its way through the evidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOBODY WAS EVER arrested or charged with that fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The SOLE INTEREST of cops and banks was to see if this guy HAD LIED TO THEM about being cheated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So the guy lived TEN WEEKS WITHOUT A PENNY TO HIS NAME- while banks and cops THREATENED HIM with fraud charges!!!!!!

Yes- in our LIE-beral hug a thug age- if you go to the cops or bank to complain about having been ROBBED- YOU WILL BE THREATENED WITH CHARGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals WILL NOT PURSUE THE SCAMMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unless it is a special case - such as high profile Tony Clement and LIE-berals want to PRETEND to be tough on crime after having taken so many public relations black eyes over things like the SEVEN accused killers released without trial in summer 2017- along with those 4 previously mentioned scammers who got $44 million from us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals are smarting over public SCORN over their immigration screw ups such as drunken idiot who was released from drunk driving charges because he did not have a LAWYER OR INTERPRETER PRESENT WHEN he blew over the limit and got

LIE-berals have been badly stung over public rage at the IN-EFFECTIVENESS of their "do not call registry" that seems to actually ENCOURAGE phone scammers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are being badly stung over public rage at the door to door sales pillaging and outright FRAUD occurring across the country - that LIE-berqls are IGNORING!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are looking for some cheap and easy way to DEFLECT PUBLIC RAGE AWAY from their soft on crime CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have been telling us for decades that crime rates are falling- yet we are BESIEGED AT WORK AND HOME by scammers of every sort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And when we get robbed- we face BLAME from the authorities and we MUST PROVE OUR INNOCENCE BEFORE they will replace any of the money that THEIR CARELESS guardianship has allowed to be stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Tony Clement returns to Commons from 'dark valley' of sexting scandal
Canadian Press
February 21, 2019
February 21, 2019 12:29 PM EST
Conservative MP Tony Clement waits to be introduced to supporters at a rally in Mississauga, Ont., to announce his candidacy for the leadership of the Federal Conservative Party on Tuesday, July 12, 2016. Chris Young / THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA — MP Tony Clement is breaking his social media silence for the first time since a sexting scandal forced him to out of the Conservative Party.
Clement made his first post to Instagram Wednesday since he resigned as a Conservative MP in November.
Wednesday’s post includes a picture of him standing in the new House of Commons with a statement thanking his followers for getting him through the “dark valley” after the scandal broke.
In November, Clement admitted he shared explicit images online with someone he believed to be a consenting female adult but who then turned around and demanded he pay 50,000 euros to prevent the images from going public.
He initially claimed it was a one-time lapse in judgment but when it became clear it wasn’t, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer asked him to resign from the party caucus.
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Clement now sits as an independent and says he is getting back to his duties as the MP for Parry Sound-Muskoka.
“I had a severe personal crisis and it manifested itself in the irrational behaviour that became apparent and for which I take full responsibility,” Clement says on Instagram.
He also says he was “getting the counselling I needed and working on my family life” during his time away from office.
Earlier this year, two men in the Ivory Coast were arrested and charged with trying to blackmail Clement.
The RCMP is continuing to work with the Ivory Coast’s cybercrimes unit.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Tony Clement returns to Commons from 'dark valley' of sexting scandal
Canadian Press
February 21, 2019
February 21, 2019 12:29 PM EST
Conservative MP Tony Clement waits to be introduced to supporters at a rally in Mississauga, Ont., to announce his candidacy for the leadership of the Federal Conservative Party on Tuesday, July 12, 2016. Chris Young / THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA — MP Tony Clement is breaking his social media silence for the first time since a sexting scandal forced him to out of the Conservative Party.
Clement made his first post to Instagram Wednesday since he resigned as a Conservative MP in November.
Wednesday’s post includes a picture of him standing in the new House of Commons with a statement thanking his followers for getting him through the “dark valley” after the scandal broke.
In November, Clement admitted he shared explicit images online with someone he believed to be a consenting female adult but who then turned around and demanded he pay 50,000 euros to prevent the images from going public.
He initially claimed it was a one-time lapse in judgment but when it became clear it wasn’t, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer asked him to resign from the party caucus.
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Clement now sits as an independent and says he is getting back to his duties as the MP for Parry Sound-Muskoka.
“I had a severe personal crisis and it manifested itself in the irrational behaviour that became apparent and for which I take full responsibility,” Clement says on Instagram.
He also says he was “getting the counselling I needed and working on my family life” during his time away from office.
Earlier this year, two men in the Ivory Coast were arrested and charged with trying to blackmail Clement.
The RCMP is continuing to work with the Ivory Coast’s cybercrimes unit. get horny when their marriage breaks up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Tony Clement will not seek re-election after sexting scandal
Canadian Press
April 2, 2019
April 2, 2019 1:50 PM EDT
Conservative MP Tony Clement is applauded by supporters as he holds a rally in Mississauga, Ontario to announce his candidacy for the leadership of the Federal Conservative Party on July 12, 2016. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young
OTTAWA — MP Tony Clement says he will not seek re-election, citing a desire to continue a “better lived life.”
Clement was booted from the Conservative caucus after admitting to having had inappropriate online relationships with more than one woman.
In a statement Tuesday, Clement says his personal life is back on track after the “personal crisis” he says he created, but that he won’t run again in Parry Sound-Muskoka.
My statement today, announcing that I will not run for re-election in Parry Sound-Muskoka
— Tony Clement (@TonyclementCPC) April 2, 2019
“It’s time to move on,” he said in the statement posted to his website. “This was actually not a difficult decision, and it is also the right one. I am very content with it, as is my family. ”
The now-independent MP says he will complete his term.
In November, Clement asked the RCMP to investigate after he admitted to sending sexually explicit images to what he believed was a “consenting female,” but later learned was an online account being run by “foreign actors” trying to extort him for 50,000 euros.
The Ontario MP and one other alleged victim both received electronic invitations from a fake online profile that appeared to belong to a young white woman. After they sent explicit photos and videos, extortionists allegedly demanded 50,000 euros from Clement and 300,000 euros from the other victim as ransom, threatening to expose the videos to the world.
Two men in Africa’s Ivory Coast have been charged with blackmail in connection with these cases.
Clement, 57, initially told Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer the incident involving blackmail was isolated and resigned as Conservative justice critic and from his committee positions.
He was soon removed from the Conservative caucus after admitting to having had inappropriate online relationships with more than one woman. A number of women posting on social-media sites said that Clement had befriended them online, seemed to follow their activities closely, “liked” many of their photos and sometimes contacted them privately through direct messages.
Tony Clement returns to Commons from ‘dark valley’ of sexting scandal
Two arrests in Tony Clement extortion attempt
In his statement, Clement reflected on his many years with the Conservative party as both a provincial and federal legislator, saying that while he has experienced highs and lows in his political life, there have been “many more highs.”
He also opined on how the world of politics has changed since he was first elected to public office in 1995, calling it a life of “loneliness, anxieties and adversity,” with moments of triumph and accomplishment.
“For me, despite the challenges and the obvious effects on my emotional well-being, I am convinced this has been worthwhile as my life’s work.”
Clement says he will support Scheer and the Conservative party in the October federal election.