God is known to God


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
World Religions

World Religions

If anyone says that his/her religion is the only path to God and that other paths lead to hell, I have one humble question. The question is for every religion without any trace of partiality. The simple question is: Today I have heard your Religion and if I follow that, I reach God and if I refuse I will go to the hell for my own fault. This is very much reasonable. But before your ancestors discovered our country, the literature or even the name of your religion was not known to our ancestor and he could not reach God for no fault of him. But your ancestor reached God through your religion at that time.

Even if I assume that my ancestor will take rebirth now and will follow your religion to reach God, such possibility is ruled out because you say that there is no rebirth for the soul. Thus my ancestor suffered forever for no fault of him and the responsibility for this falls on the partiality of God. Had the God been impartial, He could have revealed your religion to all the countries at a time. Had that happened, my ancestor might have also reached God as your ancestor. Therefore your statement proves your own God partial.

The only way left over to you to make your God impartial is that you must accept that your God appeared in all the countries at a time in various forms and preached your path in various languages. The same form did not appear everywhere and the same language does not exist everywhere. The syllabus and explanation are one and the same, though the media and teachers are different. Can you give any alternative reasonable answer to my question other than this? Certainly not! Any person of any religion to any other religion can pose this question.

Moreover every religion states that their God only created this world. Unfortunately this world is one only and every God cannot create the same world. There are no many worlds to justify that each God created His own world. Therefore any human being with an iota of commonsense has to agree that there is only one impartial God who created this one world and He came in different forms to different countries and preached the same path in all the languages simultaneously at one time.

Let this logic sword of the divine knowledge cut the rigid conservatism of the religious fans in this world to establish the Universal Peace. I need not beg all these religious followers to be united and harmonious to each other for the sake of world peace. Such begging appeals are made enough in the past. The religious fans feel that there is no unity really in the religions but they have to be united since their kind hearts melted by these appeals. Thus a temporary change was only brought. At the maximum one generation of the followers got united. The next generation fights with each other because they feel that there is no real unity in them due to lack of the real unity in their religious scriptures.

A permanent solution for this does not lie in the begging appeals, which may or may not unite the followers. Even if the appeals unite such unity is not permanent. If the real unity in all the religious scriptures is exposed through the logical divine knowledge, the followers have to be united for generations together. Therefore, My attack is not on the hearts of the followers through love and kindness. My attack is on all the religious scriptures through intellectual logical analysis of divine knowledge. The unity of hearts through love can be only temporary. The unity of brains through intellectual analytical divine knowledge will be permanent. Hearts agree but brains realize. Agreement is temporary, but realization is permanent. Thus this is My first blow of My divine Conch shell for the permanent unity of all the religions aiming at eternal Universal Peace.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
God (Holy Spirit) and Human Incarnation

God (Holy Spirit) and Human Incarnation


Lord Jesus was the human incarnation of the Holy Spirit. The human body of Holy Jesus is like the metallic wire, which was all over, pervaded by the Holy Spirit. Veda says ‘Antarbahischa’ which means that the Holy Spirit pervades all over the body of Human Incarnation. Wherever you touch the wire the electric shock is given. Similarly the entire human body of Holy Jesus is holy. The holiness is the nature of Holy Spirit just like the shock is the property of electricity.

As the electricity cannot be separated from the wire, the Holy Spirit cannot be separated from the Holy Jesus. So here the Holy Spirit is the Holy Jesus. Holy Jesus refers this Holy Spirit as His Father. He tells that He was sent by His father as a messenger. Though He and His father are one and the same, He speaks like this for which there is a practical reason i.e., every human being repels with another human being. A man cannot accept another man as God due to Jealousy and Egoism. Bhagavatgita says, “A man will insult Me when I come here in human form (Avajananti mam….)”. For this purpose Holy Jesus wants Himself to be called only as the messenger of the Holy Spirit by the disciples whenever He is introduced to the public. If He tells the truth the egoistic public will not hear even what He preaches and will reject Him. Therefore He is telling His disciples to introduce Him as a messenger only. Ofcourse, the disciples are really the messengers of Holy Jesus.

