Tax Increases Are Here Again


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Breaking from Bloomburg: Trudeau Says Ideological Tax Cuts Won’t Spur Canada Jobs - Bloomberg

Justin Trudeau has vowed to roll back any tax cuts made by the Harper Conservatives.

“Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau said Canada’s government should abandon its “ideological” focus on tax cuts and instead boost infrastructure spending to help the country pull out of the worst job slump since the 2009 recession.
“They’re in a tax-cut box,” Trudeau said yesterday in an interview in his office in the nation’s main parliament building, referring to the ruling Conservative Party..”

The Harper Conservatives will most likely lower personal income tax rates once again this fall.
The Conservatives have cut various tax rates 140 times since 2006.
Federal Income taxes are now the lowest in 50 years at a minimum rate of15%.
The GST has been reduced from 7% to 5%.

Kiss most of your hard earned cash goodbye if the Lib’s get their sticky little fingers on the levers of power.
Tax increases are gonna be here again.
Big time.

Nothing beats over the top Liberal pork barreling closely followed by “necessary” tax increases.
If the GST gets rolled back that will seriously hurt low-income earners and those on social assistance.

I give Justin full credit for talking about tax increase pre election.
If it were the old style Chrétien Liberals they would have promised deep tax cuts.
Written all about the various tax cuts in a “red book”.
And then ramped up income taxes post election while snickering all the while.