Beat this besti4lity thread if you can...


Council Member
May 24, 2006
Great Satan
A City of Lockport mother, who shortly left her two-year-old alone, made an emergency call Sunday afternoon after hearing her baby scream.
She ran to see what was wrong and discovered that her dog was sodomizing her toddler. The mother screamed, scaring the dog enough for it to run out of the house.
The baby required reconstructive surgery and was rushed to Women and Children's Hospital in Buffalo. The dog is being held at the Niagara County SPCA for evaluation by an animal behavior specialist next week.
Lockport Police continue to investigate and, for now, are categorizing this as a freak "accident". The toddler, while listed in serious condition, is improving.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The dog is being held at the Niagara County SPCA for evaluation by an animal behavior specialist next week.

I have an idea.

behaviour modification by the careful application of the muzzle of a .22 to the top of the cranium......instant lobotomy.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Pretty dumb to leave a dog and a toddler alone. She gets my Darwin Award of the Day.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
I'd keep my eye on this crackpot if I were CPS in Lockport. Something is up with that.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Wow, that's all I can say. It's unfortunate that a baby was the victim, I probably would have laughed if the victim has been an adult.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
A City of Lockport mother, who shortly left her two-year-old alone, made an emergency call Sunday afternoon after hearing her baby scream.

Why do people continue to leave toddlers alone? She should be charged with child neglect.

The dog is being held at the Niagara County SPCA for evaluation by an animal behavior specialist next week.

Why bother? This dog needs to be put down. Once it attacks a kid ... lights out. No exceptions.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
What is sooooo weird is that why would a dog do that if the child didn't smell like it was in estrose? Why was the toddler wearing no clothes? Me thinks the mom was enjoying something deviant.....this is not an "attack" the dog is a dog...apprently with a full set of nuts and was attracted to some kind of scent on the kid.
This is highly disturbing. The mom is lying about something important


Electoral Member
May 31, 2007
The very logistics of a dog being able to penetrate a toddler without him/her being able to squirm away is suspect.
Should check the mom for doggie STDs...

On a side note, a neighbour of mine once quoted my psycho ex-neighbour as asking her "can you catch VD from a dog? I have this strange rash..."

It ain't as uncommon as some think...


What is sooooo weird is that why would a dog do that if the child didn't smell like it was in estrose? Why was the toddler wearing no clothes? Me thinks the mom was enjoying something deviant.....this is not an "attack" the dog is a dog...apprently with a full set of nuts and was attracted to some kind of scent on the kid.
This is highly disturbing. The mom is lying about something important


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
On a side note, a neighbour of mine once quoted my psycho ex-neighbour as asking her "can you catch VD from a dog? I have this strange rash..."

It ain't as uncommon as some think...


That is just wrong.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
1.) Dogs will hump legs and couch cushions. They hump anything (one reason I prefer bitches)
Its entirely possible this just happened, though very unlikely. (see point 2)

2.) Dogs are normally very protective of family children and its not uncomon to use them for temporary babysitting (ie, 5 minutes while im on the can).

Of course I was always raised with female dogs so I never had to worry about this. Just embrassing photos of the dog dragging me around by the jammies as a 10 month old. Looks like im really a son of a bitch.

But normally one can reasonable expect to be able to leave a toddler out of sight with a family dog and not come back to this.

At first I laughed, but the more I thought on it this is quite sad. But the dog is a pitbull (whom I detest) so I can't act surprised.


Council Member
Mar 16, 2007
Calgary, Alberta
Yeah, don't make more of this than it appears to be. A stupid dog, a freak occurrence, a terrible accident - that's all it appears to be. To conjecture past the available evidence is silly.



Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
There is a huge difference to domination humping (no penetration) and procreating humping.


Jan 6, 2007
1.) Dogs will hump legs and couch cushions. They hump anything (one reason I prefer bitches)

my bitch (9 yrs old), decided about 5 years ago that our male cat (also 9 yrs old) needed to be put in his place. And now, anytime someone new comes into the house, or anytime the cat gets 'out of line', she will pin him down and hump him. Apparently just to prove she can? We're not sure why she started, and she doesn't do it with anything or anyone else. But man, she owns that cat! lol.

But, I have to agree with most of the people here that the whole thing sounds hinky. Someone needs to check into the mother's story.

On the other hand though, parents need to be able to bring their kids in without fear when stuff like this happens. I knew one father who had to take his daughter into the ER, and he was in tears the entire time. He thought for sure he would lose his daughter and be put in prison. He honestly didn't think the docs would believe his daughter had fallen on a toy. She suffered a major tear to her genitals when she fell on one of her brother's Tonka Toys. It's easy to imagine a parent trying to treat something like that at home rather than risking the misunderstanding.


Jan 6, 2007
I take it your cat is de-clawed? :?::-|

Nope. He's 16lbs of clawed killing machine. But, he and the dog grew up together, and have wrestled since they were a kitten and a puppy (I don't think they know they're not littermates). He never takes his claws out with a member of the family.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
About 6 years our old dog (malamute-wolf x) was laying in the living room nonchalant. It was halloween day and our pumpkin was in there. I walked out of the room for about 10 minutes. When I returned I found the dog laying in the same spot but there was pumpkin in every corner of the room. That damn thing waited for me to leave so it could have a showdown with the pumpkin. There was even pumpkin on the ceiling. The first thing that came to mind was how one should never ever trust a dog alone, especially with anything or anyone you're remotely fond of (or anything you don't want to clean up).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
About 6 years our old dog (malamute-wolf x) was laying in the living room nonchalant. It was halloween day and our pumpkin was in there. I walked out of the room for about 10 minutes. When I returned I found the dog laying in the same spot but there was pumpkin in every corner of the room. That damn thing waited for me to leave so it could have a showdown with the pumpkin. There was even pumpkin on the ceiling. The first thing that came to mind was how one should never ever trust a dog alone, especially with anything or anyone you're remotely fond of (or anything you don't want to clean up).

I hate to bring this up.....but there is a problem here with breed. Someone said the dog responsible was a pit bull (or whatever). Now, I think the 75% of the problem with certain breeds is the breed of people that choose to own them......BUT breed does count. I would NEVER have a breed that was bred for fighting in my house, anymore than I'd leave a loaded pistol on my kitchen table.

Also, wolves ARE NOT dogs. Close, but no cigar. You might have no problem......just like the other 98 wolf cross-breeds......then number 100 decides the kid next door is lunch. All luck of the draw, and (kudos to you) the ability of the owners to handle the animal.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I hate to bring this up.....but there is a problem here with breed. Someone said the dog responsible was a pit bull (or whatever). Now, I think the 75% of the problem with certain breeds is the breed of people that choose to own them......BUT breed does count. I would NEVER have a breed that was bred for fighting in my house, anymore than I'd leave a loaded pistol on my kitchen table.

Also, wolves ARE NOT dogs. Close, but no cigar. You might have no problem......just like the other 98 wolf cross-breeds......then number 100 decides the kid next door is lunch. All luck of the draw, and (kudos to you) the ability of the owners to handle the animal.

It's not the dog ... it's how the dog is raised.