Holy Spirit has taken over the human body of Holy Jesus and pervaded all over the body to preach the divine knowledge to this world. The same Holy Spirit is sending the disciples for the propagation of the Divine knowledge. Both the body of Holy Jesus and the disciples are instruments of the Holy Spirit chosen for different purposes. The Holy Spirit is preaching through the body of Holy Jesus and is propagating the divine knowledge through disciples. Therefore if you respect the disciple you are respecting the Holy Spirit indirectly. Though both the instruments exist like this, the Holy Spirit is present in Jesus and is not present in the disciples.

Due to this difference the disciple is an indirect instrument and the direct instrument is Holy Jesus. The disciple propagates the divine knowledge after hearing from the Holy Jesus. Therefore when such disciple is respected, Holy Jesus is respected first and then the Holy Spirit. But among the disciples there may be some person who cannot repeat what Holy Jesus exactly preached. In such a case the Holy Spirit will take over the body of that disciple and preaches (Mathew 10: 20). Such a disciple differs from Holy Jesus because the Holy Spirit resides in that disciple for some time only where as the Holy Spirit resides in Jesus all the time.

Holy Jesus is telling that He is the messenger of the Holy Spirit and He is also telling that the disciple is His messenger. He is giving the same status to Himself and the disciple by telling like this. The reason is that some disciple may become jealous in future if He says that He Himself is the Holy Spirit where as the disciple is His messenger only. The difference in the status may bring jealousy. Therefore He is maintaining the equal status so that no devotee becomes jealous of Jesus in the future. Due to jealousy the disciple may slip from Holy Jesus.

When He says that He is only the messenger, this shows the humble and submissiveness of Holy Jesus. He wants His disciples to be humble and submissive to the Holy Spirit through out their lives. For this purpose He sets Himself as an ideal. The Holy Spirit present in the human body of Holy Jesus is the essence of true and infinite knowledge as Veda says “Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma….” Humbleness and submissiveness are the fruits of the Divine Knowledge. Therefore the humbleness and submissiveness are the qualities of the Holy Spirit itself. This means whatever Holy Jesus speaks is the statement of the Holy Spirit only.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality
Universal Spirituality for World Peace


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
The Only Love – Gita-Bible Comparision

The Only Love – Gita-Bible Comparision

Luke—14:26 to 27

“If any one comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple’’.

The knowledge is compared to a sword. Bhagavatgita says “Chhitva Jnanasinatmanah”. This means that the ignorance should be cut by the knowledge, which is like a sword. The bonds with wife or husband and children are due to ignorance. Such bonds should break when the Lord in human form competes with them to conduct His test. Lord comes in human form in every human generation to preach and give His direct presence. If the Lord comes in only one human generation, God becomes partial to that human generation because other human generations are not blessed with such opportunity. To see, to touch, to talk and to live with the human incarnation, He comes down as per the prayers of the devotees. The Lord comes to preach and so He will not enter the statues or animals or birds. Veda says “Na tasya pratima asti’’ which means that God will not enter the inert statues.

Gita says “Manusheem tanu masritam” which means that God enters the human body only because the main purpose is to preach the human beings. Gita strongly says that he who worships the inert statues will be born as an inert stone (“Bhootani yanti”). The Christians should be commended on this point who are worshipping the Holy Jesus only, who is the most powerful human incarnation of God. Veda says “Na tat samah” which means that nobody and nothing should be equal to the Lord in human incarnation. One should leave everything and everybody for the sake of the Lord in human form. Only the bond with a new human being can break the bond with the human beings. Such new human being must be very powerful who can be only God in human form.

A new bond existing with formless God or statues cannot break the human bonds. Only the bond with another living being can cut the bond with the living beings. The bond with formless God is impossible. The bond with inert statue has no use. The above statements of Holy Jesus indicate that one should cut the bonds with his family and with the wealth. In Hindu religion also it is said that God (Datta) cuts all the bonds of family and wealth (“Dattam Chinnam”). Even the bond with the body should be cut for the sake of the God. Gita says the same thing as “Mat Gata Pranah”. Holy Jesus says that one has to carry his own cross (death) for the sake of the Lord. This means that one has to invite his own death with his own hands for the sake of God. Holy Jesus did like this as an ideal example for others. This means that you have to cut your bonds not only with your family and wealth but also with your life if necessary.

Hanuman, a top devotee, tore his heart with his own nails for the sake of the Lord and was blessed by the Lord to be immortal. So when the devotee sacrifices his life, his life gets protected forever. The essence of this gospel is that the love is proved only by the practical sacrifice. Veda says “Dhanena Tyage nyke…” which means that sacrifice of money proves the real love.

