Climate Change Deniers Are Getting Desperate (and Personal)


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Climate Change Deniers Are Getting Desperate (and Personal)

The Heartland Institute's recent International Climate Change Conference in Las Vegas illustrates climate change deniers' desperate confusion. As Bloomberg News noted, "Heartland's strategy seemed to be to throw many theories at the wall and see what stuck." A who's who of fossil fuel industry supporters and anti-science shills variously argued that global warming is a myth; that it's happening but natural -- a result of the sun or "Pacific Decadal Oscillation"; that it's happening but we shouldn't worry about it; or that global cooling is the real problem.

The only common thread, Bloomberg reported, was the preponderance of attacks on and jokes about Al Gore: "It rarely took more than a minute or two before one punctuated the swirl of opaque and occasionally conflicting scientific theories."

Personal attacks are common among deniers. Their lies are continually debunked, leaving them with no rational challenge to overwhelming scientific evidence that the world is warming and that humans are largely responsible. Comments under my columns about global warming include endless repetition of falsehoods like "there's been no warming for 18 years," "it's the sun," and references to "communist misanthropes," "libtard warmers," alarmists and worse...

Far worse. Katharine Hayhoe, director of Texas Tech's Climate Science Center and an evangelical Christian, had her email inbox flooded with hate mail and threats after conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh denounced her, and right-wing blogger Mark Morano published her email address. "I got an email the other day so obscene I had to file a police report," Hayhoe said in an interview on the Responding to Climate Change website. "They mentioned my child. It had all kinds of sexual perversions in it -- it just makes your skin crawl." One email chastised her for taking "a man's job" and called for her public execution, finishing with, "If you have a child, then women in the future will be even more leery of lying to get ahead, when they see your baby crying next to the basket next to the guillotine."

Many attacks came from fellow Christians unable to accept that humans can affect "God's creation." That's a belief held even by a few well-known scientists and others held up as climate experts, including Roy Spencer, David Legates and Canadian economist Ross McKitrick. They've signed the Cornwall Alliance's Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming, which says, "We believe Earth and its ecosystems -- created by God's intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence -- are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth's climate system is no exception." This worldview predetermines their approach to the science.

Lest you think nasty, irrational comments are exclusively from fringe elements, remember the gathering place for most deniers, the Heartland Institute, has compared those who accept the evidence for human-caused climate change to terrorists. Similar language was used to describe the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in a full-page ad in USA Today and Politico from the Environmental Policy Alliance, a front group set up by PR firm Berman and Company, which has attacked environmentalists, labour-rights advocates, health organizations -- even Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the Humane Society -- on behalf of funders and clients including Monsanto, Wendy's and tobacco giant Phillip Morris. The terrorism meme was later picked up by Pennsylvania Republican congressman Mike Kelly.

Fortunately, most people don't buy irrational attempts to disavow science. A Forum Research poll found 81 per cent of Canadians accept the reality of global warming, and 58 per cent agree it's mostly human-caused. An Ipsos MORI poll found that, although the U.S. has a higher number of climate change deniers than 20 countries surveyed, 54 per cent of Americans believe in human-caused climate change. (Research also shows climate change denial is most prevalent in English-speaking countries, especially in areas "served" by media outlets owned by Rupert Murdoch, who rejects climate science.)

It's time to shift attention from those who sow doubt and confusion, either out of ignorance or misanthropic greed, to those who want to address a real, serious problem. The BBC has the right idea, instructing its reporters to improve accuracy by giving less air time to people with anti-science views, including climate change deniers.

Solutions exist, but every delay makes them more difficult and costly.

Climate Change Deniers Are Getting Desperate (and Personal)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
The conference was a huge success

We invited Al Gore (used his invention, 'the internet') with an email.. No response I'm afraid.. Michael Mann was asked to come along, we even kicked-in to buy him a hockey-stick to commemorate his famous graph... he couldn't make it either... I think that Suzuki's bus was broken down, he wasn't there either

All in all, the food was excellent, booze was top-shelf only and the accommodations great


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
How did they all travel to that conference? By plane?



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
How did they all travel to that conference? By plane?
Heartland Institute is a conservative organization which doesn't toe the Al Gore line about CO2 causing all the world's problems, so, yes, they probably flew to the conference if they could.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Wow that article was right on the money wasn't it? :lol:

Nah, the article was sadly incomplete.

What would really make it far stronger is if the author recognized all of the fraud, lies and hypocrisies by the ecotards, then I would whole-heatedly agree with you.

Ultimately, the personal attacks are a simple reflection of the aforementioned lies, fraud and hypocrisies


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
It's actually the ecotards who are getting desperate. Their whole religion is crumbling around them.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
It's actually the ecotards who are getting desperate. Their whole religion is crumbling around them.

Yep, that about sums it up.

There is hardly a week that goes by where there isn't an announcement of a 'new record' weather event and/or dire prediction that won't be realized.

