Tesla's electric cars aren't as green as you might think


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
This planet cannot be damaged by humans. This planet is hooked to the big grid. Whatever grows here eventually catches on about the light or they don,t. The planet will continue to thrive even with the now noticably fluxuating life support system ever so slightly out of it,s previous warmer gear. Bundle up or perish, migrate south when you can climate permitting, the snow and ice can impede progress to below forty, at least.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
We have electric cars, too, its are becoming very popular. Whatever you say, the pollution are less, and harm less to nature. I have already tried to drive different cars rental24h.com. When I see the rental cars then take electric cars.



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Gasoline burns too. Or haven't you figured that out yet?

Oh poor Bar SILLY SISTER!!!!!!!! His knowledge of chemistry and the laws of reality are so grossly flawed!

If I crash my gas powered car and the gas tank ruptures- it DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY burst into flames!

If I crash my lithium powered and ever so costly LIE-beral sponsored electric TOY car and crack the battery case- IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY BURST INTO FLAMES- just as soon as the lithium comes in contact with oxygen!

So tell me again WHY we tax payers should tolerate LIE-berals and their idiot NDP cousins throwing huge clumps of OUR tax dollars at an industry they HOPE will supply them with HUGE electricity sales and GOBS OF GRAVY- if only they can somehow FORCE us to buy their electric TOY vehicles?

A Tesla model 3 costs $35 grand U.S. while a NIssan Qashqai costs $20 grand Cdn- just about HALF the cost- and that is WITHOUT factoring in the over $4 billion dollars of tax money that Nevada state tax payers pretty much GAVE to Elon Musk to build his factory in their state!

Why buy a Tesla costing twice as much as the Qashqai and with MUCH SHORTER RANGE, much less cargo carrying capacity, absolutely NO towing capacity and a hugely crippling battery reaction to cold weather- such that range may be HALVED or worse- even if the driver ruthlessly economizes by shutting off heat and lights and window defrosters- as the guys who drove the first electric TOY car across United States had to do!

WHY should we endure the costs and limitations and huge refueling inconvenience just so LIE-berals can grab more gravy?

Poor stupid Bar Silly Sister has NO respectable answer to that question! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All he can do is whine that I am "off topic" - which is Muslim double speak meaning I dont like your answer and have no logical response but since I lack any intelligent rebuttal I will simply change the subject!!!!!!!!!!!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Gasoline burns too. Or haven't you figured that out yet?

STB has a great point, you should pay particular attention to that.

All the same, what i find most troubling is that you support child slave labour

You are nothing more than a monster, what did these kids ever do to you to deserve your condemning them to a life of hardship and misery?

GM will be selling cars with no steering wheels by 2019

You mean it's an option like leather seats or the sport package

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Oh poor Bar SILLY SISTER!!!!!!!! His knowledge of chemistry and the laws of reality are so grossly flawed!

If I crash my gas powered car and the gas tank ruptures- it DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY burst into flames!

And yet those were gasoline powered cars on fire were they not? Try again - this time with a reply that makes sense.

STB has a great point, you should pay particular attention to that.

All the same, what i find most troubling is that you support child slave labour

You are nothing more than a monster, what did these kids ever do to you to deserve your condemning them to a life of hardship and misery?

You mean it's an option like leather seats or the sport package

Guess you better take out your cell phone and put it where the sun doesn't shine. It can join all the ideas you pull out of there.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
And yet those were gasoline powered cars on fire were they not? Try again - this time with a reply that makes sense.

Guess you better take out your cell phone and put it where the sun doesn't shine. It can join all the ideas you pull out of there.

Here is a fun question: "why do LIE-berals INSIST that it is easier to force people out of their cars than it is to simply reduce the pensions paid to civil service union Hogs in order to get their fat backsides out of airplanes"?

Airplanes are proven as the absolutely most fuel hog machines on the planet so curbing their use gets much faster results- WITHOUT destroying the economy- as a forced switch to electric toy cars would do!

Pity poor Bar silly sister- he is loosing the argument and pissing off the people he is trying to sway with his muddled thoughts, lack of economic theory and general dictatorship of his Soviet command style economy!

He will NEVER get the kind of gravy eh THINKS he is entitled to- and that is the ONLY THING LIE-beral electric TOY vehicles will produce if dictators like Bar Silly sister have their way!

This is why Muslims have not made anything useful in 1000 years- the Imams- those closed minded old farts must approve or it doesnt get done- hence nothing IS done!

