Religion of Peace in action


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I'd like to know of another religion with a fringe element that reacts in that fashion...yet we are supposed to be politicaly correct and literally walk on egg shells around muslims, for fear that we will hurt the poor widdle feelings of the rest of the religion ...even if they fail to denouce the extremists like that imam is doing.
How about fundamentalist Christians who feel persecuted by evolutionists or feel it is OK to shoot abortion doctors or feel it is OK to declare a crusade against Muslims, or, or, or ?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
RAUF: I condemn everyone and anyone who commits acts of terrorism. And Hamas has committed acts of terrorism. - Transcripts
You have heard of Taqiyya

How about fundamentalist Christians who feel persecuted by evolutionists or feel it is OK to shoot abortion doctors or feel it is OK to declare a crusade against Muslims, or, or, or ?

You're stretching and you know it....:roll:

And finally.....let's all be delivered from apologists:lol:

YouTube - Appologists for EVIL


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You have heard of Taqiyya

Oh yes, that makes perfect sense now. Up until September 9th the Imam coincidentally denied condemnation so he, in fact, was actually promoting condemnation. What the Imam needs to do therefore, is call up Larry and begin to affirmatively deny condemnation so that, in actuality, he would be promoting condemnation and the world would be a much safer place!

A lie is only truly a lie if it suits your own agenda. That is absolute rubbish and truly shows the lack of credibility in your posts. I can't take you seriously if you're actually going to shill to that degree.
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Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States

Hundreds of Bibles Have Been Burned By The Iranian Government Security Forces

The report said that on Saturday, May 29, 2010, Ati News, a site belonging to Morteza Talaee, the previous head of the security forces and the current member of the Tehran's city council, “in its usual anti-Christian propaganda” reported that their social-life reporter had disclosed that shipments of so called, “Perverted Torah and Gospels” had entered Iran through its Western borders.

Hundreds of Bibles Have Been Burned By The Iranian Government Security Forces


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Religion has become the belief system of ignorance because people have made it so
it was never designed to be like this. The more we progress as a society the more
violent the belief system becomes. That is except for the Muslim fundamentalists. There's
has been violent for centuries. How did it get like this? Once upon a time in the Middle Ages,
bands of fundamentalist Christians who were little more than barbarians went to the Holy Land
and killed the peoples there, who were for the most part moderate Muslims. The hell brand
and fundamentalism the faith started with had moderated considerably.
With the coming of the Christian Zealots the Muslims resorted to the kill the infidels mentality
which was only natural in view of the circumstances.
The west was not satisfied over the centuries so they returned and made colonies out of the
homeland of those in the Middle East. They discarded their culture and stole their resources
somewhat like they did in North America.
All hell finally broke loose after WWII and these people became the masters of their own house.
Now of course they are being high handed and totally unfair demanding the actual value of their
resources, (hehehe) and westerners don't like it one bit. We complain about the problems we
are having with these fundamentalist tribesmen, as they are more loyal to their tribe than they are
to society as a whole.
We have made two mistakes. One we are more concerned about our comfort than we are about
continually making them stronger by buying their oil at inflated prices. The second mistake is that
we bring them to our part of the world and expect tribesmen to fit into a societal legal system and
concept of nationhood and we wonder why there are so many problems.
We cannot have it both ways. We must find new oil which we already have incidentally and the
only reason we keep buying their oil is the multinational corporations are geared for the production
and sale of it that way. We also must contemplate our future with our problem in our midst.
There are two problems really, one these people are not about compromise, they are tribal and
religiously fundamentalist based. The other problem is we have seen more and more Christian
fundamentalist groups rising, they two are rigid and not willing to compromise.
Before we cast stones at others we must examine our own behavior, and that doesn't look so good
when we take the rose coloured glasses off. How do we begin to sort this out?
First of all, we must start living within our means, and to do that we must develop our own oil
reserves and at the same time these large corporations have to be put in their place and begin to
work for the good of profit and society, which at the moment they don't care about. It is time to
reign in the big corporate boys, at least in the civilized world. And yes with political will it can be
done. The other problem requires a backbone from governments at home. I believe everyone should
be subject to the same laws. Christians, Muslims, Jews, doesn't matter, you no longer get special
privileges because of religious beliefs. The law is decided on by society as a whole and the entire
society should abide by it. We should also define religious beliefs from societal and tribal customs.
When we are all finally equal, then the law of the land can be applied equally, until this happens we
will have bigots, fundamentalists and divided peoples thoughout the nation. God we have a lot of
work to do. Hope I have given you something to think about today. In other words all of the problems
are everyone's fault.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Hey Damn, can I call you Damn? :) I agree with your sentiment but your facts are a bit off. The Holy Land was mostly Jews and Christians before it was for the most part Muslims (we'll disregard your moderate descriptor so as not to overly complexify for now :) ) If you're referring to the Crusades as I assume you are, the Crusades were actually a defensive war in response to the Jihad in the Holy Land. They got out of hand and got a bad name for themselves, but that's another story.

