'Third-hand smoke' awareness may curb home smoking


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC

CTV.ca | 'Third-hand smoke' awareness may curb home smoking

A new study suggests that making the public aware of the dangers of "third-hand smoke" -- the toxic gases and particles that linger on smokers and on furniture -- may motivate people to enforce a strict no-smoking policy at home.

Researchers behind the study, published in the January edition of the journal Pediatrics, are believed to be the first to have coined the term "third-hand smoke."

The study says children are especially susceptible to third-hand smoke exposure because they breathe near, crawl and play on, touch, and mouth contaminated surfaces.

It says children exposed to low levels of tobacco, such as through third-hand smoke, have "the steepest slope in the decrement in reading levels" -- suggesting that compounds in tobacco smoke can be poisonous to nerve tissue, even at extremely low levels.

Researchers assessed health beliefs of adults regarding third-hand smoke exposure of children and whether smokers and non-smokers differ in their views.

Overall, 65.2 per cent of nonsmokers versus 43.3 per cent of smokers agreed that third-hand smoke harms children.

Researchers also found that a respondent who felt that third-hand smoke was harmful was much more likely to enforce a strict no-smoking policy at home.

"This novel finding is important because the third-hand smoke concept could easily be incorporated into current and future tobacco counselling messages, tobacco control programs, policy initiatives, and guidelines," says the study.

Yes because that's all we need..... more crap on TV telling us how bad smoking is.

If it's so bad, then make it illegal..... oh yeah.... our government won't do that. IF you're not going to make it illegal, then give it up with the propaganda on TV telling people to not smoke.

The study found no independent association between the belief that second-hand smoke harms the health of children and rules prohibiting smoking in the home and car.

"New information emerging about third-hand smoke exposure may offer families needed additional information about sources of possible toxic exposure of their children and may enhance their motivation to alter home smoking practices to protect better the health of their children," says the report.

"Third-hand smoke health education campaigns might be more powerful motivators for these families than simply reiterating information about visible second-hand smoke exposure that most families already know."

Among other toxins, third-hand smoke contains arsenic (used in pesticides), lead, carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide (used in chemical weapons).

Of 2,000 eligible respondents contacted, 1,510 (87 per cent) completed surveys, 1,478 (97.9 per cent) answered all questions pertinent to this analysis, and 273 (18.9 per cent) were smokers.

So out of 87% of people who completed the survey, only 18.9% were smokers..... now there's a biased statistical study.

Of course non-smokers will believe third hand smoke..... .what the hell is next? 4th hand smoke? 5th hand?

Are my ass farts 2nd, 3rd or 4th hand?

1st hand ass farts I guess would be when they're still in the arse, 2nd hand ass farts would be when it passes through your underwear and out the back of your pants and you smell it...... 3rd hand would be when someone else smells it..... 4th hand would be the 15 minute linger...... oh and 5th hand ass farts would be when you leave your seat and the seat still smells of ass farts. :roll:

Cripes... another coined phrase of the new millenium..... remind me to toss that one right next to Global Cooling/Warming when I get home.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
A while back I did the homework, and had all the Links, and had done the math to
figure out the tax loss to government in Canada, and to figure out as a dollar figure
that EVERY Man, Woman, and child would have to pay to balance out that short
fall in tax revenue from the retail sale of tobacco.

It was something like $300 net tax annually for every Man, Woman, and Child in
Canada. That's exactly why tobacco is not a banned substance in this country.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
A while back I did the homework, and had all the Links, and had done the math to
figure out the tax loss to government in Canada, and to figure out as a dollar figure
that EVERY Man, Woman, and child would have to pay to balance out that short
fall in tax revenue from the retail sale of tobacco.

It was something like $300 net tax annually for every Man, Woman, and Child in
Canada. That's exactly why tobacco is not a banned substance in this country.

and therein lies the problem........we dont care if it kills you as long as we get the taxes.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
A while back I did the homework, and had all the Links, and had done the math to
figure out the tax loss to government in Canada, and to figure out as a dollar figure
that EVERY Man, Woman, and child would have to pay to balance out that short
fall in tax revenue from the retail sale of tobacco.

It was something like $300 net tax annually for every Man, Woman, and Child in
Canada. That's exactly why tobacco is not a banned substance in this country.

Yeah agreed, that was what I was hinting at..... so if they're not going to ban/make it illegal just so they can fill their pockets, then maybe they should stop playing this game of trying to seem like they have our best interests at play and drop all this crap about how bad smoking is for everybody......

Seem's pretty hypocritical for them to keep telling us it's bad to smoke and will kill us, our loved ones, children, etc....... all the while still controlling it's distribution and costs.

As I see it, you can't play both games, it's either one or the other.... if it's that horrible for us and everyone around us, then ban it..... if it's not bad enough to ban and the money is more important, then drop the BS crap about how truly bad it is for us.


That actually reminds me of those Crime Stopper commericals that are on the TV all the damn time these days.....

They talk about the "Illegal Tobacco Products" out there being sold for far less cheaper then in the stores..... "They are cheap and available, but come with a cost...."

• They first tell us that you never know what's in these products. (Most of us don't know what's in the tobacco products at the store in the first place)

• Then they talk about how big the fine is if you're caught with illegal tobacco which goes around the $250 - 10,000 range, depending.

• Then they talk about possible jail time.

• Then they talk about how taxes on tobacco products are not going to "Your children's education and health care." (Hey, I paid for those damn smokes and paid those taxes, that money goes to my health care when my lungs cave in!... if not, then why buy legal smokes in the first place if others get my money?)

