Jewish Man Arrested For Bringing Dog To Anti-Israel Al-Quds Rally


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot?

TORONTO - A Jewish man says he’s contemplating legal action, claiming to have been arrested for bringing his dog to an Islamic group’s anti-Israel demonstration at Queen’s Park on Saturday.

Allan Einstoss, 47, was handcuffed and detained by police during a controversial Al-Quds Day rally at Queen’s Park.

Al-Quds Day is a yearly international event created in 1979 by Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini to mark the end of Ramadan and to call for the destruction of Israel and the creation a Palestinian state.

Several other groups, including the hard-line Jewish Defence League, also attended the rally to counter the Al-Quds message — a message they say spreads anti-Semitism.

Einstoss, who has no group affiliation but went to oppose the Al-Quds doctrine, said he’d spent over an hour “mingling” among members of the crowd with Cupcake, his 165-pound English Mastiff.

Cupcake, a trained therapy dog that will begin visiting patients at Sunnybrook hospital this fall, was on a leash during the rally, and wore an Israeli flag around its neck.

Some devout Muslims consider dogs to be unclean and make efforts to avoid them.

Einstoss said after two young Muslim women asked about Cupcake, he was told by a male Al-Quds demonstrator he was “not allowed to go near our women” with the dog. Einstoss said that after exclaiming his right to go where he pleased, he walked away with Cupcake, but was “punched in the chest” by another demonstrator.

Einstoss shoved back, and within seconds was grabbed by several officers.

He claimed that while in custody, one officer called him “insensitive” for attending an Islamic rally with a dog.

Einstoss added his assailant wasn’t even questioned by police.


Man threatens legal action over Al-Quds rally arrest | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

h/t Weasel Zippers

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
S'what I thought. So if the Arabs don't like an Israeli bringing a dog to their rally, they should bring a pig to an Israeli rally. revenge is sweet. Specially if it's maple smoked. :D
But Muslims would have to touch an unclean animal to do that.

Which of course would mean that if it's OK to do that, to troll the Jewish, bringing a dog to a Muslim rally, just ain't that big a deal.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
What trouble me is the fact that our society allows a celebration by any group that
wants to wipe out another society to establish a like kind state in its place. In this
case it is saying the celebrants want condone ethnic cleansing which is against
international law.
Instead the police arrest a guy because he brought a dog to the park, nonsense I
It is time people came to Canada and put away their baggage they brought with them
or they should go home. That includes everyone from the Arabs and Jews to the Irish.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
For some reason, perhaps that i often tend to be irreverent, this reminds me of the conversation one day between two old friends, a Rabbi and a Catholic Priest. The Priest said, so, you guys still don't eat Pork huh? Correct said the Rabbi, how about you, still not getting laid? Nope said the Priest, but did you ever cheat just a bit?
Well, just a bit Said the Rabbi, i tried a Ham sandwich once. What about you?
Too be honest, and just between us, i had sex with a woman once.
Beats the hell outta a Ham sandwich doesn't it? said the Rabbi.:lol:


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
What trouble me is the fact that our society allows a celebration by any group that
wants to wipe out another society to establish a like kind state in its place. In this
case it is saying the celebrants want condone ethnic cleansing which is against
international law.
Instead the police arrest a guy because he brought a dog to the park, nonsense I
It is time people came to Canada and put away their baggage they brought with them
or they should go home. That includes everyone from the Arabs and Jews to the Irish.

I have to say that I find this to be quite confusing as well. Why would that kind of celebration be permitted? It goes against everything that Canada stands for, does it not?

And since I am in Canada, I should be able to walk my dog wherever the heck I want to (unless legally prohibited of course).


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
This surprises me as well.

But not as surprising as LG saying Arabs should bring pigs to Israeli rallies. ;)

Just kidding LG.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I wonder where this "unclean" bullcrap come from,and who decided that this or that is unclean?

The Prophet was afraid of dogs, and despised them.

So all his followers are expected to emulate the Prophet.

I have to say that I find this to be quite confusing as well. Why would that kind of celebration be permitted? It goes against everything that Canada stands for, does it not?

And since I am in Canada, I should be able to walk my dog wherever the heck I want to (unless legally prohibited of course).

To me Canada stands for freedom of speech and expression.

If you want to go to the corner park and preach fascist BS, that is perfectly fine with me.

Just don't be surprised when the counter-protests appear.

The problem here is not with the Islamo-fascist scum expressing themselves in public (or should I say exposing themselves??), it is with government suppression of the opposition to their views.


Electoral Member
Jun 13, 2006
The pandering media likes to depict al-Quds day as some sort of anti-semitic pro-holocaust day but the simple truth is that this is a day about supporting Palestine and restisting Israeli occupation.

From Wikipedia:

"Quds Day, officially in Iran known as International Quds Day (روز جهانی قدس), is an annual event that began in Iran in 1979, that is commemorated on the last Friday of Ramadan,[1] expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism as well as Israel's control of Jerusalem; Quds is that city's Arabic name."

While I'm not particularly involved in the Israeli/Palestine debate, I do resent the constant barrage of free Speech by the pro-Israel supporters, and their continued attempts to limit all criticism of Israel, by calling it anti-semitic.

People have a right to protest Israel, just as they have a right to protest the USA, the seal hunt, China's treatment of Falun-Gong etc.

The individual in question did not respect that right. He intentionally attempted to provoke the protesters. That was his goal. He did everything possible to get the Arabs to assault him, so that he could claim antisemitism. Wearing a swastika at a pro-Israel rally, may not be illegal, but don't come crying to the police, if someone smacks you around a bit.

Clearly, the goal of Einstoss, was to do whatever he could to make the anti-Israel rally seem like a hatefest against Jews, one in which he, the innocent passerby was assaulted by Jew haters. But, anyone looking at this subjectively should take everything he says with great suspicion.