Now we should talk about the Cdn experience with the electric TOY vehicles that LIE-berals and their NDP idiot cousins want to dump on us:

Here is an article illustrating that LIE-berals are pathetically SLOW learners! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Mayor John Tory gets behind wheel of electric bus as part of new TTC program

cbc.ca. By Muriel Draaisma

Mayor John Tory got a firsthand look on Saturday at three different types of "all-electric eBuses" on Saturday that the TTC will test before it receives 30 by early next year.

The fully electric buses, which have zero emissions and no diesel components, are manufactured by three companies, BYD, New Flyer and Proterra. The TTC is expecting to get 30 in all, 10 from each manufacturer, for a total cost of $50 million by March 2019. The federal and provincial governments are contributing funds.

(Ah- LIE-berals LOVE their crappy and costly electric toy vehicles!)

After getting behind the wheel of one of the demonstration buses at Richview Collegiate Institute, Tory told reporters in Etobicoke the TTC is aiming to have a "zero-emissions" fleet by 2040.

"I don't think people know yet of the big push that we have on in the city of Toronto to move our fleet to be emissions free by 2040. That sounds like a long way away but you have to start," Tory said at Ward 4 Community Environment Day. Mayor John Tory says the TTC will begin testing the buses 'in our climate, on our streets' next spring.

(Yes- twice before Toronto Silly Hall FOOLS have drunk the coolaid and bought “green busses” that always cost about fifty percent MORE than conventional busses and which have rapidly developed assorted mechanical problems and thus far have always utterly FAILED to produce the sort of fuel savings that were the main reason for buying the busses!)

"We are very serious in the city about making our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets that we have set," he said.

(That`s nice- but the city is STONY BROKE and is facing an array of costly problems so how can they justify buying these EXPERIMENTAL machines? Surely the dead broke city should be letting others take the fiscal risks to prove or disprove the value of this THIRD GENERATION of green busses- especially as the first two generations were utter failures? Clearly, political POSTURING on climate issues trumps common sense and logic at Silly Hall! But LIE-berals never consider any price to high to impede their virtue signalling and self congratulatory announcements!)

(And does this purchase of electric busses signal some sort of disappointment at the vehicles Bombardier is supposed to be supplying- but has not done? We know TTC brass went before a judge trying to get the Bombardier contract cancelled due to deliveries being so hugely behind schedule- coupled with a series of damaging quality control issues on the few vehicles that were delivered! The judge refused to annul the contract and told TTC to be patient- and then Our idiot Boy Justin gave Toronto some money so it could cobble its old diesel machines together till Bombardier actually delivered its products- and we all know LIE-berals DO SO enjoy buying votes in Quebec and good business practices be damned! LIE-berals will say nothing against their bought and paid for union Hog allies in Quebec- no matter the scale or scope of their failings!)

Tory explained TTC buses contribute to the degradation of the environment through the use of diesel fuel, but the city and transit agency are determined to use greener technology through its eBus program. The TTC will test the buses "in our climate, on our streets" next spring, Tory said.

(So they are spending huge money they do not have to test out THIRTY BUSSES? Why not test out ONE from each of the three makers? Or is TTC THAT SHORT of equipment and that broke that they are prepared to take all manner of risks just so long as some sort of machines get on the streets swiftly? And we know that both federal and provincial LIE-berals offered up grant money as part of their commitment to mouldy “green” policy so at least the city is not wasting ALL its own money? LIE-berals are so obsessed with green technology one has to assume they are getting a personal cut of the profits from the sale of these gizmos! And of course the more electricity we use- for any reason- the more gravy the private sector LIE-beral pals who actually own our electrical system will skim off for their profit!)

Buses to make Toronto 'a greener city'

"With Earth Day coming up tomorrow, we thought it was an important day to showcase this initiative being undertaken by the TTC, which will save us money on the diesel fuel. It'll save emissions from harming from the environment," he said.

"And it really will just continue to move us into the vanguard of cities, in terms of being a greener city and meeting our climate change obligations and our greenhouse gas reductions."

(If Silly Hall LIE-berals were truly concerned about the environment and wanted to at least try to catch up to the “vanguard of cities” then they would immediately derail the civil service union Hog gravy train and start building MORE TRANSIT! Its what Rob Ford did to get Eglinton LRT rolling! Its what our current crop of LIE-berals SHOULD DO -to get the needed subways built- but they wont as they have already spent pour money buying Hogs! LIE-berals have signed FOUR YEAR contracts with provincial Hogs and locked up govt spending for that time! NO matter who becomes the next premier of Ontari-owe- their fiscal hands will be tied by LIE-beral schemes!)

