'Are you going to help me?'


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC

Jeremy Steinke, shown in this courtroom sketch, is accused of killing his 12-year-old girlfriend’s parents and their son.

Drugged-up Steinke told friends he couldn’t kill girlfriend’s family alone, Alberta triple-murder trial hears
'Are you going to help me?' - Nova Scotia News - TheChronicleHerald.ca

CALGARY — In the hours before the stabbing deaths of his girlfriend’s family, an agitated Jeremy Steinke drank, snorted cocaine and told friends he needed help getting rid of her parents, court was told Monday.

Friends of Steinke’s took the stand to describe what happened before and after the brutal killings of the couple and their young son in Medicine Hat, Alta.

The before list included attending a punk music concert and borrowing the movie Natural Born Killers, Oliver Stone’s story of a pair of young serial killers who get their start by killing the girl’s mother and father.

After, the friends testified, he visited with them, made out with his 12-year-old girlfriend, ordered a fast-food hamburger and showed off a bloodied and swollen eye. Steinke, 25, had been withdrawn and depressed in the months leading up to the deaths, testified friend Garth Bolt.

"He was a completely different person," Bolt told court. "He was very depressed, he didn’t seem to care about anything."

Steinke is on trial for first-degree murder in the three deaths.

The couple’s daughter, who was 12 at the time and can’t be named, has already been convicted of three counts of first-degree murder and is serving a 10-year sentence as part of a rarely used intensive rehabilitation program.

Perhaps it should be used more.

Just before the day of the deaths in April 2006, Bolt said, he and Steinke found themselves alone in a truck after attending a punk rock show with friends. He said Steinke was talking about killing his girlfriend’s parents and how he needed help from someone he trusted — something Bolt took as a request for his help.

"Do you think I’m crazy? Should I really go through with this? Is love worth killing for?" Steinke asked Bolt.

The conversation continued online. "If he didn’t kill (the girl)’s parents, she was going to leave him for good," Bolt recalled Steinke telling him.

Gee, maybe that would have been a good idea dummy.

Another friend, Jordan Attfield, told court that in the days before the family was found dead, a furious Steinke had been ranting about how much he wanted to see his girlfriend and how her parents were preventing that from happening.

Yeah that'll happen when parents find out your screwing around with their 12 year old nut job of a daughter.

"Are you going to help me?" Steinke asked him.

"I don’t have the balls, I have no need to kill anyone," Attfield responded.

Attfield testified he had heard the complaint before, and once overheard a bit of conversation between the girl and Steinke when he accidentally picked up a phone.

"She said that she can’t take her parents anymore, and they wanted to get rid of them," he said. "Jeremy said he’d think about it."

Both Attfield and Bolt testified they didn’t think Steinke was serious and brushed off his questions. Still, Attfield testified, "He scared the crap out of me."

Now clean-cut and wearing a dress shirt, Steinke’s posture was the same Monday as it has been through most of the trial — his head hanging down near his chest, his eyes on the floor.

Dumbass.... in more ways then one. If he didn't think screwing around with a 12 year old manipulative little b*tch was wrong, then he clearly didn't have the brain matter to determine that murdering her parents wasn't such a brilliant idea either.... throw his ass in jail and let it rot... if he can't understand the rights and wrongs of those two very simple concepts and can allow some 12 year old brat get into his head to do these stupid things, then he's got no use in society as I see it.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yeah that'll happen when parents find out your screwing around with their 12 year old nut job of a daughter.

This should be an eye opener to parents or anyone else who sits on their ass while a friend or relative's mental health decays.. If your kid has issues get it help. Praying and hoping it's a phase will only make **** worse.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Probably they were too sane to believe he would really do it...

I think if you're crazy enough to be involved with a 12 year old girl when you are 25 years old, you're crazy enough. If anything someone should have reported him for being involved with a 12 year old. That's illegal.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Why on earth didn't any of his "friends" call the police? This could have all been avoided.

Most of the time I see it as the friends might have thought they would have commited such a crime since they were talking about it all the time, but they hopped they would change their mind.... that and they don't like to rat out their friends to the Po-leece.... then when it happens and the 5-Oh come a knocking, they turn and say "Oh I thought he was just joking, I never thought he could do something like that" ~ All the while saying how scared they were of their friend who was continually talking about it...... they're attempting to avoid responsibility they feel they have in the matter and they're in denial of it all.... as I see it. Either that or they didn't think it was their position to do anything about it.

I think if you're crazy enough to be involved with a 12 year old girl when you are 25 years old, you're crazy enough. If anything someone should have reported him for being involved with a 12 year old. That's illegal.

Exactly.... the parents should have done something about it and reported him to the police and send their child to go get some help. Chances are they thought it would have made the situation worse, screw her up in her social life in school more then it already is because of the situation, or their out of control daughter would run away, or similar.... they probably thought it was a phase and that she'd get over it after a little while, all the while hoping the 25 year old skank would smartin up and figure out that he was doing something wrong.

All I know is if my teenaged daughter was having some 20 some-odd year old hanging all over her, he'd be going for a long drive in the back of my trunk to a remote area deep in the woods to have a little "Chat" with me and a few of my friends..... and the basic points of the "Chat" would involve them, a shovel and a 3'x2'x4' deep pit if I ever see them near my daughter, my family, my friends or any of our properties ever again..... and that our little "Chat" wouldn't be a threat, but a promise. Then of course leave them out there to find their own way back home to give them some time to think about it.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for the Mafia Don way of dealing with certain situations and it tends to get the point accross very clearly and quickly.

Then I would have to have a little "Chat" with my daughter about guys like that, which would involve the basic details such as being sent out of the country to be watched over by "Friends" back in the remote coastal areas of Ireland and being escorted everywhere she went for the rest of her days as a teenager if she ever pulled a stunt like that again..... once again, not a threat. :evil:


well I might not do any of that exactly, but it'd be my first round of thoughts.