Trudeau Is Going To Bury Us In Debt


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Sorry, didn't mean to encroach on your territory.

Question for you - Why do you persist in hassling me and making false accusations about me when I've done absolutely nothing to hurt you except to hand back your own shit to you? (which I'm going to stop doing as it just lowers me to your level)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Question for you - Why do you persist in hassling me and making false accusations about me when I've done absolutely nothing to hurt you except to hand back your own shit to you? (which I'm going to stop doing as it just lowers me to your level)
I'm sure you perceive it that way, but it isn't true. I often disagree with you, and sometimes laugh at you. But you're always the first to come out with profanity and insults. I just respond in kind.

It's called "aversion therapy."

Remember, I'm just a guy on the other end of the internet. I can't hurt you, even if I wanted to, which I don't.

Got any preference for the name of the new CFL team?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm sure you perceive it that way, but it isn't true. I often disagree with you, and sometimes laugh at you. But you're always the first to come out with profanity and insults. I just respond in kind.

It's called "aversion therapy."

Doesn't matter - When you call a heterosexual person, queer (which you've done on two occasions I can think of) you've crossed a line I would never think of crossing) Anyway I'm quitting the profanity as it just puts me in the same boat as you, which isn't my normal standard!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Doesn't matter - When you call a heterosexual person, queer (which you've done on two occasions I can think of) you've crossed a line I would never think of crossing) Anyway I'm quitting the profanity as it just puts me in the same boat as you, which isn't my normal standard!
I do think of crossing it. Not because being called gay bothers me, but because I know it bothers you.

You quit the profanity and direct insults, I'll restrict myself to addressing your points.

I invite you to call it to my attention, on the board or by PM, if you feel I've violated what I just said. If I agree with you, or even if I don't but feel you have a point, you'll have a full, unreserved apology from me, which for me includes a commitment to do better.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I do think of crossing it. Not because being called gay bothers me, but because I know it bothers you.
You quit the profanity and direct insults, I'll restrict myself to addressing your points.
I invite you to call it to my attention, on the board or by PM, if you feel I've violated what I just said. If I agree with you, or even if I don't but feel you have a point, you'll have a full, unreserved apology from me, which for me includes a commitment to do better.

Good, making disparaging accusations is one thing, but making disparaging accusations that aren't true is in an entirely different "ball park".


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Guess we should brace ourselves once again, just waiting for word on the Liberals' fall fiscal update. I wonder what Morneau and potato have in store for the next 6's doubtful it will be anything that would include any semblance of fiscal restraint or responsibility.

Liberal deficits, apparently, work for everyone

We assume he’ll assure Canadians the federal Liberal’s track record of rising debt, massive deficits, tax hikes and growing government red tape were part of a proven plan to modestly grow Canada’s economy over the past three years.

That adding a national carbon tax that will hike the cost of gas, groceries and cost of living will magically put more money into everyone’s pockets.

That following his government’s taxpayer credit-card fueled spending spree, that saw government spending top $300 billion annually for the first time ever, fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets are on the horizon.

Meanwhile, fiscal irresponsibility has defined the past three years.

During the 2015 federal election campaign, then Liberal leader Justin Trudeau predicted that if elected he would run a $9.9 billion deficit in 2016-17.

Instead, it hit $19 billion — 92% higher than planned.



LIE-berals LYING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 2016 that deficit was reported AS THIRTY TWO BILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But now LIE-berals have magically made it into ONLY $19 billion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which of the LIE-beral LIES should we believe THIS TIME????????????????????????????

And is it a LIE-beral "STRETCH GOAL" to convince us that we should believe ANYTHING A LIE-beral tells us??????????????

And shall we ask if LIE-berals are using the same currency as the rest of us?????????????

How else to explain the difference between $19 billion and $32 billion?????????????

And how else to explain Wynne-bag LIE-beral accounting in which a LIE-beral PROMISE of $55 billion dollars in pension top ups to teachers- meaning DEBT TO BE PAID- MAGICALLY BECAME A $10 billion dollar PENSION ASSET when Wynne-bag decided she needed to "balance the budget"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals repeatedly promise us open, honest and fair govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So why dont they tell us HOW MUCH EXTRA PENSION GRAVY they have promised to civil service union Hogs in exchange for their

support at election time????????????????????????????

