Uh-Oh...Venezuela and Mexico Recall Ambassadors


Electoral Member
Jun 4, 2005
Baja Canada
A new crisis is growing between presidents Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Vicente Fox of Mexico after a disagreement during the Fourth Summit of the Americas earlier this month in Argentina.

As reported last week by OhmyNews, the governments' of Mexico and Argentina decided to put an end to their argument, but now the Venezuela and Mexico have entered the fray.

It all began on Nov. 10 when Chavez blamed Fox for "giving up" the Argentine summit to the United States. Mexico rejected the accusation and tried to patch up their differences through diplomatic channels.

On Nov. 13, Chavez renewed the criticisms in his weekly radio and television program, "Hello, President." Afterwards, the Mexican government asked the Venezuelan government for a detailed explanation.

The Venezuela government rejected the request, stating:

"This situation is the whole responsibility of President Fox. From the moment of his arrival in Mar del Plata he attacked the position of the Venezuelan government. Once the summit concluded, President Fox continued the disrespectful attacks."

Venezuela recalled its ambassador from Mexico, Vladimir Villegas, back to Caracas. Mexico reciprocated and recalled its ambassador from Venezuela.

An academic from the National Autonomous University in Mexico said he believed the Mexican government revealed its inexperience by violating codes of behavior at the summit.

Seems someone else is having trouble getting along with Chavez.



Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Uh-Oh...Venezuela and

Fox will be gone after the next Mexican election. Chavez will still be around after the next Venezuelan election. Fox was acting like Bushies toady too...he was even worse than Paul Martin.

The US has lost control of South America and is about to lose control of Mexico.


Council Member
Jun 6, 2005
Oklahoma, USA
Smart move on the part of the Mexican President. Of course he would attack a government that's run by a dictator accused on an international scale of human rights violations and of being a liar in regards to the US missionary group.

If I were Vincente Fox, I would distance myself as far away as possible from Chavez (aka Buffoon). No one wants to be friends with a dictator and Human Rights violator.


Electoral Member
Jun 4, 2005
Baja Canada
Re: RE: Uh-Oh...Venezuela and

Reverend Blair said:
Fox will be gone after the next Mexican election. Chavez will still be around after the next Venezuelan election. Fox was acting like Bushies toady too...he was even worse than Paul Martin.

The US has lost control of South America and is about to lose control of Mexico.

Nope. Remember, politicians come and go, but geography is forever. Mexico will always be directly south of us, and you will always be directly north. This marriage is forever; you will both just have to put up with us. Like it or not - that's just the way the mop flops. :wink:


Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Smart move on the part of the Mexican President. Of course he would attack a government that's run by a dictator accused on an international scale of human rights violations

No, no, James...he was attacking Chavez, not Bush.

Nope. Remember, politicians come and go, but geography is forever. Mexico will always be directly south of us, and you will always be directly north. This marriage is forever; you will both just have to put up with us.

We'll be happy to put up with you when you quit trying to control the world, Uncle.


Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2005
Nascar_James said:
Smart move on the part of the Mexican President. Of course he would attack a government that's run by a dictator accused on an international scale of human rights violations and of being a liar in regards to the US missionary group.

Answer - why do you insist on lying? You must know that Chavez was elected by a clear majority, and then survived an American backed recall. Stop lying, in is an insult to the truth and misleading to those who may actually come to this forum for information.


Council Member
Jun 6, 2005
Oklahoma, USA
PoisonPete2 said:
Nascar_James said:
Smart move on the part of the Mexican President. Of course he would attack a government that's run by a dictator accused on an international scale of human rights violations and of being a liar in regards to the US missionary group.

Answer - why do you insist on lying? You must know that Chavez was elected by a clear majority, and then survived an American backed recall. Stop lying, in is an insult to the truth and misleading to those who may actually come to this forum for information.

Well Pete, does Amnesty International and the Inter-American Human Rights Commission lie as well? I'm simply repeating their message.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Uh-Oh...Venezuela and

They've never called Chavez a dictator. They have criticised him for his human rights record, but that record is better than both the American-backed regime that preceded Chavez and the record of the Bush administration.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2005
RE: Uh-Oh...Venezuela and

Exactly. And I noted the Amnesty has repeatedly noted the fact that he was democratically elected and they have never raised any questions about the validity of his election.

In contrast to the many questions that have been raised by various groups about the validiity of Bush's election both in 2000 and in 2004. I particularily remember hearing about questions about the poor black community in certain areas being prevented from v oting through imidiation.

