Half of Canadians Want Refugees Deported


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I don't think they've figured out what the hell is going on yet.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
LOL, presenting a fake Trump news source equals not so credible.

He cucked off.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Comments from Canadians...

I think that when the weather warms up there will be a flood of refugees crossing the entire length of the Canada/US border. They are going to put a massive strain on our economy because very few probably have any education or job skills. Our government needs to investigate each one carefully and if warranted, send them back to the US where they can apply for entry like everyone else. I also believe that families should be handled differently than young single men.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
More comments from Canadians...

This government is ignoring the problem .These illegals are using our services that is taking away from our Canadians . The cost is going to put our deficit so high that our grand children will never be able to pay .How many of these illegals will live off our welfare system while our own people struggle ? What do they have in their past that they cannot come legally . Wake up stupid government you are leading our Canada down a slippery slope .


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The nerve has been clearly struck hard among the alt-lefties in the forum.

More comments from Canadians...

These "refugees" are simply illegals who know that they are going to be deported from the USA or welfare scammers looking for better benefits in Canada. Our clueless leader of course welcomes them with open arms.

As diplomatic and hospitable as we are , the government needs to be more assertive to numbers of refugees coming into Canada,The tax payers will have to subsidize the new families and yet we are struggling in employment and are always concerned about our deficit. Need to take care of our backyard first and make sure that's stable before creating another expenditure. No pun intended..thank you...


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Even Vancouver is losing patience...

I think the Liberal government is wrong in the immigration roles they are doing, it will only hurt our country and Canadians the way they are handling it. I have nothing against immigration, just better security and screening and reject those who jump the border. Those new immigrants who wait years and do it the legal way are being delayed by those illegals who think coming in the back door is better.
I have concerns with those newcomers who refuse to work and support themselves only to live off the government free money and benefits!

Traditional immigrants never lived off government aid, they came here and worked hard then learned to live with Canadian values. Immigrants need to change for Canada, not Canada change for them!

Finally... if new Canadians won't take the oath, then you don't deserve the privilege of having Canadian citizenship!


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Even Vancouver is losing patience...

I think the Liberal government is wrong in the immigration roles they are doing, it will only hurt our country and Canadians the way they are handling it. I have nothing against immigration, just better security and screening and reject those who jump the border. Those new immigrants who wait years and do it the legal way are being delayed by those illegals who think coming in the back door is better.
I have concerns with those newcomers who refuse to work and support themselves only to live off the government free money and benefits!

Traditional immigrants never lived off government aid, they came here and worked hard then learned to live with Canadian values. Immigrants need to change for Canada, not Canada change for them!

Finally... if new Canadians won't take the oath, then you don't deserve the privilege of having Canadian citizenship!
Vancouver is almost entirely recent immigrants. Hongcouver couldn't give a lick.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005

I think we can learn from the US and realize that polls no longer effectively reflect the will of the people (that's an issue in itself to debate at another time). Fact: illegal immigrants should NOT BE ACCEPTED ... common sense MUST prevail ... our laws must be respected and immigration protocol must be followed ... the safety of Canadians and the stability of our nation - our economic stability and our social fibre will be ruined if irresponsible actions on the part of our federal government, continues!!!