Bem Case, the TTC's head of vehicle programs, said tests will measure how fast the buses travel, the range they can achieve, how well they perform in different temperatures, how their doors open depending on the weather and their corrosion.
"The buses are entirely new to us," Case said.

The TTC board, which approved the purchase last November, will install the necessary infrastructure to power the vehicles, including charging equipment and software.

In a November 2017 staff report, the TTC said the electric buses embody the future for the transit agency, which has about 2,000 buses in its fleet.

"Electric buses are the only truly green technology with the potential for zero emissions from generation through to bus operations. Electric buses have no tailpipe emissions, and in Ontario, generation of electricity for overnight charging is 100% nuclear and completely free of GHG emissions," the report reads.

(How do these hypocrites figure nuclear power is GREEN? Are they totally oblivious to the almost daily shipments of Tritium coolant and other radio active waste being sent down highway 401 to the massive concrete bunker/burial sites where OPG stores its radioactive slop? Some of this slop will need major storage facilities for up to 20,000 YEARS and want to bet NO LIE-beral has ever counted out the carbon foot print for all the excavation that will be required, plus all the toxic lead shielding and massive concrete bunkers that will be needed! Nuclear generators produce a LOT of power fairly cheaply but to suggest it is Zero Emission is a LIE-beral Fake News story!)

The report notes the electric bus industry is "so new" that there are no large-scale fleets in long term operations anywhere in North America and therefore testing is crucial.

(So I REPEAT: WHY is dead broke Toronto taking the financial risk with such unproven and costly technology?)

Public transit is already environmentally friendly, the report added. "By its nature, mass transit is green," it says.

But adopting new technology too quickly can cause such problems as unreliable vehicles, low customer and operator satisfaction, and high maintenance and operation costs, it adds.

(In other words- adopting new technology too quickly can lead to exactly the sort of problems the previous two generations of “green” TTC busses had! In addition- adopting new technology can lead to the sort of problems TTC had with their Presto car readers! Yet more proof of BAD LIE-beral business practice since they were warned that Presto was the newest and most costly and least tested card reader system available- but they went ahead anyway- with inevitable bad results!)

"As the TTC operates the largest bus fleet in Canada and the third largest in North America, however, we also have a role to play in the advancement of technologies that promise to offer significant safety, environmental, vehicle reliability, customer focused improvements."

(And maybe Silly Hall spending priorities are DEAD WRONG? Maybe they should leave the risks of developing an entirely new industry to others and worry about repairing social housing before it is ALL condemned as unfit to live in- as those 150 plus townhouses in the Jane/Finch area were last summer! Yes- over 150 city owned slum dwellings were torn down because they were to rotten to repair! So instead if simply repairing existing units- the city now has to find the EXTRA money to start over again from nothing with those units!)

(And the city has yet to do anything about Gardiner Expressway- except to quietly decide to let it DIE of neglect! Silly Hall would rather tear down Gardiner and close off portions of the city rather than make needed repairs! The Silly Hall War on Cars is in full swing- but they have yet to build ANY new transit as a desperately needed alternative! Toronto Silly Hall is driving blind and bankrupt into the future! The wonderful Silly Hall vision of the future is clouded by gravy!)

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Here is a fun question: "why do LIE-berals INSIST that it is easier to force people out of their cars than it is to simply reduce the pensions paid to civil service union Hogs in order to get their fat backsides out of airplanes"?

Airplanes are proven as the absolutely most fuel hog machines on the planet so curbing their use gets much faster results- WITHOUT destroying the economy- as a forced switch to electric toy cars would do!

Pity poor Bar silly sister- he is loosing the argument and pissing off the people he is trying to sway with his muddled thoughts, lack of economic theory and general dictatorship of his Soviet command style economy!

He will NEVER get the kind of gravy eh THINKS he is entitled to- and that is the ONLY THING LIE-beral electric TOY vehicles will produce if dictators like Bar Silly sister have their way!

This is why Muslims have not made anything useful in 1000 years- the Imams- those closed minded old farts must approve or it doesnt get done- hence nothing IS done!

