Should Canada stop/withhold/redirect funding from UN Agencies that are not competent


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Should Canada stop/withhold/redirect funding from UN Agencies that are not competent or are corrupting their Mandate & Purpose

Different Govts fund a variety of projects under the auspices of the UN.

I would say yes - but with caution - One Agency that has been corrupted beyond any value or redemption would be the UN Human Rights Council

UNHRC - Should be disbanded - An Agency that protects Govts - Not Citizens. A Failure.

Should Canada stop all funding for the UNHRC and divert these monies to NGO's that are recognized for their actions regarding Human Rights and bringing to light the most reprehensible abuses that have been committed by many members of this corrupt Agency?

It is fact that the UN is not only bloated but corrupted and an over staffed workforce at the top levels. Programs that should be funded sit idle while the UN can hold mega conferences in Geneva that attract thousands. And yes you foot the bill. 8000 attended one such conference - yes 8000 - At what cost? And you know they were not renting the cheap seats or on a strict pr diem for meals now.

I recall the uproar in the Canadian left when it was rumoured that the Harper govt was stopping funding for abortions/planned parenting etc.

Yet we hear nary a quip from the left about one UN Agency that is well beyond redemption and a bloody stain on Human Rights. It was remade, reorganized and supposedly changed only a few years ago but as has become apparent to those that follow this agency it is once again completely corrupted, focused on Israel and Western values yet overlooks the slaughter going on in Syria for example.

Countries that have few Human Rights for their citizens routinely develop and have influence on UN policies in regard to equal treatment of women, racism, homosexuals. Yet these self same countries treat women as a 3rd class, Jews are all the enemy as witnessed by the Darfur Hatefests, along with sentencing Homosexuals to lengthy prison terms or execution.

Should Countries that are rampant and known abusers and perpetrate mass violations of Human Rights sit as members of the UNHRC?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I'm inclined to agree with petros because the UN has lost its focus/taken over by special interests and become a huge money pit.I think it would be easier and cheaper to abandon the current UN and start over with an organization that has democratic values and principles.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I would disagree - The UN does have programs that work and work well.

Hezzbollah has some great initiatives that work as well. That doesn't mean that just because some of their stuff works that I'd want to be aligned with them. The UN has become rotten at its core.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Hezzbollah has some great initiatives that work as well. That doesn't mean that just because some of their stuff works that I'd want to be aligned with them. The UN has become rotten at its core.


I was referring to programs such as the eradication of Polio- One problem with the UN and NGO that go in after a disaster are the taxes that are paid on emergency supplies and any thing that is used.

Another problem are the bribes for anything that enters the country to the approval to build a well to provide clean water.

Yes a complete restructuring would be needed in many cases -

Another is the pensions - They are classed as tax free - The UN benefits package is well beyond anything that represents what would be considered reasonable in many countries.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I would disagree - The UN does have programs that work and work well.
When they started asking for a set portion of our GDP in cash it made me think twice about the direction they are leading us.

If you want to end up with a Maoist come industrial Canada like their darling China you go right ahead and keep on supporting them.


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
The UN is a failure in large part, but I don't know what the answer is. Numerous times over the past decades, it has shown itself to be absolutely ineffectual at addressing wrongs, many times because of issues arising from challenging a nation's sovereignty (i.e. the Sudan-Darfur situation), some times because nations refuse to act unless they have a vested interest in the outcome of a specific situation (i.e. the Rwandan genocide), some times because of the vested interests they have (i.e. the French stance on Iraqi violation of UNSC resolutions and the US stance in opposition to the French) and the corruption of the organization that stems from a lack of cultural stigmas against in some parts of the world.

I think it would be easier and cheaper to abandon the current UN and start over with an organization that has democratic values and principles.

It depends on what you mean by the organization having democratic values. Right now, one country = one vote in the UN which is somewhat democratic. When you translate that "democracy" into meaning a band of nations with an agenda can try to invoke the body against a neighbouring nation, democracy becomes tyranny of the majority... and I am glad that such an organization is as ineffectual as it is...

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
The problem with getting out of the UN is that if the organization was abolished some other sort of international organization would have to be created to replace it. Certainly some major changes are needed in the organization, such as the expansion of the Security Council and a better method of financing the organization. A hard look should also be taken regarding the way the UN has become something of a make work project for many member countries; especially those in the developing world.


Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
eradication program for polio

Universal Declaration of Rights.

Some Peacekeeping.


International Law -

Why do people believe in eradication, it doesn't exist. Polio, measles, TB etc. are not and will never be eradicated. They are control with vaccines when the people are vaccinated.

Right now the 3 above are on the way back because people have refused vaccination here in Canada and the US.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Why do people believe in eradication, it doesn't exist.

Smallpox? Gone. It only exists locked away in level 4 biosafety labs, the same level of containment required for disease agents like ebola and marburg virus.

The World Health Organization had to fight against ignorance, complacency, and fear to get rid of smallpox too.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
We should only partner up with other nations that have things like Reservations, that we don't have to clean up that mess. We would fight 100 years in court to make sure we didn't have to treat them the way the Natives of Kuwait are treated.

For 50 bonsu points, who was the driving force behind the polio eradicaton program?
The same ones that still have some pure samples 'on ice'.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Why do people believe in eradication, it doesn't exist. Polio, measles, TB etc. are not and will never be eradicated. They are control with vaccines when the people are vaccinated.

Right now the 3 above are on the way back because people have refused vaccination here in Canada and the US.

Below are two article on polio eradication. It would appear to me that the disease is well on the way to being the second disease actually eliminated. Note that the attack on polio is being led by WHO - a UN organization.

Poliomyelitis eradication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Polio in Retreat: New Cases Nearly Eliminated Where Virus Once Flourished: Scientific American


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I have no qualms about withdrawing our membership from any UN agency.

But as long as we're a member-state, we ought to abide by its rules.

Seeing that we don't abide by certain UN rules as is, I personally think the most honest action would be to withdraw our membership. You don't join such expensive organizations for the photo op. You join because you intend to live up top its standards or you withdraw.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I don't recall the UN being given powers of taxation over you and I? A TAX of 0.2% of our GDP goes directly to ONE UN program alone. If we have a stellar year, we have to keep paying that high point even during years of heavy decline.

Next come the TAXES on something none of your 5 senses can detect. The Global Tithe to the Godess Gaia.

Welcome to Global Socialism!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
eradication program for polio

Universal Declaration of Rights.

Some Peacekeeping.


International Law -


No, not OK.

The eradication of polio and other diseases, as well as keeping watch and documentation opf health, and providing health services comes under the umbrella of the World Health Organization (WHO) which appears to be a very good group........the reason I asked for THREE. :)

The Universal Declaration of human rights is fine, in fact wonderful for the first 20 or 25 sections.....then it dives head first into collective rights, the absolute antithesis of individual rights......and (like our Charter) becomes a detriment to real human rights. Not that it matters, it is completely ignored anyway, in any place that doesn't already meet its minimum standards.

Peacekeeping under the United Nations banner is largely a joke. Ask the Israelis, Rwandans, or the residents of Srebrenica. Peacekeeping only takes place where it is not needed............ and peace-making is better achieved under national or coalition banners.

Angola, as a case in point, simply fought itself to exhaustion.........hardly a place to list as a great success for the UN

International Law is a horrendous joke.