Police Respond to Vicious Dog in Baltimore City...


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
From Fark:

You are a cop responding to a call about a vicious dog. Do you: A) shoot it, B) shoot it twice, or C) give it water to drink, take it to the shelter in your patrol car, and then adopt it?

Here at Mk9, we receive a lot of emails and messages about Pit Bull and Pit Bull type dogs. News reports and stories from all over. From both sides of the spectrum as well. The good, and the bad. When we find the ones we believe will do good to help further the education of the general public, we "Share" them with hopes that people will be influenced, and motivated to see Pit Bulls and their owners for what they are, and not what the Media would make them out to be.

Today, we received a rather interesting story from a gentleman in Baltimore. It was a story about a Vicious Dog call, and the Police Officer who answered it. The interesting part is, the gentleman who sent the story IS that Officer who answered the call. So here is the account, from the source;

Modified k9: Police Respond to Vicious Dog in Baltimore City