Ted Cruz: Can't touch this


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Muricans are such an odd bunch.............

Is Christian Dominionism behind the Government Shutdown?

On the eve of our government shutdown, I wanted to do some research into the theological roots of Senator Ted Cruz, the standard-bearer of the Tea Party Republicans behind the shutdown. I'm interested in understanding what account of Christianity creates the "no compromise" crusade that the Tea Party has become known for. It turns out that Ted's father, Rafael Cruz, is a pastor with Texas charismatic ministry Purifying Fire International who has been campaigning against Obamacare the last several months. He has a distinct theological vision for what America is supposed to look like: Christian dominionism.

In the months building up to the present showdown, Cruz has been giving speeches at Tea Party rallies and other religious right gatherings as part of a campaign to defund Obamacare. In watching the speeches, I can see how his status as a Cuban American refugee fits the ethos of the far right culture warrior movement perfectly. He is able to shift seamlessly from stories about the oppression of the Castro regime to talking about the Obama administration.

A good example comes from a speech at the Iowa Family Leadership Summit on August 12th where Cruz said that the government's "attack on religion" is part of a longer-term plan to establish socialism:


The Theology of Government Shutdown: Christian Dominionism | Morgan Guyton

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz—whose father is Rafael Cruz, a rabid right-wing Christian preacher and the director of the Purifying Fire International ministry—and legions of the senator’s wealthy supporters, some of whom orchestrated the shutdown, are rooted in a radical Christian ideology known as Dominionism or Christian Reconstructionism.

This ideology calls on anointed “Christian” leaders to take over the state and make the goals and laws of the nation “biblical.” It seeks to reduce government to organizing little more than defense, internal security and the protection of property rights. It fuses with the Christian religion the iconography and language of American imperialism and nationalism, along with the cruelest aspects of corporate capitalism. The intellectual and moral hollowness of the ideology, its flagrant distortion and misuse of the Bible, the contradictions that abound within it—its leaders champion small government and a large military, as if the military is not part of government—and its laughable pseudoscience are impervious to reason and fact.

And that is why the movement is dangerous.

The cult of masculinity, as in all fascist movements, pervades the ideology of the Christian right. The movement uses religion to sanctify military and heroic “virtues,” glorify blind obedience and order over reason and conscience, and pander to the euphoria of collective emotions. Feminism and homosexuality, believers are told, have rendered the American male physically and spiritually impotent. Jesus, for the Christian right, is a man of action, casting out demons, battling the Antichrist, attacking hypocrites and ultimately slaying nonbelievers.

And leading the avenging armies is an angry, violent Messiah who dooms billions of apostates to death.

Dominionists believe they are engaged in an epic battle against the forces of Satan. They live in a binary world of black and white. They feel they are victims, surrounded by sinister groups bent on their destruction. They have anointed themselves as agents of God who alone know God’s will. They sanctify their rage. This rage lies at the center of the ideology. It leaves them sputtering inanities about Barack Obama, his corporate-sponsored health care reform bill, his alleged mandated suicide counseling or “death panels” for seniors under the bill, his supposed secret alliance with radical Muslims, and “creeping socialism.” They see the government bureaucracy as being controlled by “secular humanists” who want to destroy the family and make war against the purity of their belief system. They seek total cultural and political domination.


Chris Hedges: The Radical Christian Right and the War on Government - Chris Hedges - Truthdig


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
House Republicans Are Now Turning On Ted Cruz

“I could have written this story from day one. If you follow the Cruz plan, you end up exactly where we are,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger said.