Money is the fruit of the work. So money is another form of work. If it is inconvenient to sacrifice the money, atleast they should sacrifice the other form of money, which is work for the sake of God. Depending on the money all the family members are attached to you. If money is not there all the family will leave you. You are also giving the money to your family only. Therefore if the bond with money is cut and if the money is sacrificed to God, the family bonds are considered as vanished, even though the family exists externally. The work of God in human form is the propagation of His divine gospel. For doing such divine work the family also stands as an obstacle because most of your energy is diverted for the family only. Therefore you do not have any energy to work for the sake of Lord.

Hence Holy Jesus wants His disciples to leave their families for the sake of God. The propagation work needs both money and work. Generally every body works to maintain his family. In the name of maintenance, several luxuries are introduced, which look like essential needs and thus there is no end for your work to earn the money for the sake of your body and your family. Your blindness increases and you will be putting more and more efforts to work and earn money for the sake of the family bonds. In such a case you can never even see the human form of God. At least you should remove your blindness by the divine knowledge if not the actual bonds. People of very high devotion only can cut the actual bonds. You are giving money to your family but you are giving words to God by prayers and you are giving mind to God through meditation.

You are giving love to your family through your work and money, you are calling the sacrifice of words and sacrifice of mind as love to God and you are fooling the God. Your real love is only with your family and not with the God. Holy Jesus tests your real love to God by these statements. The Christian Pope and fathers and the Hindu Acharya and saints left their families and concentrated completely on the work of God. Such pious souls can only be representatives of God in this world.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality
Universal Spirituality for World Peace


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Comparison of Jesus-Krishna Preachings

Comparison of Jesus-Krishna Preachings

The Divine preaching of Holy Jesus is the top most Gospel in the world and touches the climax of the truth. For example Holy Krishna says in Gita that one should withdraw himself from the family bonds slowly like a tortoise withdrawing its limbs (Kurmo ngaaneeva). The tradition of Datta is to cut the family bonds by the Sword of Knowledge as per Gita (Jnanaasi natmanah). But Holy Jesus says that one should hate these family bonds to become His disciple. Cutting the bond is Zero. Existing in the bond is Plus and hating the bond is Minus. Zero is near to Plus and Minus is very far. So if you cut the bond it may form again. But if you hate the bond the bond will never be formed so that the bond with the Lord alone is eternal.

See the preaching of Lord Jesus with impartial attitude and without conservatism. After all a diamond is diamond whether it is foreign diamond or Indian diamond. Thus Holy Jesus is the king of all the divine preachers. He is like the Sun from whom these divine sentences radiate like rays. Holy Bible speaks about the everlasting fire and that the souls have no rebirth. Hindu scriptures say that the soul has rebirth. Both these can be convinced and co-related. The condemned souls enter the everlasting fire, which means that these souls take the births as animals, birds, worms etc, which are like the fire due to the continuous agony. The word “everlasting” means that once the soul enters into the cycle of these births the soul will never come back to the human birth. The rebirth as a human being as told in the Hindu scriptures can be again co-related with the Holy Bible.

Holy Jesus says that the Kingdom of God is extended into this world. The meaning of this is that whenever God comes in human form to stay with us (Immanuel), the disciples of the Lord will be staying in this divine Kingdom on the throwns equally with the Lord. This means the servants of the Lord will take rebirth as human beings and will be preaching here and they will be respected like God. For Ex: The Holy Pope is given the status of God. The Holy Pope and other such top most Bishops and pious Fathers who are indulged in the propagation of the knowledge will get the status of God here itself in this world. Thus, the inner sense is the same in all the scriptures, which is spoken in different ways. The ways are different but the real essence is the same.

The aim of human life is to achieve the grace that is the love of God. Even if you earn more money you are not carrying it after death. Very little money is sufficient to eat and drink which the animals and the birds are also doing even without money. If the aim of the money is only eating, drinking and enjoying, you will be born as animal or bird or worm in the next birth. If your file is opened in the upper world you will not get definitely the human birth. When you serve the Lord in this world when He comes in the human form then only you can get human birth without any enquiry in order to serve the Lord when the Lord reincarnates. You must recognize the Lord by His knowledge, because Veda says that knowledge is Brahman.

