Ghost Ship...

Libra Girl

Electoral Member
Feb 27, 2006
Apparently the 'Mary Celeste, or Marie Celeste,' mystery has now been explained according to a documentary I watched a while back... I'm not really technically astute, and can't remember all the details now, but it would seem that the Mary Celeste was carrying quite a large cargo of alcohol and fuel, and I think that a day or two prior to the last log entry had been through a storm. I believe the suggestion was that the crew feared an explosion when alcohol fumes began to build up, it would seem that the alcohol had somehow leaked or something... anyway, apparently they abandoned ship. Of course, we all now know that the 'explosion' didn't happen.

Libra Girl

Electoral Member
Feb 27, 2006
There must of been a lot of fuel if they found it and the engine was still running.
I wish I had a better memory with regard to the documentary... but, in any event, I believe the Mary Celeste was in fact, found adrift. I don't think her engines were running.