Econopro. The solution to Kyoto may come from Québec!


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2005
Québec, Montréal

The article written in French so here's the babelfish traduction that is funny to read but still readable.

Econopro. I first heard of this technological breakthrough, invented by Québécois, last week. They said they were trying to build a device that makes water clear, but instead discover another use. They tested the device for one year and today, the city of Rosemère decided to give it a try and with amazing results. They installed the gadget, that fragments gaz particle to make the combustion optimal, on firefighters trucks. It eliminates all toxical emanations! Yes! Except CO2, a non-toxic gaz, but also responsible for greenhouse effect though. They think they can bring toxical emanations down from 5.5 tons to 1 tons per year. I really think this is major news. It could be a big step forward for the environment, but we would still be slaves of the blackgold.