Only miracles are not the signs since demons also performed miracles. Gita says that the Lord comes down in human form (Maanusheem tanu masritam). Gita also says that it is very difficult to worship formless (Avyaktahi). Gita also says that if one worships the inert statue, he will be born as a stone (Bhutejya yanti Bhutani). So you must serve the Lord by doing practical service which consists of 1) Sacrifice of work 2) Sacrifice of fruit of work (money), which is also a form of work. The Sacrifice must be to the full extent. When a beggar gives one rupee that is greater than one lakh given by a multi lakhier because the beggar has sacrificed whatever he possessed. Holy Jesus appreciated one old lady who donated whatever she possessed, as the highest divine soul.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality
Universal Spirituality for World Peace


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Dattaswami, there is a theory that Jesus and Krishna are one and the same deity. Here is my contribution to the speculation.

Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu, the second member of Hindu Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh). Since Jesus is the second member of the Christian Trinity, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the two may be connected.

Jesus, is of course, anglicized version of his name. The original name is Yeshua or Yeshiva. Now to me, Yeshua sounds suspiciously like Keshava. I understand Keshava is another name for Krishna.

So it wouldn’t surprise me if the while concept of Jesus has been borrowed straight from Hinduism, from the concept of Krishna or Vishnu.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Jesus is same as Krishna

Dattaswami, there is a theory that Jesus and Krishna are one and the same deity. Here is my contribution to the speculation.

Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu, the second member of Hindu Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh). Since Jesus is the second member of the Christian Trinity, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the two may be connected.

Jesus, is of course, anglicized version of his name. The original name is Yeshua or Yeshiva. Now to me, Yeshua sounds suspiciously like Keshava. I understand Keshava is another name for Krishna.

So it wouldn’t surprise me if the while concept of Jesus has been borrowed straight from Hinduism, from the concept of Krishna or Vishnu.

Exactly correct!

The spiritual message of Jesus and Krishna are always one and the same in every aspect. Jesus always preached for the detachment from the blind worldly bonds like bonds with family members. He stated that unless one is prepared to leave parents children, money and even life for His sake, one couldn’t be His dearest disciple. He always preached the eradication of egoism. Whenever a supernatural act was done by Him, He always claimed that it was due to His Father whose glory is to be propagated. He never owned any supernatural act. He always preached that His Father only grants the boons and all the facilities on this earth. Krishna also told the same points in Gita about detachment (Nirmamah…), removal of egoism (Yadahamkaramasritya…) and sanction of boons by God only (Mayaiva Vihitan…). These three aspects are very important steps to achieve the grace of the Lord.

You love your family members and such love gives you some pleasure in your heart. Therefore, your love is only for your self-satisfaction and such love is only selfishness. You are over powered by the emotions of love but you are not analysing by controlling your emotions. If you analyse, you can clearly understand that your love cannot protect either yourself or your family members. Your love is only some loss of your precious nervous energy and valuable time. Except this loss there is no use. By emotion you are becoming weak by losing energy. Why are you doing such foolish thing again and again? There is no benefit out of such act and there is only clear loss.

But if you divert your love towards God, He will protect and develop yourself as well as your family members in this world as well as in the upper world. By spending the same quantum of nervous energy towards God, you are getting all unimaginable benefits forever! How wise is this act! By protecting yourself and your family members, you are proving your love towards yourself and your family members.

This is the true love. The former is only false love, which involves wastage of energy just out of selfishness. Thus, wise scholars overcome emotions and analyse any point with calm and energetic brain. Gita says to apply the brain always to do the analysis and find out the truth before any action (Buddhow Saranam…). Most of the people are not understanding this truth. Especially this is very clear in the case of parents who blindly love their children with the climax of the emotion spending their maximum precious nervous energy, which is simply wasted without any use for themselves or for their children. I find, some times, some parents or elders are talking with just born babies! They talk so many sentences and they no very well that the baby cannot understand even a single word! They waste their nervous and oral energy for such a long time and they feel very great about such foolish act! Therefore, try to understand my point without any excitation and try to implement my advise. You can experiment my advise just for a month and then see the tremendous change in your circumstances.

The next item is eradication of egoism. Whenever you are doing some appreciable act, immediately you disown yourself from such act. You surrender all the credit to the Lord even before somebody praises about it. If some body is praising you for such act, you pass on the ownership to the Lord at once. Otherwise, the wine of egoism will enter your brain and your are intoxicated with the egoism. You are transformed in to a demon shortly. Some people disown the praise externally but accept the praise in their minds. This is just like drinking the wine negating it orally. In such case also the intoxication of egoism is inevitable. You are thinking that you are the owner or the master of your family.