Now we should talk about the Cdn experience with the electric TOY vehicles that LIE-berals and their NDP idiot cousins want to dump on us:

Here is an article illustrating that LIE-berals are pathetically SLOW learners! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Mayor John Tory gets behind wheel of electric bus as part of new TTC program

cbc.ca. By Muriel Draaisma

Mayor John Tory got a firsthand look on Saturday at three different types of "all-electric eBuses" on Saturday that the TTC will test before it receives 30 by early next year.

The fully electric buses, which have zero emissions and no diesel components, are manufactured by three companies, BYD, New Flyer and Proterra. The TTC is expecting to get 30 in all, 10 from each manufacturer, for a total cost of $50 million by March 2019. The federal and provincial governments are contributing funds.

(Ah- LIE-berals LOVE their crappy and costly electric toy vehicles!)

After getting behind the wheel of one of the demonstration buses at Richview Collegiate Institute, Tory told reporters in Etobicoke the TTC is aiming to have a "zero-emissions" fleet by 2040.

"I don't think people know yet of the big push that we have on in the city of Toronto to move our fleet to be emissions free by 2040. That sounds like a long way away but you have to start," Tory said at Ward 4 Community Environment Day. Mayor John Tory says the TTC will begin testing the buses 'in our climate, on our streets' next spring.

(Yes- twice before Toronto Silly Hall FOOLS have drunk the coolaid and bought “green busses” that always cost about fifty percent MORE than conventional busses and which have rapidly developed assorted mechanical problems and thus far have always utterly FAILED to produce the sort of fuel savings that were the main reason for buying the busses!)

"We are very serious in the city about making our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets that we have set," he said.

(That`s nice- but the city is STONY BROKE and is facing an array of costly problems so how can they justify buying these EXPERIMENTAL machines? Surely the dead broke city should be letting others take the fiscal risks to prove or disprove the value of this THIRD GENERATION of green busses- especially as the first two generations were utter failures? Clearly, political POSTURING on climate issues trumps common sense and logic at Silly Hall! But LIE-berals never consider any price to high to impede their virtue signalling and self congratulatory announcements!)

(And does this purchase of electric busses signal some sort of disappointment at the vehicles Bombardier is supposed to be supplying- but has not done? We know TTC brass went before a judge trying to get the Bombardier contract cancelled due to deliveries being so hugely behind schedule- coupled with a series of damaging quality control issues on the few vehicles that were delivered! The judge refused to annul the contract and told TTC to be patient- and then Our idiot Boy Justin gave Toronto some money so it could cobble its old diesel machines together till Bombardier actually delivered its products- and we all know LIE-berals DO SO enjoy buying votes in Quebec and good business practices be damned! LIE-berals will say nothing against their bought and paid for union Hog allies in Quebec- no matter the scale or scope of their failings!)

Tory explained TTC buses contribute to the degradation of the environment through the use of diesel fuel, but the city and transit agency are determined to use greener technology through its eBus program. The TTC will test the buses "in our climate, on our streets" next spring, Tory said.

(So they are spending huge money they do not have to test out THIRTY BUSSES? Why not test out ONE from each of the three makers? Or is TTC THAT SHORT of equipment and that broke that they are prepared to take all manner of risks just so long as some sort of machines get on the streets swiftly? And we know that both federal and provincial LIE-berals offered up grant money as part of their commitment to mouldy “green” policy so at least the city is not wasting ALL its own money? LIE-berals are so obsessed with green technology one has to assume they are getting a personal cut of the profits from the sale of these gizmos! And of course the more electricity we use- for any reason- the more gravy the private sector LIE-beral pals who actually own our electrical system will skim off for their profit!)

Buses to make Toronto 'a greener city'

"With Earth Day coming up tomorrow, we thought it was an important day to showcase this initiative being undertaken by the TTC, which will save us money on the diesel fuel. It'll save emissions from harming from the environment," he said.

"And it really will just continue to move us into the vanguard of cities, in terms of being a greener city and meeting our climate change obligations and our greenhouse gas reductions."

(If Silly Hall LIE-berals were truly concerned about the environment and wanted to at least try to catch up to the “vanguard of cities” then they would immediately derail the civil service union Hog gravy train and start building MORE TRANSIT! Its what Rob Ford did to get Eglinton LRT rolling! Its what our current crop of LIE-berals SHOULD DO -to get the needed subways built- but they wont as they have already spent pour money buying Hogs! LIE-berals have signed FOUR YEAR contracts with provincial Hogs and locked up govt spending for that time! NO matter who becomes the next premier of Ontari-owe- their fiscal hands will be tied by LIE-beral schemes!)

