Countdown to my contract ending with Bell.


Electoral Member
Nov 1, 2005
Okay keemosabbees. Keeping with the common agreement that Bell sucks ass..and being that i will just get pissed off if i re rant everything that pisses me off about Bell (i could go on for days)...

My contract expired December 26th. How do i successfully ensure that my phone contract will be cancelled and it just won't accidently be carried forward so that im stuck with some assnine bill or cancellation charges.

With a month and half to go..if i cancel right now and pay for two months bills (keep in mind that I have been paying for a bill on a phone that does not work), will i still have to pay the cancellation notice?

Or should i just wait until the contract is up.


House Member
Sep 12, 2004
Without your signature on a contract how can they carry forward charges? If they do... there are a number of actions that can be brought forward against the company. If your phone doesn't work...providing there are no early termination fees...cancel it now. Make sure when you cancel it that an employees signature is on the last bill and it is stamped paid in full and cancelled.Preferably a managers signature. If you have time to do it on Boxing Day or Xmas eve...these would be excellent times to cancel your contract and make a scene in the store you bought it in.