You feel your self as the king or the ruler and you think that your family is your kingdom. This is the climax of foolishness and ignorance. You cannot even rule the organs of your body like heart, kidneys, lungs etc. Even your body is under the control of the Lord only. How can you control other human beings? Therefore, you quit your post of headship of your family. From now onwards you recognise that the Lord is the head of your family. From this moment onwards you feel that you are just a member of your family like any other family member. You belong to the category of “Ruled” and you are not at all the ruler. Now your family and your body are under the control of the divine master.

If anything happens to your body or to your family, do not get disturbed because the rectification is responsibility of the Lord who is the owner of your body and the family. The owner only has to worry about any disturbance. You are not responsible for either the disturbance or its rectification. Let any problem arise, you keep calm and peaceful. Even if you disturbed and feel responsible, you can not do anything. Suppose you are responding to the problem and try for its rectification, even then, you feel that you are acting as instrument or a servant of God to do that work. You must feel that you are assigned to solve that problem by the order of the Lord. When the problem is solved you must pass on the entire credit to the Lord only. As I told you, you can experiment my advise for a month and see the excellent works of the Lord.

You must always feel that the final granting authority is only the Lord. Except the Lord no body or nothing or no force is responsible to accomplish anything every body and every thing acts according to His wish. The Lord is not seen by you. Therefore, you think that somebody is kind enough to help you. The person who helped you is forced by the Lord to help you. That person is just carrying on the order of the Lord. Even if you scold him, he will not stop helping you. Even if you praise him, he will not help you if there is no sanction from the Lord. A messenger is bringing a signed cheque from the Lord. The Lord is in the house and you are not seeing Him.

You have seen the messenger and the cheque in his hand. You are thinking that the messenger is very kind in helping you. You are praising the messenger. The cheque is handed over in the Bank. The staff are arranging for the payment of the cheque to you. You are praising the staff thinking that they are very kind to help you. It is the duty of the staff to arrange for encashment of the cheque. They will loose their jobs if they are not doing their duties. They are working for the fear of their jobs only. Therefore, you must recognise that the God is the signatory and that He is the account holder. You must understand that the Lord is paying His cash to you.

You must analyse the root cause. The root cause is the cheque. The cheque is valid only when it is signed by the account holder. Therefore, you must recognise the force that makes the root cause valid the sanctioning the boons to you. By such deep analyse only to find the Lord as the cause of the cause. Then only you will become grateful to the Lord. And express your gratitude to the correct person who is the Lord alone. Whenever any favour was granted Jesus used to praise the Lord immediately and expressed His gratitude to the Lord. You must thank the Lord for whatever is given to you already. If you are not satisfied with the existing facilities, you will never be satisfied even if the Lord grants any number of more facilities.

If you already satisfied and feel contented with whatever is given already, the Lord is further pleased to grant further facilities. Therefore, to achieve the grace of the Lord, the contentment with the existing circumstances is essential. Therefore, be always satisfied and be always cheerful with whatever you have already. This is the basis for achieving the grace from the Lord in more quantity in the future. You must always express the gratefulness to the Lord for whatever is already granted to you. You should not ask for anything more. When thousands of people came to see Jesus, He was having just four breads in a basket. He did not ask the Lord for more breads. He raised the basket with His hands and praised the Lord for giving those four breads. Immediately the four breads were multiplied to thousands. Gita also says about the necessity of self-satisfaction with the existing things (Nityatrupto…). He will be rained with infinite grace of the Lord if you follow my advise. Again I suggest that you experiment this for a month and then practice in your life.

All this preaching is only the practical philosophy, which requires firm faith in the preacher. The preacher should be the correct the person. Only the Lord in human form can be such a correct preacher. If you believe a false preacher or an ignorant person as the true preacher, results cannot be seen. If you approach the real water and believe it as the water really, you can put your finger in it and feel the coldness, which is the correct result. If you put your finger in fire, you cannot feel the coldness because it is not water. Similarly the false preacher gives negative results. If you put your finger in air, which is neither water nor fire, your finger neither feels the coldness nor is burnt.