Bem Case, the TTC's head of vehicle programs, said tests will measure how fast the buses travel, the range they can achieve, how well they perform in different temperatures, how their doors open depending on the weather and their corrosion.
"The buses are entirely new to us," Case said.

The TTC board, which approved the purchase last November, will install the necessary infrastructure to power the vehicles, including charging equipment and software.

In a November 2017 staff report, the TTC said the electric buses embody the future for the transit agency, which has about 2,000 buses in its fleet.

"Electric buses are the only truly green technology with the potential for zero emissions from generation through to bus operations. Electric buses have no tailpipe emissions, and in Ontario, generation of electricity for overnight charging is 100% nuclear and completely free of GHG emissions," the report reads.

(How do these hypocrites figure nuclear power is GREEN? Are they totally oblivious to the almost daily shipments of Tritium coolant and other radio active waste being sent down highway 401 to the massive concrete bunker/burial sites where OPG stores its radioactive slop? Some of this slop will need major storage facilities for up to 20,000 YEARS and want to bet NO LIE-beral has ever counted out the carbon foot print for all the excavation that will be required, plus all the toxic lead shielding and massive concrete bunkers that will be needed! Nuclear generators produce a LOT of power fairly cheaply but to suggest it is Zero Emission is a LIE-beral Fake News story!)

The report notes the electric bus industry is "so new" that there are no large-scale fleets in long term operations anywhere in North America and therefore testing is crucial.

(So I REPEAT: WHY is dead broke Toronto taking the financial risk with such unproven and costly technology?)

Public transit is already environmentally friendly, the report added. "By its nature, mass transit is green," it says.

But adopting new technology too quickly can cause such problems as unreliable vehicles, low customer and operator satisfaction, and high maintenance and operation costs, it adds.

(In other words- adopting new technology too quickly can lead to exactly the sort of problems the previous two generations of “green” TTC busses had! In addition- adopting new technology can lead to the sort of problems TTC had with their Presto car readers! Yet more proof of BAD LIE-beral business practice since they were warned that Presto was the newest and most costly and least tested card reader system available- but they went ahead anyway- with inevitable bad results!)

"As the TTC operates the largest bus fleet in Canada and the third largest in North America, however, we also have a role to play in the advancement of technologies that promise to offer significant safety, environmental, vehicle reliability, customer focused improvements."

(And maybe Silly Hall spending priorities are DEAD WRONG? Maybe they should leave the risks of developing an entirely new industry to others and worry about repairing social housing before it is ALL condemned as unfit to live in- as those 150 plus townhouses in the Jane/Finch area were last summer! Yes- over 150 city owned slum dwellings were torn down because they were to rotten to repair! So instead if simply repairing existing units- the city now has to find the EXTRA money to start over again from nothing with those units!)

(And the city has yet to do anything about Gardiner Expressway- except to quietly decide to let it DIE of neglect! Silly Hall would rather tear down Gardiner and close off portions of the city rather than make needed repairs! The Silly Hall War on Cars is in full swing- but they have yet to build ANY new transit as a desperately needed alternative! Toronto Silly Hall is driving blind and bankrupt into the future! The wonderful Silly Hall vision of the future is clouded by gravy!)

And why is it so hard for conservatives idiots to stay on topic? I'm guessing maybe 1% of your post is related to the thread.

I can't believe that you're such a big supporter of abusing children.

Well, you certainly are if you have any of these - a cell phone, a tablet, a laptop. Keep on trying. One day you will post something that makes sense.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
And why is it so hard for conservatives idiots to stay on topic? I'm guessing maybe 1% of your post is related to the thread.

Well, you certainly are if you have any of these - a cell phone, a tablet, a laptop. Keep on trying. One day you will post something that makes sense.

Poor Bar Silly Sister! He is trying SO HARD to convince me that HIS THREAD should consist ONLY of whatever he does NOT want me talking about!

Bar foolish uses the phrase "off topic" as a bit of LIE-beral slang meaning "I dont like what you re saying because I have no effective rebuttal and I dont like being embarrassed by Conservative facts and logic"!

Here is an article illustrating why govt jobs in Canada should only go to Cdn born citizens. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Toronto cop's wife, her mom and sisters snared in immigration scam

By Sam Pazzano Courts Bureau.

Published: February 22, 2018. Updated: February 22, 2018 7:11 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Toronto & GTA

The officer serving as second in command at Toronto’s troubled 13 Division had his Bradford home raided as Peel Regional Police investigated an alleged immigration scam earlier this month.

