Glaucoma Doctors Comatose


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Maybe the glaucoma doctors are all comatose - why else would they ignore the only treatment that actually works to lower intra-ocular pressure [IOP]?

Cannibus does. It has been un-equivocably measured, it is now documented too. The only problem is that the IOP is lowered for 3 hours after smoking cannibus, so people who have this problem would need to be high all day [its not for everyone, eh]. There is however, other forms of cannibus that will do the job but not get you so high, like Marinol. Also, some patients would gladly be stoned if it meant not losing their eyesight - and to some that is a double bonus , especially if they can function well while high on pot.

Mainstream medicine is doing this with anything that cannot be patented. No matter how effective, they refuse to use any treatments that are "from nature", and therefore cannot be patented, and therefore will not return the high profits of synthetic substances.

To me, this is a solid reason to keep private interests OUT OF MEDICINE. No more "medical industry", just medical care. The profit factor has corrupted medical practise, and people are suffering and dying as a result - it is a crime against humanity.

We would be healthier, wealthier, and wiser if we took the "private" out of health care altogether.

Links -
Marijuana and Glaucoma - the scientific foundation underlying the marijuana-glaucoma controversy:

The problem of Glaucoma - IOP is primary risk factor!

Nurses for pot for IOP Glaucoma -


Electoral Member
May 9, 2006
Legalize it, and let people grow it for themselves. Problem solved!:lol:


Electoral Member
May 31, 2007
how bout the religious aspects?


Cannabis is a true religion, springing from the instinctual recognition of cannabis as sacrament, as the Tree of Life. Consider the case of the African Bashilenge, who after becoming acquainted with cannabis sometime during the nineteenth century, began using it sacramentally, and convinced other tribes to join them in their sacred smoke. This Holy communion lead them to put away their weapons, and rename their land ³Lubuku², meaning “Friendship”, greeting "each other with the expression 'Moio', meaning both 'hemp' and 'life'"(Benet 1975). Consider the Rastafarian movement in Jamaica, where independently, black descendants of slaves who had began using marijuana likely from an influence of Indian migrant workers, intuitively began to apply its use to a Biblical tradition, long acknowledging the sacred plant as the Tree of Life, and 'burning bush', sharing it as a Eucharist in a chillum-Chalice in order to awaken the "I" spirit that is common in us all.

Likewise, Canada's Church of the Universe, which formed in 1969, upon finding how well cannabis facilitated the religious mood of their gatherings and discussions, intuitively dubbed it as the Tree of Life, and began taking it as their key sacrament. In Hawaii, the Religion of Jesus Church, founded by Jim Kimmel in the 70’s, also took cannabis as their sacrament, identifying it as the Tree of Life. An important holy text for Religion of Jesus members is the Urantia book (appearing around 1955), which mentions hemp as an historical fibre crop of ancient peoples. In Texas, Phil Tarver founded the religious Children of the World Foundation in 1988, which also took cannabis as a holy initiatory sacrament, to be used in their “Peace pipe” ceremony. An important holy text for the Children of the World Foundation is OAHSPE, channelled in 1881 by John Newbrough. Like the Urantia text, OAHSPE repeatedly mentions hemp as an historical fibre crop. Such profound examples could fill a book, and have (See Bennett, et al 1995). Like the connections which lead to the sacred circle that inevitably forms whenever a "joint" is lit and passed, again and again we find this herb instinctually recognized for its entheogenic potential in awakening something that is common in us all.

We of the Church of the Universe feel that now ­ in the bi-millennial birthday of Jesus Christ ­ it is the time to bring forth his holy message of the Tree of the Tree of Life

"On either side of the river of life stood the Tree of Life, with twelve manners of fruit, yielding its fruit each month and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations". (Revelation, Chapter 22).

We look at the long history of cannabis through the ages and in different cultures, at the holy plant’s journey down the river of life, and we see its variety of fruits: hemp¹s many uses as paper, as food, as fiber, as fuel, as medicine, and for so many other uses. We know it is the only annual plant that is harvested every month of the year by faithful growers, and we know that it is the only plant that can truly offer the healing of the Nations which the world so needs those same nations that, throughout history, cannabis has played such an important role in shaping.