Similarly an ignorant person acting as a true preacher can give neither correct result nor the negative result. You will be wasting your time energy with such an ignorant preacher. Therefore, catching the right guide (Satguru) is fundamental step. If you mistake the true guide as some ordinary guy, only you are loosing. Veda says “Ihachet Avedet…) which means that if you miss the correct preacher in this world in this birth, you are a permanent looser. All those ignorant people who did not recognise Jesus and crucified Him were permanent losers. Similarly, all the ignorant people who cannot recognise Lord Krishna are loosing the spiritual treasure forever.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Secret of Miracles

The whole universe itself is a miracle, which is the modification of His mind called Maya. The mind is His energy or power. This power is the substance that pervades all over the world. This Maya (mind) is the water and all the objects of the world are only waves in this Maya. Since the Maya is inseparable from the Lord, you can say that the Lord (Brahman) is modified into the world. When you are day-dreaming and you imagine a dream-city, you are not modified into the city.
Only your mind is modified. As your mind changes, so does the dream-city. Therefore according to Maya, anything can take place in this world. The Maya is under the full control of the Lord. The wish of the Lord itself is Maya. All the miracles are only the wishes of the Lord. The Lord may wish to follow certain rules, in such case, there is no miracle. But when the Lord wishes to break some rules, a miracle happens.
Therefore, miracles are not the real characteristic signs of the Lord and the power to do them is transferable from the Lord to anybody. The miracles are only associated characteristics of the Lord like ornaments or jewels. The Lord may exhibit His jewels or may remove and hide them. Lord Krishna exhibited miracles and Lord Rama did not exhibit.
A cow should be recognized only by the characteristic loose skin hanging below its neck, which is not present in the case of any other animal. Similarly the Lord must be recognized only by His characteristic signs like Jnana, Prema and Ananda (knowledge, love and bliss).


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
God is Ultimate Basis of Creation

Starting from Energy, up to the form, the entire creation is Maya only, which means wonderful because with respect to God, this creation is unreal by itself, yet it attracts and confuses every soul as if it only exists. The ultimate basis is God. Without God, Energy is unreal and does not exist at all. Without Energy matter and awareness do not exist because matter, awareness, light, heat, etc., are forms of Energy only. Without matter, form cannot exist and without awareness quality cannot exist. Thus Maya exists at three levels. The highest level is Energy and Energy can be unreal for God only. This Energy-level is called as the Mula Maya. The second higher level is Maha Maya, which is conversion of existing Energy into matter, awareness and other forms like light, heat etc. This second level of Maha Maya constitutes the super powers (Asta Siddhis). The third level is Maya, by which you can produce a form like pot from mud (Matter) or a feeling from awareness. The soul can cross this Maya and realize the unreality of forms and feelings. A blessed soul by God can control the Maha Maya also and can create matter, awareness (life), light, heat, etc., from the existing Energy. But the blessed devotee can be even a demon and Satan has all these superpowers and controls the Maha Maya. You cannot differentiate Krishna and a demon at this level.

Krishna (also other like human incarnations) created Energy, which is converted into gold (matter) and the matter is converted into a pot. Thus He controlled the three types of Maya. The demon also produced a golden pot but he did not create Energy. From the existing energy only he created gold and pot from gold. Thus the demon controls only Maha Maya and Maya but not Mula Maya. But you cannot differentiate Krishna from the demon on the basis of the creation of golden pot because the creation of Energy by Krishna is invisible. Therefore, miracles indicate power of God but not God. A solar battery producing light indicates the capture of the Solar-Energy but not capture of the Sun.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
Why God is unimagainable?

Why God is unimagainable?

Unless Einstein discovered the concept of inter-conversion of matter and energy, today you could not have understood that this entire creation including space is basically the homogeneous energy called as ‘Sat’ by the Veda. Matter, space and awareness are various relative forms of energy and are called as ‘Asat’ by the Veda. Form and quality (feeling) are ‘Asat’ only even for awareness (soul) and so come under a lower category of Asat only. God is neither this ‘Sat’ nor this ‘Asat’ (Naasadasit No sadasit…Veda, Na Sat tat naasaduchyate…Gita).

God is above the basic reality ‘Energy’ also. Awareness is the material of soul, which is created by matter (food) and matter is created by energy. Energy-Matter-Awareness is the chain of inter conversion. Energy is condensed into matter. Matter (food) on oxidation gives energy. Energy is converted in to awareness. Space is energy.