The "kill the infidel" mentality pre-dated Christian attempts to re-conquer the Holy Land. According to Islamic writings Mohammad himself led an attack against the Romans in (Byzantium?). The attack failed, but was certainly not defensive or due to being fed up with being trod upon by the Romans, it was an expansionist strategy.

That strategy had been in play ever since. The violence we're seeing today brought upon us from the Islamic world is not a post WWII phenomenon in rebellion to European was only stemmed for as long as it was due to European colonialism. The cat is simply back out of the bag, so to speak.

Check the history, from the conquest of the middle east and Persia to north Africa to the fall of Canstantinople and occupation of Spain to the push to the gates of Vienna....the current Jihad is nothing new.

I'm all for reconciliation and peace, but it takes two. We all have a bloody past it's an ancestry common to humanity. We don't need to apologize for wanting to defend our way of life from those who would prefer to squash our values and our society. You want to respect the freedom of the individual, welcome aboard. You want to enslave those who don't follow your oppressive supremacist ideology, get out. :)

That's how I see it, anyway.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Just the facts, I guess I did get it a bit wrong, what I was trying to say was the Arabic
peoples were more civilized than the Europeans at that time. In fact we killed them but
adopted some of their advancements like the number system. Ancient Christians also
had the Kill them all Let God Decided mentality just like the current fundamentalists of
the Middle East.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''Hundreds of Bibles Have Been Burned By The Iranian Government Security Forces''

That's a blatant lie as the Bible is called ''The Book'' and is held to be sacred by Muslims.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007

I'm consistently surprised by how far you will stretch to cover an entire group.

Leave the alter servers alone you pervert.

Are the followers of any religion inclined truly to peace, and when will this world peace be?

Which religion is the religion of peace?
Is it your religion, Walter or others?

I tell you this story for an illustration that you should not criticize others for things that your religion followers are doing the worst:

A story of Hassan Al-Basry: a righteous early man in the history of the Islam; he was an orator enjoining on people to worship God alone without associate or son or equal, and to be just. He used to give his address in the mosque every friday.

In the past there were the slaves: mostly from the war captives, then sold; in the Quran the freeing of these slaves is considered one of the great righteous work and piety.

A slave came to Hassan Al-Basry, and said: My master is a good one, and he attends regularly your addresses in the mosque, and I want you to speak an address: to enhance and encourage the freeing of the slaves, so that my master will hear it from you and will mostly set me free.

Al-Basry said: By the will of God, I may do that.

Then a friday passed, and another and another when Hassan Al-Basry did not say anything about freeing the slaves.
Actually many fridays passed and no mention of freeing the slaves.

Then, one friday, Hassan Al-Basry spoke and said many things about the great reward [by God]
of freeing the slaves; the master came home in a hurry and said to his slave: Go you are free for the sake of God.

The slave was delighted, but he came to Hassan Al-Basry and said: God bless you; why didn't you say that at first?

Hassan Al-Basry said: I cannot say things that I myself not doing; so I awaited until I had a slave and set him free, then I said my address concerning the freeing of the slaves.

But the global peace will be at the time of the Awaited Mahdi: the Paraclete or the Comforter:
In The Last Days


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
If you insist according to your fanatism to display the subject in this way, so as to suggest a relation between the Islam and the violence;
so if you insist, I will also give every violent event done by any Christian or any Jew and give it the same implication.

Like the World War 1 --> done by Christians,

World War 2 --> done by Christians and encouraged by Jews from behind the curtains.
The Nagazaki massacre and Hirushima massacre --> done by Christians.
Napoleon wars --> done by Christians.
Imperialist wars on eastern countries --> done by Christians.
Vietnam war lasting many years --> done by Christians.
The war in Palestine against the Palestinian Arabs --> done by Jews and enhanced by Christians.

Are these enough examples or do you want more?

So from now on, any violent action done by Christians or Jews -- I shall display it, in case you insist.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The difference is that those conflicts were not done in the name of Christianity.

Many things have been done in the name of Christianity and Judaism, and are still done.
Moreover, not all things done by Muslims are proved, they spread their claims against Muslims with any opportunity: even when some suspects are captured or any act is done.

In addition, I don't excempt Muslims from doing any violence, but their adversaries exploit this cunningly to their purpose.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The fact still remains that WW I, WW II, Vietnam, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, etc.. were not engaged in the name of Christianity

Gott Mit Uns



Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I see, so words God with Us is proof that WW II was perpetuated in the name of Christianity.


Missing the point eh numbnuts.

World War I boys were told they were fighting for God and Country against the Godless Huns.

Just because someone espouses that they are fighting for "God" or that "God" is on their side does not make it a fact nor does it mean that that conflict is TRULY a religious conflict. Tarring all with a very broad brush just shows your complete inability to reason. It shows you're a fu cking moron without the ability to use even one brain cell. Either that, or you're a troll looking to antagonize only.