And that's always good to know that children's education and health care is being funding by the government's monopoly on other people's addictions and health problems.

Then they say "There goes your savings, up in smoke." when the only real consequences they listed were punishments by the government/police for not buying their products with their tax hikes.

No real health issues.... no rat arses within the tobacco..... you just "don't know what's in them"

~ So what's the difference then? I really don't know what's in regular smokes anymore then I do with illegal smokes.... and all the other consequences they mentioned were their own unjustified punishments to maintain a monopoly like some mafia.

And yet..... we have more and more of these things to further confuse the situation, like the invention of 3rd hand smoke and more threats of just how evil smoking tobacco really is.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Yep ban cigarettes and toss those smokers in jail, that ought to fix the situation. :roll:

Hey handy Andy, can we get a bigger roll eyes emoticon please?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I remember as a kid that almost every adult smoked....almost everywhere. At that
time, that was perfectly legal and acceptable. Hospitals, Movie Theatres, everywhere....

At 5yrs old I would walk to the store (with a note for the grocer) and purchase my
parents cigarettes for them, in order to have five cents of the change to spend myself.

Times have changed. Knowledge has increased. Social morality has evolved. Smokers
are frowned upon as pariahs today, for supporting a very significant portion of the tax
burden upon their shoulders, and for shortening their lifespans to free up even more of
their tax dollars to support the health care of those non-smokers that will live longer and
might actually live long enough to collect the smokers portion of the CCP fund. Less and
less smokers means that the tax burden is paid by fewer and fewer people, and due to
the highly addictive property of tobacco, they still purchase these products.

I'm a smoker, and I would absolutely love to see cigarettes and other tobacco products
banned right across the board in Canada. The simple knowledge that some arrogant and
non-smoking preachy pr*ck (let say with a wife and 3 kids) would get the privilege of
paying out an extra $1,500.00 NET every year (increasing annually) to cover a portion
of the tax on cigarettes I pay every year. That knowledge would help me quit, and would
also appeal to my sense of humour.

Ban tobacco outright and smokers will have a tough time for a while, but they'll have the
last laugh. I'd love to see the Fed's wean themselves of that revenue but it wouldn't
happen. At, let say, a pack a day, and only $10/pack for the sake of the math...a smoker
would have an extra $3,650.00 NET in his/her pocket annually, and only have to pay an
extra $300.00 of that out in tax to keep the Fed's in lost tobacco tax, as he/she would just
be another non-smoker. That's really funny.

With that in mind, if you're a non-smoker, have a wife & kids, and are barely getting by, &
if you can handle the smell and not complain while you're doing it....go hug a smoker for
improving your financial situation every time they light up. Just offering a different perspective.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Using the numbers from the article that Praxius posted....of the people that completed
the survey, 18.9% where smokers....and assume that is a representative sample right
across Canada (I figured out my math about several years ago).

Assume (I'm too lazy to look this up again right now) that only 75% of the retail cost
of a package of cigarettes is tax. Assume these 18.9% smoke an average of a pack per
day and assume again only $10 per pack....and assume that only adults got to answer
this survey. That would mean that EVERYONE would be a non-smoker if tobacco was
banned, and every non-smoking adult would get to pay an extra $517.39 NET annually
in increased taxes just to maintain the current level of tax revenue generated by tobacco,
and it might be more, and that'll increase yearly. Current smokers would be huge winners
(health benefits aside) having an extra Three Grand Net annually left in their pockets, &
would laugh and laugh and laugh. Please Ban Tobacco Today! Pretty Please!!!


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
it all makes sense to me..... I'm in the process of quitting tobacco at the time being..... had my last one this morning, gave my pipe and bag of tobacco to my father...... ummm.... that's about it for that....

I do gotta go pick up some weed soon through.

And if I decide to go back into tobacco..... well I think the government got enough tax money from me in the last 2 years of me smoking..... time to use my native privilages to get my native smokes. :twisted:

(Now if I only had enough energy to look into the official details of my family's herritage, I could probably have all my student loans wiped and get the money I paid in back into my pocket...... Hmmmm.... then I'd be able to get more smokes.... Moooo hoooo haw haw haw haw!!!!.)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I just googled, "percentage tax canada package cigarettes" and went to the site
titled "Cost of cigarettes in Canada" and got hit with the virus (I recognize it as I
have had to deal with it before) Antivirus 2009. Just a heads up. I bailed out
without clicking anything (Cont-Alt-Del) and excaped.

It's a drive-by and it's a bear to get rid of....http://www.grefpoke.com/cost-of-cigarettes-in-canada.html

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Hitler would be proud of Canada! His war on cancer never reached these heights of irrational paranoia.


Jan 6, 2007
Praxius... informing the public that something is bad for them, and making it illegal, do not go hand in hand. There is a laundry list a mile long of stuff that medical research has proven is bad for us. But medical researchers (the people we count on to tell us the truth about health issues) aren't the same people who decide if we need nanny laws banning the stuff or not.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
I doubt the chemicals from "third hand smoke" are any worse than those from a new mattress or car.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The world is actually getting to be an unheathy place to live, not because of potential hazards but because people are scared sh*tless to do almost everything. Everything has to be inspected to be sure it's child proof, child safe. When we were kids a lot of the "toys" were things the old man built for us and modtly they had rough edges or splinters and we went to the beach without sunscreen, and rode in vehicles with no seat belts or in the back of pickup trucks. But we had fun and we survived.


Electoral Member
May 14, 2007
So in the near future when smoking is illegal, drinking is banned and jogging is mandatory for all with food police checking your diet how long before the government claims we are living too long for pension payments and elderly health care.