House Republicans Are Now Turning On Ted Cruz

While Sen. Ted Cruz tries to spin the 16-day government shutdown as a moral victory for him and his conservative followers, a seething, bitter anger has been building among the House Republicans who followed him into the fight. GOP lawmakers had hoped to avoid a shutdown and use the funding fight to squeeze some concessions from Democrats on the budget. But that was until Cruz launched his quixotic campaign to defund Obamacare — rallying the conference’s tea party hardliners and forcing Speaker John Boehner and other leaders along for the ride. Not only did Cruz’s crusade badly damage public perceptions of Congressional Republicans, it left them with a worse deal than they likely would have gotten if they had never shut down the government.
“I don’t think there’s any question [it’s worse]. I could have written this story from day one. If you follow the Cruz plan, you end up exactly where we are,” Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger told BuzzFeed. “I think it’s obvious that we had a really grown up plan on how to deal with this, we had some in our party who rejected that, and we had to go along with [the Cruz] plan.”
Asked if unhappiness with Cruz is widespread in the conference, Kizinger said, “Sure yeah, absolutely. I think we all feel the same.”
New York Rep. Peter King has long been one of Cruz’s loudest critics since the push to defund Obamacare began (and even before that), and he left the Republican conference Wednesday morning with an I-told-you-so attitude.
“I think it’s important for Republican leaders around the country to speak out against him and neutralize him,” King said of Cruz. “Otherwise he’s going to start the same nonsense again in December or January. He’s the guy that caused this, he’s the guy who is a fraud because he never had a strategy to begin with. And if we let him do it again, it’s our fault.”
Others said House Republicans should shoulder some of the blame for following Cruz in the first place.
“Well, this has been a productive exercise hasn’t it?” snarked another Republican congressman. “We can blame Ted Cruz, and yeah, he convinced a lot of people that they were somehow not really conservatives if we didn’t take this route, and that’s ridiculous. But at the end of day, we played along. So shame on us.”
Cruz still holds considerable sway among House conservatives, who rallied around his cause.
But even within the ranks of the conference’s most ideologically pure, there’s frustration with the path Cruz led them down.
“You can’t just pull the pin on the grenade, roll it in the tent, and walk away,” one conservative Republican said. “There’s real frustration” within the House Republican conference, the lawmaker added.
Asked if it was a mistake to make the shutdown and debt limit about defunding Obamacare rather than spending and debt, Rep. Thomas Massie tersely said, “I’ve got no comment on that.”

Rep. Ron DeSantis, however, acknowledged that making defunding Obamacare the primary rallying cry obscured more realistic goals, including eliminating an employee subsidy for lawmakers and their staff and delaying the individual mandate for one year.
“We didn’t articulate that well. It got kind of lost in the initial defund push,” DeSantis said Wednesday.
Republican Rep. Reid Ribble of Wisconsin, without calling out Cruz specifically, said that part of the issue leading up to the shutdown was the fact that House and Senate Republicans were not on the same page and divisions spilled out into the open.
“If we as conservatives want to create a bicameral strategy together — and not have one side pushing the other side, if you look at how the House Republicans have voted vs. how the Senate Republicans have voted, it’s dysfunctional. No one has sat down and said, ‘What does the conservative movement in the 21st century look like?’ And hopefully the lesson learned here, is that that will be answered soon.”
After the Senate deal was announced, Republicans had virtually nothing to show at the end of the two-week shutdown. Cruz was swarmed by reporters in the Capitol who asked if the GOP civil war that had broken out had been worth it when in the end very little had changed, except for Republican poll numbers which have tanked considerably.
“We have seen a remarkable thing happen. Months ago, when the effort to defund Obamacare began, official Washington scoffed. They scoffed that the American people would rise up,” Cruz said. “We saw the House of Representatives take a courageous stand listening to the American people, that everyone in official Washington, just weeks earlier, said would never happen. That was a remarkable victory to see the House engage in a profile of courage.”
If there was any blame to go around, Cruz said, it belonged to Senate Republicans. Cruz had launched into a 21-hour filibuster a few weeks ago, urging his colleagues to vote against a procedural vote.
“Unfortunately, the Senate chose not to follow the House. And in particular, we saw real division among Senate Republicans,” he said. “That was unfortunate. I would point out that had Senate Republicans united, and supported House Republicans, the outcome of this, I believe, would’ve been very, very different. I wish that had happened, but it did not.”
Republicans were nervous that Cruz would employ a filibuster-esque tactic to delay passage of the deal in the Senate. But Cruz relented, saying he understood it would not effect the outcome in this case. Cruz said that he would continue to fight against Obamacare, but did not hint explicitly how he intends to do that.
A House GOP aide said that a lot of members have come away from the shutdown experience, cognizant that their strategy needs to improve moving forward.
“You certainly have to look at whether or not we should chase ideas or objectives that you just can’t win and if you do so what expense,” the aide said. “I don’t think many people are going to take [Cruz] very seriously if this is a tactic he wants to use moving forward.”


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
I do not like work
in the House.
I do not like N people
When I'm soused

I do not like them
here or there.
I do not like them
Getting Health Care!

I do so like mean rage and spam.
I do so like them, TRuse -I-am.....

Then the narrator, after much urging by Sam-I-Am, eats the green eggs and ham to prove Sam-I-Am wrong. However, much to the narrator's surprise, he reverts to neo con jargon

I like shutting down the land
I do!! I like mayhem, CRUDZ-I-am!



Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I've never seen the guy, but let me guess; a loudmouthed buffoon cut from the Rush Limbaugh school of hot air. Am I getting warm?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I've never seen the guy, but let me guess; a loudmouthed buffoon cut from the Rush Limbaugh school of hot air. Am I getting warm?
No, but you are showing your prejudice or perhaps even your bigotry.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Here we go with the emotion meter again. First of all Cruz who in my
view is somewhat unhinged, does a great hostage taking of the political
agenda. He puts his nation at risk on money markets and is considered
a hero.
In addition the Liberals as some call them and there is no Liberals in the
halls of American Politics they are all somewhat pandering conservatives
with a few liberal thoughts at times.
Then of course the hero, Cruz takes the legitimate Republican Party to the
wall and he is defeated by sanity in the end and still some call the loser a
hero. Some polls show the Tea Party wing at about 10% support down a
long way from when they came to life.
Now we have the crazy so called liberal sector of society wanting to revoke
a law degree what nonsense. Cruz needs to be ignored that way he gets
no lime
Before screaming about the current financial mess remember Bush fought a
war on a credit card a war that didn't need to happen..


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Here we go with the emotion meter again. First of all Cruz who in my
view is somewhat unhinged, does a great hostage taking of the political
agenda. He puts his nation at risk on money markets and is considered
a hero.
In addition the Liberals as some call them and there is no Liberals in the
halls of American Politics they are all somewhat pandering conservatives
with a few liberal thoughts at times.
Then of course the hero, Cruz takes the legitimate Republican Party to the
wall and he is defeated by sanity in the end and still some call the loser a
hero. Some polls show the Tea Party wing at about 10% support down a
long way from when they came to life.
Now we have the crazy so called liberal sector of society wanting to revoke
a law degree what nonsense. Cruz needs to be ignored that way he gets
no lime
Before screaming about the current financial mess remember Bush fought a
war on a credit card a war that didn't need to happen..
Do you want to borrow more against your children's future ?
Neither does Cruz. But you are responsible while Cruz is unhinged , is that about right ?

Do you want to borrow more against your children's future ?
Neither does Cruz. But you are responsible while Cruz is unhinged , is that about right ?
Why do you never answer, have you mortgaged your children's future ?


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
I've never seen the guy, but let me guess; a loudmouthed buffoon cut from the Rush Limbaugh school of hot air. Am I getting warm?

Warm but the difference between Cruz and Elrushbo is Cruz has been indoctrinated since birth in the concept that the believers will rule the world. Elrushbo isn't religious...............

Are you ready to hand all of society’s money over to the Christian leaders whom the heavens have anointed to be “God’s bankers”?

“I know that’s why God got Rafael’s son elected – Ted Cruz, the next Senator. But here’s the exciting thing – and that’s why I know it’s timely for him to teach this, and bring this anointing. This will begin what we call the “End Time Transfer of Wealth.”

“And that when these gentiles begin to receive this blessing, they will never go back financially through the valley again. God is looking at the church, and everyone in it, and deciding, in the next 3 and 1/2 years, who will be his bankers. And the ones that say, ‘Here am I, Lord, you can trust me’, we will become so blessed that we will usher in the coming of the Messiah.:

Ted Cruz's Father Suggested His Son Is 'Anointed' to Bring About 'End Time Transfer of Wealth'

The religious zealots have always been a problem when searching for their riches and shouldn't be taken lightly....................



Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Ted might be an idiot but how bloody petty has the nation of America become?
Don't like what he says? Take away his law degree/ Don't like the way those
folks in urban areas vote? Make it too hard to qualify to vote. One sid is no better
than the other Remember what Tommy Douglas once said.

"Let me remind you what fascism is. It need not weard a brown shirt or a green shirt
it may even wear a dress shirt. Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the
people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy
political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege"

That is what's happening in Amreica. The people who are not the rich and the privileged
are taking up their challenge at the ballot box and the old conservative white guys are
scrambling to find their power of relevance. Cruz and others from the born again right,
along with the fringe tea party are frightened. They should be the people are about to
speak with a ballot and that is not good for the old time ruling classes.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
You want to plunge the country and the rest of the world into a depression?
That is what Cruz plans would do. In addition its time for the rich to pay
their way along with those high and mighty sports hero's who have those tax
The problem is not much of the pensions and social programs the reason you
have such a mess in America is the business world dismantled the industrial
complex and shipped the jobs to a nation of potential enemies down the road
of history. We did this before. Germany built them up and fought them.
We in Canada were loading scrap metal bound for Japan days before war was
declared between us and them.
The rantings of the right and some of the left are mere shouts in the wind to
cover up the facts about the mess they themselves made. Oh and remember
we paid the taxes and the bills including two world wars cleaning up the mess
our parents and grandparents made. The children and grandchildren will
undoubtedly pay for our mess its the generational transfer of power.