It's like some brat kid threatening to hold their breath until they get what they want... A good smack upside the head would probably knock some sense into them


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Yep, that about sums it up.

There is hardly a week that goes by where there isn't an announcement of a 'new record' weather event and/or dire prediction that won't be realized.

It's like some brat kid threatening to hold their breath until they get what they want... A good smack upside the head would probably knock some sense into them

Or some weird story along the lines of "Global Warming Endangers Ice Hockey"; "Lambs In Leicestershire Being Born With Three Heads As A Result Of Global Warming"; "Global Warming Thought To Be Behind London Mayor Boris Johnson's Decision To Stand As Tory Candidate For Uxbridge and South Ruislip At 2015 General Election".


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Speaking of smacks in the head... :lol:

Edelman formally declares it will not accept climate denial campaigns

Edelman, America’s biggest public relations firm, has for the first time formally declared it will not take on campaigns that deny global warming, in response to an investigation by the Guardian. However it is unclear on its commitment to existing clients that have been involved in spreading doubt about climate change and fighting regulations to cut carbon pollution.

The explicit rejection comes in response to a story earlier this week that saw a number of top firms in the industry – but not Edelman – declare as a matter of company policy that they viewed climate change as a threat, and that they would not take on clients or campaigns that deny climate change.

In an apparent damage control exercise, the PR firm alerted the Guardian to what may be the industry’s first official position on climate denial.

A statement on its website reads: “Edelman fully recognises the reality of, and science behind, climate change, and believes it represents one of the most important global challenges facing society, business and government today. To be clear, we do not accept client assignments that aim to deny climate change.”

Michael Bush, a spokesman for Edelman, expressed regret for the company’s earlier response. “Unfortunately, that position was not fully shared … when [the Guardian] initially reached out to us.”

Edelman and other top PR firms earn millions every year crafting messages and campaigns surrounding climate change. Edelman reportedly had earnings of $747m last year, and has represented the powerful oil industry lobby, the American Petroleum Institute (API), as well as conservative groups such as the American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec), that oppose Barack Obama’s environmental agenda.

After other industry leaders such as WPP and Weber Shandwick came out against climate deniers, an Edelman executive, Ben Boyd, told a Chicago radio programme: “we do not work for deniers”. Boyd also said the company would “scrub, on a daily basis, our client roster and look at the behaviours of our clients”.

The commitment was a departure for Edelman, which earlier told the Guardian it took on clients on a case-by-case basis.

“Expanding the dialogue in a constructive manner, and driving productive outcomes to solve energy challenges are the key criteria for evaluating client engagements,”Bush added in an email.

Edelman had also been reluctant to respond to an earlier survey by the Climate Investigations Centre, inadvertently emailing researchers: “There are only wrong answers to this guy”.

Kert Davies, the founder of Climate Investigations, said the Edelman’s position was an important shift. “Edelman’s position on climate change before this statement was at best opaque. Now they might be the first big PR firm to actually have a published ‘position’ on climate change and rejecting climate science denial,” he wrote in an email. “This is a big step … and it might pull the rest of the industry along to take a firm stance on climate change.”

However, Edelman still left itself room for manoeuvre. Bush later backpedalled on Boyd’s commitment to “scrub” the client roster, writing in an email: “We did not intend to suggest that we have launched a ‘scrubbing’ operation of our client roster, but that we continually look at our client portfolio. As you might imagine with thousands of clients it’s an ongoing exercise.”

He also declined to say whether Edelman had let go or “scrubbed” clients – such as API and Alec that have been involved in spreading doubt about climate change and fighting regulations to cut carbon pollution.

Edelman has a rigorous in-house carbon accounting system. In a blogpost last month, its chief executive, Richard Edelman, wrote that business should be involved in seeking market solutions to climate change and expressed concern that some 40% of Americans believe that humans are not changing the climate. “There is a significant failure of communications regarding the environment,” Edelman wrote.

API has lobbied hard to expand oil and gas drilling, and speed construction of the Keystone XL pipeline from the Alberta tar sands. A carefully crafted statement on the API website does not explicitly deny the science of global warming, but it does inject an element of doubt where there is none over the link between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change.

“While we rely on them for most of our energy and will likely do so for years to come, emissions from their production and use may be helping to warm our planet by enhancing the natural greenhouse effect of the atmosphere,” API says on its website.

Alec meanwhile has sought to roll back clean energy rules and tax homeowners who install solar panels.

Or as Boyd told WBEZ in Chicago this week: “We do not work for deniers, but we recognise that there is great nuance and grey in this conversation.”

Edelman formally declares it will not accept climate denial campaigns | Environment |

To the deniers...

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Or some weird story along the lines of "Global Warming Endangers Ice Hockey"; "Lambs In Leicestershire Being Born With Three Heads As A Result Of Global Warming"; "Global Warming Thought To Be Behind London Mayor Boris Johnson's Decision To Stand As Tory Candidate For Uxbridge and South Ruislip At 2015 General Election".

These must be the folks that MF is talking about that 'acknowledge science'