Acting Insp. Paul Qureshi’s wife, Mariam Qureshi, 36, her mother and the alleged ringleader, Sakia Mojadiddi, 61, along with the elder woman’s two younger daughters, Dunya Mojadiddi, 26, and Morassa Rizvir, 32, are now charged with fraud-related offences from a scheme that police allege fleeced victims from the Middle East who dreamed of bringing loved ones to Canada.

(IN other words the Qureshi family was fleecing victims from their home country and hiding behind Cdn identity they clearly do not deserve!)

Peel cops allege eight victims from their region lost approximately $800,000. All four women are free and are due back in court March 12.

Toronto cops say Paul Qureshi, who was installed as acting inspector at 13 Division in September or October 2017, will remain in his position and is not under investigation by his own service.

“If you want more information, I suggest you go to Peel Regional,” Toronto Police spokesman Mark Pugash said Wednesday.

(Our police forces would get more respect from citizens if LIE-berals would stop forcing them to hire ethnic candidates for purely political reasons! One has only to think of the Albanian born Toronto cop who was accused of tipping off Albanian organized crime figures that Toronto cops were investigating! Or the Somali who was hired by Ottawa police force in spite of owning several different sets of ID with different names and ages! How can such a guy be investigated and pass a security clearance if he cannot even be precisely identified! Its not as if one can phone cops in Somalia for information since there are NONE to speak to in that chaotic land of warlords and pirates!)

“Names of the spouses will not be released at this time,” stated Peel police spokesman Const. Bancroft Wright. “As for the spouses facing charges, the investigation is ongoing.”

Earlier, police said the investigation started in July when a victim reported paying large amounts of money to an organization called Afghan Refugee Relief, or AAR, to help sponsor family members wanting to immigrate to Canada.

It’s alleged Sakia Mojadiddi, of Mississauga, didn’t complete the paperwork or refund the customer. She wasn’t authorized to file the documents, Peel police said in October 2017.

(This is the sort of chaos that results when LIE-berals throw open our doors to any idiot who wants to immigrate- LIE-berals will throw out the welcome mat if they can buy votes in the process! And it does not help that LIE-berals are so hungry for more gravy that they have chosen to tell us crime is down and we do not need a lot of cops to chase criminals any more! One has only to think of the 4 Afghans arrested some years back on 1500 car theft charges- 3 of the brothers were running an auto wrecking yard and getting paid to dispose of “lemon” cars in exchange for insurance money! The 4th brother ran a repair shop and used lots of the stolen car parts in his repairs- people paid for new parts and got stolen crap instead! Or we could talk of the mostly Russian car “dealers” who so often have starring roles in W-5 tv show exposes of how car wrecks are being rebuilt and resold in spite of dangerous deficiencies!)

The alleged leader was busted on fraud charges two months earlier and after investigators divulged details of the case 38 alleged victims came forward, said Peel police at the time.

The victims came from the Europe, the Middle East and North America.

(And shall we guess that ALL the victims are from third world countries and would have little chance of legally immigrating here by honest channels?)

Peel cops executed search warrants on Feb. 15, 2017, at three homes — two in Peel Region and one in Bradford, Ont., northwest of Newmarket.

Several Bradford neighbours — who are police officers in other jurisdictions — watched in disbelief as the home of a senior Toronto cop was searched.

Sources told the Sun that Toronto police brass wanted to suppress the Peel busts involving a spouse of senior officer because of the recent tide of bad news streaming from 13 Division.

(Oh yes- there is the NEXT problem with LIE-beral minded cops! They want to kill the messenger rather than clean up the LIE-beral MESS!)

Last month, two 13 Division constables were suspended after allegedly getting stoned on edible weed snacks snatched during a pot dispensary raid.

(Birds of a feather flock together- and evidently idiots attract like magnets? Shall we ask if other cops simply did not wish to work with such “bad apples” and that is why there are so many rotten apples in 13 Division?)

One of the two cops was allegedly so high he ended up in a tree near Black Creek Dr. and Eglinton Ave. W.

None of the allegations have been proven in court.

Const. Vittorio Dominelli, a 10-year member of the force, and Const. Jamie Young, who has only two years on the job, have been suspended with pay while officers with the Toronto Police Service’s Professional Standards Unit investigate.

spazzano postmedia.

