Special Diet For The Diabetes


Time Out
Dec 18, 2006
Diet Diabetes :angel8:

1) First: To take the juice from 1/2 liter of grapefruit or the cooking of two grapefruits (cut with rind and everything)
2) Breakfast: To eat a salad of fruits, mainly peach tree, alternatively accompanied by almonds, bilberries, chestnut, bitter melon, raspberry, nut, marañon, banana, apple, datil, papaya and/or pine apple; there been dew with lemon juice. /to eat arandino. /Salad of fruits low of sugar: 1 apple without seeds, ¼ lima and Water with Gas/Soya/to take juices from carrot, celery, parsley, spinach, lettuce, cucumber, endives, coles of Brussels, green frijoles , watercresses; you can combine them until of three/beer leavening
3) Lunch/Dinner: To eat salad of artichokes, alternatively accompanied of carrots, celery, garlic, onions, puerro, tomato, parsley, palta, lettuce and/or cucumber, sprinkled with a little olive oil or fish/Juice of a little of spinach and 4-5 carrots without leaves/to eat salad of beet, celery, beets and carrot sprinkled with fish oil/to eat blue fish/frijoles mung, cases of beans or frejoles/beer leavening/mush of zapallo /berenjena with lemon/
4) Between meals and before sleeping: To take water of time DIABUTA

(to see medicinasnaturistas.com)