Erdogan locks US airmen, nuclear arms in Incirlik


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Erdogan locks US airmen, nuclear arms in Incirlik

By wmw_admin on July 24, 2016
DEBKAfile — July 20, 2016

Some 1,500 US airmen and their families have been locked in the southern Turkish air base of Incirlik together with a stock if tactical nuclear bombs since President Reccep Erdogan crushed an attempted coup on Saturday, July 16. In the four days up until Wednesday, July 20, therefore, no air strikes against ISIS in Syria and Iraq have been staged that Turkish base.
This extraordinary situation, reported here by debkafile’s military sources, whereby a large group of American military personnel are held virtual captive by an allied government, was almost certainly raised in the phone call that took place Tuesday between President Barack Obama and Erdogan. But the most outlandish aspect of this affair is that no American official has raised it in public - nor even by the administrations most vocal critics at the Republican convention which nominated Donald Trump as presidential candidate.
The situation only rated a brief mention in some Russian publications under the heading: “Turkish investigators enter & search Incirlik air base where US nukes are housed.”
Our military sources report that deep bunkers located near the base’s running strips house B61 tactical nuclear gravity bombs.
In the course of the massive sweep-***-purge Erdogan is conducting in every corner of the country, hundreds of police officers accompanied by Ministry of


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'm glad that those tactical nukes are safe and sound. Aren't you?

I may be mistaken but I scence a bit of sarcasm. The present guardians of those weapons are keeping them from the only nation who ever used them. I think they are very safe.

The disintigration of that nation is unfolding at an accellarated pace now. Allies are slipping away cuz they can read what's on the wall, while the unsuspecting average American citizen it seems cannot see the wall for the election fog, instead of selecting a new manager they should be hanging as many of the candidates as they can.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I may be mistaken but I scence a bit of sarcasm. The present guardians of those weapons are keeping them from the only nation who ever used them. I think they are very safe.

The disintigration of that nation is unfolding at an accellarated pace now. Allies are slipping away cuz they can read what's on the wall, while the unsuspecting average American citizen it seems cannot see the wall for the election fog, instead of selecting a new manager they should be hanging as many of the candidates as they can.

Hanging clowns is the stuff of Freudian nightmares.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
The West dislikes Erdogan, because he is the head of Turkey, which is relatively a powerful Muslim country; they smile in his face, but their hearts are full of hatred and wish the destruction of Turkey and wish no power for every Muslim country.
This is generally speaking, not 100% absolute.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The West dislikes Erdogan, because he is the head of Turkey, which is relatively a powerful Muslim country; they smile in his face, but their hearts are full of hatred and wish the destruction of Turkey and wish no power for every Muslim country.
This is generally speaking, not 100% absolute.

If he is so Muslim, why does he allow his women to walk around Turkey practically naked? Why is he fighting Jihad? Why is Sharia not the law of the land in Turkey? Why is Turkey still a democracy with elections? Democracy is clearly agsinst Islam or there would be other Muslim democracies. Why does he let women go to school? Why does he let women walk down the street without being accompanied by an adult male? Where are the head coverings? Why does he allow infidels in his country? Not much of a Muslim, eh? Maybe, he will bring back public beheadings of his opponents to please Allah.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
If he is so Muslim, why does he allow his women to walk around Turkey practically naked? Why is he fighting Jihad? Why is Sharia not the law of the land in Turkey? Why is Turkey still a democracy with elections? Democracy is clearly agsinst Islam or there would be other Muslim democracies. Why does he let women go to school? Why does he let women walk down the street without being accompanied by an adult male? Where are the head coverings? Why does he allow infidels in his country? Not much of a Muslim, eh? Maybe, he will bring back public beheadings of his opponents to please Allah.

I do not say he is a perfect Muslim.
Your objections declare your much love for Muslims, arn't they!? ;-) and prove true my words.
Your disliking him is a proof that he is good.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I do not say he is a perfect Muslim.
Your objections declare your much love for Muslims, arn't they!? ;-) and prove true my words.
Your disliking him is a proof that he is good.

It comes from my study of savage and uncivilized cultures.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Too bad that coup didnt work. Im hoping we wind up kicking Turkey out of NATO. Allies like that are no good.

The West dislikes Erdogan, because he is the head of Turkey, which is relatively a powerful Muslim country; they smile in his face, but their hearts are full of hatred and wish the destruction of Turkey and wish no power for every Muslim country.

I have no hatred for any country or its people. My problem is with tyrants and their ilk.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Too bad that coup didnt work. Im hoping we wind up kicking Turkey out of NATO. Allies like that are no good.

Turkey as of this recent developement couldn't give a damn about NATO, they nhave Russia thier good frinds and neighbours, they will normalize relations and NATO will be seen to be what it is an underfunded mess of cannon foder. NATO IS FINISHED. That ship is holed and sinking by the stern, what a fukkin European mess.

The Turks have very good maps they know exactly where they stand, expect a marriage between Russia and Turkey they have not to lose and everything to gain, the west is a mess of transgender dick heads on smack going nowwhere except into the dustbin of history which they certainly won't get to writethistime.

Refreshing isn't it.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
So your well versed in British and American culture which we understand to be the entirety of what is known as the west with a smattering of French and German. On the whole as barbaric as barbaric can get, we own the title.

I still like singing Bach, no matter how base and barbaric it may get.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Since you aren't involved in the wars over there or that you know any of the people involved in living in a war zone over there perhaps your opinion of what they should do is a tune you don't know how to sing.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I still like singing Bach, no matter how base and barbaric it may get.

So do I , my people have been barbarian for quite some time, nothing lasts forever we've heard, maybe it's time for change we postulate, who among us will face the enemy with a broad smile and outstreatched hand we wonder, if we don't reconsile all will become dust we reason, swords to plowshares or or certain extinction we think, either way the planet couldn't give a damn, a planet of apes will work just as well.

It used to be great fun, rowing in the longboats was no chore, you could hear the breakers crashing on the not to distant shore, just a few more chains certainly no more, some fat convent full of christian *****s, one nights work and all are yours, those were the good old days for sure.
The times have changed but the work endures.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Now can you translate every part of that post? Thanks in advance.

Okay whatever you're having I'll have a double just because I have some catching up to do.