The soul cannot cross the dimensions of space by applying any amount of imagination or analysis. The soul cannot go beyond energy, which is the ultimate reality for the soul. Lord says that His power cannot be crossed (Mama Mayaa duratyayaa…Gita). His power or energy is wonderful by assuming so many forms and therefore is called as Maya. Maya means wonderful (Maya Vaichitrye). Even the energy, which is work of God, is unreal before God and thus God is above space and thus becomes unimaginable to any soul.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
The more I see of Eastern and Western religion, the more I've come to realize that regardless what you believe you're going to be wrong.


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
I can imagine a variety of Gods, it all depends on how much imagination you've got. :smile:


Nominee Member
Jan 27, 2009
I can imagine a variety of Gods, it all depends on how much imagination you've got. :smile:

I agree. Just find something within yourself that worth holding on to and the possibilities are endless.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Why God is unimagainable?

Unless Einstein discovered the concept of inter-conversion of matter and energy, today you could not have understood that this entire creation including space is basically the homogeneous energy called as ‘Sat’ by the Veda. Matter, space and awareness are various relative forms of energy and are called as ‘Asat’ by the Veda. Form and quality (feeling) are ‘Asat’ only even for awareness (soul) and so come under a lower category of Asat only. God is neither this ‘Sat’ nor this ‘Asat’ (Naasadasit No sadasit…Veda, Na Sat tat naasaduchyate…Gita).

God is above the basic reality ‘Energy’ also. Awareness is the material of soul, which is created by matter (food) and matter is created by energy. Energy-Matter-Awareness is the chain of inter conversion. Energy is condensed into matter. Matter (food) on oxidation gives energy. Energy is converted in to awareness. Space is energy.

The soul cannot cross the dimensions of space by applying any amount of imagination or analysis. The soul cannot go beyond energy, which is the ultimate reality for the soul. Lord says that His power cannot be crossed (Mama Mayaa duratyayaa…Gita). His power or energy is wonderful by assuming so many forms and therefore is called as Maya. Maya means wonderful (Maya Vaichitrye). Even the energy, which is work of God, is unreal before God and thus God is above space and thus becomes unimaginable to any soul.
lmao Thanks!! That's funny. Any evidence to support your hypothesis?


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
God is unimaginable but comes in human form

I can imagine a variety of Gods, it all depends on how much imagination you've got. :smile:

The unimaginable God is beyond the four-dimensional model of space and time. You can imagine the dissolution of matter converting into energy filling the space. Subsequently you can imagine the disappearance of energy in the space and the result is final vacuum. But, even if you try for your lifetime, you can never imagine the disappearance of vacuum.

God being the generator of space is beyond space and therefore, can never be imagined. If you have to imagine God, the pre-requisite is the imagination of disappearance of space or vacuum. Of course space is a form of very fine energy and in this context the word energy used by Me can be taken as crude form of energy. The only knowledge about God is that He is beyond the knowledge (Yasyaamatam… Veda).

But such God comes in human form to given His presence to us.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
God has no beginning and end

lmao Thanks!! That's funny. Any evidence to support your hypothesis?

God has no beginning and no end because God is unimaginable. The beginning and the end must be also unimaginable for an unimaginable item. The beginning and the end of the cosmic energy or space or the creation are also unimaginable. Therefore, the beginning and the end are unimaginable for the unimaginable item like God and also for the imaginable item like space. Therefore, the two points, which are the beginning-less and end-less characteristics cannot help you in understanding the real nature of God. If you start recognizing the God by simply these two points (beginning-less and end-less), you may think that God is an imaginable item like the space or energy or the creation. In fact based on these two characteristics people have imagined God as an imaginable item like space or energy or creation. This concept has misled people to such a low level that people think that God is the very infinite space or infinite energy or infinite creation. Therefore, one should filter the concept of God at this juncture itself. One should think that God has no beginning and no end because the beginning and the end of an unimaginable item are also unimaginable.