In 2012- LIE-beral loving news media STOPPED telling us about the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN EXTRA PENSION

PAYMENTS THE HOGS WOULD NEED to avoid their pension funds going BANKRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals who want to be honest should immediately tell us how much of the Ontari-owe electricity price gouging cash was paid to Hogs- as pension gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals should tell us how much of their carbon crap and trade tax scam cash is being directed into the pockets of Hogs!!!!!!!!!!

Anything less than such truth and disclosure is just MORE LIE-beral FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
This could easily go into is he an idiot thread I chose to put it here

Trudeau's $50M tweet draws attacks

OTTAWA - Canada will contribute $50 million to a global charity for children's education, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted to comedian Trevor Noah, a pledge that quickly drew criticism both for its content and its form.
Celebrities gathered in Johannesburg, South Africa on Sunday for the Global Citizen Festival: Mandela 100, a charity concert honouring Nelson Mandela a century after he was born.
Trudeau tweeted to Noah, who is hosting the festival, that Canada would give the money to Education Cannot Wait, an organization that funds education for children affected by conflicts, natural disasters and other crises.
Global Citizen is an organization that wants to end extreme poverty by 2030. Its Mandela 100 campaign sought to bring in US$1 billion in donations, and Global Citizen tweeted that the campaign surpassed that goal, bringing in over $7 billion.
"Hey @Trevornoah - thanks for everything you’re doing to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s legacy at the @GlblCtzn festival. Sorry I can’t be with you - but how about Canada pledges $50M to @EduCannotWait to support education for women & girls around the world? Work for you? Let’s do it," Trudeau tweeted to the South African comedian and "The Daily Show" host.
Noah said "This is amazing!" as Trudeau’s tweet was shown on a big screen at the concert.
But back in Canada critics were less enthusiastic. Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer accused Trudeau of pledging $50 million in a tweet to impress a TV personality.
"Taxpayers need a defender not somebody who throws their money around to be popular with celebrities," Scheer tweeted.
Similarly, Conservative MP Michelle Rempel tweeted that Trudeau's message was "tone deaf" and also accused him of trying to get noticed by a TV star and said the money had not been budgeted for.
Louis Belanger, the director of communications for International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau, said the $50 million is part of $400 million in aid previously announced during the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Que., near Quebec City, in June.
Belanger said Education Cannot Wait is one of the only funds that specifically helps girls' education in places such as refugee camps and war zones.
"This is the type of funding that we had our eye on since we announced it in Quebec City," he said.
Belanger said the decision to announce the $50 million was made three weeks ago but officials had been talking about giving to Education Cannot Wait for months.
He said the organization operates in Jordan, Lebanon and South Sudan and in camps where people have been displaced by the west African terrorist group Boko Haram, for example.
"We think it's important for girls to continue their education and that's why we're moving forward," he said.
Trudeau's principal secretary Gerald Butts took to Twitter to defend the move.
"This money is going to educate women and girls in the developing world, in commemoration of Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday," he tweeted, adding, "And the Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada’s reaction..." and included a link to Scheer's tweet.
Toronto-based lawyer and former Liberal staffer Warren Kinsella tweeted that Education Cannot Wait is a worthy cause, but called Trudeau's tweet an "appalling" way for the decision to be communicated, "to a American-based TV host, no less."

This UN human council bid is going to break us


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
This could easily go into is he an idiot thread I chose to put it here

Trudeau's $50M tweet draws attacks

This UN human council bid is going to break us



Our idiot Boy Justin has decided that money is no object when it comes to him getting a seat at the big kids table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That $50 million dollar gift is only a DOWN PAYMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Millions more must be paid directly to the U.N. for the privilege of being at the big table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even worse- Our idiot Boy apparently needs the support of third world dictators such as Cuba to ensure he gets a seat!

So he is sucking up to dictators around the world so he can do his virtue signalling nonsense in a major forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And is it not ABSURD that Our idiot Boy will get voted out of Pm`s office- right around the time the United Nations vote is taken!!!!!!!!!!!!

CANADIANS WILL HAVE PAID OUT MILLIONS - for a seat that the new Conservative govt will recognize is a COSTLY WASTE OF TIME!!!!!!!!!!

And most Cdns will AGREE with that assessment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!