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: RE: Uh-Oh...Venezuela and

Reverend Blair said:
Fox will be gone after the next Mexican election. Chavez will still be around after the next Venezuelan election. Fox was acting like Bushies toady too...he was even worse than Paul Martin.

The US has lost control of South America and is about to lose control of Mexico.

Sure, Vicente Fox will be gone, he is unable to run for a second term under Mexican Law. He was a PAN (Partido Acion Nacional or Nation Action Party) which was more like the Reform Movement, the PRI (Partido Revolucion Institute) ruled Mexico for over 80 Years and has taken the blame for the Currency Devaluation, Loss of jobs and failed Land reform Movements.

The US has far more infuence in Canada than Mexico. Mexico developed along the lines of European Social Democratic Programs but the Society there initially demanded more then the system could deliver. Money there is held by the ruling elite and they no like reform! Fox has done more in his term to stamp out corruption than his predeccessors.

Bush is also unable to run, I doubt JEB could win, I would like to see McCain.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Uh-Oh...Venezuela and

My point was that Fox's policies, and those of his party, are unpopular with the Mexican people, Martin. The next leader is not likely to be cozy with the US at all.

I wouldn't bet on McCain getting the Republican nomination either, although I think he'd be a good candidate. PNAC and the religious right don't like him though. During his last run they smeared the hell out of him, and they're already ramping up the same dirty tricks and rumours.


Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2005
The PRI are on the rise again in Mexico. They rule by intimidation, murder and corruption. No doubt their return will satisfy American interests in the region. There is a grass roots democratic movement in Mexico, but it is a dangerous course to take and often ends up with poorly investigated violent deaths (passed off as suicides).

I'm hoping that the Democrats in the U.S. come out of their prolonged malaise and McCain runs on a reunification ticket with Rodman Clinton. I would think it would depend on what happens after the impeachment of the traitor in the White House.

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: RE: Uh-Oh...Venezuela and Mexico Recall Ambassadors

PoisonPete2 said:
The PRI are on the rise again in Mexico. They rule by intimidation, murder and corruption. No doubt their return will satisfy American interests in the region. There is a grass roots democratic movement in Mexico, but it is a dangerous course to take and often ends up with poorly investigated violent deaths (passed off as suicides).

PRI isn't loved in Mexico except by the "Party" faithful who hold positions of power or wealth (Usually both). PAN is a reform movement but the taste of power has went to their head also. My wife and me have friends in Mexico who we visit and the stories that they tell about the politicos (Usually in hushed tones) would have you think that you have stepped behind Stalin's Iron Curtain or something. Corruption is widespread with the historical tradition of the "Mordido" or the Bite which is the bribe every public servant thinks he deserves! A total mess.

PoisonPete2 said:
I'm hoping that the Democrats in the U.S. come out of their prolonged malaise and McCain runs on a reunification ticket with Rodman Clinton. I would think it would depend on what happens after the impeachment of the traitor in the White House.

McCain has a chance but Hillary Clinton has too much baggage for the election. She probably couldn't carry the South or the West (except CA, OR, WA), now if BC and PQ could add their elctrorial votes in the fray, maybe we wouldn't have the Jr. mucking up the place, now would we! 8O


Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: RE: Uh-Oh...Venezuela and

Reverend Blair said:
My point was that Fox's policies, and those of his party, are unpopular with the Mexican people, Martin. The next leader is not likely to be cozy with the US at all.

All depends on whose paying, La Mordida is pretty powerful en la tierra de manana.

Reverend Blair said:
I wouldn't bet on McCain getting the Republican nomination either, although I think he'd be a good candidate. PNAC and the religious right don't like him though. During his last run they smeared the hell out of him, and they're already ramping up the same dirty tricks and rumours.

Too early to tell, I doubt some of the House or Senate will be there after the 2006 mid term elections. :p


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Uh-Oh...Venezuela and

Chavez renews trade pact attack

Thousands of Venezuelans have joined a march against the economic policies of US President George Bush and his Mexican counterpart, Vicente Fox.

President Hugo Chavez led the protest against the US' proposals to create a Free Trade Area of the Americas.

Last week Mr Chavez accused Mr Fox of being a lapdog of the US for going along with Washington's plan.

Venezuela and Mexico withdrew their ambassadors from each other's capitals as a result of the bitter row.

Viva Chavez!