(WE pay for and we certainly deserve a better police force than this! Anybody who wants to know how completely LIE-beral values and morals can destroy a police force would do well to read a copy of “Prince of the City”!)

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Poor Bar Silly Sister! He is trying SO HARD to convince me that HIS THREAD should consist ONLY of whatever he does NOT want me talking about!

Bar foolish uses the phrase "off topic" as a bit of LIE-beral slang meaning "I dont like what you re saying because I have no effective rebuttal and I dont like being embarrassed by Conservative facts and logic"!

Here is an article illustrating why govt jobs in Canada should only go to Cdn born citizens. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Toronto cop's wife, her mom and sisters snared in immigration scam

By Sam Pazzano Courts Bureau.

Published: February 22, 2018. Updated: February 22, 2018 7:11 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Toronto & GTA

The officer serving as second in command at Toronto’s troubled 13 Division had his Bradford home raided as Peel Regional Police investigated an alleged immigration scam earlier this month.

Acting Insp. Paul Qureshi’s wife, Mariam Qureshi, 36, her mother and the alleged ringleader, Sakia Mojadiddi, 61, along with the elder woman’s two younger daughters, Dunya Mojadiddi, 26, and Morassa Rizvir, 32, are now charged with fraud-related offences from a scheme that police allege fleeced victims from the Middle East who dreamed of bringing loved ones to Canada.

(IN other words the Qureshi family was fleecing victims from their home country and hiding behind Cdn identity they clearly do not deserve!)

Peel cops allege eight victims from their region lost approximately $800,000. All four women are free and are due back in court March 12.

Toronto cops say Paul Qureshi, who was installed as acting inspector at 13 Division in September or October 2017, will remain in his position and is not under investigation by his own service.

“If you want more information, I suggest you go to Peel Regional,” Toronto Police spokesman Mark Pugash said Wednesday.

(Our police forces would get more respect from citizens if LIE-berals would stop forcing them to hire ethnic candidates for purely political reasons! One has only to think of the Albanian born Toronto cop who was accused of tipping off Albanian organized crime figures that Toronto cops were investigating! Or the Somali who was hired by Ottawa police force in spite of owning several different sets of ID with different names and ages! How can such a guy be investigated and pass a security clearance if he cannot even be precisely identified! Its not as if one can phone cops in Somalia for information since there are NONE to speak to in that chaotic land of warlords and pirates!)

“Names of the spouses will not be released at this time,” stated Peel police spokesman Const. Bancroft Wright. “As for the spouses facing charges, the investigation is ongoing.”

Earlier, police said the investigation started in July when a victim reported paying large amounts of money to an organization called Afghan Refugee Relief, or AAR, to help sponsor family members wanting to immigrate to Canada.

It’s alleged Sakia Mojadiddi, of Mississauga, didn’t complete the paperwork or refund the customer. She wasn’t authorized to file the documents, Peel police said in October 2017.

(This is the sort of chaos that results when LIE-berals throw open our doors to any idiot who wants to immigrate- LIE-berals will throw out the welcome mat if they can buy votes in the process! And it does not help that LIE-berals are so hungry for more gravy that they have chosen to tell us crime is down and we do not need a lot of cops to chase criminals any more! One has only to think of the 4 Afghans arrested some years back on 1500 car theft charges- 3 of the brothers were running an auto wrecking yard and getting paid to dispose of “lemon” cars in exchange for insurance money! The 4th brother ran a repair shop and used lots of the stolen car parts in his repairs- people paid for new parts and got stolen crap instead! Or we could talk of the mostly Russian car “dealers” who so often have starring roles in W-5 tv show exposes of how car wrecks are being rebuilt and resold in spite of dangerous deficiencies!)

The alleged leader was busted on fraud charges two months earlier and after investigators divulged details of the case 38 alleged victims came forward, said Peel police at the time.

The victims came from the Europe, the Middle East and North America.

(And shall we guess that ALL the victims are from third world countries and would have little chance of legally immigrating here by honest channels?)

Peel cops executed search warrants on Feb. 15, 2017, at three homes — two in Peel Region and one in Bradford, Ont., northwest of Newmarket.

Several Bradford neighbours — who are police officers in other jurisdictions — watched in disbelief as the home of a senior Toronto cop was searched.

Sources told the Sun that Toronto police brass wanted to suppress the Peel busts involving a spouse of senior officer because of the recent tide of bad news streaming from 13 Division.

(Oh yes- there is the NEXT problem with LIE-beral minded cops! They want to kill the messenger rather than clean up the LIE-beral MESS!)