Such God desired to create this Universe for entertainment. The very desire itself is the Creation. In view of God this present materialized universe in only an idea or imagination or the very desire itself. Therefore, the desire to create the world is itself the desire and also the created world itself is a desire. Thus the creation, maintenance and dissolution of the imaginary world are also imaginations or desires. A part of this infinite creation is the individual soul. The soul is like a drop of the infinite ocean of imagination or desire of God. Thus, quantitatively the entire ocean of imagination of God is very huge compared to the tiny soul. Remember that both the Universe and the tiny soul are made of the same substance called as imagination or desire. Thus the force of the Universe is far greater than the force of the soul. Due to such huge quantitative difference of the same phase, the Universe, which is far stronger than the soul appears as a materialized entity for the soul. But this infinite ocean of desire, which is the infinite Universe is a tiny drop compared to the infinite force of God. Therefore, again due to the same quantitative difference of force the entire universe is just the very weak imagination from the view of God. Thus imagination and materialization exist simultaneously true from the point of God and soul.



Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
God can be said as an item not having the existence of worldly items

lmao Thanks!! That's funny. Any evidence to support your hypothesis?

The existence of Para Brahman (God) is not the existence of non-God items in which the knowledge of the non-God items is a prerequisite condition. Para Brahman exists as per the statement of Veda.
All the non-God items are worldly objects, which are parts of creation. All these items are known first and then only their existence is mentioned. When you say that a pot exists, it means that you are stating the existence since you know the pot already. Hence, the existence of any worldly item requires the knowledge of that item already. If you do not know anything about an item, you will not say that it exists. Hence, the existence always requires the prior knowledge of the item. But God is beyond world and is unimaginable since God is not known.

Hence, the existence of God is not similar to the existence of the worldly items. Since the existence of worldly items, which requires prior knowledge of the item, is absent in the case of God, God can be said as an item not having the existence of worldly items and hence God is non-existent (Asat) in this sense. This does not mean that God is really non-existent because God really exists as per Veda (Astityeva….) and hence God exists (Sat).


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
God is known to God

(God is known to God and hence the prerequisite condition is fulfilled. For human beings, the unimaginable God can exist like the unimaginable miracle).
Veda says that the knower of God is God Himself (Brahmavit Brahmaiva…). Hence, though God is unknown to human beings, He is known to Himself. If you say that the existence of anything must satisfy the prior condition of its knowledge, the rule is not violated since God is having His knowledge. Then, you may say that God exists for God only since the prior condition is limited to God only. This is not correct because you are agreeing the existence of an unimaginable miracle also in the world. When the miracle is demonstrated, it is unimaginable but its existence in the world is accepted. Hence, the existence of unimaginable item like miracle exists in the case of human beings.

(The concept of unimaginable nature requires the relative existence of the concept of imaginable nature).
To recognize day, night should relatively exist. Similarly, to recognize the existence of unimaginable nature, relatively the imaginable nature must exist. If everything is unimaginable there is no significance of the very concept of unimaginable nature. Therefore, the world with imaginable items exists, so that the unimaginable nature of God can be recognized significantly through relativity.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
God is known as unknown

God is known as unknown

(God is known as unknown. This is said in Veda and in Gita also)
Veda says that angels and sages came to know only one point about the God after long hectic discussions. That single point is that God is unknown (Yasyaamatam Tasyamatam…). Even Gita says that no body knows anything about God (Mamtu veda Nakaschana.). Therefore, the unimaginable nature of God is clearly established by the sacred scriptures.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
The unimaginable nature of God is elaborated in Veda by various statements

The unimaginable nature of God is elaborated in Veda by various statements
(The unimaginable nature of God is elaborated in Veda by various statements).
Veda clearly elaborates the unimaginable nature of God through the following statements: Words cannot give knowledge of God (Yatovaachah, Na tatra vaak…). Even mind cannot touch God (Apraapya Manasaa Saha). Intelligence cannot reach God (Namedhayaa, Yo Buddheh Paratah..). You cannot understand God through logic (Naishaa Tarkena…, Atarkyah..). Senses cannot grasp God (Nachakshushaa…, Aprameyah…, Atindriyam….). All these statements have elaborated the concept of unimaginable nature of God by any means.


Time Out
Mar 12, 2006
God is not awareness

God is not awareness

Wish is verb and not any agent that wishes. The soul or Jiva is only a special work and not the working element.
Veda says that God wished to create this world. Hence, people say that God is awareness due to wish. Here wish is a verb and not noun. This means that the awareness, which is wish, means a work only and not a working element. Already we have established that awareness is a special work of inert energy functioning in the special system called as nervous system. Therefore, the soul is the name of some special work only done by inert energy in the nervous system similar to grinding work done by current in grinding machine. Hence, the word soul is only a verb and not a noun, if you analyze deeply on scientific and logical line.