Last month, two 13 Division constables were suspended after allegedly getting stoned on edible weed snacks snatched during a pot dispensary raid.

(Birds of a feather flock together- and evidently idiots attract like magnets? Shall we ask if other cops simply did not wish to work with such “bad apples” and that is why there are so many rotten apples in 13 Division?)

One of the two cops was allegedly so high he ended up in a tree near Black Creek Dr. and Eglinton Ave. W.

None of the allegations have been proven in court.

Const. Vittorio Dominelli, a 10-year member of the force, and Const. Jamie Young, who has only two years on the job, have been suspended with pay while officers with the Toronto Police Service’s Professional Standards Unit investigate.

spazzano postmedia.

(WE pay for and we certainly deserve a better police force than this! Anybody who wants to know how completely LIE-beral values and morals can destroy a police force would do well to read a copy of “Prince of the City”!)

And yawn again.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Even the most sophisticated automatic devices have a manual override!

Oh dear me- all automatic devices have an automatic over ride you say?

Then why was that Tesla sports model ACCELERATING when it rammed the fire truck in United States?

Should we ask if the "driver" was sound asleep when the self driving feature failed and thus was not able to operate the over ride switch and regain control?

Or should we ask if the automatic over ride failed along with the self drive feature?

And of course thanks to the fact that Lithium bursts into raging flames just as soon as the battery case is cracked and its contents are exposed to air- there is not enough LEFT of the former flaming wreckage to make a detailed analysis of what went wrong!

This is the little detail that fascists like Hoid and Bar Silly Sister want to ignore- that gasoline powered cars are currently safer in a crash than electric TOY cars because they do not automatically burst into flames if the fuel tank cracks!

As an example- I was driving an OLD company truck on 401 when one of the two gas tank straps gave way- I had just filled the tank and that 70 litre weight broke the old strap and let the front of the tank droop down onto the highway

The resulting abrasion- at 60 MPH- ripped open the tank and the fuel rushed out into a torrent of sparks produced as the fuel tank ground itself to pieces on the pavement!



As any Samsung phone owner can tell you - exposing lithium to air is A really bad idea!

And we have seen various youtube videos about the flaming consequences of over charging a lithium fuel cell- and because of the amount of time it takes to fully charge a lithium cell- most people set them up and WALK AWAY- to do other things while they wait- a lithium cell is left on its own unsupervised- and bad things can happen that do not happen at a gas station!

And we have all seen those videos were some dork drives away with the fuel nozzle still in the car- but that is simple stupidity rather than an inherently dangerous condition!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Oh dear me- all automatic devices have an automatic over ride you say?

Then why was that Tesla sports model ACCELERATING when it rammed the fire truck in United States?

Should we ask if the "driver" was sound asleep when the self driving feature failed and thus was not able to operate the over ride switch and regain control?

Or should we ask if the automatic over ride failed along with the self drive feature?

And of course thanks to the fact that Lithium bursts into raging flames just as soon as the battery case is cracked and its contents are exposed to air- there is not enough LEFT of the former flaming wreckage to make a detailed analysis of what went wrong!

This is the little detail that fascists like Hoid and Bar Silly Sister want to ignore- that gasoline powered cars are currently safer in a crash than electric TOY cars because they do not automatically burst into flames if the fuel tank cracks!

As an example- I was driving an OLD company truck on 401 when one of the two gas tank straps gave way- I had just filled the tank and that 70 litre weight broke the old strap and let the front of the tank droop down onto the highway

The resulting abrasion- at 60 MPH- ripped open the tank and the fuel rushed out into a torrent of sparks produced as the fuel tank ground itself to pieces on the pavement!



As any Samsung phone owner can tell you - exposing lithium to air is A really bad idea!

And we have seen various youtube videos about the flaming consequences of over charging a lithium fuel cell- and because of the amount of time it takes to fully charge a lithium cell- most people set them up and WALK AWAY- to do other things while they wait- a lithium cell is left on its own unsupervised- and bad things can happen that do not happen at a gas station!

And we have all seen those videos were some dork drives away with the fuel nozzle still in the car- but that is simple stupidity rather than an inherently dangerous condition!

Better do some more research sunshine. According to the latest information firefighters have on electric cars the batteries do not necessarily burst into flames although it is a distinct possibility. Just as a gas tank can catch fire if conditions are right. ANd while Lithium fires are difficult to put out they stay in one place and do not go rolling down the street.